<br />79433-1-20
<br />
<br />> Stato of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />~HA el.. No,
<br />321-1245775248
<br />
<br />each
<br />
<br />nls Deed of Trust, ("Security Instrument") is made on June 8
<br />19 88 . The trustor isM1cbael A. Smith and Donna L. Stith,
<br />in their own right, ("Borrower"), The trustee is
<br />under th: laws of The United States of America , and whose address is
<br />Nebraska 68508
<br />
<br />88- 102972
<br />
<br />husband and wit e, jointly and
<br />("Trustee"). The benefici;:iY is
<br />. whicn is organized and existing
<br />1235 "Nit Street, Lincoln,
<br />("Lender").
<br />
<br />WlllKssctll: ThaI the Borrower in consideralion of Ihe debl and trusl hereinafler described and crealed. and the sum of Onc Dollar
<br />ISI), to him in ha",'~ paid by Ihe Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. does by these presents grant, bargain and sell,
<br />convey and confirm. unlO Ihe Trustee. forever. all of the fonowing described relll eSlate. siluatcd lying and being in thc County of
<br />Hall . and Slale of Nebraska. to wil:
<br />
<br />The East Forty (40) Feet of Lot Five (5) and all of Lot Four (4), 1n Block
<br />Seventeen (17), Original Town of Wood River, Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />"hId. h.., lite' :lddrr\\ of 109 Welt 11 Street
<br />
<br />Wood River
<br />
<br />hHftlJ
<br />
<br />C~U)'J
<br />
<br />Nebr01~la
<br />
<br />68883
<br />
<br />,"Properly Address");
<br />
<br />t./Jr'. ~~~
<br />
<br />To II." .nd 11) Hokllhc preml~s abo~c J~rttxd. IIollh alllhe ;appurtenanc() thereunto belonains and includinl all healing.
<br />rlumblni anJ lill,hlmB n'turcs and equipmcnt no.... or haealter altal:hed 10 or used in connn:lion wilh said real estate unto the
<br />Truslce, ~IIJ 10 ih \U~~'!l:uor) and ,u~ijn), forc>er, nit Borro\llicr rl'prC'M:nu 10, and covcnants with. lhe Truslee. thaI the Borrower'
<br />!la. !lOl..ld!lihl to \cll .An.! ':OIlH'~ >aid preml!>Cs; thaI they are free from encumbrance: and Ihat the Borrowcr will warranl and defend
<br />tilt' ).lmc ag.lIIlst the l..",ful ,;(Ollms 0)1' illl penon) ..homs\Je\cr; Jnd the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rilhts of homeslead.and
<br />all maril.d ughl), culler In 101.... or 10 CQUlI}. and all III her !:unllnilCnl mlcrt:!iIS of the BorrOlAler in and to Ihe above-described premises.
<br />the mtention \)rlOl!l 10 .:on~c) hefC:by an ab..olule wle. In fee simple. mdudmg all right~ of homcMead. and other rights and interests
<br />;\~ .! fore~3iJ
<br />
<br />Pro\ickd .'I..~,. and thesc presents arc c'\e.:utcd an" deh'cr~ WHO the Trustee. in trust. however for the following purposes:
<br />
<br />WI.unll. the Borro....:r on the 8th . da) <.,( June ' 19 88 ' borrowed from the Lender
<br />lh~ sum of Forty Two Thousand Fifty and noll00
<br />Dollom IS 42050.00 I. for lIo'hh:h
<br />'Un! .he B..'rro...(r h.l\ I:\C,utc": .;m" del,\('r.:J I,' the Lender Borro...cr's Qr>>nU~Q.ry no Ie of even date. bearing
<br />interest .it the rale of Ten p<:r ,;entum I J.U .UUU ""0) pcr annum on the unpaid balance until paid,
<br />me <,;lId pnncir>al and mterest .,hail be pa~abk at the ofit.;-c of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS A.~D LOAN ASSOCH.TION OF
<br />Hi Lincoln. Nebraska b H d d Si nfhgl mia ~lfOtie as the holder of the nm.:
<br />m.l~ de'lgnate to \\ riting. in monthl~ In'1..l!lmcrlls of Tree un re xty August
<br />DoHar, is 'l6Q 02 ,I. .:ommencing on tpe first day of .
<br />lQ 88. and on the first da~ uf ea.:h r:wnm incn:a/[er untJI:he pnnclpal and interest are fully paid. cx,;ept thaI the final rr\ymCnl of
<br />prim:ip:t1 and im.:res!. if nOI ,o..--mcr p.iIJ, .,hall be due and payable on the fint dar of July
<br />:0
<br />18
<br />
<br />ThiS form ,s used m connectIon w.th mortgages tflsurea uniJer the ons' to lout.family programs 01 tne National Housmg ACI whIch pro.
<br />~.;:le lor penod.c Mortgage Insurance prerf\!Um caymenls
<br />
<br />Page , of 5
<br />
<br />F'orm HUD.92'C3-PT" it0-87 Edll'''~ I
<br />, , 2~cFiR .203 ,7(al
<br />