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<br />88 - 102967
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<br />by and between
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this
<br />
<br />Tracy D. Webb and Martha Webb, . Trustor. and First
<br />Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants
<br />
<br />Pacific FinanciRl !;prvi ('p" nf . Beneficiary;
<br />
<br />Bth
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />June
<br />
<br />.19B~
<br />
<br />American Title Insuranc.!LS,Q..,.. Trustee.
<br />
<br />and Security
<br />
<br />Iowa Inc
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: TIialOle Trustor does by 1I1~'~ presents gr.Jm. bargain and sell. convey and confirm with Power of Sale umo Ole
<br />Trustee Ihe following described Real Estale including all buildings, improvements. and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or
<br />placed un the real eslate, siluated in Hall County, in ~he State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />The Northerly 66 Feet of Lot 6, Block 11 Claussen County View Addition, an
<br />Addition to the city of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />and possession of said premises is now deliv'ered unto said Trustee:
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe same. WIth all rights. priVileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee. his executors.
<br />administr.Jtors, heirs. and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives. releases. and relinquishes unto the Truslee all right.
<br />title, claim. intrrest. benefil. and estate whalever. 10 and to ihe above-described premises and each and eVer)' pan thereof. which is given
<br />by or results from all laws of the State of Nebmsla pertam10g to the exemption of homestead, And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee
<br />that he will forever warranl and defend the tille to lhe same agamst lhe lawful claims of all persons whOlllsnt'ver.
<br />
<br />IN TRUST HO\'iEVER. for the follnwrng descnbed purpnses: Tn sccure full and prompt performance of all the terms and condi-
<br />tions of lhat
<br />o Revolv1Og Loan Agreemenl of even datc here"llh Illlcludlng partICularly, bm not exclusively, prompl payment of all sums
<br />which are or may become payable from IImc tnrlmc thcrcumJerl and any CXlcnsll1nS, renewals modificallOns or refinancings thereof.
<br />which Revolving loan Agrcemem obhg;lles BenefiCiary, subject to the conditions stated therein. to admnce to Trustor up to
<br />$ , plus finance ,md other charge" lor)
<br />~ Note of even date herewith. in the prinCipal 'UIl1 lit l..S $ 4787.39 payable m mOlllhly installmems of principal
<br />and Il11eresl. Wllh the balance of Ille Indd>ledne", If n"l sonner paId. due and payable nn 6/13/92 , 19_,
<br />
<br />!t IS agreed by and be.ween partIes hereto that until lihng of Notice of Defaull. the Truslor shall: ( I) pay all present and future
<br />taxes and assessments. general and speCHt!. aglllnst said pmpeny before the same be.:omes dehnquem or actionable; (1) keep all impro\'e-
<br />ments .:rected on the land insured as may be re'-!ulred fnclI1 t,me llltllllC by benefiCiary against loss by fire and othrr hazards. casualties
<br />and cOl1lmgencles. In such amounLs and for such pennds as arc re.lwnable and may be required by beneficiary. and to keep all policies
<br />of such 1Ilsumnce 111 force or etTcct upon the plllpert) herem descnbl'J cnJlstalllly assigned and deliv'ered to beneficiary': (31 pay and
<br />comply will1 all the terms and conditions of any !Jen, claim or mdeblcdness thai ma)' be senior to or take precedence O\'er this Trust
<br />Deed as soon as any such paymelll on or of such hen, c1alln or mdebtedness shall become due; and upon failure of Trustor to keep
<br />any sllld agreements. benefiCiary may pay such la\. pay for such 1I1surJnce nr pay nfT such liens or chums or indebtedness as the case
<br />may be. and the monel' 50 expended, WIth II1tere~t al 9'~, per Jnnum. shall he secured by this Trusl Deed. and the Trustor agrees to repay
<br />the same upon demand, and upon failure to dl' ~o the h;llalKC of the anached JlOle shall become immedHilely due and payable al the
<br />option of the benefiCIary; (41 spe-ellically confer upon thc Trustee the r""cr of sale as prnVlded In Nebr.1ska law; (5) retam posse-sslon
<br />of the premises and collect the rents and revenues therefn'm
<br />
<br />l;pon paY'lllem of all the sums secured by thiS Trust Deed. the Bencficlary shall request the Trustee to recomey the propcny and
<br />shall surrender this Trust Deed and a\l notes c\'jdencmg mdeblCdnes~ !occured h} tIllS Trust Oced tc- Ihe Trustor, Trustee ~hall recOl1\'c}'
<br />the property without wammty To the person or persons legally enlllled thereto: hut If def:lull be made In the pa}'lllel11 of "r:d note or
<br />;my p3n thereof or any of the mteresl thereon when due l'r m lhe faithful perfiJnnance of an} or clther l1f s:lld agreemellls as ali.JreS:lid.
<br />then The ",hole of <;aId note shall becllme dUi: and be paid as herelllafter pmnded. and II11S deed shall remain m force: the Tnrslee or
<br />Ius alTumey ma)' proceed to sell the property 111 It... cntlret)' or In parceb al the opllon of the Tnrstee herembeliJre descrihed .11 public
<br />aUCllon. ro lhe highest bidder, for cash, However. the power of sale herem cl1l1ferred llpon the Truslee shall not he exercised ulll!l ( I )
<br />the Trustee shall first file for reconl. m the l)ffice of the register of deeds of cach county \\ herem the trust pmJ'Crty or some pan or
<br />parcel thereof is SItuated. a notice of default, idenufymg the Trustee by statmg the name;, of lhe Trustor and names therein and givmg
<br />the bt;ffi; and page where the 'lame is recorded. a descripllon of the trust prnperty, and cOl1talllll1g a sTatemcnt that a hreach of an oblil!ation
<br />for whIch the lrust properlY was com'cyed as security has occllrred. and seltlng limh the nature of such breach and of his election to
<br />>ell or causc to be '>old stich property 10 salisfy the obligatIOn, ill1d (2. aller tire lapsc of not less lllan one l11onth. thc Trustec shalll!I\'c
<br />notice of sale as pnwldetl by l'o:ebraska law. After notice of default and lapse of not less than one month. tlrc Truslcc slrall glw \Hlllel1
<br />noli(c I'; the IImc and place (,f sale particularly' describin[l the propcrty to be sold by puhlicati"ll of such rWlll'e, al !easl ft\(. lunc'.
<br />once a weel fm the eonseCllllve "ecls. the last publicatIOn to be al least 10 days bllt not mOle th;m .10 day s prlllr 10 Ihc sale. III ,,'me
<br />new~p,'per h::lJ!!1g :J ~encrnl circ\llation III e:lc!l county 'n whICh thc properly to he ",Id, or somc PM! the-n:nt. ""llI.II,'d l'l'nl1 Sul'll
<br />sale. the TfIIslcc ~hall c~e(ute and dcl1\'er a deed of convcyancl' of the rrnpcny s\lld III the pUf\.'ha,cl 01 plIl1:h'lst'I'" Ihen'ol al1d anv
<br />,l;J!CIlIClll or leer!;I] "I f.1et III ~urh dced 111 relillllll1 Lnthe C\cn'l.,r IIf lhe p<,wcr of ':Ik .Ind s"lc "I the pmpcrt~ dcsl'rlhc,j lhcrein. indllduw
<br />renla" (:llll~crnlll;,l .1Il) rtIailln{<. l'lCr~1I11:l1 dcli\cr) allll plInhLiltml (If the nntl,.c "f dcf;llIlt. an) malhn[' ,Ind Ih,' puhhc,nhlll :Ind p,"III1~
<br />of rlOt"'r ,,[ \:lIc, ,lIld the conduel (If sale. and ~uch re"ltal ,hall e"",tl!utc r"ma faclc c\'tdenCl.' Ill' weh cOll1ph'IIWl' :Ind ,'nnelushe l'\ "le-ne,'
<br />t"'oor~lf tI1 f;,"ur of t)o:~tlll ntJc purdla~'... .IncJ rncunlhranc:rp. fur ....alue amI without IhltH:e 1 It.." Jnl'll"I.~' d('('d ,hall t\f'\'f:tIl' 11\ ..',1tl\t"'
<br />
<br />~"'-!' rI) ,')";,1::t1 J~
<br />
<br />