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<br />5 Emlnaf.. Comaln. LencJ~r IS hereby a:!i$lgn~d all compensallon aWiuOs damages ancJ olher payments or rellet (hereinafter ..Proceeds.., In connection wltll <br />condom lallon or olher taking of the Property or part lh~roof. or ~or ..:onveyance '" lieu at condemnation Lender shall be en11tled allts optlon 10 commence, appear In and <br />prosecute In Its own name any acllon or proceedings. and !Ihall also be entitled 10 make any compfoml,e or seUlernent in CDnnectlon with such laking Dr damage In the <br />event any pDrtlon of the Properly IS so taken or damaged, Lender shall have the opllon In Its 50le and absolute dlscrellon, to apply all such -rceeeds, after deducHflg <br />therefrom of! costs andell;p.-3'frses Incurred by it in connection with.such proceed3. upon any Indebtedness secured hereby and in such order 8S Lender may determine, orto <br />apply all such Proceeds. after such deductions. to the restoration ot the Property upon such conditions as Lender may determine_ Any application of Proceeds 10 <br />mdebtedness shall n01 el(tend or postpone lhe due date ot any payments under the Nolo or cure ony defaul1 thereunder or hereunder <br /> <br />7 P.rtormanC9 b" lender. In the event at Borrower's 'allu ro to perform any of the covenenls herein or make any payments required hereby, or If any Dct is laken c <br />legal preeee-ding commenced whiCh matenallyaffects Lender'Slntarest in the Property, Lender may in its own discretion, but withoul obligation to doso. and without notl ,e <br />to or demand upon Borrower and wlrhout releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act which the Bor rower has agreed but falls 10 dO Bnd may also do any ott\er af tit <br />deems necessary 10 protectlhe security hereof, Borrower shall. immediatoly upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by londer in connecrion with theeacerclse by Lender oltha foregoing rights, together with Interest thereon at the rate provided in the Note, which shall be added to <br />the Indebtedness secured hereby, Lender ShAll not incur any per.onalllablllly because 01 anylhing it may do or om.t to do hereunder <br /> <br />8 EMIl" of "' The 101l0Wlng shall conslitule an e.ent of default under fhis Deed of Trust <br /> <br />(a) Failure topay any ins.tallment of pnncipalor Inlerest or any olhersum secured hereby when due. or failure to pay when duear,y other Indebledne&sof <br />Borrower to Lender: <br /> <br />Q) <br />...-I <br />0) <br />t'1 <br /><:) <br />..... <br /> <br />(b) A breach of or defauU under any provieion contained an the Note. thiS Deed of Trust. any document which secures the NOle, and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Propeny: <br /> <br />(cl A writ of execution or attachment or B''''V similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall become a hen on t~e Property or any portion <br />thereof or Interest therein; <br /> <br />td) There shall be filed by or against Borro~~n .ln action under any present or future federal. state or other stotule, law or reguli:it~~" relating to <br />bankruptcy. insolvency or olhenelief for de-btors; or ther,'lshall be apPOInted any trustee. receIver or liquidator 01 k3orrower or of 011 Dr any part 01 the Properly, or <br />the rent" issues or profits thereof, or Borrower shall mak\, arlY general aSSIgnmenl10r the bene1it 01 creditors <br />{e) The sale. transfer. 85!ugnment. conveyance r/r further encurnLorance 01 all or any part of or an~ Interes1 in the Property, elthor ..oluntarJly or <br />,"voluntarily, ""thout the eJ:press written consent or Leno~n <br /> <br />(f) II Borrower is not an mdlvidual, the sale. Iransler asslfJnment, conveyance or encumbrancE' 01 fTlore than <br />TSSUed and outs1andtng I5tock or (if a. p3rtner5hlp) . ___ percenl 01 partnership In~erests <br />9 RIIIII3IIIeI; ~ Upon OI2f.&.aIt.ln the event of any Evenl 0' Default lender may declare all Indebtedness secured hereby 10 be due BnO ,,8yotJle anl1 the <br />same shalllhereupon become duc Bod payable without any presentment. demand protest 01 notice at any kind Thereatter Lender may <br /> <br />fa) Demand that Trustee e.erCH~e the POWER OF SAL E granted herein. and Trustee shall thereafter cause BorrowN s mtereslln the Property to be sold <br />and the proc8eOS to be di1tributed. alii" 'he manner pro\llded In the Nebraska Trus1 Oeeas Act <br />(b) Either In person or by agent wrltl or Without bonging any action or proceeding or by i!l. receive' apPOinted by D CO~11 and WIUlout r"gard '0 Ihe <br />adeQUacy of I\ssecurlty. enler upon and take possession ollhe Property or any part thereof. In lis own flame or In thu name ot the Trustep 8nO 00 aoy acts which <br />It deems necessary or de~I'able 10 pre'8,ve the value. marketability or rentability of the Property or pan thereof or Inlerest therOIn InCU"85C the Income <br />theretrom or protect the security hereo' and, with or INllhou11aklOg possession 01 the PrC'per1y sue 10' or otherWise collecl the renll!1 Issuer Flfld profits thereot. <br />inCluding tl'lO~C past due and unpalcl. and apply the samc.less costs and ekpense5 01 opef8110n anO collection If1CIU(]lOg a1lorney~ 'ees upon any mdOblednes5 <br />secur.:." hereby. sit In 'Such order a5 Lender may determJOe Th~ entering upon Bnd taking possess-Ion of the P,ope,-,v the collection 01 Souch fents. t5SUes and <br />prohls ana tneopphcauon 1hereof os aforesaid. shall not cure or waive an,; detalln or notice ot detaull hflreundeor or mvalidale nny act dorl(> In re5ponseto such <br />;jetaul1 or pursuant to such notice- of detaul1 and, no1wllhslandlOg the continuance In p0'5:!Oe5~IOf" 01 the- Propflrly or the collection r("celpt and application 01 <br />ronls Issues or profits. Trustee or Lender '-hall be entitled to Ck8rCIse coverv tight pro\llded tor In any 01 thtl Loan Inslrument:!i or by law upon occurence of sny <br />e'-'enl of default. Incluamg fhe ngnllo exerclS(lIthe powBr at sale and <br /> <br />Ie) Comn.ence ~n actIOn to foreclosu thiS Deed 01 TruS1 as it mortgagt:! apPOlnl f1 rOCf.>lvm or 5pN.I'I(.3I1y vntorcc any 01 th..! CO\l[mants hereof <br /> <br />No t"ttmedy herem conferrod upon or reserved 10 Truslee or Lende' 15 ,"'ended 10 be e.cIUsl""~ 01 any 01hf'r If!nwdy flf.HP.H1 or tlV law pro~iCH'd or pefmll1ed. but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be '" addition 10 every othe, remedy given hereunder or now or hereaftef ~lIS:tn9 ill law 01 .n .IIQUlIV 01 fl'y stH1ule and may be exerCised concurrentlv, <br />'ndependently or sur.cess1vely <br /> <br />percenl 01 (.t a corporation) Its <br /> <br />J <br />00 <br />CX) <br /> <br />10 T!\IS.... The Trustee me)' resign at an~ hme Without CBU!lfl and It>ndcr may at ar,., lime Rnd wllhoul CPlU'Jf' apPoInt n successor or sutlslllute Trustee Trustee <br />shall nct b8 liable'Of any Ion or damage unlell5 dUfl' to actIonable r'leghq~ncp 0' wlllhll flllSo(onOur1 .Ana !lhllll nol !1P rl"'QUlrrod 10 tIlkp any actIOn It' conll@ctlonwlthth@ <br />enforc.ement 01 'hiS Oettd of Tru5t unletllt uldemnlf~d 10 wfltlng 10' all to!>IS comptmr.Ullon Of Hlplmsns whJrtl tTlflV b,~ ilS!lOCIBIOd ttJ(H~wlth In addition, Trustee may <br />become a purchaRr alanv sale of the Propeny ( or \lnder lhe power of sale granted h'!""") pOSIPonf' Ih(t !'.nlr 01 nil or nny parr Ion oI1tH,> property. as prOVided by Jaw <br />or sell the Property as a whole. 0' In- separate parcels. or lot!! <br /> <br />" Future Ad'Iancn.. Upon request 01 Borrower LenOer may alllS ophon make edOlhooalanc2 'UIUH' jJcJ\lftl\Cl!5 nlld ~oRdv8nct's to Borrownt Such advances and <br />teadvances. With rnlerebllhoreon. &OOn be secured by 1hl' Dee<2 of Trus1 At (;0 time shalllflc prlnc,p"1 ",mount 01 thf!' mtSnblndness secured byllllS Deed 01 Tt~st. ~ot.n- <br /> <br />clurtlng 5UmSlu1wancod to protect rhe security ot Inls Doet1 01 Trust ollceod 1hf' Ottglnsl princIpal ,olnounl ",ralttO tHf'~ln or ~ .20.,.000..,00_ <br />gfD'ster <br />12 __ ProwIoIonL <br /> <br />_ _.~ whlcneve. II <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />(al .~r Nol "......4. -E.ten~lOn olltlc tm'" lor paynll!H1t 01 mo{jlhCAhorl 01 dlTlwtllUllon 01 tilt' !.tJm!. secured by thiS Ooed ot Trust granteD bV <br />Lender to an"" successor tn Interest of 8orrowof ~hDlI not operate to IflleiJ~e In .'l.nv rnjtlln(" IIlf1luHH!lly nlllw urlglnal Barlowe' and BOirower"!!i successors In <br />Intere.,t lender sholl not bo rcqum:"d 10 commence proc;l~edmgs BQ8lrJSI s.ue" ~uccrlnOf 01 rotU!:II.' 10 'llIOtlO 1'",,0 lor pavment or otherWise modify amonlZBtlon <br />ot the '5um'5 pecured oy thl'i Dned of T'runt ny rOOson 01 anv den/tUtOs mlldt~ b.... Ih(~ onglnal Borrow(H IInO Bouower'!, success.ors 10 Intefest <br /> <br />(b! L,n..,...POweTS. Without sHectlng U".-c habll11v 01 any oUwr ptH~on liable lor Itm pnyment 01 Bny obligation nereln mentloned_ and without atfectmg <br />the lien Of charge of thrs Deed of Trust upon anY' portion of the Properly not thon 0' 1flP.'1l1otore relOllSf'd as 90cunty lor lhe1ull amoun1 at all unpaid ohhg81l0ns. <br />Lender maV from lime to lime and without oat Ice (It relt!'s,e any pt'rlmn 1100 IIRbl6 1111 (tlllflnd the ml'llu11ly 01 aller an,; of the term5 ot Bny such obligations. (111) <br />bIrant olher indulgence-a, (IV) release or recon'reY, or c.aU!j,tl to bn rflle:umd (II luconvev~d "I "nv lime AI Lemler's, optlon:9 8ny parcel. portion or all of theProperty, <br />,vi lake or rolODse tiny other or additional security lor nn)' obllqall!Jn taHt-lfl mtmllonE'c1 01' VII make compOSlIlons or oth, . arrangements With debto~ In retatlon <br />tht/roto <br /> <br />tel FOI1IIeara~ b, L.encler Nol. _al".r. Any torbearllnCl' fly Ltmdt'f In eJlf' anv fUJ',1 or 'ftmtTdy hereu"der or o1hef"wl5.e aHorded by applicable <br />law. sholl not be 8 walvor of or precludu thee_erC,5e- 01 any SuCh ughl 0' rt'lm('dy l'hc prOCllr"fntll1l 01 IOsurunce or the payment 01 takes oralher liens or chBrge.s <br />by lende, shall not be 8 waiver at lende,'s flghl to accelerate tl18 matutlty of Ihe Indt"btoctoe~s IiflClJred by thl' Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />tdl ~ amd ...."" Sound; Jolnr.nd s...ra! UabllUy; Caption.. TrIP c:oy(fnanl5 and agreements herein contained shall blOd. and the fights <br />hereunder shall mure 10. the respecllvft 5UCCe!l~,:)t's arlQ uSSlgns 01 Lon{je' and 80rrowt~' 5ublecI to 1he prOVISions. of paragraph 8 (el hereof All covenBnts.ano <br />agreemenllof Borrower shall be J01018no sevoral The caption!!. and headIng!!. ot lhc paragulph5 olttus Deed 01 Trust ore lor convenience only and arenoftobe <br />used 1D Interpret or define the provlSlon~ horeaf <br /> <br />tel .........tforNotk:n. The parties hereby reQueSI trkll a copy 01 any nollce 01 cHalaull hereunder and 8 copy ot a" "I noltC(lI 0' sale her",;mder be- malleC11(l <br />each party tD "\IS Deed Of Trust at tneaddress set fort" above In the manner pre~crlhed by applicable law E.cepl lor any other notice- requlrpo unde' applicable <br />taw to be given In another manner, any notice provldecl for In IhlS O~d 01 Trust shalt be glyen bV maIling such notice bV certlflp.a mall addressed to 'he othm <br />parties, ot tll" Bddres! set forth abolitl <br /> <br />Any notlce proYlded lor In thiS Deed 01 Trustlfhall be deemed to "ave been gl\len 10 Borrower or Lender whf;n gIVen In 1he mannc' deSignated hmem <br /> <br />(fJ In..-cUon. Lender may make or cause to be made roasonablo enlflcs upon and rnl!lpecllOns al the Property prOVided Ihal Lender shall gIVe Borrowcr <br />nO'l ., pfJor to any luch ,",-pectiO" -;pocHylng "ensanable caUMJ thereror related 10 Lender.s mteresl In the Properly <br /> <br />to, fkconwy.,u:., Upon payment of 811 sums secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust. Lendtf' sholl roquest Trustee 10 feconvey the Property and shall iurfonder <br />tOfS Deed of T rusl and aU notel evidencing tndebtednMI securfJ:1 bV thiS Deed of Trust 10 Trustee Trustee shall rflconvny Ihe Property wllhoul WBrranty Bnd <br />without chorQ8 10 the per.on or peraon!llegally cn1ltlod thereto SUCh person or persons Shall pn.,. illl costs at mcordatlon 11 RnV <br /> <br />(h) .-.noftJlIP,otN"', s.curU, Alr"MIIn" A.S addltlonall!locurlly 'or the paymenl of the Nolr "1IIf..tlll(~!) t."QlIlpnumt Itnd olhl!!r pf'rl'oonftl pro~ttv u1lt'td <br />In connttChon With 1he realestato or Improvements located theroon l\nd not 01tlfrrWI58 dr.clnl'ed or deemnd 10 tll' 8 pari 0' 1h", renl t!slnl()l !lec.:u"Td hereby shall tw <br />IJublect to 81eeurlty Intef1!st In r.vor of the ltlnder undpr the Neoraska UOItorm Commercml Code ThiS mtHumq", shall be-conslrut,aa!i fI SecuritY' Agleflmflnt <br />onder Slid Codlt, and Chi) Lender tlhall have In the tights and remedies of u secured part,; under 6810 Cod~ In addlllOn 10 tilt)' ngtlts. and rt'medles crestp.d under <br />and accor[Jod th., landor pursuant 10 thl, Deed of rru51 <br /> <br />(I) ~. In the avenl tttal any prDYfllOn of thiS Deed 01 Trusl conflict WIth Bppllcnble law or oIltfll daclarnO In\l811d ()f othp.rWI5& un~n'orccab!l!. l.uc:11 <br />conflict or InvalidIty .;flal1 not aUect the olhet pro>JI&IOflS 01 this. D~d ot Trur;.t or the Note whlch,can bE! glvf,n ""ncl WIthout th@>contllcllngl"O\rtti1on -8nCl to lhls <br />1m" the prQYIllonl or rho ODttd of Trullt and 1ho Note Brft CJet:larf'Jd 10 be sovorable, . ' 11, , I"".' " ~ , <br /> <br />BO/fow.,nOleaecutedlt.ltO...dOIT,ullthed8tewrltlonabu.o ..~,' _J!. , . L, l / ~,',', '/. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(J r ry~;::l;llmml t t. Bunnwft. Husband) <br /> <br />\"e" \ . \ l~ <br />, . :..Lh::....Lj ,...~\ ..' lJ.'~ h....1' ....l..... ~,' <br />( Pilt t Y J.' DUn/Ill t t. Bo"",..' \~1 f,,) <br />