<br />
<br />BB- 102918
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrowers IT,u,IOI1l' undel1lland Ihsllhedoc:umenllhlllhe Borrowers Ire IboullO exeCUle I. a Deed olTrulllnd not I mortglgeond Ihlllhepowe,olllle P ovided
<br />lor in Ihe Oeod 01 Trult provides subltantlally dlllerent righll Ind obllgltlon. 10 Ihe Borroweralhsn I mortgege In the evenl of I delaull or breach of ,obligation u ,de,lhe
<br />De<<:d 01 T,u,l. Including. but nOl limited 10. Ihe Lender's righllo have tile Real Property .old by Ihe T,u.tee wlthoutlny judicial proceeding or loreclo.ure. fiorrowenl
<br />reprosont and wlrran, Ihallhis Icknowledgemenl was exe<:uled by Ihem belorelhe utlon 01 the Coed 01 Trull1.
<br />
<br />
<br />Wife)
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COWLnE l!II. portion ONLY II lINt....1IfOPI'tr -....II c_ts ollNOlVIDUALLY l>>l'NED AGIlICUL TURAL !.AHD.
<br />II~, compte.. ONLY ONf...... A, I. or C:
<br />
<br />o A. D1lC1.A111Efi Of IlIGHT TO DUI'lNATE HOIRlTEAD:
<br />
<br />Thu Bonower(l} actmow1edge that they Bre .bout to eaecule tho following Deed of Trust upon the real est.Ut described therein. The Borrowerts). and each ofthemif
<br />moretttl" one. do hereby disclaim 1h~r right to designale a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either at the Borrower'.!) il presently or will in the
<br />luture be $lluated upon said "'MI ell1lle The Borrowe,I.' understlnd tnalll elthe, establl.hes a homestead on any part "f ,"id 'ell e.lItedurin(J the limathe Deed 01 Trusl
<br />remainl unu1ilffed and II hen upnn said real estate. there shall be no right tomalle 8 deSIgnation ot homostead '" the event of a1oreclolure or trustee....I.with r.,pectlo
<br />1aI::J Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Bo"ower(l) acknowledge thatlhey aro about toeaecute the-following Deed at T rust upon the real estate described therein The Borrower(s), ande.en of them jf
<br />marl) than one, do hereb.,. waJVe their right to deSignate 8 homestead pursuant thereto The Borrowerls) understand thalthny have the right ., make 8 designation of
<br />hOlnestead and that byexecullng thi, ...alver. they ern waiving fight.' otherWIse avalloble tor the purpose 01 affording 'them the opportuOIty toretBm their homestead in the
<br />.....nt ole del",", upon the Deed o' Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pur,.u.nt tD the form Home$to.d Prolec1l0n Act (Sechon 76-1901 el seq Re'w'lsed Statules at the State ot NebraSk.BI, lhe Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />property dMcnbed to the "Oes'gnalion 01 HOme51ftad" a1tacned hereto and lnCOfp-orated nerem by lhl5 reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />BOffower
<br />
<br />THIS DEEO OF TRUS'T I~ rTl.10~ II' ulltll.' 24 L1i,., of MAY 1gef;J .<_ by and among the Trustor. JerrV G.
<br />Dimmitt al}Uatty.. ~. DimIIIl t,Husband & wlf e ..no.,.. m..lm\) add...... _l.:,..Q."J~O)[ _173. AIda. NE
<br />~~.,.__. Itm,~,"Bo"owM} th";tuSI~... .Wil.lialn G., Blackburn...a..Member.._of rh.. NE Stat.. Har'Assn.
<br />",_mellingalld'''''... ",_0._0.. .B9li..,;!~~.Q-" Gfand T!?lcmd. NE f.88Q2 ________lherem"Trust"""},
<br />and lhe Benefic.ary J".i ".e"hf'[>iJ:I~nk.
<br />
<br />"'h""e me.llng"dOte.... _LO~._BQlt..15.0J-#hJ;il::and lB,l.and.. ,NI;:
<br />
<br />E:>..8!:lQ2::1~,QJ
<br />
<br />(tlereln "l.ender"'}
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE. CONSIOEAA TION including ttJt" mOeoteCjncs.':. Idct1tll.et3 htm'Jn rind lrl.lst flerem cnHued. lhe receIpt 01 whIch 1& tmreby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irnrvocabl.,. grAnll. tronster-5o convey5 iln-d ~u~gn5 to TrustNt IN T RLIST WITH POWER 0"= SALE for the- bco(3'h1and 5E<CUrlly Of Lender. under and subJeC110 1he
<br />te!m~ .and 1:ondltion, hurematlm 581 tOfU' the relit P-fOPf;tftV a"Kuoed It!ii 'ollow':/!
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8), Nine (9). Ten lID), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), w Block Pive
<br />(5) in Brown's Addition Village of Alda, Hall COWlty, Nebraska
<br />
<br />T-oge1h9' wit'" all buUdmgl, improvements. fixture' streets alloys pasugcwaY8 easE-menIS, fights. p(.vlleges and appur1enance6 localed thereon Of' In 8nY~1ge
<br />pef1atnu, 'hereto, sna the -flIntt.. is&ues ana profits. -everllons Bnd femiJlnaer!l rhefeof 1nf;luclng, but not limited to. healing and: COOling eqUlpmenl and Such per1\.onal
<br />pfO;1'e11yttl.lt it attached to the impfovement' 10 os toeOns.1ftute a II~lure and together WIth the- nomeslend or mnrltallnlereslS. it any lolrthlch Inlerusts are hereby relea!ri!'d
<br />IInd ..,ved; all of wt\tch. tne:luding .eplscements. find addll.lona ttlP.r('lo 15 heretJy declared to be it part of tho fflal estate secur(ld by the lien 01 Ihl'!! Deed of T fusland all of the
<br />1()tevotng being 'er",""" 10' herein II' the "propettv'
<br />
<br />Ttl11 Ooed 0' T.ruSI s:n.all secure (a} the parmanl 01 Ule Prlnclpal sum and Imeres, ev,dencoO by Borrowl'r-s note nn(1/01 credit Bgret'monJ elaled ----------
<br />
<br />._5./.24/RR _ . "..'ng" mel""ty ""'" 01_.5J~__ ,n 'he o"~,".1 o"nc.o.' .mou", 01 5 2lL..Q.o.l1..QQ__ "nd any and all
<br />modihca1u:rnt. is.tenStons ana runewahl, thereof or lheuHo Und any snd all 'utUI11 aOllanco! and toadVoflc6S hereunder pur5uani to one or more proml&Sorv notC'5 or cre(1I1
<br />agrecnnen".""...un called '''Note~)~ ib) 1M PIVmc,", of ot"iPt Buma adva.ncotJ Of Lender 10 protect the 'Socun1y o11he Note (ct the purttHmanee 811 covenant~ and agreement
<br />of 8otfo.li;e,.., fort" heretn; and Cd) all tndebtftdneu ana obltgallons 01 Borrower to lender wheth~r dffect. Indirect. absohHe or contingent ,and whether Ilrisin.; by note
<br />~. jlUafanly, 0'IlI14<1I1l or Othe,.....
<br />
<br />8011'O$Of. 10 ;:fOtoi1(:t tn. '&&Cufl1r ollthl Deed 0' l'u&t. i;:OvtJnBrlli and ao'oos WIIh lcnOer a5 lollow~
<br />
<br />t Jt."........~1_........... Bo"owe' IhlU promptly PIIV when dull' lhe pnnClplI' of find InlfHesl on nnd any 'ees Ot chargel prOVided In the NOH'! or 1M IhH
<br />1)eood OIl,,,*,
<br />
<br />:;r ,..... eof1Q'IQIIIII~!'le OW11Qt of 1he ,:trope-rly, hat 1h., "Oht and nuthtlfllY to conwfI,. the Properly and wa"BfH!i tnlU me lien cfcnted heti)by IS il IIraland prlOt ',en 0"
<br />.'tN Property. ..eep.... me, otn.r.IAI be see torth hpfl(llln.llInd the e.etullon and dttllwer.,. or this Dottd of Trust dool nol Ylolaht any contrnct 01 other ObhgBhon to whl~h
<br />Dotr~ II "JIlI4Il:t
<br />
<br />:') 1....,~.10 DIy Wlh.f'I du. alt ~111t.,.., :tIPfttU11 B"l'l1ImenfI8nd nil ottler 'Ch.rg~' l'u;Jftin't the PrOp(!'rly and upon W'IIt"fl rj('mRnd t1y Llf'ndc:!'1 10 ~..,.t('\
<br />L,end4tt .:l1Jt.tt .rnuunt U m~ be .uthe""l '0 (Hu,Ole"~ L~f1der 10 ..,_yauch ,..-al. aUiIl'l1mon', or othtu ChlfQ:OS! B~ 1hn'1' Oo-COtniP du~
<br />
<br />. ~. 'to koP.-.p me jli-ropItrif( irrsllfDd ngain.1 d.tn'~ b, Wit, hl!llDUn H~tlulU-lJ y..nmn Hll< UHm .'!Jllenatm CO\MrngE; /\fld !hlCl~ {11f\~1 H.:UiVlfl ft.!! LimON fl'IA'1'
<br />..Qulnt.H'I .m0011" at)fj wntJ C'omit.nae1o .(c",viable to luhdel, ,nd Wlttll(lll& lllVllbl4t In Ul0 lender In C'Bse .of Ion uncu~, ~uCh P()IiCIC!t thr lnfH'"r I~ ~Ulhtm:m' 10 ndlU!'
<br />wtoci *00 C~t:rDm,... .11 Clajhi' tPwr'bwtld~.t an:! !Ih.U lihi!" Ill" OIJ11()tl 111 app*vmo .110' plrt Of Itlft In!lUrnflCtt pr(JCIfflt21 (I) 10 8n)' mdptllpdnf!!.II ~t'tCl.r~(1 hmrb". nnd '" such
<br />rit"&t1., (.f'U'.' """'~ ~f.'fflI1'.. PI) to th*lloU'o..' to b. lJ,,"d fOf Itw H1PII" or tflltofatlon of'lrlO P"iJPCfty or il1q 'for 111M" olhnr DUftmaf' 01 0010(1 '!iah!llo( 10f')' 10 lend",
<br />WI't10U! '''M'1~iQ IN 1,,11 of n'u. (JIlHId of l'vtl( ItH 'h, .~.11 Jt!!fHHIl1t ~fI'~UffJd tl4"!rDtJ'JI ooloUt .\lcn p.ayn1t:tl"lt ("1I."r 1O{~. rt~t" Any RPl'Hcotrrll\ (11 P'O(."tIl';f~ I\:l md'f't:lh~nflln Shill!
<br />N~ ..t~I'ld Of j~1'f4W)"" IIw thle!' rtafll U' .In)' lJl.ym.m'80 ~mdltr Inti No'~ or curl! anV O.uhlu1l1tu7rp,--urtd," I;" r,,,'flundf1ot
<br />
<br />!, Mam~ JIte:pe". p" C~. .Uh LAi.... OtHfl)'Nftf .hllH ktMIt) !htt ~.'O"",f1'1 11'1 l;Joo-d r.fml1,11l)" hllQ '~JHhl ~"1l}1' 1~'nro'(lH~ rl':H\lI (l! ,,,,'li'!t ~ it.,\
<br />imp.f(?lfttfl"l.'ttot .hlC'r\ ff'l', bft dai11aj)tl'd f'" dtll'tl1'Jll'd. thrill tlu1 tUmfwl ur f1"!-lmit at\~ ",.,1", (H dr.HflflIJI""lf,ln 01 Ul(1 '~'O,,'\4;'>r~~ ..1'0.,,,11 t\o' "lIH(H.~' ,il',nnh'\!' r" "UI"'!l-tlll'l\lnl!'I' ""'h'f
<br />;ir:-;:::! ~ :~:!f!..~~'d. r:t'-'lna fl'fO(ltl"t, flhJIII nol f;~im!t ,'lvHtl1 [)r pt'ltmlt It"''t ,RI(,t h') he dorM" in or t~,mn I hI'! PrCptir~", In "'ol"IIQ" 01 An)' l~'" fHdlf'''''I,'''' 1.1' "l;'\Jill..\t"m ",,,!
<br />.I'-,4(jt".. .n;'jpHJffltlt~,- (J,t/t,"tlt'O. II' bn-1'ClW" II (~fi1~ ./)d 'Ur)(ft\'ff'U 1."'HI, t.lr\'.:U"j~IH""'.fl't .rld (:hfl'Qtp"'ltt"'~I' 't"ltl:t'n~"I," tll' .~tt~'~"'d !llQ"'f'~1 'ilt" PI1',W"l- I." (\'\l- rdld "'f'I,,~\,'
<br />