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<br />10. Bo.......r Nol n....HCI: Forbe.r.nce By Lender Not. wa_. Enon""'n 01 !he limo tor payment ~!=io1lQ.2i8>50 sums SOl. ,ed by 'his Secunty Instrument <br />granlod by Lander 10 any SUcces!~f In Interest of Borrower shall not operak 10 release the Ilabfbry o' the original Borrower or Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not be reqUIred <br />to comme~'F8 ~.aQalnSI any successor in tntemst or refuse !o extend lime for payment Of otherwise modify amortization of Ihe sums secured by thiS Security Instrument tiy reason <br />of any. oemartf rllNil f)v.jne ongtnal Borrower Of Borrower's successors In Inlerest. ArrJ forbearance by Lender In exercIsing any right or remedy shall not be a waIver 01 or preclude the <br />al.Brose of any "9hl or remedy. <br />11. Succeuors and Autgnl Bound; Joinl and Sewral LiabIlity; co..UgnerL The covenants nnd agreements at IhlS Secunty Instrumen! shall bind and beneli1 the succeSS(' .;f and <br />as5Jgf\S 01 Lender and Borrower. subject to the prOVISIOns 01 paragraph 11 Borrower's covenants and agreemonts shall be IDIOt and several. Any Borrower who co.slgns thiS Security InS' rument <br />but does no: execule the Note: jailS CO-S&CJlllng ttllS SeCU!lty Instrumen. onty 10 morlgage, granl and convey thai Borrower's Intarest an the Property under the terms of thiS Secunty Inf!U'Ument: <br />(b) IS not perscnaUV Obligated to pay the sums secured by ttus Secunty Instrument and fel agrees thai Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any <br />accommodabOns with rB1;;Jard 10 tna lerms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note wllhoullhal Borrower's consent <br />,2. Loan CttargN.. It the loan secured by Itus Securrty InstrumenllS subfeC'" 10 a law whICh sets mwumum loan charges, and that law 15 finally interpreted 50 thallhe inleres. or other loan <br />charg.. coIIecIed Of 10 be colleeled In canneclJOn WIth !he lOan exceea the psnnlaed lumls, lhen' (a) any such loan charga shsll be reduced by 'he amount necessary '0 reauce!he charga <br />'0 1110 penml1ell1imi1: an<l(b) any oums elnn,dy coJlecleO from Born>we< which exceecle<l permitted limllo wi" be refun<le<l 10 BorroWUf. LenOer may choose to .'Tl8ktl!his refund by reducing <br />!ho pnnci;>aJ C1..ed under the NOIe or by maJung a _payment to Born>we<. II a refund reauces pfIIlClIlaI. lhe reduction Will be lrealed as a partial prepayment wilhoul any prepayment charge <br />under !he Nole. <br />13. ~ AIIKllng .-.. RIgIlIa. If enactmen1 or .xpiration of oppIJcable laws has the o/feet ot rendenng any proVision of !he Note or this Security 1nstrumen1 unenlorceable <br />_"9 to its _. Lender. BIlls opllOn. may ~ immecliale ~ In luU of 511 sums securecI by 1IIis Secunty IIt5lrument and mill' invoke any remedies permmea by _rapt> 19. <br />lllende, exen:iSn !his option. Lender shall lake nw. SlepS ..ecille<l in the sec:cna parltgrapOt of paragraph 17 <br />14. -. Arr'/ nolICe 10 Born>we< provldeO for in thiI Secunty Instrumenl shall be grven by deIiVenng ~ or by maJling II by first class mail unleSS applicallle law requires use of anothe, <br />metl1Od. Tho notice shell be ClIreC1ed to.he Propsr1y AOClIesa or any o!he, lIllcltess Borrower aes;gna.... by notice 10 Lender Arr'/ nollee 10 Lender shall be given by lirst class mailla Lendors <br />~ _ herein or any other addIess Lender Oe"'llnatn by n~ 10 Borrower MY notice lJfll'oIid8O lor in this Security Instrumenl shall be deemed 10 have been given to Borrower or <br />l.ftnder when glWO as prOVIded tn thiS paragraph. <br />15. GoMm'''II a.-: _Ifty. This Secunty In5lnJmen1111taJ1 be gowmea bV '_r8lI.... and lite _ of the luri!ll11Clion lit wh!Clt the Property is localed. In the event thBl any proviSIOn <br />or CWJse of aus Secunty Instnnnenl Of tile Note confllCtl With applicIbkt law. such conflict shaH not anact otner proviSIOnS at n'U5 Sec.urity Instrument or .he Note whICh can be grven effeC1 <br />IMthout 1t"-.e c:onfbcbng proviSIOn To thIS end me provtSeOfl5 at tNs SIcuriIy Instrument and the NoIe ant dec:tared to be severab&e, <br />,.. Borrower'a COpy. 8l,.,..,.oIIItf stla!1 oe gn.oen one conformed copy 01 the Nor., and of tnlS Securrty Instrunlfi'nt <br />17, 1'tan.Pa at the Property 01 . Beneficial ~ in Borrower_ II an or any pan of me Proparty or any Int6rBs1 In .1 IS sold Of transturred (Of If a benetiClsllnlel'BSI in Borrower is sold <br />Of transferred and 8ofrowef t! not a natural person) wtlhOu1lender'5 poor wnnen consent, Lende1' may, allts option. require Immediate payrpsnt In full of all sums secumd by thiS Secunty <br />Instrument However. thiS optKm snau not De exsros9d by Lender If eX8roS8 IS protllbl'toc:J by tttderallaw as. 01100 Dale 01 IhLS Secunty InS1fument <br />It Lender exeroas lhl$ opboll. Lender snail gIVe Bonower nohce 01 accelectallon Tll9 nohC9 shan provide a paned 01 not less than 30 days from tho date the roUes IS dehvered or mailed <br />wrthm wtld1 must pay an ~5 secured by IfttS Secunty Inslrumenl If ~ tatls to pay mesa sums p;1Qf to the 8XJ)'rat1on of thiS penod, Lender may I~e any remed~s pemutted <br />by Ihtf Secunty Instrument wtthour furmer nolce or oemand 011 Borrowe! <br />11. ~. fUgtII to ~ It Borrower meets certaJtI condrtlOf1S. Borrcrwer !IDaII "8Y8 ttle ngm to have enforcement of thiS Securrty Instrument olscootmuec1 a' any time pnor to <br />the eal1ler at (0) 5 aa........ (or 5l...&Ch 0Iher penod u appbC.abte law mry spe.crty tOf l1!!mSUllementl belore saJe of the Property pursuan1.o any power of sale comaJNtO In thiS Secunty Instruinent, <br />or (bl entry 01 8 pJdgment enforang 1hIS Secunty Instr'U1T'Ienl Those conddsona are Chal Borrowef 18) pay. Lender aU &urns whd1 then would be due unoer trus Socurity Instrument and the <br />Nate- had no acceterI:bOn occurnIId: (b) cure!I ilO'j defauft of a.rrv olT'lef COYef'l&nll Of agreements. lei pays aU upen:ses Incurred tn enforang this Secuntv Ins'bUn:ent. Inctudmg, but not limrted <br />to. reaaanIIIM 1dtDI'nlIyI' fees: and (d') taka 8Ud'I 8CltOn as Lencier mzy reasonabt, require 10 assure tha1l1le ben at tI'U5 Socunty Instrument. Lender's nght5 in me property and Borrower's <br />0ClIiglIIJ0n 10 pay lite sums eotour.a bV It... Se~nty tnstrurnent """" cantmue uocnangea Upon _Ierne", by Borrower. llus Secunty Instrument an<lthe obIig''''''' securea hereoy snoll <br />remam tully et'fectNe as d no I!ICC8tIn!Ot ~. HcrMrvet'. ltUS ngI'1I '0 retn5late Shatl not apply III Ut.9 case ot acceieraton under paragraphs 13 or ,7 <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower ana Lender further ~,,"I and agree .s tolIows <br />". _._ ~_glft_\t! _ prtOr.o_t-._'. _of.ny =-t04'lI9..-nIln lIlIeSecuritylnetrumenl <br />(I>ul"" prior to _.- __.. 13 _ 17........ ~ _ __ _I. 1llII_ shell apecl1y: 10' the _n: (bl the _ _lrwcI to cu.. the <br />cIel_: leI. _.... _ -.:JO Up _ the _ tile _I. ~.o _. by _ the _....... be evrwcl: end :d) that _10 cuno IIIe deI8UII on or_ <br />_ _ opKltled In _ _ _ _ In ____ of the....... __ by lJIIe Security In_ _ _ of the ""'-'Y. 1llII_ shelllu.u-1n1orm Boml..... of <br />_ rtghllD rw.:_ _ ........_. _.. rigIIllO lIring. CDUtl_ 10.'" the ~ of....- 0< any _ _ 01 Borrower.o ____. - - II <br />ilia _Ie _ CUNd ..... __ _ _ __In IIoll nDlIce. ....- ell" opCIDn ",.., ___ 1_ plIy1MflIln full of.1l ....... eKUJWd by lJIIe Sec:urtty -- <br />_1urUW___-__oI--any __ __by ~ _. ....-.,..lI..._lDcollec:t..I._lnc:umdlnpuraulng <br />_.- pro_In lIIilI___ I'. InclucIIng. but.... _ to. ......-~' _ _ CDeI. of Utle.vlclencL <br />"!he _ 01_ Ie _ n..w.. ...... _. _ of_ In""" counIY In _ any pert of the "'-'" Ie _ _...... men cope. of __In the <br />__ __by.........-_ID__IO..._ ~ __ by~_ __ After_ ___byeppl__ ~_lgl"pubIIc: nolk:e <br />of _10 the _ _In lIIe___ __ by ~ 1_. ~. -.out _ on Borrower. shell HIli" ""'-'Y at pulIIlc _10 the hlg'-t _..- <br />__ pIKe _..- _ _ -,-In _ _ of_In.... or...... parcell _In any _~_ -_ -'PDM - of... ar any I*CSI <br />ofllle Propsrty by ~ _1I'l_ _ _ pIMle 01...,. ~ ~ _. ....- or I1a cleeIg.- _ ~.. ""'-'Y el...,._. <br />~ rwceiplol ~of_prlwllkl. __ __10 _~ nua_'1 _ ~ tile propsrty.1llII_1n__'._ _1......-- <br />...-ofl/lal7ll1l'lol___-.. _ _I """,,_~ol__1n _-.v_(.IID...._oftlle_.Inc:ludlng.IllI!-- <br />to. _..__~by......-...___. _:(bllDeII ____bylJlleSlcUllly _;_(el...,..._to"~DI_ <br />IegIIJy entlllelllO ll. <br />20. l.InCil>r In __ lJtlOO ~ unoer """""''''''' 19 '" aD~ 01 'hO Propsr1y. ~ 1m perxJn. by _. or by JUClJClAIIy apponlIO _I ShOll t>e _Ilea to <br />on"" u?D". ..... (>DSMSSIOII ot .no ~ ilia ~ end 10 CDIIec:I ilia ..- of ,he "'-V 'ncIuDlng lhDIIllUl <lUI. Any renlS COlleCted by l.ende, or the - onan DllIIlIlIiea hrst <br />10 payment of tne lX>Stl> of '"--" '" tne "'welty ana _ 01 _. 1f1Clu<ttng. tlut not lotm1I<llo, receNI,'S t_. PfII1nIU"'" on _'s_ ana......- .nomeys'lees. ana <br />th<ln to lhe sums securod by """ Secunly 1ns.1rument. <br />21. ~''''r''lCe. Upon paymenI of at.sunq; ~ o..'~" s..cunr., InatnJrnerlt, L.endor 51..01 f\tQum Tru..l_ lo-NCOn.-, 1M property ana snail surrenaer It"Us 5eoJrfTV Instrument al'\O <br />lID nolas ~ oetII sear.vd by lhl.5 S<<:unt)l tn:tmumeil1 to "i"ruStDe Trust" 15oP\aJi ~ me PTotrerty wnhout llqananty and wl!hou! cnatge to ltIe person or persons legally entrlled '0 <br />11 Sucn person 01 permns ShaD pay any rwrorl1al.on cosm <br />22. ~ nu.eaa. L.anaef. at tta opbOn, may from 'bme 1.0 bme ~ Tru5Jee ancI appotnt IJ tuccessor trustee 10 any Trustee attPOtnt8CI f'lel"8lJnOer Dy an Instrument recorded In me <br />count)' m wtncrl this .s.:unty ln~ IS re(.Of'oed Wl'lhOu1 C011'JI'Iy8:nt::eI at the Property the s.uo:euor trtJstee s.I'WI succeea to erlllT'le tlUe. paM' and aulle5 conferred upor'l TrustH herein <br />and by egplocable _ <br />23. ~ fOI' NoUceL ~ reques.n 0'\81 coptO$ ot the notJCe$ of oe-taun ano ~D)e De sent 10 8orrowef 5 adcress wructI IS tJ'l.B Prope-rty A.daress Borrovvef" lurthe' reQ~ that <br />copes at the ~ of oelaun an.1 s.aJe be s.ent 10 eacrt PfIf'SO" whO IS I!I cxanv hOrvtO at me Bddresa oi IUCtr peBOn 581 forth hEtTeln <br />2... ...... to tN.a Secuntr ~ II Df'W or fT'ICft IIOertI ..,. ea8C1Jj8(] by 6orrowef and r1IOOtded lOgetner MItl thts Secunty l,...strumen1. the covenantS aoo agreements of eaCh 5UCl'1 <br />noer shafl be n::orpofDted dttO ancl snail amena and ~t the covenanl30 and aQf~ of rt'tl:S Secunfy :n.suumenl as If Iht!i flOert!U 8 part 01 ttKs &ecunty Instrumem [Cl'tecX <br />a;>pIocal>Ie -...!] <br />= AL1lVSumte RaUt FlIOM <br /> <br />=" ~ ROlIt <br /> <br />= Qmef'5,!speellrl <br /> <br />Conol:lmwum R_ <br />:-=:: Planned Urnt Deve'CJpment Rade, <br /> <br />= 2-4 Famrty Rrdef <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW Botmwer accepts and agr&n to the te0rm5 and CO\I'&f'\snl5 c:onta.IIl8O m Ihr.\ Secumy Instrument and In any naert.5) e.ocuted by Borrower aM recora&d wlU1il <br /> <br />/> 7~~ <br />. :: .If'. ' <br /> <br />./ . <br /> <br />/. t"", r- .. <br /> <br />.Seall <br />-~ <br /> <br />l I1-r::.::\'f' J~)jp~. <br /> <br />1Spe<:8 Below n.l. Une For A -I <br /> <br />ISeSI! <br />-~ <br /> <br />State aI NlDruxa <br />Ha 1 I , .. <br />Co<.n", 01 1I5 <br />On!h"__~VoI- <br />~ oppearuO '.,' 1 1 i am <br /> <br />t1ay 8R <br />, lEI _. Detore me, a Notary Pubht In Ute Slale of <br />E. Slatter and t~arla L. Slatter, Husband and ~Jife <br /> <br />Npbrask~ <br /> <br />to me ~ known to be the <br />W'OU'IlAfY act Wld 0IJIIId <br /> <br />Uy Comm:s~ EJp.rn <br /> <br />1'1 _ "' lno O'lICl1Ie<I "'" foroogocng 1TlStrulTtenl. and 1Id\~ tnol <br />.&:' .fP'.;f'AI NCTAR''o'Nebr <br />nANN!.... ~CH.OU ____. <br />"'1'(0""",, hI' I." 29,1992 <br /> <br />e.eoJ1eo the SArnfI a.s <br /> <br />NOT "R'I' PUBLIC <br /> <br />Sta!tI ol Nf1bt&1It.I <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~,Qt ___ .___._._1 <br /> <br />()o "'" <br /> <br />0>>)' 0' <br /> <br />____.._ _ _ _ ____._.__ '9 <br /> <br />00101'9 mo II Nota", PubliC ,n me Slale of __ _ ____ <br /> <br />Pf'-III'teJn.Py It!'P'earefj <br /> <br />!:J fTteo :.-'~ ..f'tC1W!"I to tilt """ pol'tlGfl.!:lt "..m<<1 "" Af")l' _no "J'ft(~I1C1'd It'l' kp""1r)OI"Q ,n,11\Jmtl'nl arY:' a'ltnowl~ogoo "",,,1 <br />~,.,., <<1 ..." 0ftl:J <br /> <br />"aeculfl>d Tn. um.. .1011 <br /> <br />M,r_l)mr1"l"Su\.?II'Ib~ <br /> <br />~..lOT .n.R" PUBl'l <br />