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<br />DEED OF TRUST <br />I <br /> <br />88-102885 <br /> <br />25 May <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Secunly Instrument") 's made en thJs Oay 01 <br />1O~ 111etruslO"s William E. Slatter and Marla L. Slatter, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />. ("I3omlMf'). The trustee Is Commerdal Federal Sevings and Loan Auoclalion. <br />("'T'Ulllee"). n. beneIIcIary Is Commen:;.l FeaerDI Sevings ana Loan Association. which Is organiZed or,o ex~ under Ihe I....s 01 _;and who~e 'IP!l,'W~Ool<l6O Farnam. Omehs. <br />NebraskllE8131 ("L.ender"). BorroMrowes Lenclerlheplincipalsumol Ten Thousand Three S1xty Four Dollars ana rt./ J.UI Dollars <br /> <br />(u.s. $ 10,364.72-------). This deblla_ t,Ju~~;xn, m the same Oale as !his BecurilylnllJUmenl ("Note). which pro_lor monthlypaymenlS. wilI1 the <br /> <br />lull -. ~ nol paid e_,. ClUe ancl peyabIe on <br />This BecuriIy lnstrumenl.MWret 10 Lencler: (a) ~ 18fllIY'nen1 of !he deblllVidenced by the Naill. WIth ' and all re_. exlensiOns and mOOilicstions; (b) !he paymenI of all olhe, <br />5UlTlI. wilh Int.etl. _ under pIIl8gfllPl> 7 10 proleclthe socurity 01 tillS Securily Insl1urnenl; and (elthe performance of Borrower's covenanlS ana B9_ments. Fe, lhilI pUIp05e. <br /> <br />>lonowu, 'nevoc:allIy grDl1lS ancl comteyS 10 Trust"';. In I1ust. WItn _ 01 sale. tile lallOw1ng O8scribed pr<>P8f1l' _ "' Ha 11 County. :".ebraska: <br /> <br />Lot 10, Block 1 in Dale Roush 2nd Subdivision, Hall County NE <br /> <br />whlCl1 has tho addrllss of <br /> <br />223 Cherekee Ave" <br /> <br />Grand Island <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />68803 <br /> <br />IS"""II <br />'"Properly Aaaress"): <br /> <br />ICityl <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />TOGETHER wtD'l all me ~ now Of hereafter el'Kted on tne property, ond aJt eBSerTl(!lnt5, nghts, awunenances. rents. rovaJbes. mlnoral, oil and gas nghls anlj profItS. water <br />npl'lS _ stadt and aJ _ l10W 01 _ e pert of the property All replacements and aaaltlOnS snalI also be co...1\tll by _ Security Instrumont All of Ihe foregDlng Is _ 10 in <br />th.. Secutily Ins1l\i""8n1 .. tile "Prollertlr." <br />BORROWER COVENANTS lhal 6orroooef " lawfully _ of "'" estate hereby con.......d eno ..... tile ngnl 10 gnsnt and convey the Properly and lI1a1 tne Property 's unencumbered. <br />except fer erlCUmtlr_ of ....,.". Bort.- warrants ancl WIll del_ generaJly 'he lllle to tne Propertj< agarnst ell daims encl demands. subjec1 to any encumbrances of 18CORl. <br />THIS SECURrN INSTRUYENT combfnn umform aJ\IIm8f1lS for natoosJ use and non.uruform covenants With luntted vanabof1l, by junsdictx:Jn to constrtute a uroform secunty tnstrumenl <br />covenng ntai ~ <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. aono- _ Lender covenanI_ Il\l'''' lIS _. <br />1. "-"'*" of ........... _ _; "'-"*" _ ~ CIwtIeL 6orroooef shall prompIlv pay when due !he pnncipaI of ancl interest on tile det>! _ by !he Note ana any <br />prepaynw1I and _ """'llM au. ..-lhe Not. <br />:z. _.. _ _ _ 5<JC!od to appIocatlIe ... or to . _on _ by Le"""'. Borrower SlUlII pay 10 Lender on the t1lr; monIIlty I'1IY"'8nIS are Oue under lhe Nale. umU <br />tn. Note IS paid In full. . IlUITI ("Fundi") ~ to......- at: la) yellf1y _ _ .....-. whlCl1 may ;oft... pnonty lM!r lIn Security Il1IIIumont; (bl veartY __ peymon1S or <br />ground rems on "'" Property. II _: (el yeatIy nczora onour&naIl'tefJI!UfTlS; encl (dl yearly mong_ l!11lurance ;>remiums. d eny ~ dOnI' al1l ceJk><l "escrow d8m5." ~ may lISlimaIe <br />lhe FullIle duo on lhe _ at CUl1III1l 0aIa _ .....- _eo 01 MUJw ncrow nems <br />n. FullIle _ be '- In.... ino1llu1lon the llopoMll or eocounts of w1llCh ... _ or guaran.""" by a 1edoraJ 0'..... agone-; lincIucllng Lender d Lender is sud1 an I~'. Lender <br />sllaJIlIIlPly !he fUl'lCla to pay "'" _ """'". .....- may no! CIW\lO lor holding and applying !he Fu_. onalvzing tile accoum or \/Ilrtlying ll1e ncrow IIems. unIns .....- pays ~ <br />,nt_ on !he Funcls _ appIocatlIe .... pernlIlS Lender to ...- OUCh e CIW\lO. BorTow.r and Lenaer rr.ay ag..... '" wntlng that ..- shell be paid on the Fundi. ~... ItgInl11IT1f Is <br />maae Of appIocatlIe .., ~.,.. IfUIIWSI to l>>e pIUO, 1.enOer tiMiI ncn De rwqund to psy 6or~ any Inte:rest Of O&mln;5 on the Func:1&, L..ender s~all grve 10 80n0wef. WJtho' charge 3!"1 <br />ann...1ICIClIUOllng of \he Funcle ""'-'II ..- _ _ to II1e FuncIS enclln. _ for """'" ucn detlIl to "'" funclo -. ~. The FunclS ""' pleOged as t", .he <br />sums securecl by lIn Secunty l.--ument <br />lithe amount of \he Funas I1Ilcl by Lenoer. ~ -. tne tUl1n montntv ~ of FundS poyellIe pnor 10 the due _ of !he _ Items. shell exceea the amount _Bed 10 pay <br />the _ IIems when Que. tne ....... _ be. III BorroMr'. Op1ran "''''''' _'V _ to ~ 0' c:eoitoQ,o BorTow. on montntv poyments o' Funds. II !he amount of l!1e Fur... <br />netd by l.enOer i& not sutflCll!flt 10 pay the 8lIICroW Items when due_ Borrower &naJI pay to lS'lOe' any amount necessary to make up tne deflCleflcy In one or I'nC)r@ payments ulWqUired by <br />Lender. <br />Upon payment '" lull ot ell sums -....0 by _ Security InOt1Urll8I1I Lender IlhaII promplIy refund to BorTo_ any FundS nelCI by Lenaer ~ under paragreph 19 the Properly.. sold or <br />ac:qui>.a by ~. Lencier shall eppIy, no _ than rmmea.1Wy ptlOf to me ""'"' of the Pmpeny or "" _ummon "., Lender. any Funds held by Lender el the ltme of eppllC8llOl1 ... a """n <br />against the sumo """"'*' by lIn Secutily lnslrument <br />3. ~ of ~ Unless ~ '- prtlYIdes olt_. all p.........nlS _ "y Lender under parogrep/1S 1 and 2 Shall be appl.8O t,m to lall cnarges oue ur",.. ltle <br />_: seconcl. to prwpayment ctwges due _\he Note. l/1In:l. 10 amounts _Ie under paragraph 2; lour.h. to '"""""' 008: and I.... to pnncipal Oue <br />4. CtwgK; u... Borrower Shalt pay aD tax.. 1iSItiSIT'Ieftt. cnarges, 'mes ano fmpc:stUons artnbutat>>e to me Pl'tlP8f1y wtllCfl maV aftain pnonty ave, tms Secunty Instrument ana <br />leaSehold payml!fttS or ground tents.. rf any. Borrower snail pay these 00bg&b0ns '" [he manner prtMOed m parllgToliiPh 2. or If nor pa;a m that manner, Borrowsr Shan pay them on bme dilt!'dty <br />to (he person owea paymem.. ~ sna&I proII1pIfy fumtstI to L.ender aU notlO!l'5 of amount! to be paid under this pa~ If 80rTtMer makes these pl!IV"',,,)nts c1lrecPy. Borrower Shall <br />pmmplfy Iumisn to Lender ...,.. -.ang !he _""" <br />~ shall promptty discharge anv lien wfldI nas pnonty over ttllS Secunty Instrument un"'s, Borrower. (SI agrees In wrrtmg to the payment of !he oohgsbOn securttCI by the hen m a <br />manner .x:eptatIIe to L.enOer; (bl contHtI m lJDOd faith tne hen avo Of oefends aga:nst enforcement of the liltn In. legal pn:x;:eedingl whtdlln rhe Lende"s optrnOn operate 10 prevent tne <br />enfortzment of tt1e hen or forfel!utll at any part of 1he Property; or Ie, 5eCUrh from ,he hoiOet at the lien an a;reemem &a1ISfaaory to Lender subOrCflnabng the hen to thIS Secunty Instrument <br />II Lender aetennines !hal any part 01 the Propeny is SUbjec110 . ben whICh may ilttaln prtOOly CMlr tnlS Secunt)' Instrument. Lenoer may g.... Borrower . nolrce Klentllyrng Ihe "en BOITOM!I <br />sneJJ sab51y me ., or take one or lTlOIe 01 me ac:lIon$ let tortt1 iIIt:lCW wlthm 10 days of the gMng of notICe <br />!. ...."......... Borrower snaIl keep the ~ now ew:suno Of I'tereafter erected on tne Property lnsul"Bd agamS1 klss by flli:!' hazards Induded wtthlO tl"ll' term .elCtended <br />coverage- aIJ:t ~ othef hazard:iI tot which lendlIt J1!tQUi:res tns,uranoe nus ~ snail be matl"ltaln8d In me amounts anct for the penods that Lender reqUIre!! The Insurance ca~ <br />prOVlOlng !he'nsurance ehaIl be _ by 6orroooef 1Ubjec1 to L.enae,. approval whlCl1 ShaU not be un_y ",nl1h8ld <br />All insurance pohc:Ies and _ Shell De acceplallle 10 Lena... end ...... rnclude _ stanOard mortg_ clau... L.e11Oef Shall have the "lint to halQ tne OOllCHlS and renewals n Lender <br />~,.... aorn:w..r sheP promgtty ~ to L..ender 1111 receq;>>s of paid prem&umS and mnewaI nctJCes 10 the 8W1m of loss. 9orTOwer snail gM! prompt nota to the Insurance cam&r ana LenDer <br />L_, may _ prnot of Iou ~ not maae promplIy by Elomlwel <br />Untn:s ~ and 8orrowef 0U1ef'wlSe agree In WT1!tnQ. msurancc proc:eed& shaY be applted lD restoratIOn or repall' of ttle Property damaged. If rhe restoration aT repaIT is l!CCTlOmlCatly <br />leasible and Lender's &ecunty tI nat iesIenItd If the reslora.tKm 01 repan IS nor ec:tW1CJI'THC8ly t8&5Jb'l! Of Lender'S secunty would be lessened. the Insuranoe Proceeds shall be applied to me <br />sumo IIOrCUl8ll by _ Secunt)' Instrument _ or not Ihen due. WItn sny _ (llllll to Bort.-. II ~ aDsndons the Property. 0' Oo8s not ans_ Wdhln 30 days e notice from <br />' that ttw maurance camet haS ~ to .me a dwm. Ule LanOe! may co8IcI !he ansurance prt)C:NC15, Lenoer may use me pmc:eed..! to repair or restore the Property or to pay $.Um~ <br />1I8CUTWClll)' lhis Secuntv Instrument. _ 0' no! !hen due n. >>aay _ will begin when the nol1Clt .. given <br />UnIea Lender and Bonowvr 0Cherw1S& egTM In wrrting. any appik:abon 01 proceeds to pnnetpal snan no1 e.:tend or postpone the oue dl1. of the monlhly payments I'1!fem!c= to In pa.r~ <br />. ana 2 or c/It "",the emoum of Ihe poyI1W1t!I. II under parag~ 19 Ihe Property '5 acqwred by Lande,. Bt.mowe,', nphl 10 any insurance policies and proceeas resulllng !rom damage to <br />!he Property po"" 10 the ecquraltJon ehaIl pau 10 Lenller to the exlent of IIle &urns secured "., .... Security Instrumen1 ln1me<liate'Y pnor 10 "'" _"""lSdon <br />.. __ _ _ of "'-'Y: ..-. ~ ""'" not ae!lll'Oy. 0&.""- or sullSWlbally i:hanoe the Property. oJ"'" Ih.q Properly 10 dateOOl1l1e or comnm waS1e <br />If ttlII Secunty Ins:rument 111 on 6HRthok1 Borrower ~ comply with the provtSIOI\5 of me tease and if Bor1'mwef acqufl'9~ 1ee hUe to the Property. Iro leaseholO anc:l lee title snail nol merge <br />_ L.... _'" tl1e _"' writng. '.' <br />7. ProIiKtIon of"""'s fU;thta in II-. fIropert,: IIDrtgItIt tnaurance. It BorrcnMtt fallS to perform U1Q COVl!tOants and a~nls contlltned In thiS Secunty In!trument cr tnS"1! IS a <br />~, ~ 'fha1 may sIgnd1eantty IlffEt lena",..! ngms In ttIe Property ISUch 8& 8 proceeOlfl"d In bDnkru~C)1. prot)atB. tOT condemnatIOn or 10 en'orce law! or rBQuli!t1DnSl thon Leno!', <br />mar dO and-pa'J' tor whateoiNf dI net:IItlUfY to pr01ecl the value of lhe Property anct lender." ngl'lts In ,ne Propetf';' lenOe,', actiOns may ,"etuCe paying any sums s.ecured by a hen ~I.hcn has <br />pnorny 0VSf r."Iit S<<:urny tnsvumenI:, cppt.anng In court, P8'(1ng rtJ8son8Dte anorners. tee!l and entenng on the Property 10 make repairs ....nhough Lender may lake aC110n ulli.1er!nts P&r1lQ'fap!'l <br />7 Lender aon "'" .,.... to <lo 00. <br />t.ny II1T1OUr'Ib dISbursed t?y \.AIflOef under thrs ~", 7 Shan bIComti d(tdttlon.' debt of Borrower secured by ttlla Secunly InSlrumftnt Unless Bc,~, ana UtnOi!'I agTltCt to other 18m'l$ <br />of paymrt1'Il fhne DmOunt. ShaS beat' 1f'IIef'es1'from 1ha dale ot dlst::uraemenllll1he No1. rate and &hall be' payable wlfl'l Inlerest upon nota from Lenae' 10 Borrower llJq.Jesrmg paymenl <br />.tt lAnc:et' I'IQUfIIId mortgage msurance u . ClQf'IddIOf1 of 11'IIIikJ1lQ the ioan secured by thiS Security Instrument. Borrower ~II pay lhe pl"8miumS rpQUlt'9(j '0 "'aln1aln 1'1.. InsurJl~C1!i In i&"'K1 <br />UfrtilIUCh tJr'he II thIt ~ for the iOJufantle termtnatet. In accordMOll with 8orfOWllf 5 and Lenden wtftton agreemenl or appIlC8trie- law <br />.. ~ l...fl.r"dot OIl ttJ. agenl may make ~ ontriell upon and Inspections of the Propert.,. 19nd&f s.haJ! 9/'" Borrowttl' notICe at th1Jl lime of Of poor to an 1n$pOChon specrt)...,... <br />__Ior""'~. <br />.. ~""'~'-""I. The ~ of ."y ."..,d or d.flT! 'or CSt.magea. dnct 01 conMQu.ntlai In con"",C!on With an... condemnatIon 01 other 1Bkll'l9 ot any part Oll~ PtOPI't\' Of 'of <br />~ ., '*u of CO"'1::SefMa1JCn. ..,. her8by' aNrijned and &hell be paJd to L<<tOl"8'r <br />"" fn4IltY9rd 01 . It'JlaI ~ 'Jf tho p,DPI"tY. ttMt proceDdI shall be IIpplltKllo 1M .....",.. fIeC.ulftd :>y It'l1 ~Curl'~ In,,trumvnt ..moth." 01 no1 th'l!fi Cve wlttt .f'~ fl.C,ft'5S patCI tC1 BolTCwer I'" <br />UIIlI henl of 0 pa.f11&1 tLWunQ of lho p~.... vntCttll, 6on~ and Lit""'''' ot~tl8 8;1roo In Wfltlnf,t thCI" sum" /iofl(:U!'9d O~ fhr~ SiI!ocunry InS1rt1l'1'".@;nl shall t)@ ~t"C'luc'fll.1 t'ly Ihl!! lI'nI'unI1,t t~. <br />~Mtdll mult1plJod by !hi ttlfl(.'bf')rl IlIllh9 tl,)t.1 41"tlOUflt 01 thfI -.urnll 1IlOCUf'Pd tmtne(hp1al" Of.lICH't I'""' ~alur\Q dtY~ed ~ Ibl fh@ faIT m.a, vlllue- .,,1 ,."". P"t'IN"rt.. Imr'l"tM'A!.'" tJtI!OI1l <br />.,.. !.DtutYJ Art, ~an(''' ~d be polud \t) 9orrO'lfWr <br />If ff\4t P.~ll' I'I~' by fkJll"l(J'lllllM' (W If .n.. 1'l(~1lC"'M by Lbh(ktf It! Bt)Ul)1Wl<t ""..I f1~ (;OoI'I6~I"f'\-!b')I O"(Ofl \,~ 'YI,IIk", I)" 1I""f3'O 0' ..~t!l.. it nat"T" 10' C""'l"Qt''\ ~'M:fl tn1l5 to"'llt~ It' <br />L~ .If,1W1 lO ~ ~ ."... 681111 ttl4l "Ot.<~. l~ a'~ L",f'1Otw II\. ft'UUIOfllhl'l 10 l", A1'11J "'~Jly Ih.. f.l't"l(.NIo."1l!. III III ')D!IO"" ...".,,,. \(' '~"'ll~rllj""l" r-,. ....p.;\!" ",I 'ow> P"t'(",'h ,~l Ie t~ !ll.;-'lIi <br />~ b'y t9\:l:11 5etur:t., lnab~ ,.,tMJItl"rtl1 Of 1'Y; ('1(on (j'lfII <br />l.ff~' Utf"Wt i!ll"(I eo.,~ ~:I. ~ tt'I...~"....~ any .(lf~tC.'/Of'l nl [llf,c,,~, In P:H/l(,11H11 tonQ!' ''toCf' "111:'''''''' " p(l(.lP.-'~I" I""" l!Ul'I ,1al(l ....!+"" '......",...., ..<'I.,....",.~ ....'..r~ 'I" ,t' [~.lC"lJl3L''"''', <br />, an:.11 (If <:h.II""~ ,.~ ..~~ r.1l ~:f'1 paymwoW't <br /> <br />,~....., '..t. ..... <br />