<br />10. Borrower NoI R.le..IId; Forlle...nc. By Lende. NoI. Walve.. ExlenslOn ollhe lime lor paymenl 0' moolli~l~n :::-.11012 Sgas secured by IhlS S..,.~nty Instruffienl
<br />granted by Lendor 10 any successor In tnterest of Borrower shall not operate 10 1018850 the liabilIty or Ihe on9lnal Borrower or Borrower's succossors In Inlemst. Lender shall not be required
<br />10 commenco proceec!:ings agamst Bny succe~sor in inlereS1 or refuse 10 exlend lime for payment or otherwIse modify amortization 01 the sums socl.uJd by this Security Instrument by reason
<br />of ,lny dt!mand' rn", b~ ~'e onglrlal 8or:rr'wer or Borrower's SUCCu;.isors In mtoresl. Any fOrbearance by Lender In exerClsmg any nght or rem&CIy shall not be a willver'ol or preclude the
<br />exercIse c, Bnl' rigtit'9f rbIh~. .... - 1~. t'.
<br />11. Sure..ora.nd A"lgn. Booner: Jolnl .nd Seve..1 U'blllty; Co-.Ignera. The covenenlS ana egreemenls ollhlS Secullly Insl,umenl shall bind and benetillhe sur.cesso,s and
<br />assigns of Lender and Borrower. subleet to the proVISions at paragraph 17 Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Jomt and sovoral Any BorroWbr who co.slgnslhis SeCL' Ily Instrument
<br />bUI ooes not execule the Note; la) is co.slgnlng IhlS Security Instrument only 10 mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's Inlerest In the Property under the (erms of this Soo nty Instrument:
<br />ib) 15 nol personally obligatod to pay tno 5um$ secured by lhls Secunty Instrument: and (cl agrees Ihal Lender and any olher Borrower may agree 10 oxtend, modify, forb lar or make any
<br />accommodallons With regard to the terms ollhl~ Security Instrument or the Nole wllhoulthat Borrower's consent
<br />12. LOllo Ch.rgeL lItho loan secured by IhlS Secuntv Instrument IS subJoctlo a law which sets maximum loan charges, and lhallow 15 hnally Inlerpreled SO thaI the lnrerest or other loan
<br />charges collected 0' IQ be collected in connection wllh Ihe loan exceed the pemllfted IImils. Ihen: (a) any such loan charge shell ba reOuced by Ihe emounl necessary 10 reduce LHl chargJ
<br />10 Ihe pemlltled Iimll; and (b) any sums aJready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limils will be refunOed 10 Bo,rower. Lende, mey choose to malle this refund by reducing
<br />Ihe pnncipal owed under lhe Note or by making a dll8C1 ~menlto Borrower II a refund reduce. principal, Ihe retluclion WIll be treated as ~ partial p<epcymenl without any prepayment charge
<br />unde, the Note.
<br />
<br />13. I.eglelltlOn AfloectInil Lencler'a RIghta. II enactment 0' explrallOf1 of applic:>ble laws h~. lhe e"eel of rendering any provisIOn 01 the Nole or this Secunty Instrumen1 unenlorcnable
<br />according to iI. terms. Lenoe.. al ilS oplion. may require Imrne<llalll payment on full 01 all sums securea by Ihis Securily Instrument and may Invoke any remedies permifted by paragrapn 19.
<br />II Lender exercises this option, Lender shalllak. tile steps specified In the second paragraph of paragraph 17
<br />14. Nollc:a. Any notice 10 !lonoMI. plDViIled tor In Ihls Sac:urity Instrumenl shall be given by delivering II 0' by mBlling it by lirst clas. mall unle.. appltcable law 'nqulres use ot anott;ar
<br />methoO. Th.o nolico shall be dlrected 10 tile Propotrty Mclress or any other eddress Boml_ designales by nollee 10 Lende,. Any nollce 10 LenOer shell be given by first dess mBlllO Lender's
<br />address stated herein 0' any olher iIlklre.. Lender .designal8!l by notice 10 8orrowe,. Any nolice provided lor in Ihis Secunty InSlrument shall be Oeemad 10 have been given 10 Borrower or
<br />Lend4!r when given as provk1ed in this paragraph,
<br />10. Go_1IIl u.: Se_eblll1y. This Secunty InslrumenlshaJl be govemed by lederal law and the law of tIIe/urisdiC\jon 'n which Ihe Property IS located. In Ihe evenllhet any pro. lion
<br />or clau$8 0' this Secunty Instrument or tne Note conflicts with applicable law, such confUct shall not affect other proviSions of thIS SecUrity Instrument or the Note whIch can be gIVen effect
<br />wltheul the conflictIng proVlSlOtl. To IhlS end Ihe provisions of this Secunty Instrument and the Nole are Oectantd 10 be seve,eble.
<br />Ie. Bar_'. Copy. Bo,"""", !hall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of Ihos Security Instrument.
<br />17. n-an.,... of the Property or. Benefidallnternt In BOfTOWlM. If aU or any part of the Property or any Interest in 1115 sold or transferred lor If a ben9ficlal Inlerest In Borrower IS sold
<br />or lransferred and borrower IS not a natural person) Wlthoul Lenoer's pour wnnen consent. Lendor may. at its oprion. require Immediate payment In full of aU sums ::ocured by this Secunty
<br />In5tr'lment However, thiS ophcm shall not be exercised by Lender IF exerCIse 19 prohlblted by foderaJ law 85 of the date at 'hIS Secunly Instrument
<br />II Lonaar o.erCI&eS thi" optIOn. Lemler Shall give Borrower nollCO 01 acceloral1an The notICe ahall proVIde a perIOd 01 not less than 10 aays from the date ttoe notice 15 delivered or malleo
<br />wll~ln wntt;h Borrower musl pay I1U sums socumd by thiS Secunty Instrument It 8orrtl'Aer fads to pay rheslt sums pnor ~a the ekplrallon ot Ihls penod, Lendor ma.y Invoke any remedies pemuned
<br />b\l Ihls Socuflfy Instrument WIthout furthet' nohce or demand on Borrower
<br />1'. Borroww,'. RJ.ght ta RelMt8te. It Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the ngtlllo have onforcement of Ihls Secunty Instrumtinl dl5COntlnueo at any time pnor to
<br />lhe earher 0' la) 5 days lor such other penod as apJ'bcatmt law may specdy for l'Ittn&talemenl) before sale or the Properry pursuanllO any power of sale contaIned In Itll5 Secunty Instrumem:
<br />or (bl entry 01 a fudQmenr enforcmg thts Secunty Instrument. Tho.. c.ondibOns are tnat Borrower' (a) pay& Lender all sums whICh then would be due under thIS Secunty Instrume", and the
<br />Note hB.d no ItCCeferanon OCCUmtd; (b) a.&reS any defaun wr any artier covenants or agntem80lS: (Cl pays all expenses Incurred In elttorcmg this ~nty Instrument. InduOlng, out notllmrteCI
<br />to. reaaonab.. attorneys' fees: and ld) takes such actKln 8SI Lender may ressonabty require to assure that Ute hen of thiS Securny Instrument, Lender's nghts In the Property and Borrower's
<br />oDbg8bOn 10 pay the BUm! I!i8C'Ured by thIS Seeurrty Instrument shall conhnue unc:hanged. Upon rOlnstatemen1 by Borrower. Uus Secunty Instrument and the ObligatIOns secured hereby snail
<br />rt\IlnaUl fufty etrectrve 8S It no acce&erltaoo hod occurred_ HCW'8'V6f, this rlghl 10 reinstate shall nol appcy In Ine case 01 acceleration under paragraphs 13 or ,7
<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. BOllower and Lande' lurl,.." """"nan! end agree as lollows
<br />19. ~on; Remed;ee. ~ aNII give notlc1Ilo ~ prtor 10 ec_etIon lollowlllllllorrower'. breech of .ny co_nt or "lI-t In thl. Security In.trument
<br />(bu1 not prtor 10 eccelllretlon under pengtaphe 13 _ 17 un'" ewllceble ... provkln 0_"). The nollce aNlI .peclly: ('1 the default: (bl ",. ectIon ....ulrwclto cure""
<br />def.ult: (e) . date. not ... then 30 days !rom ",. dele ",. _ I. gtwn 20 Borrowe'. by which the def.u" mu.' be curwcl; .nd (d) IlIIollell.... 10 .,."re ",. _ult on Of befono
<br />the date _If led In ",. notk:Io mey .....n In __ of ",. ....... IlCUrwclby lhl. s.cUl1ly In.tru.....1 end _ of ",. Propeny. The notk:Io _I fur1her Infonn Borrower 01
<br />lhe rlgl11lO "'n.tate _ __ .nd the right to brlllll' court ectlon to.-. the non-exi.tenco of e default 0< eny _ _.. 01 Bo..--Io __ end sale. II
<br />lhe default I. not curwcI on or _ ",. <lata _tiled In ",. notk:Io. ~ It It. opllon mey "",ulre _.. peymen! In lull of <>II .uma MCurwclby thl. Securlly ._
<br />wllllo-_1 fur1her det_ - mey lmoll. ",. _ of .... end eny other _. pennllled by .ppllcable ..... Lender .h.1l1le enlltled to collec1.II..pen_lncurred In pursuing
<br />the _lea provldecl in IhIs ....agrap/l Ill. inctucllng, but not _ 10. ,..aonable .nerney.' I... .nd caet. 01 title .Videnc..
<br />lithe _ 01 - I. In_, 1RmM _I _ . notice of def...1t in _ counly In wIllch .ny pert 01 lhe Property I. loc.t-.l .nd .1\111 mall coplee 01 .uch notice In the
<br />man_ __by ewl~.... to IJonoooer end to",. otIw perQOI'II preecrlbed by llppllcable 1_. Aller lhe time r'Il!uirwclby .ppllcable..... ltu_ .haU \live public notice
<br />of _to the _ne - In ",. "'- __ by ~ ..... nv-. wllhout __ on ~. .hall Mi. ",. Propeny It public auctlort to ",. hiSlhHt bidder al ",.
<br />time 'nd plICa end under "'- __ dnl9n_ In ",. _ of .... In one or mono "'"*. end In .ny 0.- ltu.hle _.nnlnn. Tru.hle may poetpOne _ olal. or any parcel
<br />01 the Property by public ~ It the _ end plICa 01 any pmrlously scheduled ..... Lander 0' It. dnl9nn may pun:h... the Property It any sale.
<br />Upon ~ of peymont 01 ",. price bid. True... _. _'- 10 ",. ~ ltu...... _ conwylllll ",. Propeny. The recitel. In ",. ltu_'. _ _. be prima feci.
<br />,vkHnc. of the IlVIh 01 ",. _t. _ t_n. rru- -1IlPIY the ...-. of lhe _ in lhe IoIlOWIIlll 0.-: ('110 .11 .._ 01",. ..... Includlnv. bu1 "'" llm"",
<br />10, nuc.... left .. permmed by ~... end _1IIIorr1ep' _: (b) to .11 .unI. IIICUrwcI by 11111 Security InSlrument: end (e) any...,... to the pereon or _no
<br />..ly '_10 It.
<br />20. Lander In ""'-elan. Upon acceIefellOtl under paragraon 19 0< OIl""""""",,, 01 tile ProperTy. Lender [in person. by agent 0' by /udlClIlly appoInted ~M1r) shall be entrlleo !o
<br />enter upon. lake POSM::ts.on at ano man8gll1hc1 Property and to coUecI fntl rants of Ine Property ulCludlng 1hoM put due. Any mnts coOec!ed by Lender or the recerver shall De apphed hrst
<br />10 _menl ollhe costs of manegement of the P!llfl81IY ana collection of ",",s. IndUOlng. but not limIted to. ~,.s fees, premIUms on "9C8iv1!,'s bonds and reasonable atlOm8ys'!ees. and
<br />tnen to the sum. securea by tn,s Secumy In.trument
<br />21. RM:on.~M::e. Upon payment of.... $Urns aecu-=t by this S.amty Instrument. Lender ahan request Tr~t=- to rwc::ot'1Wy 1he Property and shall surrender thIS Seo..'f'ity '"ttrumem ar.a
<br />all notes iMdeOClng d8trI sec.urad by ttltS Secunty ImtlnJmem to 'fruit" TrutUe8 snail reconvey rhe Property N1thout WBrTanrv and WIthOut charg~ to thu person or persons 'egaJly entrtJ8d 10
<br />It Sucn peoIOn Ot ~ &1'lB.!1 pay any recordabon costs
<br />22. Subatltute 'nu1tM. LoOCS,", at Its opnon. may from ume to lime rvmow Trustee and 8PIXllnt a iouccessor tr1Jstee to any Trustee appointed ne~under by on InstrumEnt ~deiJ 10 tne
<br />oounrv In wttlch thts Security Instnunem 15 11!COftIe<t Wifflout CCf1'VO';3nce of rhft Prope-rt,-, the 5.ucCQsaor trustee shall succeed 10 aU tho IIUe_ poy.oer and duties conferred upon Trustee l1erelO
<br />and by BPllbcable law
<br />23. AM;ueet tor Nollce.. Borrowu~ rtJQUe53 that copt05 01 the nollCtfS ot d,fault and !!Iato be sont to Borrawer'5 address wtuc.... IS Ihe Property Addr05S Borrower fur1her requesls mat
<br />copies of tne notJ:Ce$ of default and sale be iHmt to eacn person who 13 a patty hereto at the actOress 01 5UCM ptt1'5On selfOfth herom
<br />24. RkIwa 10 thll Security In.-trumanl. If OM or more I1ders are ellecured by Borrower and roGOfde<2 tOQcther With IOt5 Securtty Instrumenl. the covenants and agreements of 'Bactl sucn
<br />",,8' ,''all be 1~i1led tflto and :ahaH amend ana 5uppJemenl me covenants onc::Il!t}RJemen1:!i at mlS Socunry Instrument os If Ihe f1der(51 we", a part of [hIS Secunly Instrument rCnec~
<br />JWpJ.C3ble be.,esl!
<br />= AdiU1tabi& Rate R.oef
<br />
<br />-= Graduated Payment Rtde,
<br />
<br />= Olher!sllspeolyJ
<br />
<br />=-= ConaomlnlUm Rloer
<br />:~ P1annoa Unrl Developmont Rider
<br />
<br />= 2-4 Fa"uly RK1ef
<br />
<br />8Y SIGNING BELOW Borrower accepts ana agr&e~ to me term., MO covenants contasnoo In thiS Secunty Instrument ana In any nOerts) executec:l br Borro~r ana recorded wltt'lll
<br />
<br />X /~,
<br />
<br />, " ~...
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<br />~;?" ~-~" 1'[ ~ ;,:';:;::;:-
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<br />1Sp.ce Below Thl. U... Fo. Acl,"owleclgmltnt]
<br />
<br />State of NebraSka
<br />
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<br />
<br />OnI""'_~dIlyOf '-1ilY
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