<br />
<br />88-- 102883
<br />
<br />I
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ,"Secunly Inslr.munn.s mOOe on thiS 26
<br />
<br />19 88 . The I!'iSlOt IS
<br />~L. Muryta and Linda Huryta, Husband and Wlfe .
<br />("Borro"'''<1. The truslllfll. Commercisl FedelSI Savings and Loan Assoclation.
<br />I"Trusle"". The beneftC1aly is CllIMI8feial Feae,al Savings and Loan Association. which 's organized snd exl.ti"i uode, the laws ot Nebraska. and whose address's 4460 Farnam. Omaha.
<br />N.b'~rslg4(i~'(f~r]:..~owesLanderthepnncipaJsumof Twenty Six Thousand I"ive Hundred Forty One Dollars and O~J.OO
<br />
<br />(IlS 5 ). Thl, debI's evidenced by Bom>wer's not" Oated the sama dale as this Sacunty Instrument ("Not,,). which prc.vides for monthly payments. with fhe
<br />
<br />run deDI..1 not paldearlior. Clu4tandpayaDte on Sept. 29, 1988
<br />This Secunty Instrumem SlIOlrn to Lender: la) the repaymen1 01 the debl evidenCed by the Nole, With Interest. and all renewals, elllenslons and modlllcallons; (b) the p-vrnem 01 all other
<br />sums. WIth imllltlSt, _ under paragrapI1 7 to prolect the 8llCUrily of thla Secul1ty Instrument. ana (c) the performance 01 Borrower's cownsnts and Bglftments. For Ihi. purpose.
<br />
<br />Borrower Irrevocably granlll ana c<II1W)'S 10 Trustee, in truSI. wllh _ 01 sale. the following lleschbed properly located In Hall County. Nebmska:
<br />
<br />da~ 01
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />The s83~' of Lot 5, in Block 125, Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, NE
<br />
<br />whICh haS the BOare.. of
<br />
<br />222 W. 17th. Grand Island.
<br />68801 ,StTH"
<br />("Properly AolI1ess;
<br />
<br />IOlyl
<br />
<br />NIlllresl<a
<br />
<br />TOGETHER With all the ~: now or henlaJtm ffI'DCled on the property, and all easemonls. nghtIJ. appunenances, rents, royalbea, mineraI. Ofl ana gas ngtlts and profits. water
<br />nghls and slOCll ana all fix1ures now or l1ereall9r a pert of the properly All replacements and acldlllons shull also De coverea by thIS Secumy Instrument All 01 tha loregoong IS relemlCllO '"
<br />this Secunty Instrum~m os the "Properly."
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS that 8onuloer IS lawfuDy &eised 01 the e.tate tmreby conVll)'llll aM has the nghl 10 granl ana convey Ihe Properly and that the Properly IS unenculTltlareO.
<br />ex""pt 101 encumbran..". of reconl ~ warrantl and will delencl generally the lIt"'IO Ih" P,openy ag.mSI .11 cl..m. and llemands. subtBCt to any encumorances of record
<br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comblnes undorm covenants lor nallOnal use ana non-umtonn covenants WIth limrtllO van8tJOnS by JunsalCbOn to conS1l1ute a umtorm secunty lOSlIUmen1
<br />cover1ng real property.
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. EIclrrt>owr ana Lender covenanl and ~ u toltow1l:
<br />1. ~ of ~ ... ~; ~ _ U1a Chargee. Borrower shall promptly ~ when duo Iho pnnopal 01 and ,"'eresl on the lleblllVKlanc8d by the No18 ana any
<br />PrBP"Y"*'1 and 1a18 chatges 0'" under me Note
<br />2. Fumta 101' tu.. _ ,_ Subject to appIlcaole law Of to a wntlan _r Dy Lender. Borrowe, shall pay 10 Lender on the day monthly ~nenl5 "'" due under th& Note. unlJl
<br />the Nole .. pMt in lull. a .um ("Funds1 aQII8l ta ooa-fMIIIh 01' la) yoHrtv ""'''s ana as..._s whICh may attain pnonly ave' th.s Secunly Instrumenl; lb) yMrly le_ ~ or
<br />ground I1If1IS 011 me Property. d any; ICI ~ hazArOlflSUflll1C8 pramlUmo. ana (a) ~artv mort~ ''''Mance In!Tltums. ,I any. These Il1Ims are ""_ "escrow .!ems." Lander m8y ~le
<br />the Fundi au. on the _ of cu.....d&Ir and ~ ~ ol'~ aeaow ,l8mS
<br />The FundlI_ be held In an inIIillAlon the cItpoIlIt or ICCOUI'ItI 01 whlcI1/IfW ,_ or guaranteed by ai_ill 0' 1l1II18 agency jlnclud'"ll LAInclot' tI LencIer.. such... ~l. Lenlle'
<br />shall apply the F"nd$ 10 lloIV the escrow n.m.. Lande, m8y no! chllge lor hoIdlng and applying lhe Funds. snalyzmg the accoum or ""nly1ng lhe e5C1OW dems, un~ lencler pays Borrower
<br />Interest on the Fwlds and appAcatH .. perrna Lender to mako StJCh I charge Borrower and leru1!Jr may BQI" in wnting Ihallnler8sl anall be paid on the Funds. Unless Em agreemenl It.
<br />maae or ~ law I1IqUiIVt _1110 be pllid. Landef anall no! be ~no<lto pay Bo"""",r any ,"t_1 or oarrnng. on the Fund'. Lond.. shall gIVe 10 Borrowo!'. wrthout cnarge, an
<br />annual8tlOOUnling oIlhe Fun$ 8howmg ~ and dalliIs 10 the Fundi and the purpooa 10' which etlCh a.tli110 the Fuode .... made The Fundi are pledged as IIddttlonal sacunty lor "'"
<br />sums aecul1ld by I!ut Sacuiry 1nI"""*>1.
<br />H the amount of lna Fundi held by Lender.lDgelher wtth m. lulu.. monthly _nlS of Fund!l payatlle pnor 10 the d..- oatas 01 the .&CfOw oterna. shall e.aed the amount l1IQUIflld to pay
<br />lhe oscrow ilJImo "'*' dua. the "x""ss shall be. at !l<ln-..-'. Option 81""" promolly repaiO 10 Borrower or Cftldited to Barro.....r on monthly paymems ot Funds II !he amounl of Ihe Fun!;
<br />held by Landa, .s no! wtfcent 10 pay the _row .Iems "'*' w., Bonowar anall ~ to Lender any amounl necessary 10 milko up the deflCl.ncy '" one Of more paymonlS as csouin!d by
<br />Lender
<br />IJpO'I poymenl '" run of all sums securra by th.. Securily Instrument Lande, ""1111 promptly ..fund to Barrowel any Funda he'" by Lende' "unde, paragraph 19 _ Propert)' IS sokl 01
<br />fIalUlIed by LAlndaf. LeI1llllIhell &llPIY, f\O later than II1lfIl8lllaleI pnor 10 the sale 01 the Propmty Of .ta _UISlliOn by Lender. any Funds hekl by Lende, at the lime of app!iClIllOt1 as a crea~
<br />OQalntl the suma MCUf1I(l by this Secur\Iy Instrument
<br />3, AfIpIIt:aIIon of ....-. UrIesa ~ law prov1QeS otlle_. All paymenlS """.- by Lender una", pa,egrllPhs t ano 2 Shall be appll8<l hr51. to late ctwges Oue unde, "'"
<br />Note: MCOnd, to ~ ClI41lI" <luG under the Not". thlld, to amounlS payaIlle unoer PMaqrapll 2 10ut1l1. '0 ""."'.. Oue. andla!lt. 10 pnnopal due
<br />I. a.arv-: Llana. 60rnJMr anall pay all taJ:eo. assessmenIS, char~l. nnes and ImpoSlllons annbut.,,'" 10 IIle Property wn<en may anain pnonty eve' th.S Securrty InSlMnent. ano
<br />leasehold p-vrnenlS Of ground rants, ., any. ~ llhaIl ~ Ihes4I ollIigations on the manner provt<IIl<l,n paragrapn 2. or " not plUll '" lI'.a1 manner, Bor~r shall ~ them on lime dlfl!Clly
<br />to me person owed ~, Bom'twer 'IhaiI prompUy furnish to LenDer all I'lObCe5 at amounts to be paid under thIS P81agraph If Bonower makes these payments ~", 80rmwer sha!1
<br />promptJy Iumish to L_ f1IC8iPlI e...o:lancing the paymenlll
<br />Bonowe, shall prompIIy cliachar\l8 any lien wl11ch hU pnonty ~ I!ut Secunly Instrumenl unle.. Bonowar. lal ag.....a .n ..,11Ing ro tho payment 01 lhe oDhgallon secured by the I,en on a
<br />manner ~ 10 LenOar; (bl con_ .n good 'AIm the Ilan by. or aetends against enlon:emen1 of Iho "on In. legel proceea'ngs whICh .n Ihe Lend""s opon,,'n operal" to _t "'"
<br />enIon:8menl of the ban or lorlttrture of any part oIl!ll1 Property or (cl--..res 110m lhe holder of the Iten an agfll8menl sattslactory 10 Lonae, sub\lrdinat,ng the hen 10 this Secunty Instrument
<br />" LIlllII8f aetennmellNlI any part of the Properly '" suo,ecIto a _ whtcf1 may attaIn pnorrty over mOl .5e<:urrty Ins""morn ~end8' may gIVe Borrower e nQ1lC8 'IllInnly>ng tne "en Bonowat
<br />shall a&hSIy lhe Itan Of ,_ one or more oIlhe aclJons sat torm above wllhin 10 <lays 01 the gMflQ of nolice
<br />5. H&anl tneur-. eorm- shall kaap the 1I11llf(IYe- now urlllng or harealler llf1IC1aO on the P'llPllrly ,"aurll<l agllIn., 10.. by hre. hlJZlll'O. .nctude<I wrtnln the lerm "ex1endea
<br />CO'W8f87I- end any au. hUardI for wNch lender nJquJra lnSUfance Thil tnSUlanee shan be muttalned In tne amounl$ ano tor the perK)(JS thai Lender reqUIres. The Insurance CAfTre'f
<br />provlding the Insurance thd be cf1oHo> by IlomJwer subrec1to L_'lapplOYIII whICh shall nol be unreasonably ..lIhhelO
<br />All msurance polioH and ..- shall be acceplabIe 10 l_ ana 0haI Include a _ra mortgage Clause Lende, snail h.... the nght 10 nOId Iho poliCtes and """"""'IS l! L,,~,
<br />reQUl1ItS. Borrowet "'II prompIty gtV8 to LWDder ad l1K:etpm 0' puj pl'9fTUUmll aocI ",newel noucea tn the evenl 0110$5, Borrower shall glVR prompt notice 10 the Insurance camer and Lende,
<br />Lande, mav make proof of Iou I' not made promptly by Borrower
<br />Uniaa Lender and Borrower othefwtH IIQfH: In wrrtmg. InlUtanc8 ProceeGIlnall be appUed 10 rnton!llDn Of' "'P8H' 01 the Propeny damaOed. 11 the restorahon Of repair 'IS economlCall}'
<br />tnsitJle and lendar's secunly IS no!tessaned. lithe restoratlon Of _ IS nOI economlC8lly ISllSIllIe or Lende"s _unty woukl be lessened. !he ,"surane" ptOCMds Sl\all be appttllO 10 the
<br />IUIT\S MO.PlKl by Il1II Secunty In_ _ or no!lhen tlutt, Wllh any u"",, pllllto Borrower. If IlorroweI abandons the Properly. or does no! answer W1thm 30 <:ays a nol"", lrom
<br />LanclIr !hallhe 1nSUrtn:e """* hU olIef1ICIlO _Ie e C1""". the LencIer m8y _ the Insurance proceedo. Lender may llSlIlhe proceeds 10 repaor 0' restore the Ptoperty '" '" ~ sums
<br />securod by Ih.. Secunly Instrument. whethef Of not thon au. The 3O-cllly prttlOd will begin when lhe nouea IS given
<br />!Jnwsa l!lndef .-1d Bonower othlfW\Sll agrwe M"l W1'lbt'IQ. any appilC&tJon of pn.:x:eedS10 princIpal shan not e>ttel'l(4 or postpOne the Quo date of tho monlhty p&ymIltrlIS retened to In cm.,agtaphio
<br />, and 2 or cl18nOt the amount of the p8Y'1*flS. II under pataqraoh f9the Pnl?erty IS BCq\Jorell by Lende,. Bonowe... "ghllO an~ .nsurance pohoes and proceeds "15ull.ng lrom damage 10
<br />1M Prnc>o<I, pncr 10 the 8CQIJi!JI/oft thatI pQta to Lender 10 the _, 01 the sums IUlCUrllO by tNll Secunly In."ument ImmllO'aloly pn01l0 the acqUlSitlon
<br />6. "-"tI' ",... ............_ of '-1Y; 1AMeI1okIe. 8orf0W8r shall nof destroy. 114/11llgo or subllanlially change Ihe Prope,ty. allow tho Properly 10 dele""'ate Or """"",\ w&".
<br />" """ Secutl/y Insll1lmtnl is on __. ~ shall compty with the prov1SiOf1' of lhe 1&a&8. ana .1 Borro""r acqu.res f8ll1l110 to Ihe Properly, 1hj!leneholO and I@e t.t1e sna" nol """g@
<br />"""'" La_ ... 10 II1e ...-oer in llnifIng
<br />1 Pm4IlcUan of l........ R....... in the PropertV; MortglJp Inlurance. " Borrower Inlls. 10 perform the co'lttrnJ.nts and Bgreemltnts COt1llllnttd tn tntS 5GCurr,y Insln.men1 OJ !"tHe I' it
<br />\eU&f ptoceodlng "'.at m.., f,tO",tICal'lUy a"<<I Lttndef'. nghtn In !hI! PropertV (such all .0 proceedmg In bankruptcy. probate. tor condomnatlOn or to enlorce laws Of regulahon!) tn&r'llfJtlOe!
<br />may do and P8V tOllllnatevo, II r14lCeIlary to pt'otec:t lne '4lue of the prooert, and Lendm'B nghts In the Property Lender '!I 8cbOn!l may Include paylflQ any sum! socurea b.,. . lIen '-.ntCt'z ha!l.
<br />pl"J(J('Ity OYDJ fi'u SecuMtJ' tmtrumonl. DPPft'lIlng U'\ court. paymo ",uo~lo IltnOlMVIii' feea and gntonnt;l on the Properly to rmtIkl! reptml Although tendor may tnke 8ctlOn under lhl!fl P4f11Q' a....,h
<br />7 Lender cloas not "... to do 10
<br />Any MI"lOUfltI dJSt:.JirtJotd by t..endet unctfJ11t"q plleqraptl1 It.alI become additional debl or Borrower H\'Curod by Ihll!1 Secu;lty Inslrumoltf Vnla!!s Borrower aoo Lern::Jflf l'igl"8e to C:I~f torl"t'ls
<br />l..if PlI'f""IIl'st. rheM ~ ahat bear n...... ftOrn 1M date of d.abutHmenl allhe NolO rate and S.tl11Jl be J)a'fDblu. 'firth jollrest. upon nolJcct from Lender to 8onower fflQU9l1tlng PlI)'fnlM1t
<br />flltl'de1 ~ mot~ rn~tane4l". cond'itiOn of rnaku"O the ban HCUIt1'J by Ihll Secunty Instrument. Bonower 9h81l pay tho prem1umft teqUIffk'i 10 n'al"lall'llt\fll~'u..r.nNi 1M l'!'l"!ttC!
<br />\ll"!f4 Iuet'I wn. ..(he ~ for the ifllUtfl11Cll tltf1TWl1at.. It1 ~ M1.h Bon01lfllr'~ and land"'" WtlfleM 8Q,eemont or appliCabll!llow
<br />.. ~toft. ~ (It UIIQef'1I "'1t1 make reuonablo eotrlQt upon and InspectIOns of me Propeny lendat' shall 9've Borrowvt nobel at the tlmo 01 01 pllOI 10 an 11~~tU':)n !Iopocl"",ng
<br />___ 'Of tht~~ ,.'
<br />f, Coi.....IlMIol.. the ptOCaGdt 01 any IIW8Id 01 chUm tor dam,lQtll. rt~ Of conflOQuenttal. m connectlC)t'l wllh IJny condemntltlOn 01 ..1tho, 1l1klng Of aM\I pnrl Of thft Prl"l()Ol1\1 ('I 'co.I
<br />~.r!'JfJ'~ d'I rllCU or r~tiOn. Ite I_<<l~ UltirJned .nd IhaII be paid 10 lord.,
<br />It: rrw. ~ of . tr.tlal '4Ittn? of ".... Pfoc:,.,'ty, rtlO PfO(::OOd!llllharl ttIIt 4WP1~ to tho suma MJL"Umd by Ihtt St\currtv 'n"trum."1 whothel j)I not !hon (luoft WIth R""" (ll1Il1.t:l"~ fI.n..., 10 8(lnU""~t II"
<br />Ihlt .~ Q4 . potlArM t..~ of "14 PrtJ(Jltffy u"""1t Dom:JYrI9' And L6ncJ., Ofhl.tf'*lN ftg'" In w"'lnO the s.um, tl)CurOO by It'll!. S6C\IFltv rn,ttum~tfll "",ull ttA ,t-duel'lt1 to, lkc1 Al'flt'\.lnl 1'1 tt'lp
<br />~..f'Jf.efrd. frrt""~ tJ-f ltt.f ~it'QI 141(41(1fl iel tho tnt.IIIN'l()I,"' of t.he 'uma '.w'.UI.O ltnrtl"lhlltlt1y tXlofl'wO IhfIJ lnklnq cttvdfJ'd by lbllN1 11'111 ""A,k!!1 Vallll'l olltm Pf'\:'NHhl 'mrt'~dlatPl" N-to~
<br />N l4II""-9 Aft', ~.tc. If"" t)(t .,.., 10 ()4)rllf.f1IiIM
<br />" ~.. '}f!'.(IlItf', l"t "):Itldr."'" fr; fklf1~ {)I It t'f'Ut4 /.:\f,u, by l.tuwj., 1.0 OonO"Mf' rher thu LOIldQnH10f nHf!l" 1('1 '''".11 t;n AWl'll" ('If """41 ~ dAlf11 'l)t 1l.m'lI\2"'" rx'fff'V.ft' l"ll~ h.'l ...t.&-lI)n(l 1\;-
<br />l""~ ~~ .\(') ~1~' .~~ It... det. ~ t'W)tllf.. ,It ~"lI'ftn lrtnr'."" !IIuUlOfu!Ofllo l~ollw:t AM ./Im)l)' Ih9 tlr()f.'I6~d'll AI \U l"ph,n futh", If' '''''''"rnltt'''' ,'10 "f'\'dll "I '''11 r''','l'''''''' ,'11 ~l" thllt fltlmlll
<br />~ld'" rtl ~ll'. r~""4If't, f.rtfl"'l~.".,."t IlIW'Wltt'lel' (~ ,,,...~,, du.
<br />"p'.........~ ........ ~"".f"..' (.........'*"".. '?'_ ,r. ",tih'~ l\~1., 'ltp()ht.11()n ~ ''II'tx,.OOI'J!!l In t)lfln(.Ir,)A1' \f\All 'ml illNU"~(I.'I' (V_"tlpt.'lnl1 l'lflo "',AI' ,~J1h' " 'htl ",<'",""'\ I'rlJ\"""~"" ''''''''''''.1 I" ,,, pa'..Hl'~I'''~
<br />. ......j i.-... ,'!''':''~ t~b dt"".\t"" 0" .l.lf;f'I, o.,.'.'ltll
<br />
<br />~'....I' ';...
<br />