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<br />'2. Notlco. E-<cept for any notice reQulfed uClder applicable law to be given 10 another mann~I';:yno~e~o~o~o?e~ <br />provided for In this Deed of Trust shall be given by deliveflnglt or by mail 109 such notice by cerlified mail addressed 10 Borrower at <br />the Property Ad~ress or al such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, arld(b) any notice 10 <br />Lender shall be g,ven by carllfled mall to Lender's address staled herein or tosuch O1her address as Lendermaydesignate by notice 10 <br />Borrower as provIded hervln. Any notice provided for In thiS Deed of Trust shall be deemed to Ilave been given to Borrower or <br />LeClder when given In Ihemanner deSignated herelO, <br />13. Governing L.w; Sever.blllty. The stale and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust Shall be the laws of Ihe <br />JUrlSdlCllon 10 which the P'opertv IS located, The foregolOg sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federa' law 10 lhis Deed of <br />TruS1.1n the evenr thaI any prOVISion or clause of thiS Deed of TrusI or Ihe Note conflicts With applicable law, such conflicl shall not <br />affect other provISions of t~IS Deed of Trust or the NOle which can be given effect without the contlicllng provision, and to lhis end <br />the provISions of thiS Deed of Trust and the NOle are declared 10 be severable. As used herein, 'COSIS", "expenses" and "allorneys' <br />fees" Include all SlST\S to the ex~ent not proh,blted by applicable law or limited herelO. <br />14. Borrower'. Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of thiS Deed of Trust af the time of <br />execution or afterrecordatlon hervo!. <br />15. R.h.bllltatlon Lo.n Agr.ement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any heme rehabilitation, <br />ImprovemenT, reoalr or other lmm agreemenl whIch Borrower enters Into WIth Lender. L€lnder, a1 Lender's option, may require <br />Borrower 10 execute and dehver 10 Lender. In a form acceptable to Lender. an asslgrment of any fights, claims or defenses which <br />Borrowermayhave against parties whO supplV latlor, mateflalsor services 10 connection w,th Improvements made to fhe Prope,.,... <br />'6. Tr.n.fer of the Property. If Borrower sells or transfers all or any part of the P,opertv or an Inrerest therein, excluding <br />(al the crealion of a lien or enClST\branCe subord,nate to thiS Deed of Trust. (b) a transfer by deVise, descent, or by operation of law <br />upon the death of a lo,nllenant. or (c) lhe granl of any leasehold .nrerest of three years or less n01 containing an oplion to purchase, <br />Borrower Shall cause 10 be sutrnllted In~ormatlon reQuired: by Lender to evaluate the transferee ,J::) If a new loan wore being made to <br />the transferee. Borrower WIll continue to be oOllgaled under the Note and !hlS Deed of Trust unlesS Lender releases Borrower In <br />wntlng. <br />If Lender. on the baSIS of i)fr./ mforrnallon obtained regarding the Iransferee. reasoriably deterfTlInes that Lenoer's security may <br />be ImpaIred. or th...l ther& IS an unac.ceptable lIkelihood of a oreac.h of 21ny covenanf or agreerrlEmt In thiS Deed of T,"Js,. or If the <br />'eQu,red ,nf ormat Ion IS not submllled. LeClder mav declare all of 1M suns secured by m,s Deed Of T,uSIIO be Irrmedlale1v due and <br />DavaDla. If LeMer eXerCI$BS suc,n option to accolera1e. Lendtlr shall mall Borrower notice of accelera1l0n In accordance With <br />paragraph 1 2 hereo~. SuCh nOhce snail prOVide a penae of nOl 1055 than 30 days franlhe date the nOTIce IS mailed or delivered within <br />whIch Borrowe, may pai Ihe SlST\S declared due. If Borrower fads 10 pay SUCh ~Ltns pnor to the exprrallon of such peflod. Lender <br />m?y. Without further ootlce or aernand on Borrower, InYoke any r1Yned:CJs permJ11ed by paragraph 1 7 hereof. <br />N(J\l-l..NIFORr.1 COVENANTS. Borlowe< ano l.enner fu,ther covenant and agroe as fOllOws: <br />17, Aa:eleretlon; Remedl.., Except .. provided In 16 ""reof, upon Borrower'. breach of .ny cov.n.nt or <br />.gr..ment af BorrllWer In tnll Deed of Trult. Including Barr ower'l f.llur. to p,y, bV the end of 10 cllendlr d.V' after they "e <br />due, .ny aL'lIl' MCIIred by thla De.d of Tru.t, Lender prior to IICC8leretlon Ih.1I glv. nollce to Borrower II provided In <br />par.grlph 12 her.of .peclfylng: i11 the breach; (2) the action requirttd to cure .uch broach; 131 . dato, not Ie.. th.n 20 d.y. <br />from 1he dlto thl notice I. m.lled to Borrowe" by which luch b,eKh must be cured; end (41,e to cure .ueh br.ech on <br />or before the d.t. .peclflod In the notice m.v re.ult In ea:eIRntlon of the .um. lKured by thl. Deed of Truet ond ..1. of the <br />Propertv. The no1ice .h.U fur1he, Inform Borrower of 1he right to ,alntt.te after IICClIle,ltlon .nd the right to brln, . court <br />action to _rt the of . def.ult or env otho, defense of Borrower to ea:eleratlon and s.lo. If the breech I. not <br />cur.d on 0' beforo t1le dlte .paclfled In the notice, Lende" .t Lender'. option, mav cIocl". all of the .ume lOCur.d bv thla <br />Deed of TrUlt to be Immedl.tely due .nd p.y.ble without further dem.nd .nd m.y In\loko the power of ..I. and .ny ather <br />remodl.. permltt.d by .ppllcable 1_. Lender .hall be eml1ted to collect .U ~t. and ..pentel Incurred In <br />Ilureulnll the remodln provided In thl. p.r. graph 17, Includln" but not IImlt.d to, re..onebl. .ttorno)'l' foil. <br />If the power of n'e I. Involr;ld, TrlllUe .h.1I rlCord . notice of def.ult In each county In which the Property or lomo <br />p.rt tt\1ereof I. located .,,~hhall m.1I copl.. of suen notice In the manner ~rncrlb8d by .ppllcable 18W 10 llCl'rower .ndto 1he <br />other pereone prncrlbed by applicable IIW A ft., the 'apse of aueh tfme .. may be required by .ppllcable IIW, TrUlt.. shall <br />live public: notice of .a'. to the per1l01'1S .nd In the m.nner prnc:rlbod by applicable 18W. TrUlt18, without demlnd on <br />Sorrow.,. .h.1I uU the P,operty at public .uctlon 10 the highest bidder .t the time and place and unde, the terma designated <br />In the nollce of nl. In one or mar. percels and In Iuc:h ordar .. Truet.. m.y dete,mlne. T,ust.. m.y pOltpone ..10 of .11 or <br />any perCl'l1 of thePropertv by pUblic In" .tthe time .nd piece of .nv p,evloully Ichedulea ..Ill. Lender or Lencler'. <br />dnlgnee may purch..e the Prope,ty at any ule. <br />Upon r.Cllpt of p.yment of the p,ICllI bid, T,...t.. .h.1I dellve, to tho purch...r Tru.'..'. deed convoying the Property <br />.old. The roelt.l. In the T'ust.... cle.d .h.1I be prim. fllele evidence of the t,uth of the .,.t.mente ther.ln. T<...t.. .h.U <br />.pply the proc:eedl of 1he ..Ie In the following o,dar: laJ to .11 re..on.ble cOltl .nd ollpense, of the nl., Indudln,. but not <br />limited to. T'IlIt.... f08. actu.lly Incur,ed of not mo,e thin " of the gron ule price, r...on.blo <br />a11or".)'I' f... .ndcOItl of tltleevlclenco; Ibl to .III\11T1' .ecured by this Dead of Trust; .ndlc) t"" UCllII, If .ny. to the paraon <br />or per.ona leg.lly erttltled thereto. <br />".Iorrowe,'s Right to R.lns1ate. 1'01 w,I" Lenders acceleral,on of 1M SlST\S secured by IhlS Oe-ea Of TruSI. due <br />10 Borrower's breac", Borrower Shall "3"e '"'' "9'" Ie have any procead'ng.s begun by LeMEr to enforce th,S Deed of Trusl <br />dlSCOnflf\Ued at aT'T\I ~lme pnor to The aarher 10 occur 01 (I) The flfmdav nefore tho sale Of The Property Dursuanl to 1he power of sale <br />cOf't'l!1r~d In fhsS DGed of TrUSl or (,,) onlr" 0' a .lud\JT'er'tl enforCing TrllS Deed of Trust If; (a) Borrower pa.;s lender all SlJ'n5 which <br />.....Duld be th&n C<.JO under 'tll~ :)eod 01 'frvSI and '.'oj f ~cre ha(;l fY.:l accelcral,on occurrect; {b) Borrower curus all oreaches at any other <br />CCNGnamS 0' ~w"ern6nts of Borrower conl,l,noO ,n Ih,S Deen of TruSI; (c) Borrower Days all 'Ilasonable expenses, Incurred by <br />L<.Indor and TrJ..:Slee ,n entorclf\glhe cOvenants and agreemenlS Dr Borrower contained ,n this Deed ot Trusl and ,n enforclOg LeMer's <br />.'ldTnr.:i1ee's rfJf"T\OOies a~ prOVided In paragraol'\ t '7 herDOl, InCluding. OUf nolllmlt60 10. reasonable a1tor-nays' fees: and(d) Borrower <br />f2P.e5 suen acTion as LonOe' m~ roa~onabl', ff.lCl\.Jlrl9 10 aSsur'3 that Ihe flen of ThfS Deed of Trust. Ler"lder's Interest In The ProperTy and <br />Borrower's obhgitlOO 10 p"" the S\ST\S secur\ld by I".S Deed of Trvst shall conllrrue uNmpaorlld. upon SUCh pa""'9nt and cure llv <br />Borrower_ Thts Oood of Trus-t and 1he obligations socurad heretrJ ShJl1 remain In full force and effect as If no aCceleration haa <br />occvrr;;;'d. <br /> <br />I NEBRASKA. ><0.'* r""nOvU.'flll <br /> <br />"1:' FNMA/FHtMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br /> <br />':; <br /> <br />p_,,_ ) 0 f <1 <br /> <br />\11110..\ <br />