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<br />88- 102873 <br /> <br />" Borrower pays FundS to L~nder, the Funds Shall be held In an InSll1ullOn the deposits or accounts of which are insured or <br />guaranteed by a Federal or stale agenCy (,ncluding Lender If Lender IS Such an InSlllullon). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said <br />taxes. assessments, Insurance premil6TlS ancl ground renls. Lencler may '101 charge for so holding and applying Ihe Funds, analyzing <br />said accounl or venfYlng and compiling said assessment 5 ancl bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable <br />law pecmlTs Lender Tomake such a cllJrge. Borrower and Lender may agree In wnllng atT1\e time of execution of Ihls Deed of Trust <br />thaTlnTereSl on lhe Funds shall be palO TO Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law requires such InTerest 10 be <br />paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower a"'l ,nlerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give 10 BorrOwer, wiThOuT <br />charge, an annual accounTing of the FunclS showing credits and debits TO The FundS a,1d the purpose for which eac;, debit TO the Funds <br />was made. Tile Funds are pleoged as aOditlonal security forthe Sl6TlS secured by lhlS Deed of TrusT. <br />If the ;mount of tile Funds held by Lender, logelhr;r with the future monthly InSTallments of Funcls payable prior to the due <br />dales of taxes, assessments, .nsurance premll6Tls and ground rents, sllall exceed the ;mount required 10 pay said taxes, assessments, <br />Insurance prem.lIns and ground "ents as They fall due, sucll exceSs shall be, at Borrower's option. either promptly repaid to Borrower <br />or credited to 130rrower on mC'nthly Installments of FunclS. If Ihe ;mount (If the Funds held by Lender shall nOT be sufflcienllo pay <br />taxes, assessments, Insurance premh.lT\s anO ground rents as (Ilay fall due. Borrower shall pall 10 Lender a"'l a-nount necessary to <br />mal<e up the defic.ency in one ormore payments as Lender may require. <br />Upon payment In full of all suns secured by tillS Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refuncl to Borrower a"'l FundS held by <br />Lender. If undor paragrapll17 hereof the Property IS SOld or llle Property IS olherwise acqUired by Lender. Lender shall apply, no later <br />Illar 'rrmedlale1y prior (0 rile sale of tile Property or ,ts acqulSl1lon by Lender. any Funcls held by LeMer at Ihe '1me of applicallon as a <br />credit against the Sl6TlS secured by thiS Deed of Trust. <br />J, Application of Paym.nta. Unless ~pplicable law prOVides otherWise. all payments receivo." by Lender under IheNote and <br />paragraphS 1 and 2 horaof sIlall be applied by Lencer first In payment of a-nounts payable 10 Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 <br />Ilereof. then to intereST payable on the NOTe, and .hen to the pnnclpal of (M Note. <br />4. Prior Mortgl;" and 0..111 of Trult; Chlrgel; Uan., Borrower shall perform all o( Borrower's obligatiOnS under any <br />mortgage, deed of truSl or other securl'y agreemenl With a lien whlcll has pnOnly over IhlS Deed of TruSI, In~ludlng Borrower's <br />covenants to make payments when due. Borrow~r 5',311 payor cause to be paid all taxes, assessmenTS and other charge:;, fines and <br />ImpOSItions altnOulalJlO 10 .he Propert'/ which may allaon a pnonly over thiS Deed of Trust, and leasehold paymenls or ground renls, If <br />any. <br />5. Hazard Inlurlnca. Borrower Srlall keep the lmpro....ernents now eXISTing or hereafler ereCTed on the Property Insured <br />against loss l:N fire, hazardS Included wlthon lhe term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may reqUire and.n such <br />..-nounfS and f or such nenods as lender mat rOQUlre. <br />The Insurance carnar thO ,nsurance shall be chosen ov Borrower subject to approvall:N Lender; provided, tllaT sucll <br />approval Shall '101 be unreasonably wl!hhOld. All Insurance polic'es and renewals thereof sllall be on a form acceptable 10 Lender and <br />shall 1"Cluda a standard mOrl\lageclavsv ,n lavo' or and In a form acce".able 10 Lender. Lender snail have the nghttollold The pOllCleS <br />and renewalS thereof. sull)8Ct 10 lhe lerms Of any mortgage, deed 011r"SI or o'her security agreement with a lien wlllch has priorl'y <br />over IhlS Deed of T,uSl. <br />in Ttle ovenT of IO~5. Borrower Shall give prOT1pl nOltce to the Insurance carner and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss If <br />not made prQ"Tlplly by Borrower. <br />If the Propon./ 'S abonaon"d by Borrower, or" Borrower faols 10 responC 10 Lender w,th,n 30 days from The date notice IS <br />maJlod bv Lanoer to Borrower thai the In~ur3nce I:arrler of fers to settle Bclarn for Insurance bonef'ls. Lender IS authOrized to collect <br />and apply the Insurance p,oceeds at L9nder~ opllon ",lnor 10 reSlOrallonor ,opalr 01 ThO Property or 10the SlST1S secur\;~ by .h,S DeeO <br />of TruSI. <br />6. Pr...rvatlon and M'lrtt.nance of P,op.rty; L....holdll; Condomlnluml; Planned Unit Developm.nt.. Borrower <br />shall I<eep tile Properly ,n Qooa rep...' and ~hO" no, Co-rm<l waste or perml' Impalrrnonl or deTenorallon of tile Property and shall <br />c~ With the prOVIsions of ar...leas~ " Ihl~ Deed of Tr"sll$ on aleaseholO. If 'hiS Deed 01 Trust IS on a unit In a conocrrunll6Tl or a <br />planned unit developmenT, Borrower stlll'l perlorm IlII of Borrower's Obit gallons under the declaration or covenants creatmg or <br />goverrung lhe condcrru...un or piannlld uM Oevelopment. .Ile by-lawS and rell"lallons of Tile condominllST1 or planned Uf\l1 <br />development, and con,'"luen. dOClSNlntS, <br />7. Protection of L.nder', Sealrlty. If Borrower r ads 10 per f orm the covenanl S ana agreements con.amed In thiS Deed of <br />TruSt. 0' I t any action or proceeding IS cornnenced whiCh mate"ally af f eCIS Lender's Ihterestlh the Property, Ihen Lender, at Lender's <br />op1l0n, upon nOllce 10 Borrower. may mal<e SuCh appearances, 015b' suCh SlST1S. Including reasonatll9 a"orney~' 1ge5. and tal<e <br />such acllon as '5 nacessar-y to protect LeMers Interest. If LeMer reOUlred mortgage Insurance as a cond.tlon of mel<mg the loan <br />securOd by lhlS Deed Of TruSl. Borrower Shall pJ/lhe "'''''''\.ITIS r&(luored 10 ma,n!aln suclllnsuraru:vln effect unt.1 suc~ tme as .Ile <br />reQulrQ'nenf for suCtllnsurance 19rrrunatesln accordance With Borrower's and Lender''S wntter.agreemenl or appllCabl\3 taw. <br />Any ornounts CIlsburS9a by LenCler pur~uant 10 !hlS paragraph 7, wlth.nle,esl thereon, attM Note rale. shall become add11l0nal <br />Indebtedness of Borrower secured by thiS Deed of Trust. uniess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms Of payment, sucll <br />,",ounlS snail be Pitt'aOle uPon nOllce from Lender ro BOHowe, requesting paymen( thereof. Nothmg contained In this paragr .lph 7 <br />Shall reqUire Lender TO Incur a""l &xpense or t;,ke an-oJ action hereunder. <br />e. Inspection. Lender maymal<e or cause 10 De made reasonable en!rles upon aM inspections of lhO Property. pr ovlded tllal <br />LeMer shall Borrower nOllee prior 10 any SUCh Inspection speclfVmg reasoMble cause Therefor related to Lender's Interest 10 <br />the Property. <br />II. Condemnation. The p,oceeds 01 any award or clawn lor da-nages, direct or consequenllal. In conneCllon WIth any <br />cOndernnano., or oTher takmg: of the Pr~per1'" or part t~ereot. or 'or conve',lanCe In heu Of condemnallon, are hereby aSSigned and <br />shall be pa'd 10 Lender, sub)eCI to !r.e lerms of anv mortgage, deeC 01 truSI Or Olher secuflty aoreemen. With a lien whiCh haS pflOrl1V <br />over tillS Deed of Trusl. <br />10, Borrower Not Ral.n.d; Forbalrance Ily Lender Not a Waiver. ExtenSion of the lme for payment or mOd.ficat.on of <br />;rnorTlza"onoltlle suns secured by 'hiS DeeC or Trust granled by Lenaer 10 any successor In ,nreres. of Borrower sIlall not ope,ate <br />10 release. In arr-/ liab1ltly 011he onglnal Borrower and Borrower's SucclJssars In lnreras1. Lender shall not be reqUired to <br />CCJ'T1"OiJnce proceedings against such successor Of refuso 10 axlend time for payment or otherWise modIfy c.rnortlza1ton Of the SU'TlS <br />secured try lhlS Deed of Trust t:r-( reason of i}n-, tJernand n'lade OV the onglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors In tnlerest. An..., <br />'Ofwarance by Lender on exercISing any ,,;;"t or remeo; toereunder. or otherwise af forded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of <br />(.of precil.:de the exerCise of any sUC" fight or reme"". <br />1 ,. Suc:cas.Orl and "'I!llgns Bound; Joint Ind S.v.ral Lllbillty; Co-signer.. The covenanlS and agroumenrs herein <br />contBI:"\od Shall blno. a.nd the rlQhts hereunder Shalllnur9 10. the reSpeCH....e Successors and aSSIgns of Lender aflO Borrower, SUbJ9Ct <br />10 the t.rOVISlons Of para\lraph 16 hereof. All covenan's ane agreemerlTs or Borrower shall be jOlnl ane several, Any Borrowe, whO <br />co- 'Sl~"'~ ltd'; Ooea of Trust. nUl does not !n<Ocule me Note. (ai lr., co - ~jgnlng thiS Deed of Trust only 10 grant and convey that <br />eOfrow~r's lnterost In thO Proper tv to Tru'501ea uMnr the rerms of lh~S Deed of Trust, (b) IS n01 personallv liable on tho Noto or undor <br />Ih.s Doed or TrUST. and (cl agr.ees 1M' Lende, aM 0"" otMr Borrower he'eunaer m<l'; ag,ee 10 e~lp.nd. mOd,fy. forbear, or ma~e any <br />ott.qf aCC(TT'f'nOCaf,Qns WIH"i regard to tt)i) torms of ltHS Deed of "Trust or thO' NOle. wllhoullhal [3orrower'S COrlSen1 and WIthouT <br />rn-11)4S/r,g thar B~ rowSf or mo~fVlnQ lhiS Of)od Of T'uS1 a~ IQ tth)f 8orrowor's Interost In 1he Pro{)ort1'. <br /> <br />NE8RASKA -''iO?E MPllQV(MENl - , IHO - FNMA/FHlMC UI~IFO~M INST~UMENT <br /> <br />....t,"","" 'I' <br /> <br />Pig. 2 of <I <br /> <br />dlli.lf <br />