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<br />88.... <br /> <br />102859 <br /> <br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall giTe notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's <br />bread, of any COTenant or agreement In this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration uno~r paragraphs 13 Rnd 17 <br />1!1lleSll applicable law proTidp.s otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the <br />default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by which tbe default must be cured; <br />and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the' <br />secured by tbls Security Instrument and sale of tbe Property. The notice sball further inform Borrower of the ri'~t to <br />reins'/atc lifter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to IISsert the non.existence of a dl!fault or an:! other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified In the notice, Lender <br />at Its option may require Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without furtber <br />demand and may inToke the power of sale and any other remedies perr:tltted by appllcabl(! law. Lender shall be entitled to <br />collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies proTided in this paragraph 19, including, hut not limited to, <br />rell50nable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br />Ir the power of sale Is Invoked, Trustee shall record II notice of default in each county in which any part of the <br />Property is located and stall mail copies of such notice in tbe manner prescribed b)' applicable law to Borrower and to tbe <br />other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time required b}' applicable law, Trustee shall give public notice of <br />sal(' to the persoD5 and In the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the <br />Property at public auction to the highest bidder at tbe time and place and under Ihe lerms designaled In the notice of sale in <br />one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parc:!1 of the Property by <br />public annoUJIcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Property at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Truslee shall deliver 10 tIle purchaser Truslee's deed conveying the <br />Property. The recitals in tbe Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of Ihe slalements ma.ic therein. <br />Trusteeshallllpply Ihe proceeds of the sale in tbe following order: ,al to all expenses of the sale, including. but not limited <br />to, Trustee's feer.lIll permitted by applicable la" and reasonable attorneys' fees; (hIla all sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument: and (c) any eues> 10 the person or persons legally entitled 10 it. <br />20. Lender in Possession. Upon accelerdtion under paragraph I Q or abandnnmclIl u; [hc Propeny. Lender (in <br />person. by agenl or by JudICially appotnled receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take po5s~~jOn of and manage the <br />Properly and ',) collect the rent~ of the Propeny mcluding those pasl due Any renl~ collecled by lender or lhe receiver <br />shall be applted first to payment of the cosls of management of Ihe Propeny and colleclHln of rems. includjng. but not <br />hmlled to. receJ\'I:r's fc:es. premIUms on recelver's bonds and reasonable allomeys' fet'!., and Iben to the sums secured by <br />Ihls Secunty In~.rument. <br />21. Recon"e)'lIlnre. Upon paymenl of all sums -.ecured by Ihl> Se-':Uflly Inslrumcnl. Lender shall requesl Truslee to <br />~econvey the Propeny' and shall surrender Ihls Secunty Inslrumem and all nale<. e\'ldencmg dd'll secured by Ihis Security <br />Inslrumenllo Truslc:e. Truslee shall reCOn\c)' lhe Prapeny WllhoUI warranty and wllhout charge 10 the persan or persons <br />leg.'llly enmled to 11 Su<::h person or per;ons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />2,2. St,b~titute Trustee. lender. allls oplion, ma~' from lime to lIme remove Tru~tee and appC'int a suc<::C'isor trustee <br />to any T,ustee appointed hereunder by an 1II~'rumen! recorded m the counly III whIch thiS Secuflly Instrumentls recorded. <br />WilhoUI conveyance of the Property, the SUCCC'i.\Or truslee shall succeed 10 allthc.wlt'. power ar.d dUlles conferred upon <br />Trustee herl:ln and b~' applicable law <br />2,3. Reqvest for SaUces. Borrower requesls [hal COpIes of the nO\l<::es of default and sale he sel1l 10 Borrower's <br />address whIch IS .he Propeny Address. <br />24. Riden ro Ihis Sealrity Instrument. If one or more nders arc e"ecuted by Borrower and reo;;ordcd logether wllh <br />,.hls Securny Inslrumenl. Ihe <::o\enants and agreements oi ellch such nder shall be Incorporaled mID and shall amend and <br />supplemellt the cmenanls and agreements of lhls Securny' Instrumenl as If the nder(s) were a pari of thIS Seeunty <br />InslrumentlChcck applicable boll(es)] <br />=-~ Adjustable Rale RIder ~~ Condom'l1Ium RIder '-' 2-4 Family RIder <br /> <br />== Graduated Payment Rider = Planned l'nil Development Rider <br /> <br />'J; Other(sl [specify] <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF POWER OF SALE DTD OS/26/88 <br /> <br />By Sllir.;I~G BrlOw. Borrower ac-ccpls and agrees 10 Ihe lerros and cm'enan!s cOn!amed m IhlS Securily <br />Instrumen! and In any rider(s) ellcculed by Borrower and recorded ~th il <br /> <br />( \ .' ~\'l\ i) <br />.lCRA~tt';J.~ ~ ...; . c.~ <br /> <br />l" ,/ <br /> <br />.tEBRiJt--~1G I .Ix ..:\ <br /> <br />. .(Seal) <br />-Borro~'e'f <br /> <br />( Seal) <br />-Bor,.oWf'f <br /> <br />[Spooa __ ThIll L<ne Fer "cIln~nll <br /> <br />STATE OF <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />. ... .Nt:fiBMiU-. ..... . ... . ..... } <br />ss: <br /> <br />.... .EUlJ.J................. ....... <br /> <br />The foregoing in~rurnC!11 "'as lId:r.o,,'led~ed bero~ me this. .Z/i.t.l.t. ,Q1W. .Of. .1:1A'X. VH'l!3...........,. ................ <br /> <br />(dale) <br />by CJLUG. D . MALl'. .t.. DEBRA. L.MAt.Y..l;lll.SllMll..~. ~{J;fJ.\.. A'Z? ,1,(n~r. :r:*\I1^Nr~ .Wl.T!l. .1H~I~r..Qf. .~YJWJ.XORSHIP <br />/\."'"1> fot-or AS TENANTS IN COMMON (person(l) admowledging} <br /> <br /> <br />j{ ../ <br /> <br />\ , <br /> <br />.... ~.:~~q <br /> <br />N:>!.'lr'V Puhl,c <br /> <br />ty 'WP.~I;)'. .1..:.. H9~1}j{.I~ . . . . <br />