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<br />88- <br /> <br />102859 <br /> <br />If Lender required mOrlgage insurance as a condilion of making the loan secured by Ihis Security Inslrumenl, <br />Borrower shall p~~' Ihe premiums required to maintain the insurance in effecl unlil such time as the requir.:menl for the <br />insurance lerminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's wrillen agreement or applicable law, <br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable enlries upon and insJX."Clions of the Property, Lender <br />shall give Borrower notice al the time of C'T prior 10 an inspection specifying reasonable cause for Ihe inspec!ion. <br />9. Cundemnlltion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemmuion or other laking of any parl of [he Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnalion, are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lender, <br />In Ihe event of a 10lallak1Og of Ihe Properly, the pron:eds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />Inslrument, whelher or nOl Ihen due, wnh any excess paId \0 Borrower, In Ihe evenl of a paniallaking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender Olherwise agree in wnung, the sums secured by this Secunly Inslrumenl shall be reduced by <br />the amount of Ihe proco:eds mulliplled by lhe following fracllon: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br />before Ihe laking, dIVIded by (b) Ihe fair market value of lhe Properly Immedialely before the taking, Any balance shall be <br />paId to Borrower <br />If Ihe Properly IS ab.mdoned by Borrower, or If, after nOllce by Lender (0 Borrow,:r Ihat the condemnor oilers 10 <br />make an aW:ifd or seule a claIm for damages, Borrower falls to respond lO Lender wilhln JO dJlYs after the date the notice is <br />given, lender IS aUlhoTlzed 10 collecl and apply Ihe proceeds, alns opl1on, euher lO restoration or repair oflhe Property or <br />to Ihc sums secured by thIS ')ecurily Inslrumenl, whelher or nOlthen due. <br />lJnlt.-ss Lender and Borrower otherWIse agree m wntmg. any application of proc~>eri., 10 principal shall not ex lend or <br />ppstpone Ihe due dale of Ihe monthl)' p<:yments referred 10 111 paragraphs I and::! or change the amount of such payments. <br />10. Borrower ~ot Released; Forbearance By' Lender ~ot a Waiver. Extension of Ihe lime for payment or <br />modificalion of amOrllllltiol\ of Ihe sums secur~'1:I hy rillS Secunty Instrumenl gramed by Lender 10 any successor III <br />Inlerest of Borrower shall nOl operale 10 release Ihe hablll1y of the onginlll Borrower or Borrower's succcssor~ in interest. <br />Lender shall nol be required 10 commence proceedmgs agamsl any ,uccessor 10 inleresl or refuse 10 extend time for <br />payment or otherWise modify amortization of the sums ",cured by fhlS Secunfy Instrument by reason orany demand made <br />by the orig1Oal norro~<:r or Borrower's succes!oOrs In Interest Any forbearance by Lender m exerCIsing any right or remedy <br />shall not be 3 YOaJ\er of or preclude the exercise of any Tlghl or remedy <br />II. SueClOUOTS IIlnd Auigm Bound; Joint and SeveraJ LillbiUty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreemellls of <br />Ihls S('CUnly Inslrument shall bind and benefit Ihe suc<:es~ors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subJl"Cllo Ihe provisions <br />of paragraph 17 fiorrO\,e;s co\"enalll, and agreemenl.S shall be jOml and !.C"eral Any Borrower who co-sIgns this Security <br />IllStrurnent bUI dO<"'> nOl execute the Note (a) ts cO-SIgning thIS Secunty Instrumenl nnly 10 mortgage, granl and conlley <br />lhat Bormwer', Inleresl In Ihe Properly under Ihe lenru. of Ihls ~cunly Inslrumenl. (b)" nol personally obligated 10 pay <br />Ihe sums senm:d by rhls Sc:curtl)' Instrument; and (c f agret:" that Lender and any olher Borrower may agree to eXlend. <br />modlf~. (orhell[ or nUl,,"c any aCl~ommodallons w,th regard In Ihe lenn~ of thIS SccuTlly Imlrument or Ihe NOle without <br />thaI Borrower', .'onsent <br />12. Loan Charges. If the Inan so,:urcd by Ih.. Secuflt) IIISlrUmcnll' \ubJe.t ltJ a law which M:'ts maximum loan <br />charges. ;md thai la.... I~ finally Interpreled '>t) Ihal Ihe mlen"'t or other loan ehall:e, \."ollecled or 10 bi: collecled in <br />,'onnc:cllOn w\lh Ihe loan ex.'ced the permllled hmlts. lhen tal any such loan .'harge \hnll be reduced by Ihe amount <br />nCCl'Ss.ary to reduce Ihe charge 10 Ihe perm II led hlml, and (bl an~ sum\ alrelld) .'ollt"Cled frol11 Borrower which exceeded <br />llCrmllted lImllS WIll be refunderllo Borrower Lender may choo..e ((I lIlaKc thl\ rdund hy reducmg rhe prlnclpa] owed <br />under the Nnte or hy maklllg il dlr('C1 payment In Borrower If a refund reduces prmclpal. t hi' rt'ducllon WIll be trealed as a <br />partial prt'paymt'nl ...."thoul all)' prepay'ment charge under the Note <br />13. Lellislation ,","eetinR Lender's Right!.. If enaClment or e~plratll>n of applicable laws has lhe effecl of <br />rendenng any pnw'''lon of Ihe Note or IhlS SecuTlr\ In<trument unenforcobk ac..nrdmg to \l' lerm', Lender. alHs option, <br />may reqUITe ImmC'dlalc paymelll In full of all sum, secured hy tillS S~unl\ lmlrument and may. II1voke any remedies <br />llCmHtlcd by paragrdph I q If Lender exerCISes Ihls opllon. Lender ..hall rake Iht' '>It'ps specified 111 the second paragraph of <br />paragraph 1 j <br />14. ~otices. An) nOllce 10 Borrower prmlded for 10 lhls Sct:unt} Inslrurnelll shall be gIven hy dellvl"nng II or by <br />ma.lIng II by lirsl class mall unless applicable iaw reqUires use of another melhod The nollce shnll be directed 10 Ihe <br />Property Addrc..~ or any other addres~ Borrower de.lgnate' by nOllce to Lcnder Any lI()\fce \0 lender ~hall be glven by <br />first class m:ulto Lender's addros slales1 herem or an)' olhcr addrC'i.s Lender de<.'gnates hy notice to Borrower Any nOllce <br />p;o\",dcd for In IhlS Serunt)' Instrument shall be to have been gl,.en to or Lender when gl\'cn as proVIded <br />10 Ihls <br />15. G<ncrniog La,,: Se\'erabilit)". ThIS Sc:curuy In.slrumenl shall be gmemed hy ferleral law and Ihe law of the <br />Junsdll:llolllO wh,,::h Ihe I'ropen)' IS localed. In Ihe event thai any proVIsIOn or clause of thIS SecuTlly Inslrument or Ihe <br />NOle contllCts .....nh applicable law. such confhcl shall not affecl olher provIsIons of IhlS Security Instrument or [he NOle <br />....hlch can bot, !p\en effect ""lthout Ihe confllcllOg provlswn. To thIS end Ihe pronslOns of lhts SecllTlly Inslrument and the <br />NOIe are declared 10 bc ~'erable. <br />16. BorroW/cr's COP}. Borro.."r shall he gIven one conformed cop)' of the NOle and of IhlS SecUrtl)' Instrumenl <br />17. Transfer of the Property Cor a Benefidallnterest in Borrower. If all or an) part of the ProperlY or any <br />mlcrestIIInIS sold or lI"ansferrcd lor If a benefiCIal Interest lI\ Borrower IS sold or lransferred and Rorrower IS nol a nalural <br />peTMln) wllhoUI Lender's pnor wnllen eon!>enl. Lender may, at liS option. reqUIre ImmedJalC I'aymelll III full of all sums <br /><oecurcd this SocUnEY Instrument. Ho..C'\'er. Ihls opllon shall nOl be eJ.elclscd hy Lender 11' nerclse IS prohibited h} <br />fe.:kul law 3-S of the dale of Ihts Secunty J nstrumenl <br />If LCl1der eAerclSC!o Ihts opium, under shall g1\e Borrower notICe of accelerauon The nollce shall pros'lde a penod <br />of nOIIcs.s than 30 da)'~ from lhe date the nOlI.::e 1\ delivered or mailed wllhm whleh Borrower must pay all surm sl.."Cured b~ <br />t!lI~ Se'Curny InS'trumt::nt. If Bt'Trower fads to pay the..<: sums pnor 10 the exp,ralloll of Ilns period. Lender may m,oke all~ <br />remedlC'> "ermined by thn Securny Jnslrument u"uhmJl further nollce or demand 011 <br />18. IJ4lrnll~cr'!S Ript to Reimla1e. If BorrO\O"er meels c<:"rtalll c0ndulons, Ik.rrnwel shaH Man: Ih... n~lll 10 h:Jn' <br />enforcemenl oflb;.. Security In$trument dls<:mllmucd ilt any lime pnor In the C:Jrhcr of (a) 5 days lor such olher penod '1' <br />apph::ahk Ii>'" ml'Y \~Jry for rO'jIlsllllemenlJ ..ale of the PmllCr1) I'ur~uanl 10 allY p< of ,..k nllltallled III I hI< <br />SeCUnl) InMrumcnl; or lb) entry of a }udgmc11l enfOrClf1jllhl~ So;;Uflly In"lmmenl TIIO"e ennuirlnlls lire thaI fl",,"........r <br />(Il) p;I).' Lender ;)11 \ums which then uuuld he due under IlllS Sl:cunly Instrumenl and the N,'I... had 'Ill a.'cdc1aI'nn <br />(":cUfT~d, iN (ur~ IWY. dc.-fl1ull of all)' other eo'cnant~ or agreement~: leI pay" all e:\pcmes Iflcurred III mf\1rnnll 11m <br />s.e-~.unl, In.Humen!. mdudHlll. hul nM limned 10, rc:.a!.Ollahle aIlOfney'; fee<., and cd) la~l'" ,ueh ,,,.tllln 'I' I.end,-r may <br />fea\<mahl). requuc Il\ u...'ule Ihat Ihl: hen of th" Secunly Io,trumcnt. Lelllkr'_ rtllhr, III the ""'pen) 'HId B""""t~I" <br />oMlf:.llmn II> P3) Ihe 'urn.. !oCcurl:'d by th" Sccunl) lo~trumem ,hall conllnue UIlCh;rIl!!1'<1 II''''' rell"lah'nlcnt h, <br />I\<.rr""'(,f, Ih.. s.-CUn1~ h."trumrnt IInd lh('obhgalmn, <:ccured herehy shall rem:ull !ull> cffCl:!I.e ii' ,: "" av,.drralhl1ll1:lli <br />,"" un",.! II"""",.::,, all" "l!hlll1 fI!:'lll,t.:a.te ,hall nnl ~pp" 1Il1be CII~ ~,f accel(,l"~lI\>!l undC". ral~~:raf'''' I I", :. <br />