<br />88-
<br />
<br />102828
<br />
<br />R:rro\\'t'r und Lender ('ovenanl and :JJ;lrt'f' as follo\\'s:
<br />
<br />I, ThaI Bormwcr will pa} lhe mdebtedness, as herelllbefore
<br />pr ,)\,lded, Privilegc is reserved 10 pay the debt 1/1 w hole or m part
<br />on an} ,11slallmem due dale.
<br />
<br />2. Thai, !Ogether wilh, and 1/1 addition 10, the monthly
<br />payments of principal and Inlerest payable IInder the lerms of Ihc
<br />nOle secured hereby. the Borrower will pay 10 the Lender. on the
<br />first day of each momh unlil the said nOle is fully paid. the
<br />following sums:
<br />
<br />X1-.XX=, 8wnMnTix~rlt~.II' . ~'
<br />Xt:O ~~XXMn." ". , '
<br />Xr (,~n~Xt\" . ,M'" . ,
<br />>Mt..4Y$1Mla,~lo'~ '~LIT:a,nJJ:~u:u:l '
<br />x~x~nfmQi~~l; . ~6'
<br />
<br />Y.X^XXXX~~J~1:~rJf'~&:hMP'~:~.'a. " , '" " ,~~'M
<br />X~~~~X~~~~1drl ' _,X
<br />Y.ftl,xntV:~Xlll;X~M6~bt~' '," ltf ), ...
<br />Xtill/Mj\.xa~~/.oMXf~1MM.t~ hV"" ~
<br />~Q,~;q9(~~w::a~r1\H;V.oM1~bX ' '~ '
<br />X""i'i~~:tUl~~!" , " ~" '''11&1. - X
<br />~rv.~~~~~A@:~JfWift~!' '~M'. X ~Ixxnxx
<br />Xjit~"~~l\eX~~~~ ",',. 'f..X xk ;'XXX'J.,'}.).X
<br />~XW:U.t~!J~.. : r.i.x,I.1.X'i=' 'xxtXIJ.1.4X1.X.X1.;(XXXXXXXXyj,XXXXXXXXX';.XX.u.:x'/..)
<br />f.:o.XXX,11.~1;1~f. ~,}' , ~"AlllitVl}Rl~'\nJ.*^~mlOOlA~Jl;.JM~:,
<br />,.~^m=.. )......, '!t.l?; ,'f..' ~)':'. "lO'}.~h~m:*~U.mllx~'tAwJIX^X.
<br />tJ.~: . rJ,,~ ~m:((!(x-lj.f~X~~(~"tmUm::rnm~nmmnu
<br />,1"1~~1,~ ).n fn:m:m~~~~;;,t~X'm~jt,j~to.~n~::o
<br />8l~dJ1n:iWx~~~\1(q~; ~1~,d~1!)!~;OO,t.a9titl~X~lfl9lm:~m^x
<br />'~~J~:'J~f,:~ulro WIt lput wkmg 1n1O ll\XOUI1l de-hnquen.:u:s or
<br />prepa}'ml."nls;
<br />
<br />\~I ~l A .,um equal 10 th.: ground rem;,. It ;Hn, flnl Juc, pill' lhr
<br />premIum, that "III ne\1 \)Cl'ollle dur Itml p;l\abk <'Il pol:<'le, II'
<br />fire and olher ha/:ard lll,urarm:: ,'ovenng Ihl' pl"pt'rlj, ,,1m ra'l',
<br />and a.,!\C~-'ment, next due Oil the proper!~ (1111 .1.' C',rwlilrc'd In rile'
<br />Lender) 10., aU ,um, already paid lhrrclor dl\l<lcd h\' the 11 um tx--f
<br />of month, to elapse before one II; mom h pno' ,,\ t hr dat e when
<br />such ground rent'l, prelUlums. taM" and "-',es,mCJl[' ,,111 hecome
<br />ddinqucnt, such ,urn, to he held by I (~I\ller III rru,1 tll [';'y ,aid
<br />ground rt'nt, , premium,. I"Xl";' and ,pel'tal as'>C'>MTlent\, .llld
<br />
<br />iU! )tcl All parmen1\ mcnllOl1ed 1II ttit' 1"0 rlfl'i:('dlll~ ,unsl'c(Hm, <II
<br />[hiS paragmph and all paymell1\ to be maliC" uIldC:I the I\,Ilt'
<br />"l'Cured hITcby ~h.11\ he added \Ogc(hcr. ;md Iht: agluella!t~ amounl
<br />I hen'of ,hall b(' p,lld tl\ 1 he Borrower each mOil I h III ,t ,mgh: [la,.
<br />men! [() t>t: applied b~ the It'ndl.'! 1(> the lollowlng H(,IlI' Ifl Ihc
<br />order 't'1 fort h
<br />". ". H~Ji~~M~". ~XL' .. '~'~~'. ).ft.p".~~~),('lJN.}'~., .,.)'iX.1.J."^H.\}.~~.\
<br />,Ml$11: ,'t!p~X. (!rl A '~~' d'f/t~~tu.T.ij~V!.Wttlfiti"l, .,^
<br />'W:J" ~ij.rr~!'c1pu;.,p ..'j X JVJ,H~\IZ}W~1'f~bJ\fT.xffi~LJ\n,!.t
<br />. ar~~ '(Ini"7/i'1 "(If m(1 ,if. > '''(j~ ir,11h'" prcniwm , u, ! It' (:a;(' ma\
<br />C':J,
<br />
<br />" hi) groun.l rem,. la".:-" a"c"mel1l,. flit' ,HId c\lh..r h;u,aId
<br />jlJ~llran2"C premIum',
<br />1li ..i.
<br />(III) mtt'n~.,1 clll ih(' nl1lt' ,e,'\J1cd hrreb'.
<br />
<br />{t'\ll .lmor!llatll'll 01 Ihe pnn,:lpal <If ,md [)l'le, .1lld
<br />
<br />i [;';i fV'l late ,"haq,:l'"
<br />
<br />
<br />An, d...fIClen,-\ m the IUllOlllll Pi 'u(:h agjlugale rnomhly pay,
<br />men! ,Imll. unle.... made ~(.l"d b, Ih\: Borrower pliO! III Ih.. du('
<br />dale of tht' 1H:"1 \u,'h p;lrrn('lll, <'Oll,tllllte un .:'enl c1' 'jcfault
<br />under thr> mortgage The I endet may COllrL'l ,J "laIC ,!wrge" nOI
<br />to c::xcl.-cd four ,cnl~ 1.\') tor ca(:h dollar ($1) 01 cadi pa\01rl11
<br />
<br />more than fifteen (15) day, in arrears to cover 01" eXlra expense
<br />Involved in handling delinquent payments,
<br />
<br />3, >>iq~ if Ihe IOtal of the payments made by lhe Borrower
<br />undef'1&J of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed rhe amounl of
<br />payments actually made by lhe Lender for ground rellls, laxes and
<br />assessmelllS or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such ex-
<br />.:ess, if the loan is current, at rhe option of lhe Borrower, shall be
<br />credited by rhe Lender on subsequent payments to be made by the
<br />Borrower, or refunded 10 Ihe Borrowe~1. ~A' however, lhe monthly
<br />payments made by Ihe Borrower under (b) of paragraph 2
<br />preceding shall nOl be sufficient 1.0 pay ground rents, taxes ;md
<br />aSSt'ssrnents or insurance premiums. as the case may be, when Ihe
<br />~amr shall become due and payable, then the Borrower shall pay
<br />to the Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, on
<br />or before the dale when paymenl of such ground rents, taxes,
<br />assessments, or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any time
<br />thl' Borrower shall tender to the Lender, in accordance with the
<br />provisions of the nOle secured hereby, full payment of the entire
<br />indebtedness represented thereby. Ihe Lender shall, in computing
<br />Ihe a ' ~~~ftx.-
<br />
<br />,)W , iliffil
<br />~~~n m X U to pay io t e
<br />^~~ X e opmen an any baftnce rfi)
<br />maming in Ihe funds accumulated under Ihe provisions of'to) of "
<br />pmagraph 2 hereof. I f there shall be a defaull under any of the
<br />proviSIOn.. of tlm in..trulI1ell! re,ulting in a public sale of the
<br />prt'l11l<,e.. (:0' ereo heret'). or If lhe Lendcr acquires [he property
<br />OIherwl<,e aher defaull. lhe 1.t'l1der shall apply. at the lime of the
<br />.:ornrnen,ernenl of ,ueh pnKt't'dmg... or al Ihe lime the propeny IS
<br />olherw"e a.:qulrl'\l" file halarKc Iht'n remaming m the funds ac-
<br />cumulated undel' ffl)\<Hf paragraph ~ pre.:etling. as a credit againsl
<br />
<br />'1'6~V~W5~~~ff~~ff),i1frfW.A?~~M>>:~\~~t1\Wl~~}'~
<br />4tM~~~TMif\fJ>Jf~il.4Mr~l~
<br />
<br />,I rhal the Born'" CI "III pa\ ground rem,. ta...e... as..e..,ment...
<br />Vomer rate~. ;md orhel ~o'ernl11enlal or mUl1lclpal .:hargc.., fine....
<br />or IrnposlIlOIh, fOI which pronslOn ha.. nOI bct:n madt'
<br />her.lUb.for\:'. ano III debult thereof I hl' Lender may pay Iht' same:
<br />ano I hal rill' BOllown "III prompll~ dt'liver the ~~ffi(:lal receIpt..
<br />Iherdor In lht' I endcl
<br />
<br />~ rh(' I.ltlfl\",cr Will P;IY all taxes which may b.: k\'ll'd UpClIl
<br />1 he 1.ender', IllICIC'! 111 'aid real eslale and impnwcmem.., and
<br />which lll'l) t'1t' k\'lcd upon thl5 illSlrumelll or the debl ...:cured
<br />hereby (buI ,'lIly 10 the l"I.lenl lhat ,udl IS nOI prohlbllcd by la"
<br />and only 10 Ihe "tent thaI ,uch WIll 1101 make 1111S loan USUflOllSt.
<br />hur exdud1l1g ;UH lllCllllle la". Slale 01 Fedcral. impo,ed on
<br />1 endcr, and "Ill file lht:' "fTIt:lal 1t't:Clpt ,howmg ,ueh paymen:
<br />Wilt! the I ,'ndcr UpOI1 l1o!anon of 11m undertalmg, ,n If tht'
<br />BonOl.el I' rrollltmed n\' :111\ law no\' or hercaft.:r C\.lSlll1j: from
<br />paymg the "hole or any rorlloll 01 tht' atores.l1d tll'es. 01 up0n
<br />Ih(' rcnderrng of any ,'oun decree prohibiting tht' payment by Ihl"
<br />Borrowl'r of .Iny 'llch la""",, or If such law or dl"eree pnwides thaI
<br />any amount '0 paid hy the Borrower ..hall he .:rediled on lhe deb!.
<br />the I cnd.>r ,hall hit\<' tl1<' fight 10 gl\e n1f1Cl~ day" wnllcn noti.::('
<br />[0 Ihe L'''m'r "j Ih.. pr'L'rnl'e', reljulnng the P;I\'llll'nl ,,' Ihc .\ebl
<br />II \u(:h noll(:<' ht' gl\en, thl' ,aid debl ,hall ht'l'l.ll1W Jut'. p;nahk
<br />,1l1d ,,<,lIn.tlhl<- a[ Ihe npllall<Hl of 'aid nllll'" day'
<br />
<br />tI Thill \hould l~le Borrower I ail 10 pa\ al1\ \1l1Tl cH h'cp ;m\
<br />C<)\('IHHIl prollded 1'01 In Ih" I/lstnHnl'm, then Ihl' I I.'nd,'I, ;t! II'
<br />opllon, mav pa\ or pt'lilHITI Ih<' \itrllt', and ;,11 e'p.'nd'lur,... ",
<br />
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<br />HUD-9214301
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