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<br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />88..... 102828 <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br />FHA C... No, <br />~cl-lc4.llJj2-/41l <br /> <br />This DRd or Trusl. ("Security Imttument") is made on June 1 !.t <br /> <br />I? 88 ' The truslor is WILLIAK O. RAILE alld JULIE 11. RiULE, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />("Borrower"). The truslee is <br /> <br />LAWYERS TITLE INSUkANCE CORPORATION <br />CENTRAL MORTGAGE CORPORATIOK <br />under the laws of THE STATE OF i'IlC1iIGtiN ' and whose address is <br />36800 GRt'HIOT I rn. CLEI'IHiS, I'll 48043 <br /> <br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is <br />. which is organized and existing <br /> <br />(" Lender"), <br /> <br />WItD~b: ThaI the Borrower in consideration of lhe debl and trust hereinafter described and crealed. ~nd lhe sum of One Dollar <br />($1), I.. him in hand paid by lhe Trustee, Ihe receipl of which is hereby acknowledged. does by Ihese presents grant. bargain and sell. <br />convey and confirm, unto lhe Trustee, forever, all of the following described real estate. situated lying and being in lhe County of <br />, and Slate of Nebraska.. 10 wit: <br /> <br />HllLL <br /> <br />LOT TWENTY FOL~ l24}l POTASH 5U~DIVlSrON, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />which has the .:address of <br /> <br />40U h1IlJ ROAD <br /> <br />GRmU) ISLrl/ju <br /> <br />.o~;.J <br /> <br />f,,u.t"ITt) <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />~(iJ <br />tZ.pC_t <br /> <br />("Property Address"); <br /> <br />To "aWl; llId To lIo1d the premillCto above dCliCribed. with alllhe appurtenances thereunto belonsing and including all beating. <br />plumbing and lighting fi:\turell and equipment now or hereartl:f attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the <br />Trusu.'c, and to its SUl:<:niorll Ilrld ali5igtl5. forev<<. The Borrower represenls 10. and 1..'O\'enanu with. lhe Trustee. that the Borrower <br />has good 10 sell and i;OIlVI!)' u.idpremiser.: thaI Ihey are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrolll'ef wil1111'arrant and defend <br />the Sllme again~lthe lawful dainu of aU perllions whonn~; and Ihesaid Borrower herebyrelinquisbes .11 OpllS of homestead. and <br />all marital rights. either in law Or in .equity, and all olber c()nlinIlCm interests of lhe: 8orrowrr in and to theaoo\'e-<lescribed premises. <br />the intention being 10 convey hereby an absolule litle, in fee: simple, including all rights of homestead, and othrr rights and inlerests <br />as aforesaid. <br /> <br />Prowided Altr.,s, and these pf~15 arc: executed and deli..ercd UnlO the Trustee. in \rust, howe:ver for the: foUowing purpoSC1\: <br /> <br />Wbtrea.., lhl: Borrower 011 the ! st ' day of hme ,19 86 ' borro~C'd from the lender <br />th~ sum ofortJl four Il'lOUiarul, $u 1~j[\dTeil ond f>!o!lOOthll-------------,.,----------------------------------------------.-----. <br />__________.,_____________.__..,____.___________.______ DOILu5 ($ '1~ ~OO 00 ), tor ~hlch <br />smn the Borrower has e.1lecuted IInd delivefed 10 tbt' l.ender Borrower's promissory nJte ot e\'l:ll dllte, bearing <br />mte:rest allhc rate of len per cenlum ( lO.~\OO urnl per annum on the unpaid balan<.'C until paid. <br />The said p,rindpall1nd interest ~hall be paYlIble 31 Ihe oUice of <br />WiTk/fl., r,Uj::1GAfJE CO'kPO~JlHmI <br />m 3Ml)Ij f.i.llAHOr t In. CUllfMS, 1\1 ~il04~ . or at such other place a~ the holde'f of the note <br />may dc~ignal~ in wrltin!!. in monthl;' inSlallrncnls of. TtlTE'1: KuMlh:-~ 1411it'ty-Jlne i\11~, 40/1{:tQtn!>.~.-.-----,--.,.,.--u..,-------------- <br />______.__..____,.__""._. Doll,1f~ ($ .191,40 .), commencing onlbe Itrst da) of J""v . <br />19 ell . an.:! on lhe finl day of t:adl month lherr.-at'tc:r umil the prinCipal and lIltereSI are fully paid, eXl'Cpt that the li~lll payment of <br />principalllfld imcrcn. if n~'t ~O(mer plud. shall be due and payable 011 thl' first da~' of hme <br />2018 <br /> <br />.~_...,_._.___._~"__,___H..__..~._"._._ __,.._...~___.__.~.._...'.',K.ri~"""'...._~. <br />lhj~ IOtmi!l tilled In connection witI'! mortg'llges lnllureti under the ono. to lour-Iamlly programs of Iho Nalional Hou!lolng Act which ~\ro. <br />vide f01 purlod!!: ~rlgllOIl ini!.umr:ca Premium payments. <br /> <br />Page 1 01 5: :: <br /> <br />F-OIrn HUO.9214:)-OT i10.87 EditH''') <br />24CFR 203, Hill) <br />Reprinted 2~S <br />