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<br />I sHl_ lU;d5b9 <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domain, lender IS hereby a!.!olgned all compensation awar(Js damages and olher payments or rellellhetelnaflW~roCeedS") In connectIon with <br />condemnatIOn or olher takmg or Itle Properly or parllhcreol. or lor conveyance In lieu 01 condemnation Lender shall be enl1tled at liS optIOn 10 commence. appear In and <br />prosecute In Its own name Bny action or proceedings. and shall also be enlllled 10 make any compromise or setllement 10 connection with such laking or damage In the <br />event any portion 01 the Property IS so laken or damaged. LendlH shall have the optlon In lis sole and absolute discretion. 10 apply all such Proceeds. after deducting <br />tt'Jeretrom all costs and 8J1lpenSes Incurred by 1110 connection Wllh such proceeds. upon any mdebtedness $ecured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine. or to <br />applY all such Proceeds, after such deductions. to the restorallon of the Propeny upon such conditions as Lender may delermine Any application of Proceeds to <br />tndebtednass shall not ex lend or pO$tpone Hie due date of any paymenls under Ihe Note. or cure any defaull thereunder Of hereunder <br /> <br />1 Perform.nceby L.nder.ln lheavent -r Borrower's failure 10 perform any 01 the covenants herem or make any payments reqUired heroby. or If any act IS taken or <br />legal proceedmgcommenced which materially affects Lender's Interest m the Properly. Lender may In lis own discretion, but wilhout obligation to do so, and wllnout notIce <br />to or demand upon Borrower and Without releasing Borrower Irom any obllgallon. do an~' act which the Borrower has agreed but fi\ils l......:: ",."t may also do any other actll <br />deems nece!isary to protect the securlly hereof. Borrower shall. Immediately upon demand Iherefor by Lender. pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by Lender In connectIOn With the exercise by Lender ollhe foregOing fights. togelher With Interesl thereon at the rate prO....IJed In Ihe Note. which shall be added 10 <br />the Indebledness secured hereby, Lender shall not Incur any personalltablllty because of anything II may do or omUlo do hereunder <br /> <br />Evenll 0' D.'.ull The lollowing shall constitute an evenl of delaull under thiS Deed or Trust <br /> <br />(8) Failureto pay any Inslallment of prinCipal or lnleresl or any other sum secured hert!by when due. or failure 10 pay when due any other Indebt6dness01 <br />Borrower to Lender. <br /> <br />Ib) A breach 01 or default under any prOVISion contaIned In the Note. thiS Decd of Trust. any document which secures the Note. and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> <br />(C) A writ of 8l(8cution or atta~hment or any SimIlar process shall be entered against Borrower whrch shall become a lien on the Property or any portion <br />thereof or interest 1herein: <br /> <br />(d) There shall be flied by or against Borrowe, an action under any present or fulure federal. state or other statute. law or regulation relating to <br />bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief tor debtors, or there shall be apPOinted any Iruslee, receiver or liquidator of Borrower or of all or any pan of the Propeny, or <br />the rents. Issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefit of credllors <br /> <br />(el The sale. transfer. assignment. conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interest to lhe Propeny. el1her volunlaflly or <br />involuntarily. Without the el(press written consent of Lender <br /> <br />(f) It Borrower IS not an IndIVidual. the sale. Iranster. assignment. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more than percent o~ (It a corporation) its <br /> <br />Issued and outstandmg slo:;:k or (I' a partnerShIp) __.______ percent of partnershIp mleresls <br /> <br />9 R.m"ies.; Acc.ler.Uon Upon D~'.ull. In the c....ent of any Event of Oelaul1 Lender may declare alllndebledness secured hereby 10 be due and payable and the <br />~ame shall thereupon become due and payable Without any presenlmenl, demano. pratesl or notice 01 rlny kInd Thereafter Lender may <br /> <br />(B) Demand that Trustee exerCise the POWER OF SALE gran1ed herein and Tlustcl} shalllhpreal1er cause Borrowers mterest In the Property 10 be sold <br />and the proceeds to be distributed. all In the manner prOVIded In the Nebraska TruS1 Deeds Act <br /> <br />lb) Either In person or by agent, wltfl or wlthoul oflnglng any achon or proceealng (1I b\l a reCf~IVer appo.nted bv a court and Without regard to the <br />adequacy of IIssecurlly. enter upon and take possessIOn of Itle Property or any pafltnereol In It!> own n.lm(! or In Ihe name of the Trustee_ and do any aciswhlch <br />It Oeems necessary or Oeslfable to preserve the ....alue. marliletaf'lltly or rentablhly Of thp Prormrtv or pari thereot or mteresl therein. mcrease the Income <br />1herefrom or protect the security hereof and. With Dr wllhoullaklng possesSIon of lhe Plopf'fly !lU(l tOI 01 olhl~rWI!iecolleclthe rents. Issues and profltslhereof. <br />Includtng those past due and unpaid. and apply the same less costs and expensE'S 01 aperittlon anrt collpc11on including attorneys lees. upon any mdebtedness <br />secured hereby. all In such order as Lender may determine The enteflng upon and i.lkln'J pOSS(lS~10" ollhe Plopertv the collection 01 such rents. Issues and <br />profl1s and the appliCatiOn Ihereof as afl)resald. shall nol curt> or waive any delitult or nor let' of dl~faull h('r('un()pr or Invalidate any act done In rcsponse to such <br />delaul1 or pursuant 10 suCh noHce of default and. notWithstanding the conllnWlonce In pO'i!loes'510n ot ltw Pruppr1)' or thp collectIOn reeelpl and application of <br />rents. Issues or profits. Trustee or Lender shall be entItled 10 ellerClse a....erv Ilgh! prOVI()l?(! to' In anv 0' Itll' L OJ,n Inslruments Of by law upon occurence of any <br />event of de'ault InCluding the fight 10 eliefCIse the power of sale and <br /> <br />Ic) Commence an acllon to foreclose thiS Deed of Trust as a morlgaqe ilppr)lnl ii f'"( ("VI" ," "[wr II.r<l11., I"nfo'c t.' any olth€' covenanlS hereo' <br /> <br />;"0 reme(jy herein conterred upon or reserved 10 Trustee or Lender IS Intcndet1 10 b(~ eaC1U!lolVP (11 ,11'., nlht" q' fll"'~"" f)f 11., la\\' fIlOVlIjN] or permll1eo buleach snail De <br />cumula11ve, shall be In aedlllon 10 every other remedy gIven hereundef or now or hprealter I!alsltna nllft'^" (1' ,n toG'''''r PI ['ly ~lalllh' rind may be eaerCIsed concurrently. <br />Independently or successIvely <br /> <br />10 Tru..... The Trustee may r~Slgn at any time WIThout caus€' rlnd l ~nCIf.'1 may Itl an.,. Ilnu' and \\,.thnlll ( 1111,,"1' ",prlolol it ~uCces~Of or su051ltule Trustee TrUSTee <br />shall not be !lable for any loss or damage ul"'.Iess due 10 aclionable negllq(>nce or WIHlul n1l!>cOnduc I antj shall nnl tw If'Qu",pd ff) lallt' any action .n connectIon With the <br />enforcemenT of nus Deed 01 Trusl unless indemnIfied. .n \/wrIting tOI ;111 (os,!> {'C\mpf'n!>atlon elf f!.lw"~,'" whl(" ",il., t... ll<;'~('( ,lIt('O Ihen'V'f1lt'1 In adOllJon Tlustee may <br />become 8 purchaser al any sale ot the Property !JudiCIal or under the pO\\'f'1 01 sale gli'tMlpCl ne.t'ln' r,(l~lplJ/l" Ihl' ,:>.,,If' ~ll ,111 (If IIMV portion 01 ttl(' propen, as pfovloeO Dr law. <br />or sell the Property as a whole. or '" separale parcels or 101~ <br /> <br />11 Futurw Aa.-anee.. Upon requesl 01 Borrower Lender may at ,ts opllon mlllo,t" addltronal ,Hl(] fulUlP ii()\I<1nc.p" it.n(] rl'.10vanc:c!o 10 80"OWPf SuCh advances and <br />feadvances, WIth mlerest thereon. sflall be s.ecured by thIS Dl.>ed of T lust AI no tlmt:' !>halllhl' pftnclpJlI amOllnl nllhl' 1O()('btpon~ss secureO by thIS Deed 01 Trust_ not in- <br /> <br />cluding sums advanced 10 protect thesecunty ollhls Deed of Trus.1 eaC('('(f the orIgInal pI melpa! amount slaTt>(] herCln Of S 5.... 000.__00 whichever IS <br />greater <br /> <br />12 MI~ Prow_I. <br /> <br />(B) Borro..r Not R....Hd. e.tenSlon 01 the Ilm.- lor p;:,ympnl or OlO(flhcatlon 01 i'lmlHtllatlon 01 "lP sums ~CCuTt.(] hylhl!> Deea 01 TfUs.t9ranted by <br />lender 10 Bny successor 10 Interest of Borrower shall nOT opelalt' TlJ releas.e In any mannN tt,E" lrablllty OI1hl" Ol,qmitl Borrow," itno Bor'tower 5 successors In <br />Interest Lendet shall n01 be requlfed: 10 commence P'OCt."tl{jlng!. aqaln~l SuCh S.Uc.Cf"s!.or 01 'elu~l-' TO palel1(J ',me tor paympnl or olherWIs,e mochtyamor1l.~atlon <br />01 the sums secured by thiS Deed ot Trust by reason of any dpmdna~ maOe by the angInal BOllower and Borrowf'r s succpssors In mlE.'res1 <br /> <br />(b) LenMr'aPowera. Wltnout 1lI'lecllOg the IIaOll11v of any ottlN petson lIable lor tne paym~nl of any obtlgalion herPln ml~ntlonea, and w,thOut atfec1lOg <br />the hen or charge of thiS Deed of Trust upon any ponlon 01 the Property nollhen Of th~r[1tofOle '~Iea!;e() as secuflty for Ihe lull amount ot all unpalo ObligatIons <br />lenctermay. 'rom time 10 lime and wlthou1 notice II} relpase any pelson so hable (III ell'lend 1he malurlty O' alter any of Ihe lefms 01 any suc!"! OblIgatIons. (m) <br />granl other Indulgences. (Ivl release or recon"e~' or cause to bt.> released 01 reccHlveyed a1 any lIme at LenOer S opllons any parcel_ por11on Of all of the Property <br />(v) lake or release any olher or additional security 101 any obllgallon herein mentIoned or (~ll make composlllons Of other arrangements \\1I1h c1ebtofS lnfetallon <br />tflereto <br /> <br />lei Forbearance by Lend.r Not a, Any lorbe-al ance by lencU'1 In e.elc.l!"dng any ..ghl ,,, remedy hert'under or 01herll'ilS€' aft Of Cle-O by lIppllcable <br />law, shall nol be a WBlver or 01 preclude the e.erClSC of any Suc.h lIght or remedy The plocurt'menl ollft~ur~nCe or the paymenl ot taxes Of othelllen50 or Charges> <br />by Lender shall nof bE" a W!lIver 01 Lendel S ngh1 to accele,ale lhe malurlty of the lOd(>oleC]nps!> S€.'CUIf"O 0\1 IhlS Dr>eO of Trust <br /> <br />Id) Suee...on and A..lgn. Bound: Join' .nd Sever.llI.bUIIV: C.pllon... ThP covenants and agreemenls hefe.n con1amed shall bmd anO lhf-" flg1lts <br />hereunder shall Inure 10 the respeclllie !>uccessol's and assigns 01 Lender and BOllower sublec1 to Ih(' prOVISIonS of pafagraph B iel hereot All co.."f'nants ana' <br />agreements ot Borrower shall be JOlr1t Bnd several The capllons anC] tleadlng5 olrhe paragraphs ot thiS Deed at Trust afe tOf convenIence onlyanCl are n01 lobe <br />used to rnterpret or dehne the prOVISions he leaf <br /> <br />(el Requ,,"orNotk:n, The parties hereby requcsllhal B cop~' 01 an~. nollC'E" 01 dl.fault herPllndcl and a COpy of any notIce 01 sale hereundpr bp malledlo <br />each party to thiS Deed of Trust at the address Sf.>T torth above 10 1Me manner prescrloed by applocable law Except for any other notIce reQulrE-d under appllcablP <br />law 10 be given In anothet mannet any nollce prOVIded fOI In thIS Deed of Trust Shalf be gIven by ma.lIng SUCh nOllce by certified mad add"'ssed1othp otne! <br />parties. Dt the address SE!tlorth SOaVE! <br /> <br />Any n011ce prOVided for In thiS Deed of Trusl shall be def'meClIO have been gl'ven 10 Borrower or Lender when gIven 10 the manne' deslgnaled herE'.n <br /> <br />(t) 1~n.le"der may make or cause to be made reasonable enlfles. upon and inspections 01 the Property prOVided thai Lender ShBlIgl\'e Bonow(>1 <br />notice prior to any !Ouch Inspection speCIfYing reasonable cause therefol relaled to Lenders Interest 10 1he Property <br /> <br />(!ill RKonYlyanc.. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by HllS Dpf'lO of T'USl Lenaer shall reQue!;t TruSlee to reconvey the PropE>r1y and shaIl5urr('ndt~r <br />thiS Deoed of Trust !md all notes eovldencm9 Inaebtedness Sf'CUIE'd by Ihls. Oped of TrU5110 TruSlefl Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property withOut W3nAntv Dn() <br />Without Charge to rtle person or persons legally enlllled lhpre10 SuCh person 01 persons shall pay all costs of rl'cordatlon. It any <br /> <br />(hi P.raonel Property, SlICurtty AliIrHmenL Al5 additIonal security for the payment olthe Nole nil fl.tures. equipment, and other person~1 proper1v used <br />In connectIOn With Ihc real estate or Improvement!llocBtedttlereon. and nol otherwIse declared or deemed 10 be a pan of the real estate secured hereby shall be <br />sUbJect 10 a seCUfll~ Interest In 'avor of the Lenderundpr IheNebrsska Uniform CommerCial Code ThIS mstrum~nl shall be construed as a Secunt\, Agl~m(>nt <br />under Slud Code end the Lender shall heve 011 the flghts and remedies aT 11 SflCWPc! perty under saId Codp. In addlllon to the rights and remedies Ct('BIf>d IInON <br />and accoroed the Lende'r pursuen! to thIS Deed of Trus.t <br /> <br />{I} s.werablllty. In the event tlla1 an,. prOVISIon of thIS Deflt! 01 T,uSl contllct WIth apphcabl(>-law or illf~ d~clar(>d Invalld 01 otherlNls.. unf>ntO'Cf'8blf> SuCh <br />conflict Of IOvalidlty shall not affeC1 1I1e O1her provl&.lons ol1hlS Deed of Trust or the Note whlr:t, can be Qlvf"n pfteel wlthoullhe ccmfllc110g prO\--l~IOn l'Ilnd '0 Ihls <br />end the prOI(I!UOn~ of 1he Deed of Trust and ltl!" NOle Bre declureO 10 bp !ieverllblc <br /> <br />Borrowcot has f!.ecu1!)d thIS Dond of T rusl the datI! wrlt1en above <br /> <br />'-~-:;~~~~.R&J' \J- <br />~~UkeSh' ~~Sband) <br />~/, ./.>-::..,-......-~ < J <br />-~.;;L.i;../ 0./_7J....</--;. ~-j,--- <br />'i.df:>-l N. J,uk.~sh, \oJi fr~rrow~1 <br />