<br />
<br />88- 102569
<br />
<br />
<br />Borrowers (Trustors) understand that the document that the Borrowers are about 10 execute is a Deed of Trust and .,ola mortgage and that the power of sale provided
<br />tor in the Deed of l'ruat provides substantially diUerent rights and obligations to the Borrowers than 8 mortgage In the event or 8 default ~': .....each of obligation under the
<br />Deed 01 Trust. Including. but nOllimUed to, the lender's right 10 havo the Real Property sold by the Trustee without any ludlclal proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />represent and warrant thaI this acknowledgement was executed by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE \hll portion ONLY II \h..... Property deocrtbed conlllta 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />n .ppllcallle, com....,. ONLY ONE e1....r A. B, 0' c:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(sl acknowledge that they are about to execute the lollowlng Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein, The Borrowerfs). and each of them if
<br />mom lh8n one, do hereby disclaIm tnelT right to designate 8 homestead pursuant thereto No part 01 the homesleaO 01 either 01 the Borrower(sl is presently Of will in the
<br />future be situated upon saId Tabl estate The Borrower(s) understand that II-elther establishes a homestead on any pari of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and a lien upon S81d real estate. there shall be no nghl10 make a deSignation of homestead In the event of a foreclosure or trustee's sale with respect te
<br />said Deed or Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thai they are about to execute the followln!; Deed 01 Trust upon the real estare described therein The 8orrower(s), andeactl of them if
<br />more than one, c10 hereby waive thclrright to deSignate a homestead purSlOant thereto The Borrower(s) understand fharthey have the right to make a deSignation of
<br />homestead and that bV ex.ecutlng thiS waiver, they are walvmg rights otherWise available tor the purpose at a1fordlng Ihem the opportunity to retam lhelrhomestead in the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed at Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (SeCllOn 76-1901 at seq ReVised Slatutes ot the Slate of NebraSkal the 80rrower(5), do hereby designate Ihe real
<br />property deSCribed In the "DeSignation ot Homestead" at1ached hereto and Incorporated herein by thiS ref~rence
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />80rro....e'
<br />
<br />THIS DEeD OF TRUST IS made as at Ihe 1."0 aby 01 Mqy 1986 by and among the Trustor . DO!lQlas \1. Lukesh
<br />pnd!"9&Ji,-!,.1;l~~?J:lL H1;l,sb.iwd &. Wife "'''0''' """long a""'ess IS 121 .Cl1e.!~kE'e ~v'<:I1~.e.! Grand_
<br />T s 1 ;mn, NF. (,,","mBOHowe' line huslce William G. Blackbur.n.. altJefll1:l",.r. Q.f..!.be..lll'. Sta~. J3..fl.l:. Assn.
<br />
<br />who.emalllng......e....P.O.Bo~2)80...Grand!.sland.NE 68802-2280
<br />.n" the Beneloc,ary, _E.!.y~. potn t s Ba nk
<br />who.. m.,llng .""'e.s IS _. . . P _0. Box l5n1.~__Grand. Island. NE 6.88,02.-15.Q.1
<br />
<br />{herem "Trustee-,
<br />
<br />(here," "Lende,")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. IncluOlOg lrlE' InOehtcOness Idenhfletl nf.'tl~jn ana tlusl rll'rt.!ln crealed IhE' receipt of which IS tlefeby aCknowleaged Borrower
<br />hereby mellocablv granls transtl'r!;> con..eys and aSSIgns 10 Truslee. IN TRUST WIT~ POWER OF SALE for the benel,1 and security 01 LcnOt:!r unom and subJecr 10 rhe
<br />larms and condlhons heretnafter sel for1tl the '~al property, OcscTlhed a!> follows
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block One (I), Dale Roush Second Subdivision, situated ln
<br />part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E;SWi) of Section Fourteen
<br />
<br />(14), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br />
<br />Together With all bUildings. Improuemenls. h_lures. streets alleys passageways easemenls nghts privileges anCl appurtenances located thereon or '" anywise
<br />pertaining thereto. and the renls Issues and prohts. reverSIOns and rema.nders thereof Includrng. bill nol I,mlled to healing and COOling equipment and such personal
<br />propcr1V thllll! Btlached to Ihe Improvements s.oas 10 constItute a flJl1ure' and together wI1h the homestead or m,anlal,fllerests 11 any which '"lereSis are hereby released
<br />and wallicd. all 01 whlch.includmg revlacemenls and addlllons thereto, IS hereby declared 10 be a part ollhe teal estate secured by Ihe lien of thiS Deed at Trusl and all ot the
<br />forBoolng bOlng referred to herein as Ihe .'property'
<br />
<br />Ttlll D~ 01 Trusl shall secure (Rlthe payment of the prinCipal sum and Interest ev,d~nced by Borrower s no Ie and!or credll agreement dalE>d ____,_ __
<br />
<br />~5j_l..QlJtB__. -_ ~lh'lng a matunly dale 01 5/16/93 In the onglnal pnnclpal amount of S 5..r-OOO_......QQ.'h___ ,mO Bny ana all
<br />moc1l11ClIlIorUi n.!lttl&lOn& and mnewals thereol or therelo and any and Jllllulure advances and readvances hereunder pursuanllo one 01 mOle promissory nOles 01 credn
<br />.g'"m.,nt~ (he,nln callod "NOle'.).(b) the paymen1 of o1her sumsadllBncad bV lender 10 prDIe-cllne securlly Df th(> Note Ie) fhe performance aU Covenanls and ogrE-ernenl
<br />"r Do,wwor lei lorlh herem and (d) all ,"dabtednes!5 and obligations of Borrow(,1 to Lender whelher dltecl Indirect. nbsoltlte 01 conllOgenl and whether 8flSlOg by nOle
<br />guar.nt~, overcHsfl or r.thorwlse
<br />
<br />Borrowe, tu protect rho secutlty of rhls Deed of Trust, co~enanls and agrees Wlttl Lender 8S lollow!;
<br />
<br />1 "'flMhtotPJinetpaIMd Inl.r..t. Borrov.er shall promplly pay when due the pnnclpat 01 and rn1e'esl on llnd any '(IUS or charge!t provldeCl In the Note-Of In Ihl!!.
<br />[)c,ea 0' TfUSIt
<br />
<br />, Tit.., Borrowt>r Ii rheo.ner or the Property. has Ihe reght and authonly 10 con\ll;'Y ttle Propelt~. and warrnms Ihal the lum created hereby 15 B flrsl and PTlO' hen on
<br />Ihe Prop(l(ty_ n.c:e-pt.& may olherwlse be .eT forth herem Bnd the e.ecutlon and delIvery of thIS Dp.ed 011 ruM does no' \'Iolatc nny COnlrnel 01 nltun obhgnttcm 10 which
<br />Borrower IS lub,ect
<br />
<br />J TalK., AsM-untenb, To paW' when Cluf' alltft:l.ea. $pcc;lnl BssoS'm~nr51 and 011 othor charges agatnSI ,ht. PrODt>'r1y end upon wTllh~n dl'mAnd tit' l f'nd~r to P.'tlf to
<br />L.ndttr such 1 mount as m..,. bQ I..Uthc;leNt 10 enable the Lendor 10 pO)' SuCh tallBS. a!l&e!.smonls or o1ht"'r ct'8fQf'!llln lht'y become duo
<br />
<br />oil .n.utence. To ....eep tho r'OPflrl.,. ,n,urad -'Qnm:s! damage by hrn hllll!HdS InchJdp.d wllhm the term ck'tendod coverDgt' nnd SUCh orhf'1 haZArOs I)S I..t:ondC'f mat
<br />'JilQUl'!t tn .",~untl Dnd With (:ompl.lnlllS accfrolabl~ to If'ndt''r. dnd ",,"'llh 109$ p!lvablf! to the lend"f In case olio!>!! undOI such POI'CI(!~ lhe LCf1;J(>r IS ALJlhorl,~']'O to ncJlU1>l
<br />C:OIlUC;l er.o C(,Imp'{fI"l1'H_ all tllrmll fh(or<<tundft' and .hall hayp. Ih(l option of lIIPPlymg all 0' vart ol1he 'ns.u'at'lc~ f.'''on~(Od!J (, l to IIMV tndpblednoss Sf.'t ured hnrf'b~' ann In ~ur f"\
<br />orGf!:, itl U~l"Idfo1 rr.a" dolformlrK!o (ll. to tt<-~ BorrO.....N iO' be u&('Id for tile 'OP-flIl Dr I("'!;tofahon 01 thl' Propert... 0' tuq '0> on, olher purpO'S(I 01 Clh/N:1 sAhsfnC'C}f,' to l.f'n,w,
<br />.lItt~1.I1IlHf'Cl"'Q tn. hern of 'hr. O.('of'd rtl T rU:l1 't}.' It'tfl -lull "moutH $~u!...d herobV b-p.fc,r,' '!:ouCh DO!ymfH-1I P....r>r Ir,lO" piAtt' Ar,,!, .1pphc.AI'lln 01 rorO,-t~Nt!o 1t.' Inar'hlt'\'nt'~" ~h"l!l
<br />flU.! "'H!~flr<V Of PMt.potW- n,t'!' aUI'! a.-HI of .any V4VmtlrltJ un(j.., Ih(! NQlf'. Of cure- An)' dE'1Au!1 tt-.nreW'Of" Of Ilf'lf>uror:JJ:lI
<br />
<br />1) .""'len411ele -......... .nCl Compliance .Uh 1II.., B01fD....e' ~h811 "oOer:- Ihl" p'Of'.'II" '" 90(111 { 0"(1,1,[>1'\ "1'111 "'{M" "o,al' l""r....",'~ "'1',1" '~'I'I.J, p tI",
<br />lrt'ptO''"'~t ..1'110(;" may bolt dAmalll"d Of (}fI-:lho,.a-d I-hlllll not com'nlfor;f\~mf111"'V """''''It' ,II n"lpr'o'~I.r'" 1;,1 ~,..,,, r>'''lt''''w "1"1\" ....'.11 .,..~" "I' :It-mil""" d' ~'loll"','.'hOl; \ ,l'It"
<br />.TlVb1~h~'~P'(t'l..m"'llt!l-a"~h""""'n(Hlf'y ~,,",I!I11noICl'mtnlt !l..,1~!""tJ'r'f',.,.r\l!.n't'1l(1!0t""(11")"*,.r'~" l{',...,olf,P"'!'f"'" ";"AtU1nn'".\ ,I"" ,..,1, ,\",p "f~\J\"."-". ~..\,
<br />If;hJl\l 04" nnc tllht't~t.ltt'f' oj'~C"'.sI:;;" ., fin' . (tw...t , r- L>"\t IIf...;1 ~1:t1..01\f' ,lf111."tT~ f>...r:v...'tr. ""'\ ,.... :t"(l ~ " n' qr", 'I.~ Ir', ....'l"'~ I'jl ,1\ .."t, ',I'.' ilU,' ,,\ "'1-' r', ,.\ "'.', ";l"'~ 1-"'" I'", "".'
<br />