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<br />t:i Eml"enl Domlln, Lunder IS hereby assIgned all cornpon~l8llOn awalt1s damag(!~ and olhfH pavments or rellel Iherclnal1tH Procel~ds 'I In connechon with <br />condurnnatlOn or olher taking of Ihe Properly or pafllhereol or lor convevance In lieu 01 condemnahon Lendur shall be entllled at Its opllon to commence. appear In <Im1 <br />prosecute In Its own name any action or proceedings and !lht111 also be entllled to mak.e any complomlse or selllementln connec1tan with such laking or dllmagp In the <br />oVllnt Rny porlioo of It16 Property 15 so laken or damaged Lender shall have the optIOn In lis sole and absolute diSc rei Ion. 10 apply all such Proceeds. after deducting <br /> <br />oM ~~o;,~'r~~.~~~o~:~~~~::.o:,~:~~~~c~~:~ ~~,'~~~ C~~~~~I~~~,~;~~,~Unc~,o;~~o;r~'o:;,~nu";~ '~~~~'~~~~:,~~~~':::~:~~:~Y ~;~ ~:,~~~,~rodo~~~ L:on:':a~~~ ~~'';r:~::do: :~ <br />CO Indebtedness shall nol extend or poslpone Ih" duo dale 01 any paymenls under Ihe Nole, or cure any defaul1lhercunder or hereunder <br />1..1"':) 7 Perform. nee bV Lende'.ln the evenl of Borrower's lallure 10 perlorm Rny of the covenants hermn or maklJ any payments required hereby, or If Bny Bet IS taken or <br />C'~ ~~goarl ~~:~!:~~n:o~O;o~r~::rd a~~ i~~t~;~~~~~~~:,~:c~~~r~n::;~~~r;:,e;~~l~~:I~:~~o:~r~y~;:~~~:~I~~ 't~~SB~~r:~:~ ~~~O;gr~~~ ~~~~Ill~~~' ~:'~~~ t~:: :I~~a~: :~~~t~~~~~f~ <br />o deems necessary to protecl the security hereof Borrower shall. Immediately upon demand Iherefor by Lender, pay to Lender al: costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />'l'"'I ~~~~~:::':JnL:.:d":~~r~~n~::;:~~n ~~~dl:".~~~;~~~ ~:c~~~~~r ~~::~~~:~,;:~',Z?/:;ehc':~~Oeg~:~e:y7~',~~n,..e~:~ '~~r~~~~~:~~ ~a~o:.rr~~~~~/n the Nole. which .hall be added 10 <br /> <br />I B Event. 01 Del.un. The lallowmg shall constitute an even I 01 defaull under thiS Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />CC) (a) Failure 10 pay any Installment 01 orinclpal or mlerest or any other sum secured hereby when due. or tallure to pay when due any olhermdebtedness of <br />OCt Borrower 10 Lender: <br /> <br />Ibl A breach alar default under any proVISion conliuned m the Note, thiS Deed of Trust. any document whIch secures Ihe NlJle, and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property <br /> <br />(t:) A wrl! of executIon or nttachment or any Slmllar Wocess shall he enterad 8981051 Borrower which shall become a hen on the Property or any portton <br />thereat or Interest lherein; <br /> <br />(d) There shall be IlIed by or against Borrower an acllon under any present or future lederal. slate or other statule. law or regulation relahng to <br />bankruptcy, Insolvency or other relief fordabtors: or there shall be appointed any lrustee. receIver or liqUidator of Borrower orof all or any part of the Property, or <br />Ihe rents, Issues or pr'Jfi1s thereof, or Borrower shall make any general itsslgnmenl tor the bench1 01 credllors <br /> <br />(e) The sale, transfer, assignment. conveyance or further encumbrance 01 all or any part of or any '"terest In the Property, either voluntarily or <br />Ifll/olunlaflly. wIthout the expross wfltlen consent of Lender <br /> <br />(f) "Borrower IS '101 an indlvlduzl. the sale. tmnslel aSSlgnmenl conveyance or encumbrance 01 more Ihan _,______ percent 01 (II a corporation) ItS <br /> <br />Issued and outstanding stock or (II a partnership) .~_ percenl of partnership Inlerests <br /> <br />9 R.madle.; Aceeler.llon Upon Default. In the event of any Event 01 Default Lender may declare alllndebledness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />same shall thereupon become due and payable WIthout ;;my presentment. demand, protest or nollce 01 any kind Therealter Lender may <br /> <br />lal Demand thai Truslee exerCise the POWER OF SALE granled herem and Truslee shalllhereafler cause Borrower's rnteresl '" the Property to be sold <br />and Ihe proceeds to be distributed all In Ihe manner prOVided 10 Ihe Nebrask.a Trust Deeds Acl <br /> <br />(b) Either In person or by agent. with or Wllhout bnnglO9 any acllon or proceeding. or by a receIver appomted by a court and Without regard to the <br />adeauacy 01 Its secun1y, enter upon and lake oossesslon of tht, F roperly or any part thereat, In Its own name or In the name at tMe Trustee. and do any acts whIch <br />II deems necessary or deSirable to preserve Ihe vallie rnarkutablllly or rentilblllly 01 the Properly or pari thereof or Interesl Ihereln. Increase the Income <br />therefrom or prolecllhe security Mereof and, With or Without taking possessIon of lhe Property sue lor or otherWIse collecllhe Tents, Issues and profits thereof, <br />IncludIng those pasl due and unpaid. and apply the same less cosls and expenses 01 Opcfill10n and collecllon including altorneys'lees, upon any Indebtedness <br />secured hereby. allm such order as Lender may determme The entering upon and laking possession at Ihe Property. the collection 01 such rents. i:s.sues and <br />profits and theappllcntlon thereof as aforesaId, shall nol cure or WlIlVe any delaull or notIce of delaull hereunder or ,nvalldate any acl done rn response10such <br />delault or pursuanl to such nollce 01 delauU and. nolwlthslandlOg Ihe continuance In pO'isesslon 01 the Property Of the collecllon. receIpt and apphca110n of <br />renlS, Issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shall be entItled to exercIse every right prov.ded lor In any ollhc Loan Instrumenfs or by law upon occurence of any <br />event 01 default. rncludlng the nghl10 e.llerClse Ihe power 01 sale and <br /> <br />(CI Commence an action 10 loreclose thiS Deed of Trllsl as a mortgage apPoint i\ recen/er 01 speCIfically enforce any 01 the covenants hereof. <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved 10 Trustee or Lenl3er IS In!ended 10 he ell.clUSlve 01 any olhel lemedy herein or by law proVIded or permitted. but each shall be <br />cumulatIve, shall be In additIOn to every olher remedy gIven hereunder or now or hercal!er llllsllOCl ill laIN or In eqUlly or by slatule and may be eKerclsed concurrently, <br />Independently or successIvely <br /> <br />10 Trulte.. Tho Trustee mny r~slgn al any lime Wllhoul c<lust! and Lender nlily ill ,1.11'( IHlle dnr.l Wllhoul causp appolnl a successor 01 subslltute Trustee Trustee <br />shall not be liable for [lnv loss or dllmage unless due 10 actlon3hle nf!gllqence Of mtlltl! tHI5l0nt1ucl ilnd shall not he reQullf'd to lake any acllon In connectIon with the <br />enforcement of thiS Deed of Trusluntoss IOdcmnlhnd In writing lor all costs compensilllon or l!lpenSes which may be .1ssocmted Iherewlth In addlllon Trustee maV <br />become a purchaser al ony salo ollha Property ltudlclal or under the power 01 sale gratlf('d POSlpOOl.lhe ~"Ic 01 all or any porllon 01 the property as prOVIded by law <br />or sell the Property as a whole or In separa1c lJarcels or lols <br /> <br />, 1 Future Advlnee., Upon IC(lUUSI of 80,,01N0I lundor may allts optIon malic add,llon.ll and luture Advances and readvanccs to Borrower Such advances and <br />readvances, WIth Interestlhe,eon, shall he secured by Ihls D(wd 01 Trust AI no "me shalllhc 'Jflnclpnl amount ollhe Indebtedness secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust. nollO- <br /> <br />cludlng sumslldvanced to p,olecllhe secufllv ollhls Oeud 01 Trusl exceed lhe original jlllnClpiil iHooHnl slaled herein or -S 100,_000.00 <br />graater <br />12 MIKel1.neOu. Prowl.lan., <br /> <br />whichever IS <br /> <br />lal Barra." Not R.lel.ld, E.:IIH1SI0n of Ihe tlITW lor paymfHlt or mOI,.llcatlon of amortlzallon of Ihe sums secured bV lhls Deed of Tlusl granted b.,. <br />LendOJ to any 5UCC1.l5!10r In InWresl of OOffOW(H shall nol operllte 10 release In rlny mannel the Ilublhly at Ihe orIginal Borrowe, ilnd BOHowef 5 successors to <br />Inlerost Londer ,hAil nol be WQlHrlH110 (;f)mmOflce proceedIngs a~liJtnSI such ~lli...cessar 01 rei use 10 ~lI.tond time lot paymenl or otherWIse modllv amry,lIZahan <br />of 1110 sums ,ocutcO bv ItH!'. DHcd 01 Trust by rcason 01 any dnmilnds mllde by Ihe allglnal Borrower and 80110wers succeSSOfS In lflllHfJsl <br /> <br />lbl lende,', Pow.r., WIlhout illleellng the llilblllly 01 any iJthl!! pelson !table lor the paymenl al any obllgallon hermn mentIOned and wltlloul allec1lfl9 <br />Iho lien or charge allhls Deed 01 T rll!.l upon !lny portion 01 Iho P1oporly nullhl!n 0' lh~rt!toloro relerisea as 'iecutlly lor 1he f\11I anlOunl 01 allllnp"Id ot)llgatlOn~ <br />Lender may from lIme 10 limo I1nd WIthout noticE! (I) relf!iI!ie any person so lIable llll nllend Ihe malurlly aT alter any of Ihe leTms o1.1ny SUCh Obllgilhon!l 1111) <br />gran1 olher Indulgences (Iv1 rnlease or ruconvey or call~1! 10 tw relea!ied Ot leconveyed <1t anV Ilnltl al LendN s opllons any parcel portion or all 01 the PrOflcrty <br />(V) tako or roleaso any olher or 11ddltlonal secuflty'OI any olJ1lQcl11on herein menlloned, or (....1) make composlllon~ or other arfangl!mcnl!. WI!fl dt~blOJS If1 'ela110n <br />thereto <br /> <br />Ie) Forbelrance b~ Lender Noll Wllv.r, Any forbearance hy lender In l!xerClSlng any rlgtll or rpmeoy tlereunder Of otherWise allordec1 bv i1pphCahl[~ <br />law. shall not be a waiver of 01 preclude thee,,;erclse of any such ng!ll or remedy T he procurement 01 Insur.1ncn or the paymonl oltaltes or otht" hens or charges <br />bV Lendor shall nol be a wOlvor of Lender"s fight 10 accelerate thl:! fTlahHlly olltle mdebtedness secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />Id) .nd ...lgn. Bound: Jolnllnd Severl' LI.blllt~; CllpUon., The covenants and I1greements here," conlalned !ihall bmd ilnd Ihe ngh1s <br />hereunder shall Inure 10, the respectIVe successors and i1SSlgns 01 lender and Borrower. sublect to Ihe provISions of paragraph 8 (el hereol All covenants anc1 <br />agreements of Borrower shall be 10lOt Bnd several The capllons and headings ollhe paragraphS ollhls Deed 01 Trust are for con....emenCI! ani V and Aft! nollo be <br />used 10 mterpret or define the prOVISIOns hereal <br /> <br />(c) Requ..UarNoUce,. The partlcs hereby reQuesllhat a copy 01 any nollce 01 default hereunder and a copy of any notIce 01 Selle heleunder be mall!'d 10 <br />each party tothlS Deed afTrust at the address sellorth above In the manner preSCribed by applicable law Exceptlor any other nollce reqUired unde' llpphcnblr> <br />law 10 be gIVen In another manner, any nohce prOVIded 101 mlhls Deee 01 Tlusl shall be gIven by mailing such nollce by certified mall addressed 10 the olhm <br />parlie5, at the address set lorlh above <br /> <br />An'l notice prOVided lor tn thiS Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have bcc-n given to Borrower or Lender when 91ven 10 the manner deSignated herell\ <br /> <br />(1) tn.pecUon. Lender may make or cause 10 be maae rmlsonable enlnes upon and Inspeclions 01 the Property, prOVided that Lender shall glvo BorroW(H <br />nohce pnor to any such inspection speclfYlOg reasonable cause Iherolor related to Lender's mterest In Ihe Properly <br /> <br />(91 R.conver.nee. Upon paymen1 01 all sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trusl lender shall request Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Properly and shall surrender <br />thiS Deed 01 Trust and all notes evidenCing Indebtedness secured bV Ihls Deed 01 T'uslto Trustee Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property wllhout warranly IImt <br />without charge to the pets.on or pRrsons legally enlilled Iherelo SUCh person or persons shall pay all costs 01 recordation. If any <br /> <br />(hI Perlonlll Propert~. SecurUr Agreement. As addItional scc.unly lor Ihe payment 011he Note allllJl,turcs. eqUIpment. and other personal propolly u~t!d <br />In connoctlon with the real estate or Improvements located thereon and nol olherwlse declared or deemed to be a part ollhe real est ale secured hereb't' shall bu <br />!iublect to a security in1eresl in favaro' the Lender undpr the Nebraska Unllorm CommerCial Code ThiS IOs1rum1ml shall be conslrued 8S a Securlly Aglf'l!rTlOnl <br />under 5~ld Code, and 1he Lender shall have alllhe ttghts and remedms 01 8 secured party under saId Code 10 additIon 10 lhe fights and remedies creiltm11lndm <br />and accorded the Lender pursunnllo lhl' Deed 01 Trusl <br /> <br />II) S..w.rMailily. In the evenl that any prOVISIon 01 thIS Deed of T rust conflict wllh applicable law or tHC declared Invalid or olherwIse unenforceable !'ouch <br />conflIct or Iflvalldlly ~hall no1atfecl1he other prOVISIOns 01 thIS Deed 01 Tlust (" te WhH:h can be 9,ven f~lfect Without the conl1lcllng prOVISIon and to Ihl! <br />and the prOVISions ollhe Deed 01 Trust I:1nd Ihe Nole are decla,ed to be 5 erable <br /> <br />, " ;;l'([f:.'/:l" <br />_..fY4;,~~~ <br />(PaUl E. Graham, BorrOW(~1 <br /> <br />Husband) <br /> <br />Borrowo' t\as executed IhlS Deed of Ttust Ihe dale wllltcn above <br /> <br />Gft~ 6- s!lIuzlu-w <br /> <br />(ElaIne E. Graham, SOHOWUI \'Vlfl'~) <br />