<br />
<br />
<br />.. Borrowers {Trustors) understand that the documenr that the Borrowers areabour to OlCocutel is a Deed of Trust and nol a mortgage and 1rl"I the power of ssle provided
<br />10r In the Deed 01 Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the Borrowers Il1an a mortgage In the event of a def~ult or breach of obligation under the
<br />Deed of Truet. including. but no. limited to. the Lender's right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee wlthoUI any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />~"-" ,,"-,," '"" '"" "..~~.._"_.~~"'".. M~~.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(Paul E. Graham, Borrower Husband)
<br />
<br />G ibJJ ;.u (!,Jl~.J
<br />
<br />(Elaine E. Graham, Borrower Wife)
<br />
<br />88-102561
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE thl. portion ONLY lithe ..el proporly d.scrllled con.I.I. ollNDIVIDUALL Y OWNED AGRICUL T!JRAL LAND.
<br />n .pplk:<Ible. compl.l. ONLY ONE ellh.. A. B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge Ihalthey BrB about to execule the following Deed or TrUSI upon the real estate d~5cribed therem, The Borrower!s), and each of them if
<br />more than one, do hereby disclaim their rlgh1 to designate a homestead pursuanl111orelo No pari ollhe homestead 01 Dither of tho Borrower(slls presently or will in the
<br />future be situated upon s3id real osla'e. The Borrower(,) understand thai if Bither oslabhshoSll homcslead on any pari at said real estate durll1g the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and alien upon said reel estate. (here snail be no flgh110 make a deslgnallon 01 homostead In rhe event 01 a foreclosure or trustee's sale with res peel 10
<br />SBld Deed of TruSI
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thallhey areabout to eltecute the folloWU19 Deed 01 Trust upon the real estate descflbed Ihereln The Borrower(s). nnd eac.h of them If
<br />more than one. do hereby waive thelf right to deSignate a homcsleild pursuanl thereto The Borrowerts) understand Ihot they have the right to make a deSIgnation of
<br />home~lead and Ulat byaxecuting thiS waiver. they are WBIVlng rlghls otherWise available for the purpose 01 altordlng them the opportUOltyl0 retain Il'1clrhomestead In the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant 10 the farm Homestead Protection Act (Sechon 76-1901 at seq RevIsed Statutes at the State of Nebraska). the Borrower(s). do hereby dosignate the rcal
<br />properlv described In Ihe "DeSIgnation 01 Homeslead.. allached herelo and on~(?? . ~""
<br />
<br />
<br />~~, .
<br />
<br />" (Paul E. Graham,
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Husband)
<br />
<br />;I!-. ~r:.~ .
<br />
<br />~ne E. ra am, Borrower \'V'ife)
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS made as otltllJ l.3 day 01 Mi;lY 1gee by and among Ihe Trustor. p.9.!L~~~'luG~aham
<br />~~_J!:~_a_:l.ne. E.Grahaln!. Husband & Wife who'I! ma,Iong address os P.O. .BQx 49:;.L}'I..991L~iver. NE
<br />
<br />-~-~~~.- flle.em 'Bortower I the lrlJSlc'! W.illiam G. B~.ackburn" a.
<br />whose ma,lmg address" P. O. Box 2280, Grand Island, NE 68802-2280
<br />
<br />and .he Beneloc,a.. 1"1 ve Points Bank..
<br />
<br />whosema,longnddresSls p.O. Box 1507 r Grand Island! NE 68802-1507
<br />
<br />Member of the-NE_SLa~.Bar Assn.
<br />
<br />(herein "Trustee").
<br />
<br />~ n__ (herelfl "Lender'")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA T ION, including Ihe Indebledl1~s.'i Idenlllll!d hlHt!Jn il/ld tru'il hereIn CtealAd Itw reCeIpt of whIch 15 hereby acknowledged. BorrowOf
<br />haroby lfre\locably granls. 'ranslers, con...t!'ys. and <ls$lgns to' Trl~::tetl IN TRUST WI fH POWER OF SALE 101 th'~ bt:rll..'h' ilnd secuoly of lemler, under anu 5ubJeCl10 the
<br />ferms and condlllons hereinafter sellorlh. th~ real property descnbed as follows
<br />
<br />See Attachment hereto
<br />
<br />Together with all bUildings. Impro,-,emcnt5. I._lures. streets. alleys passageways easements. rights priVileges and .1ppurlcnancos loC.llcd thereon or In anywise
<br />pertalnmg Iherelo. and the fcnts, Issues and profits. revenUons and remainders Ihereol. Including. but nollHnlted 10 healing and cooling equipment and &uch personal
<br />property Ihat IsaUached lathe Improvements soas 10 constllute a fI.ture. and 10gether 'Nlth the homes lead or m.lfllallnterests. Ilany whIch In1nresls are hereby released
<br />and waIved; all of Which. including replacements and additions Ihereto. I'!'. hereby declared to be a pari allhe 'eal eslato socured by the lien of thiS Df!fld of Trust Bnd all of tho
<br />foregOing being rclerred 10 herem as Ihe '.properly"
<br />
<br />ThiS Deed 011.ru51 shall secure {OJ the payment of the prinCipal ,um and Inleresl eVidenced by Borrower's nole and. or credit agH'!oflllml dattod
<br />
<br />_;t.LlU...6.a-._ hOYlng iI maturity date ot __-11..l.512..QQ_4__ . _.~_ _ In Ihe onglnal prlllClpal .'101ounl of S ~JJQ .LO~Q. iJO. ilnd any find all
<br />mOUlflc.atlons. e~tDnslon!l ano renowals tnereof or lherelO and any and all future aOvances anO readvances hereunder pursuanllo one or more plomlSSory noles 01 credll
<br />agreomonll (horeln called -Note") (bjlhC paymcnto' othor sumsad-.anccd by Lemler 10 protecllhe security ollhe Note Ic) the performance all covemmlslInd agreement
<br />of Borrowe, sellofth herein, and tUI all Indebtedness and Obligations ot Borrower 10 Lender whelher dlrec!. tndlrect absolule or conllngonl nnd .....holher arising by nole.
<br />Quaranl~. overdraft or olherWlse
<br />
<br />Borrower, to ploteel the sccuflly of thl!! Deed of Trust. Coycnanls and agrees wllh L('nder 95-101l0w!\
<br />
<br />1 Paymenlot Prlncipal.ndl"l.r.'I. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the ptlnclpal of and mtcros.! on. and any leo, or charges JHovldeU In Iho Nolo or In Ihls
<br />Deed or TrUll
<br />
<br />2 nile. Borrower .,theownerct the Propef1)'.l'1as Itle right and authority 10 convey Ihe Property and W3rl.lnts Ihallhe lu.m creall!d hOlcby 1511 !Irsl ilnd prior hen on
<br />1he Property, 4UC.ept.l ma~ otherwise t;; ;;;~ forth horem, and the exocutlon nnd delivery or thiS Deed 01 TfUSl does not vloliltl~ BnV conlrnct 01 olher obllgllhon 10 WhtCh
<br />Borrowllr I" lub,ect
<br />
<br />3 T..",. AI...tment'l. To pay ~..,han dun aU fa.o", SPOCH'l1 DS5~nmen!s and all Olher charges oga1nsllhe Properly .md upon wollen dp.mand b\, LI~r1l11H 10 lJHy In
<br />Londer-J,uch amoun1 at may ba Sunl(.lont 10 enable the leoder 10 pay such HU:es. assessmonls 01 olher Charges as Ihev become due
<br />
<br />, IfttVr.nc.. To "tlf}p 1110 Prope-nv mtu'Qd again!lt dl!lmagl'! by fire. hs.rBrt1t lnclude:tl Within Ihe lerm '.""Iended C<)vcr,1ge" and !Juch otht.'r 1'I1;',1'..:I5.1S ll'T1dr-'1 "ltly
<br />'eQuufl! in amount" and With cornplIntel jlJcceplabln to lrmdor. and ""llh Iou pnyable 10 Ihe LendiC'r In case 0110'55 unde' such pohCI~S tf1f! Lt~ndOt IS .1ultlUIIIUU In [HI/II!!l
<br />Coll.C1Andcoffl[frOmll.O. aU clalmltt\(lr.under Ar'l..d ,".11 havoflothv optIon 0' applYlnij all 01 part Ollhe Insutat'lCC proc(!"ed~ lit) any tndeblect"~'55 "orIH111' fHHi'h~' .1nd In "'LJCh
<br />o,dor ."l_nd'r m..,. del*,mHlo (II~ 1(JI1h.9ut'Qwrr!0 be u,ed for 1:;0 lil!pa1r or rn:'l10rallOn 01 tt1c Property 0111111 lOf any othOf DUIPO!>f.1 Of ill)II'(' ~,lh,!I.1( 11"\' Iv t 1~1l{"~r
<br />*111\W.JI lIilfe-c11t'f.Q In. "'fill ~r thl~ Ot.~ 01 T,uat to' Inll tull amount 'Secufed r,Qf(lbV b~lor'll' Such paymenl ('IlIiH 10011. plac" An)' npplu.:almn III (HI >!'t'{'II" rll,ndl'tlll\l'''''''! ..h/lll
<br />rool t!'ltt!nd or pot.tpon. 1:'10 d,.o d.l4' of !tHy s)...,rnenlJ Und@f ltll. Not.,. 0' CVfe any r;1"rauU l:"o,(!loul"dor Of h!'IDuntlet
<br />
<br />!i ....n~. fl.t--....... IInd Complf.lti.:. ..." u.". Uo"o"(I' ""all .~.p H\l1 Ptup~rt'r In QOQ,~ CDnd"".," And "'P"''' ~h':Il' 1Ilnml'lft~ -"I'.'" "'.'1'1."" 11"\
<br />i~'To[lrr;.-OO'1Of'!\.l!I'" .t'h(:h rn:l'l' hft damll:.).t,-d or d~tr())fM Ih.lI f101 commit 0' portl"llll!tny "'<'lIste 01 aell]rtOI~tlon olltu~ P'IJr.,"'''' ,\"",11 .....01 '(In'.,'l\t. '1nIT'nl'"'' 1\1 ".tJ..Ll'HI!'II~ "Ilt"
<br />",..,..of th"lmluO'llfl~n'D 0" t!lf. V'open", .hall no1 tort'1m't llulhH or fl~r"1l1 "")' l!tl.! Ie t)tr don~ In 11' UpUI'l PI", P1t!P;Io4"h' In .'OII!III(U1'j''''', '.H" 'l'i"I'l,I'., 11 ,. ".\J"lttlo.... ,l"l"
<br />Co".'! ,,~,.f'Id Pn::"lT"CU't t:!1.e:"",'9t" ifIt Bt;vPO__~1 "{.O"l"nt1".I~r\[UlllI!ll tolH1I C"nCUmb,."nCIfI\l ;'l"" r:".3'Ql:"'l. 'tovot1tJ "n"u"'l' O' il'l"""'!J.'1t"11 ilt,!:,,"!!!l".' ,..,:t.,,-,,, ., '\"1 1'.1.1 11,f""'"
<br />