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<br />DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />) 88- 102498 <br />BENEFICIARY <br />AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES <br />INTERNA TlONAL, iNC. <br /> <br />GRANTOR(S): _IACCOUNT HUM..1t I <br />L.....T NAMI!: "'''.T INITIAL LA~T N....a "'''.T INITIAL <br />MILLER. Jr. John I. MILLER. Patricia J. <br />""ILlNO ...00....... c. y .TATIll ZU. CODE <br />917 Wellt 14th Grand Island NE 68801 <br /> <br />(Addr...) <br />1425 North Hebb Road <br /> <br />Grand Island , NEBRASKA <br /> <br />TIllS DEED OF TRUST. Made this lJt-h day of May 19-88-, between~. M~l~c/~ani!pattiCia J. <br />hereinafter called TRUSTOR, whose addre';' is--9ll '-1...... 14th r'L.,J1B :yo ~ ~A ," <br />,hereinafter called TRUSTEE, whose address i. IOn" NIl" !>1'... ;:;., f." Ion 0....],... TD' <br />and AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC'., a Nebraska corporatioo, herei"," r called BENEFICIARY. ,,'hose address is <br />1425 North ~8bb Road Orand I.l.n~. N.. <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor GRANTS, CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO TRUSTEE. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. Ihe (OOOllo'ing descrihed <br />property. .;.ualed in Hl\l.L Cuuoty, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Four (4) in Block Eleven (11) in Gilberts Second Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />also known a. <br /> <br />917 I-Iest 14th <br /> <br />(Number and Slree!) <br /> <br />tugether with all buildin~s and impro\'l~~mC'nt~ nu" \11 hea"allcl ,,'rC'~.(C'd thereon and .all t;Crcr.n!t.. .J"nin~s. m3dn. 'itorm S3sb :md blinds.. -3nd he~tint:.. iiP1'~ <br />plumbing. t:a!i. decuk. ...'cntibting. rcrrig~r.3.tinE :md ;su.\..ondiuunmg equipmenl in conner.:tion the:rcwith. all of ".,.hich. for the ('urposc of this. Deed of <br />rrust. shaU be deemed fh,tures and subject to thc I1!!n hrreot, and the hercditamcn1'!o .and .Jppurt~n3nces pert.ainin~ ~o t'le prupc.r!~" 3~.n-C descrjbtd. .md .aD <br />streets. lanes. allc)'s-. pilssa,:e!t, W3)'S. waters. \l'ater cour'SC~, rI!lhH.. liberties and prh1Ic(!e~, thereunto bdonj:inl or In 3....~~'"l\i!iit: 21ppcnilining .and itbe <br />reversions and Kmaindrrs.. 311 of which it referred 10 heremaf1er as the '"prC'mi~s". <br /> <br />TO nAVE AND TO HOLD the abo\'c-dc!IoCribcd premises. with Ihe 3ppurtcnances and "'tures. unto Ihe:' said BeneficiJQ'. i1S !'UCCCUQfS .Jnd 3S.1.ifns.. fOJT"Cf. for <br />the purposes and use. herein sel forth, free from all ri}:.hts and tx-nerih under ilnd by ....ir1ue 'If ;an~ 1J0mestC'.ad E:Jl.cmption LI,.'i of tbe Sate of 'S~ <br />which mOl)' be enacted. v.t&ich said rights and benefits the .S.lud Trustur doe.. hen:hy c\.prc\' reJea'SC ;md u'ai,.C'!.. <br /> <br />Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary,ill 'reoi.. 'issU~s and profit; of said premises. granting the ri&I.lto coOect and u"" the same, "ith or v.ithol!t u'kin!; PO=UOll of <br />the premises. during. continuance of default hereunder. and during. continuance of such default authorizing Beneficiary to enter upon S3id premisei ;!ndJor to collec~ <br />and enfolce thc same willlDUI regard 10 adequacy' of any ,""urity for the indebtedness hereby secured by' any' la,..ful means incIudill8 appointment of a m:<:h'Cr in <br />the name of any patty hereto. and ro apply Ihe same less costs and expenses of operation and coDcction, including reasonable atlornC)". fees, upon an~' indebted. <br />nel!l secured hereby. in such order as BencfitUry may dctennine. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I'OR TlIE PURPOSE or S(CURING: (I) Performance of euch altfeement of TruSlor contained herein; (2) Pal'menl of the l'uncrpal sum ..itl1 ;nreren,:as <br />provided in accofdllnce with tht: tcrtn!l And rro\.i~lum, uf a ProllHssoO' Note !Loan AJ:rcc:mcn1 (hclcin..hc: rderred to .:.~ -plomii\oU%}' ;Jote-) dated <br /> <br />Hay 9. 1988 , hc:rc\\'1th e,ecu1ed by TIUitor and pa)';able to the order of BeD\:fici.a.r~'. in \hewPrinc.ipa] !town IOf <br /> <br />9200.00 ,and ha\in~ .he dale olliS final payment due un MeV 9. 1993' . '" ""\lcndeJ!., <br /> <br />deferred 01 roc:hedulcd by renewal ur refinance; l3) P~)'f11ent uf an~ additional ;J,ham-e!l. with m[CTl:~l thereon .as ma)' h~ftc:r be 500lne.d "1-' Benefi.:ut}' <br /> <br />to TrusHH in a m;nil11Ul1IliUm ur S q20n~On Within 15 \'C-3U, from the date of lhis l><<d ofTnHil:hl.,.+e\"CJ". <br />thi!. paraJ.!raph does not constitute a cumllutmcnt b) l:icncfKlary to muke fUlUr~ ::l.d..'anc,es; (4) The payment of any mune:r that m::lr be ;;!d...+.anCC"d Ib:!>' :l1e <br />Bcnellciar}' to Trustot for any reason or to third parlle~, ".jlh mtere!!t thcu:.un. where the amounts ale ad\.~nced to protel~t the se1:urin' in .3crordancc ,\\,i:'l 'the <br />('ovcnanls of this Deed of Trust; (5) An~' renewal. rcfmundn~ or e,tc:nsu>n of ~id ploIlUuor~" note, or an) other .a~eement 10 ray u.hich mll" be ~ubs1j1:u'e.d <br />therefor . <br /> <br />All paymenHi made b)' Trustur on the oh1i~alion ..c'.1JJcd h)- Ihl!. I>c~d Hf lru,t shall be applied in Ihe follou:inf! order: <br />FIRST: To the payment lit la\eb ."nd iJ"""'C'!o!llncnl\ thai I1U~ ltt., It:\'h.'d and J\"\Cssed Jfl3lmit said prCtnl!iC's. insunmcc premium!!.. n~p,lln. .and 311 other ~~~ <br />and C'~pcnsc\ a)!tC"Cd (0 be paid by thL' Trustor. <br />Sl::COND: To the:' p.a}'nu."nl of intert"st due on ~Id Joan. <br />TIIIRlJ: To .hr pal'menl of principal. <br /> <br />TO PROIECT TlIE SlCURITY HEREOF. TRUSTORIS, COVLNAI'o,S ,\NIl AGREES: III to kee~ said premise. ;n,ur<d a~am" 10'"' l>) fi,c and ",her <br />huards, ca~uiJlt)' .md cl)ntingcndL~s up to Ihe full \"aluc uf all 100pfOn:lI1cna for thL' protection of Uc rid;u)' In 'Such m:mnC"T. in ",uch ;.1m,lunt, .3nd tn 'lrucb <br />L'ompanic!i as Ucnefid.<JI}' ma~' ffmT1 time 1(\ time apprme, and. that JuS"i prucL.t:d, tlc~, c:\pcnsc of colll~ctionJ !lh~ul~ at Uenl,ticlary'\ ('l"t1Onl 1'(' Ji'Phni on ~id <br />indebtedness. WhCUICl due or nut or tll the rC"i1OJ.:Jlion nf ~id IInprm.cmcnt!o. In I.'....ent of 1m!!. Tru!ol\IT wil1 !!in: unmcdlJ,IL~ noth,'\' by mail to thr 8C'ndkj~r~. <br />who may make pl'oof (If Juss; if not m3de pmmptly by Tru!'J,hlf. and I.'!adl In!oiuranc... cump;mr nlOct."Tnetl IS heTch~. :Iuthorl.lcd a.nd dircL-h,-d 10 male l'.1ynu,'l1t fm <br />such los!i directl~' 10 Iht: Beneficiary instc3d of tn thL' Trustor. (1) T(l pa~' all la\c\ and SJlC'C131 :lS!,C!oismcn(' ,,1' ':.10)" kind 1h..1 h3\.C ht'"Cn Of mOlY be JC'...icd or <br />il!i.scsied upon Iiaid, :md 10 deli\'cry to Beneficiary. upon rcquclit of Ihe Bl:'nl'lki;uy. the official n"\."cipt ..howin(: p;l~.mcnl Hf ;:all '\Udl l.a\C1i .:md <br />.uses.t.menla. (3) In the event of defau11 by Trustor under Paragraphs 1 or 2 ;rhlwe. Dencfjl~i3r), at IIfri np1illn, m.:l~,' ("'~ plan,' anJ kt'l:'p such in!Wr.1ncc .al~\'iC <br />provided for in force throuj:huul tlle life of thi" Deed or Trusl [foil pa}' the rcaslln.:Jhlc premium" and ..:-har!!e.. Ihl:'rdOl: Ihl pay all ~,d ta'es and a!i.scs"!tmcnl~ <br />".,ithllUt dctcrmininJ!., the \'alidity thereof; ;sou (L.) Pay !ouch hens and ~III 'Ouch di.!oburscmcnts ,hall bl' deel1h'd ;1 pari of the indcbll.'dne'~ SC'cured b~' Ihi~ DCt."d ('If <br />Trult Il'!d _,.1Iall ,be immcdialel)' due and payablc b~. Trustur (0 HenC'ficlar).. (4. To kcep lhl:' buihlinf!s and other imphwem~nl~ now ("~i!ioting 01 hcrc.lflf:1' <br />erecled in. j;ood ,"ondition and Icpair. nol tu L:ommit or suffer any .....a~lc or any U50C of SOlid prcmi!oC!<t contrarr to IC"!Ilriclioln of n.~otd or l.'"Ontrarr to uU'<o ;and <br />to permit Brneficiary 10 enter at all 'reasonable timc!i for the f1urpo~ of inspecting the premises: not 10 remove tU dem('lli"h any huildin~ thl:TCon: to rc...1<'lt'e <br />plOmptly a,nd in B I=ood and workmanlike Imlnnel an>' buildings which mu)' bl' uumar:cd or c.h:s.tro)'cd thl'rL'tll1, ami lu P.J) . \,.hen du.... all claims fm labor pe:f(lImrd <br />and material, furnbhed therefol; (S) 11lat. if a sj~I'u:r of the Promissory Nute. he will pa)', promptl)" Iht'lm.lcbtC'dnC'~s ~"l'urcd hereby" and pl'lfolm all other oblip. <br />tionJ in full compliance with Ihe 1ertnl of said PrOmiSSOT}' Note and this need of Trust. (6) Th<ll till' time of payment of tile indebtedness hereby \lX'urcd. or ()f any <br />rorlion thereof. may be extended or renewed. and any portions of the premises herein described nUl)'. "ithout nolice'. be from 1he lten hcrct,f~ \\.'ithout <br />r~lrasing or affecting the perlOW, liabDUy Df un)' person or the priorit)' of this Deed of Trust. (1) ll1at he doc!! hcreby fnrc...'cr ":arrant .3nd \\i1l forC'\'I~r defend tbe <br />litle and poueulon thereof against the llwf\ll claims of any Bnd all pen.On5, whalsoevcr, <br /> <br />IT IS MlrWAI,LY AGREED TIIAT: <br />ll) Should Truslor f:li) tn mIke any parment o~ L11.\ 3n)' :let 3'i hCJcin I'TO\'idcd. lIT. if all~. .ad ion IH (1tn","t.'lhn~ 1\ l'l'llI111enI.:L'd \\hkh m3tl'ri31l~' :alfc,,~t' <br />Utnt':fidilr)f.~ interest in the Premises. then BenefiClar)' Of Tru,tt"C'. hilt withuul oblip.auun 10 do 1,,0. ,:md \\'l1hoU1 Iw1in.' to 111 demand upon TtU\hH. ,:mJ <br />l,;vllhout retelling T.tUIWf from "JOy obligaUon lu::u,:undcr. mil)" make or dn the ~i1",e, .anu T1HI~' p.J}', purch;I"c. l'ontl'''' "~I \Ol11pHlmlSL' JOY L'n(ul1lhraO\,~. d13rfC' <br />m lien. which in lhe Judgment &r either arrears '0 uffcct ~id propert)'; and in excrciSlO1J. .In}' ~uch ptl\\'C'r.., lm:ur ,111) hahlln" Jnd e~pc~d WhJlcn:r .amnunh In <br />the ilIIbltllut<: db(retion of Beneficiar}' ur Truslee either nlil.)' dccm ntt.'C'!isary 1hC'tcrtlf All sum~ !on incuncd Ilf t"\,Pl'lhjNI b~' UC't1cfkl3.ry I\f Tm~lce \hall llt' <br />without dem:md immedjatel)' duc ilnd pa}'able by Tru~tllr, !thull bear inlC'rC'it 4It the hi!!hc!lt lale p,"rmilt,.d h~' J.m, ~nd ..h:111 hI:' "1.'I.'un'-ll hN\'h} <br /> <br />(2l Shnuld Ihe PItl'rnllil."1 or any pMt therc:of he taken hy r('l.I\(ln or ;"1)0' cOlldl'omntinl1 1'11,\.-("~'dil1~, Ul'lll'fkIJJ) ,11:111 hl' l'l1(itlt:'ll h' .111 "I'l1llx'n'>alinn. ;1\\>111..'" <br />LInd nthcr 1,:tymC'flu th("JcJ'ur, lIInd ((J IIpph' tht IkItnc un Ihe inlJclHt~dfll''''!. !!Cl'tHcd hcTt~hy <br /> <br />1\' [ly ilu~('l'unt. t1:t)'mC'nl nr .!IllY rmrn 1It"lcb) M.'lun'u "rh" .h dill' {jaIL', III aller the nlm~ 01 fllllln' nllkl,lUll "lid III \'1..'d"'" hi '1,'11, Ikn('tKlar, ...hall "HI <br />'4';tI~1: It!I JlJ~ht tn require prompt payment \\'ht'n LlUl' uf 0111 (l1I1l~J '.urn\ \11 "l....ufl..d. lit III dcd.1H~ tkl.ullt 101 lalllln' 1\1 ".' l)j~. III 1" prlll."l'l.'lJ \\l1h 111e o:.alt' Un..kl <br />a.rT)' ~Udl nuhl'~ 01' IIl'tault i1nd of dCl'lIon 1\1 ",,'11. ((If 04n). unpahJ h"I.Hll'I' or ~td IIldcbkdr1t,"\\ If Ht'IWlld.:H\ h"hh ,111\ .1~h1l11\'I1JI ....~\.lInl~ tm an~. ohhj.:.illinn <br />\l"UII1:.d h~'H'h'l. il tool) -l.'nf4l1\,t' Iht !wile ttH~l'l"(l1 ill Il~ "IHIIlI', l"lllll'f hrfll"', (ol1h'IIlP<",lIll'lIU,,1\ \\"1111, "I Jtlt'! 'Ill" ,..It. .' ll\,1Ik hl'H'Ulhh', <br /> <br />.. <{:.J& I".V I '.1 "Po (,ItU"~"JIlt.. V.V"'" LAW <br /> <br />OIHGINAL <br />