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<br />88- 1022Ji3 <br /> <br />f~ A,.., pa~ng ttw it..- ..lfled in ~agraph (b). "1he.... Ia by Trual-' or the proper court and other coati olloreclolure end AI. If <br />ttw .... Ia pufMMI to Judicial foreCto.ure, the pc\XiIIda of.... .....1.. applied in the0rd8r ltated below to the peyment 01: <br />(1) Coet of anlMdence 01 title procured In connection with audI.... and of any rewenu. required to be paid; <br />m~f.. <br />C3t AN IUma then MOUNd ~ and any JIenI "PIng prIOrIty ower thll one; <br />f4. JunIoftrual deede. rnortpgeS. or otfter I~ and <br />(I) The ,."wndef,lIany, to.... penon or perIOM legally entitled 1hereto. <br /> <br />(eI) II the Beneficiary 0' t~ Deed of Trual is a bank .. defined by Nebraska law, any It.tement contained In any other aectlon of thll deed <br />notwlttlltendlng, The 8ene'1c1ery IhaII not be ...tltled to recetwe Of t&k8 and debtor .hell not be obUgated to pey or give: any con....lon of <br />JudgIIlInt. POWW 01 attorney to coni.. Judgment. power of attorney to appear for a borro.... In ajudlcl., proceecllng or .greement to pay the <br />COlla of collection or the attomeya' fen. unl... ~ acta of collection would not otherwl.. be prohibited by Nebraska law, provided, hoWever, <br />thIlt thll MOtion doll not apply to the Tru.... f.. referred to In paragraph 8 (b), provided further, thlt thll paragraph Ihan not apply to thll Dead <br />of Trult, If the .....'lclary II not a bank. <br /> <br />('2) Illlllllet... ......,........... Tru"or, at It I ..,..,.., will .xecut. and dellNt to the Ban.flclary, promptly upon demand, I~ lIlCurlty <br />Intltrumentl" may b8l11C1ulred by BenefIclaJy, In form and subItanCe AtII'actOfy to Beneficiary, COV.rlng any 0' the Ptoperty conveyed by thll <br />Deed of Tru.., which MCUrlty In..rumentl ahln be addltlonalaecurlty for Tru"or'l faithful performance of an of the t.rml, canvenantl and con- <br />dltlonl of thll Dead 01 Trual, the promlaaory not.. MCUred hereby, and any other lI8Curlty Instrument. executed In connection with thll transac- <br />tion. Such Instrumentl -"all be recorded or Illedat TruItof"l expen... <br /> <br />(13) ........__t oItun."O" ,...... Beneficiary may, from time to lime, by a wrlU.n lnltrum.nt .xecuted and acknowledged by <br />Beneficiary, malled to Trultor and recorded In the county or countla In which the Property II located and by oth.rwl" complying with the <br />prOYlllonlof the applicable law. of the Stat. of Nebrnka .ubltltute a .uccellOr or .ucclIIOra to the Tru.t.. named herein or acting h.reun. <br />der. <br /> <br />(14) ........... B.n.llcl.ry. or Itlag.nll, repreaentatlvel or workmen, .re authorized to ent.r at .ny r.alonabl.tlm. upon or In any part of <br />the Property for the purpo.. of Inlpectlng the same and for the purpose of performing any of the 'Ctllt II authorized to pertormund.r the terml <br />of the Deed of Trult. <br /> <br />(15) 0pII0n to FOfRIoeu~ Upon the occurr.nce 01 any d.fault heraunder, Beneficiary sh.1I have the option to foreclol. thl. Deed of Trult In <br />the mann.r provided by law for the foreclosure of mortg.ges on re.1 property. <br /> <br />(18) F........... by ...,lcI8ry Of Trust.. Not a W...... Any forabau.nce by B.neflclary or Trultee In ellerclllngany right or remedy <br />hereunder, or otherwl.. afforded by applicable ..w, .h.1I not be a w.lver of or preclud. the ellercll. of .ny luch right or r.medy. Llk.wlse, the <br />wilY<< by Beneficiary or Trult.. of any d.fault of Trultor under thll Deed of Tru.t Ihall not be deemed to be a walv.r of any oth.r or Ilmllar <br />defaUltlSUbMquently oc:curlng. <br /> <br />(17) Truetor Not ......_ extension of the time for peym.nt or modlUc.tlon or amortization of the aumlAcured by thla Deed of Trult gran- <br />ted by Ben.flclary to any IUcceuor In Inter'lt of Trultor ah.1I not oper.te to rel..I., In any m.nn.r, the lI.blllty of the original Trultor and <br />Tnmor'. IUCCHIOr In Inter..t. Beneficiary .h.1I not be required to comm.nce proceedlnglagalnltluch IUcclllOr or refuI. toext.nd Um.for <br />p.ym.nt or oth.rwlse modify .mortlzatlon of the sumlsecured by thll Deed of Trult by re.lon of any dem.nd made by the orlglna' Trustor and <br />Truator'llucClllOr In Interest. <br /> <br />(18) 1IeMfIcIIIry'1...... Without .Hectlng the liability of the Trultor or .ny other person liable for the paym.nt of .ny obligation herein men- <br />tlonecl. and without affecting thell.n or ch.rge of thll Deed of Trust upon .ny portion of the property not th.n or theretofore r.l..sed as .ecurlty <br />for the full amount of all unpaid obligations. benetlclary m.y, from tlm. to time and without notice, (I) r.I.....any person 10 lIabl., (II) extend the <br />maturity or .lter .ny of th.terml of .ny IUch obllgatlona, (iii) grant other Indulgences, (IV) rei.... or recOnvey,or cause totm ,....Ied.or r~n- <br />veyecl.t any tlm..t Ben.llcl.ry'l optlonlany p.rc.l, portion or.1I of the Property, (VI or r.I..a. anyoth8l" or addltlonll.ucurltyfor any <br />obligation h.reln m.ntlonecl, or (vi) make compolltlonl or other arrangementl with debtora In ral.tlon; " ,- ,... " " l <br /> <br />(111) RecoI,..,anoa br True.... Upon wrItten requat of B.neflclary ltatlng th.t all have been paid, .nd upon surrender of <br />thll o..d of Trult .nd the NoIe to Trult.. for cancenatlon and retention .nd upon p.yment by Trultor of Trultee's fees, Trulteelhall reconvey <br />to Tful1or, or the p.rson or peraonllegally entitled thereto, without warranty, any portion of the Property then held hereunder. The recitals ,In <br />luch reconvey.nce of .ny m.U.ra or f.ct. shall be conclullve proof of the truthfuln... th.reof. Th. grant.e In any reconveyance maybe <br />deacrlbecl.1 "the perlOn or persons legally entltlecl thereto". <br /> <br />(20) NotlceL tor .ny notices, dem.nds, requatl, or other communications required und.r applicable '.w to be given In another man. <br />n"r, whenever B.neflciary, Trultor, or Trultee glvea or serves any notice (Including. without IImlt.tlon, notice of d.f.ull and notice of 'IIIe), <br />demandl, requests or other communication with re&pect to this Deed of Trult. each auch notice, dem.nd, requeat or other communication shan <br />be In writing and shall be elfective only If the same la delivered by persona' service or mailed by cert Ifled m.II, postage prepaid, return receipt <br />requllted, addraued to the .ddresl .. III forth at the beginning Of thll Deed of Tru.t. r.Qullts th.t a copy of any notice of <br />d.fault. .ny notice of 1.le. required or permitted to be glv.n the Trustor hereunder, be mailed to It at the addr," lit forth atth. beginning of this <br />Deed of Trust. Any party may at any time ch.nge Its .ddress for luch notices by d.llverlng or mailing to the otherp.rtlea h.reto, .. aforeaald,a <br />notice of such ch.nge. Any notice hereund.r shall be deemed to nave been given to Trustor or Benellcl.ry, when given In the mannerd..lgnated <br />herein. <br /> <br />(21) GowmInI Law. Thll Deed 01 Trust .hall be governed by the laws 01 the State of Nebresk.. <br /> <br />(22) s.:c..aon .nd Au.... This Deed 01 Trult and all terms, conditions and obligations herein apply 10 and Inure to the benefit 01 and bind <br />.11 partl.s hereto, their heirs. legateel, dev;...., perlOnal reprllll8ntatlves, successors and aSllgns. The term "Beneflclery" shall mean the <br />owner .nd holder 01 the Note. whether or not named as Benellclary herein, <br /> <br />(23) JoInland '--'I UabUlty, All covenants and .greements,ol Trustor shall be joint and several. <br /> <br />(24) SewrablUty. In the event anyone or more of the provlllons contained In this Deed of Trust, or the Note or any other security instrument <br />given In connection with this tr.ns.ction .hall for any realon be held to be Invalid, Illegal or unenforce.ble In any respect, such invalidity, <br />illegality, or unenf~rceablllty Ihall, at the option of Beneflcl.ry, not affect any other provlllon of this Deed of Trust, but thll Deed of Trult shall <br />be construed nif lucn invalid, Illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein or therein. If the lien ,of this Deed of Trust is <br />Invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the debt, or if the lien is invalid or unenforceable 81 to any part of the Property, the unsecured or par- <br />tially IIcured portion of the dabt shall be completely p.ld prior to the payment 01 the remalnlng and secured or partially secured portion of the <br />debl, and all payments made on the debt, whether voluntary or under foreclosure or other enforcement action or procedure, shall be conlldered <br />to been flrat paid on and applied to the full payment of that portion of the debt which Is not secured or not fully Acured by the lien of this <br />DeecI ot Trust. <br /> <br />(25) NutMef and Gender; Capttona. Whenever used herein, the singular number shall Include the plural, the plural, the singular, and the use of <br />any gender snail be applicable to all genders. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are lor convenience only and <br />.ra not to be uled to Interpret or dellne the provisions hereof. <br /> <br />(26) Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed 01 Trust, duly executed and acknowledged, Is made a public record as <br />provided by law. <br />