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<br />JUI_ 10221{3 <br /> <br />e. UlIIf, fl.T ...... eM ~ III .,of .. nl1'IllIeIJ"......." Tru.tor ....11 maU .11 ...~ment. ollnl...l and lI'rfIf'clpal and pa~lntl of an~ <br />ot,* c:haf0ll. .... and ........ cor.tracted to be paid 10 an, ..lltlng llenhold.,. or prior beneflclarl.. under any prior deed of trUlt or mor. <br />tpge bet.- the dati""'" dllllnquent and promptly ...r and dllCharge any and "I other, cl.lms or charg.. which m.y jeopardla the <br />~ granted herein. "T""'Ol' ..... to make anr auctI paWlMftt or f..l. to perform any of th. covenant. and .greement. COIlt.lned In Ihl. <br />DMc:I of TIUII. Olin lift)' prior mortpp 01 deed of fruit. 0111 anr action or proceeding II commenced which materl.lly .ffecl. Benlflcllty" In- <br />..,.. In the ProI*tY.lncIudlnO. but not limited 10, emlnant domain prol*tdlnal, or prDCMdlng.lnvolYlng . decedent. or If Trustor falll to pay <br />Tru.tor'. ... ganerIIIy .. ... bac:omI due, INn IanetlcWJ. at BenefIciary'1 option and "thout notice to or demand upon Truatorand <br />without reIIMIIIa Truator 'rom any obligation Ilenluncler. ma)' make .uc:h appearances, dlaburn auch auml, and take Iuctlactlon .. I. <br />naceaary to proteCt Banttflclaly'. 1ntaNet, including. but not limited 10, dlabursem.nt of reasonable attorney'l 'lei. paym.nt. purch.... con. <br />.... 01 coqwomlll of eny ancumbranCI, cMrga 0( Uen. and entry upon the Plopart)' 10 make repaira. In the evenl that Truator sh.n fall to <br />procUlllnIurencI or to pa)' ...... ............... or any othM' char;e8 or to ma1t8 any ...ym.nt. to ealItlna prior lI.n or ben.flclarl... <br />8Ineflc.." m8)' procura .uch lnaurance and make auctI payment, Any amounll dlabursed by Beneficiary pursuant to thl. Paragraph 8 "'all <br />'Iliacome addIlIonaIlndIbtIcfnIa of Truator ucurad by IhI. DIed of Tru.t. Such amount. .....1 bit payabl. upon Rotlctl from Beneflcllty to <br />Trultor reIIl*Ilng permant ........ and IhaIf boar Inlerest from lha d.l. 0' dlaburaemenlat the rat. payabll 'rom time 10 tlm. on oul.landlng <br />principal under the Nota unJaaa peymenl of Inl.... .. auch rata would be contrary 10, In which evenlluch amounta .hall bear In. <br />I.... .. the hlgtlaat rata pannIalble undIr applicable law. Nothing contained In Ihl. par.graph e ....11 raqulrs Ben.flclary to Incur any .xpense <br />or take any action .....nder. . <br /> <br />7, AaI....1ftIIId of ....... BenetlcWJ .....1.....lhe right, po.... and authority during the contlnu.nce of thll Deed of Tru.t to the rentl, <br />IUII8I and pro"lI 0' tha Properly and of anypereonal property located thenIon with or without t.klng pol....lonof the property affecled <br />hereby,.nd TMlor tleNby abaoIutlly and uncondltlonall)' aUlan. all auch rent.,I.aue. and profit. to B.neflcl.ry. Ben.flclary, however, h.reby <br />consenl. to the Tru.lor'. collection and retenllon of luch rent., luu.. Ind profit. a. th.y accrue and become payabl. 10 long aa Tru.tor II not, <br />.t luch tlma, In default with feapect to payment of any Indebtednee. lICured h.reby, or In th. perform.ncl of .n)' agreement h.reunder. Upon <br />any .uch def.ult, Beneflcl.ry l118yat anr lime. alttllr In penon, by Igent, or by a rec.lver 10 be appointed by a court, without nollcllnd without <br />reg.rd to thtt adlquaQ)' of eny aeeurlly for lhe Indebtedn... hereby IICUred, (8) enter upon and I.k. pOI.e..lonof the Property or any part <br />thereof, and In It. own nama lIUlt 'or or ottlenrIH collect auch rent., II.ues and profits, Including those put due and unpaid, and apply the same, <br />I... co... and e.pen... of operallon and collection, including re.sonable attomeya f..a, upon any Indebtedneal lecured hereby, and Inluch <br />order.. Benetlcllty l118y det-.nlne; (b) perform luch actl of or protection a. mlY be neceaaary or proper to conaerve the valu. of the <br />Property; (C) ..... tha or an)' part thereof for .uch rent.l, term, and upon .uch condltlona .. It. judgment may dictate or termlnaleor ad. <br />juat thelerml and conditions of any e.latlng lea.. or I...... Unl..1 Tru.tor Ind Beneflcl.ry .gree otherwls. In writing, any application of rentl, <br />I..u.. or profit. to any lndebledneu Meured hereby .hall nolextend or postpone the due d.te of the Inltallment plyment. a. provided In.ald <br />promllllOry note or change the amount of .uch Inst.llment.. The ent.rlng upon and laking po.....lon of the Property, th. collection of such <br />rente,l.aua. and profit., and the application th.r8!Jf a. afor..ald, .h.1I nol walvl or cure any def.ult or notice of dalautt hereunder, or Invalidate <br />any act don. pursu.nt to such notice. Tru.tor allO Ullgnl to Beneficiary, al further IIcurlty for the performance of the obligations secured <br />h.reby, .11 prepaid r.nt. .nd ali monl.. which may have beln or m.y h.rl.her be depollted with a.ld Trullor by any '.ssee of the Property, to <br />lICur. the p'rment of any or d.m.g.., and upon default In th. performance of any of the provisions hereof. Trustor agrees to deliver such <br />rents and depotltSlO B.neflciary. Delivery of wrlUen notice of Ben.flcl.ry'. e.erclse of the rights granted herein, to any tenant oCl:upylng said <br /> .hall be .ufflclenl to rlQulre s.ld ten.nl10 pay uld r.n110 th. Benetlclary until further nollee. <br /> <br />8, Cond.mRlltlon.lf tltl. to any part of the Property "'a" be taken In condemnallon proceeding., by right of eminent domain or similar action, <br />or Ih.1I be eold undor threat of condemn.tlon, ... .wardl, d.mages and proceeclll are hereby ..llgned .nd .hali be paid to BenefiCiary who shall <br />apply luch aw.rdl. damagn and proceeds to the lum IICUred by thll Deed of Trult, wllh the e.c..., It any, paid to Trustor. If Trustor receives <br />any notice or olher Inform.tlon regarding IUch actions or proceeding., Tru.lor .h.1i glv, prompt written notice thereof to Beneficiary. <br />Beneflcl.ry 1h.1I bit entitled, at II. option, to commence, appear In and proaecute in It. own any luch action or proceedings and shall be <br />.nlltled to make any comproml.. or ",tlemant in connection wllh any auch action or proceedlnga. <br /> <br />I. ......111_ Not Exclua.... Tru.... and Beneficiary, and each of lhem, Ihall be entitled 10 .nforce payment and performance of any Indebted. <br />n... or obIlg.lIon. HCurad hereby and to e.ercl.. all rights and powers under this Deed of Trult or under any other agreement e.ecuted In con. <br />nectlon herewllh or anr la. now or h.reah.r In forc., not.wllh.tandlng IOme or all of the .uch Indlbtedne.. and obligations lecured hereby <br />may now or he....h.r be oth.rwl.. lIICured, wh.ther by mortg.g., deed 0' tru.t, pledge, lien, a.slgnment or otherwlle. Neither the acceptance <br />of thl. Deed of Trult nor Ita enforcement whether by court action or pursu.nt to the power of .lle or other power. h.reln contained, shell <br />prejudice or in .ny manner a"eet Tru.t..'. or Beneflcl.ry'l right to ....llz. upon or enforce any other security now or hereater held by Trultee or <br />B.neflclary,1I being .greed th.t Trusl.. and Beneficiary. and each of th.m, Ih.1I be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security <br />now or hereah.r held by Beneficiary or Tru....ln .uch ord.r .nd mannlr .. th'y or either of them mlY In ab.olute dllcretlon determine. No <br />mnlldy herein conferred upon or reMMJCI to Tru.... or Beneflel.ry Illnt.nded to be ..clu.lve of any other remedyh.reln or by lew provided or <br />pennlned, but Mch _!la" be cumul.tlve and ....11 be In addition te every other r.medy given her.under or now or hereaher existing at law or In <br />lQulty or by atatut.. Every po_r or rameei}' provided h.r.under thl. Deed of Trull to Trustee or Ben.flclary or to which .lther of them may be <br />oth.rwlaeentltled, may be ..erclaecl, concurr.ntly or Independently, from time to time and as often as may be deemed eKpedlentbyTrustee or <br />Beneficiary and .lther of them m.y pursue Inconllat.nt ramedl... Nothing her.ln Ihall be con lilt rued al prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a <br />deflc..."lq' JudgmMl'a.ln.t the Trustor to th. Blttent such ectlon la permitted by ..w. <br /> <br />10. T...... 01.... P,apert). AIMImpUon. If all or any part of tile property or any Interest therein Is 801d, transferred or conveyed by Trustor <br />without Beneficiary'. prior wrltt.n conaent, e.cludlng (al the creation of e lien of encumbr.nce subordinate to this Deed of Trult, (b) the creation <br />of a purch... money IlCUrlty Interest for houl8hold appliances, Icl . tranafer by devlae, deacent or by operation of iaw upon the dealh of a joint <br />len.nt or{d) the grant of any leaaehold Interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchas8, Beneficiary mey, at Benellciery's op- <br />tion, ~Iare all the aum. secured by this Deed of Trust to be Immedlatelv due arid Davable. or cause the Trultee to file a notice of default. <br />Beneficiary .h.llllave waived such option to accelerate II, prior to the sale, Transfer or conveyance, BenBflclary and the person to whom the <br />property I. to be eold or tr.nsferred reach agreement In writing that the credit of such person Is satllfactory to Beneflclery and that the <br />lnt.reat p.yable on the aums secured by this Deed of Trust shall ba at such rate as Benellciary shall request. <br /> <br />1'. AnlTWratlan upon Default; "-__ Sale. Upon default by Trustor In the payment of or performance of the terms and conditions of the <br />Note, or any renew. I., modifications or extensions thereof, or the payment of any other Indebtedness 8ecured hereby or In the performence of <br />any of thl covenant. or .greements h.reunder, Beneficiary may declare all sums secured hereby Immediately due and payable and the same <br />ah." thereupon become due and p.y.ble without presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind. Thereafter, Beneficiary may deliver to <br />Tru.t.. a writt.n declaration of def.ult and demand for sale. Trult.. shall have the pow.r of 8ale of the Property and II Beneficiary decides the <br />Property la to bit eold It .hall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note or notes and any other document. evidencing eKpendlture. <br />aecurecl hereby, and Ihall dellftr to Trustee a written notice of default and election to cause the Property to be sold, and Trustee, In turn, shall <br />prepare a similar notice In the form required by law which .hall be duly tiled for record by TrustfoB, <br /> <br />(8) After the lapH of such time III may be required by law following the recordation of Notice of Default, and Notice of Default and Notice of <br />Sa~ having been giYen .. required by ..w, Trustee, without demand on Trustor, shall sell the Property In one or more parcels and in such order <br />a. Truator may determine on the date and at the time and place designaled In said Notice of Sale, al public auction to the highest bidder, the <br />purchaH price payable In cash In lawful money of the United States at the tlmo of sale. The P9rson conducting Ihe sale may, for any cause he or <br />she deem. expeclleilt, poatpon. the sale from time to time until It shall be completed and, In every such ca.., notice of postponement sh.II be <br />g,"" by public declar.tlon thereof by such per80n at the time and place Iut appointed for Ihe sale; provided, If the ssle Is postponed for longer <br />than one (1) day be)'ond the day deslgnatedln the Notice of Sale, notice thereof shall he given In the leme manner as the originel Notice of Sale. <br />Truatea .hall_ecute and deliver to 1he purchaser Its Deed conveying the Property so sold, but wllhout any coven.nt or warranty, eKprellS, or <br />implied. Thareclta" in the DeecI of any matters or facts Ihall be conclullve proof 01 the truthfulness thereot. Any person, Including without <br />IIml1ctlon Beneficiary or Trustee. may purchue at the llle. <br /> <br />(b) When Tru.... 181'. pursuant to the powers herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale to peyment of the cost. and expenses 01 <br />..en:lling the pow..- of sale and of theaale,lncludlng, without limitation, the payment of Trustee's Fees Incurred, which Trustee's Fees shall no. <br />In the aggraoat. exceed the fOllowing .mounts baaed upn" the amount secured hereby and remaining unpaid: 5 percentum on the balance <br />thereof; and then to the forth In IUb;NIraiJraph Ie) hereof in the order therein stlled. <br />