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<br />, <br />.r i ~:, -.~~ .r.;; .f <br /> <br />88- 1022'11 <br /> <br />'J <br />":1 <br />\ <br />I, <br />I <br /> <br />rights and benefits 8CCI1Ilng to the Bonower under UlY and aU oll and <br />gu 1_ on Wd premlIs, with the right to receive and receipt for <br />the wne lUId apply them to saId'ladebtedass u well before u after <br />default In the coadlt(OI\I or thls lastrumeat, ud the Leader may de, <br />mud; JiJe foiolUldnixivorUlY such paymeall wboa due ud payable. <br />but abaII iilit be required 10 w do. Thll ....punent II to terminate ud <br />'-nmi, nUllud void upan reIouo of thts IlIItrumoat. <br /> <br />10. That the BorrowerwUI keeP the buildings upon Aid premises In <br />good repair,' aad neither commit nor permit wute upon said land, nor <br />suffer the said p,:"",1ses to be used far any unlawful purpose. <br /> <br />11. That if tb. premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under <br />the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public use, the <br />damages awarded, the proceeds (or the taking of. or the conslderaUon <br />for such acqulslUon, to the ""tomt of the fuU amount of Indebtedness <br />upa,n this IlISttument and the note which It is given to """'re remain. <br />Ing unpaid, are hereby assigned by the Borrower to the Lendcr, and <br />shall be paid (orthwith to said Lender to be applied b)' lhe latter on <br />account of the Ill!lt maturing installments of such Indebtedness, <br /> <br />12, The Bonower (urther agrees that should till.> Instmment and the <br />note secured he"by not be eligible for Insurance under the NaUonal <br />Housing Act wllbln eight months From the date hereof (written .tate. <br />ment of any orflcer of tbe Department of HOUling and Urhon <br />Development or authorized ogent of the Secretary of Housing ond Ur. <br />bllll Development dated subsequent to the eight months' Ume from lbe <br />date of thls lastrumeat, declining to Insure said note and this mort- <br />PIO, being deemed conclusive proof of sucb Ineligibility). the Lender <br />or bolder or the note may, at Its Opllon, declare all sums """"red <br />bereby lmmodJately due and payoble. NotwlthstUldlng the foregoing, <br />tbls option may not be ""erclsod by the Lender or the holder of tbe <br />note when the IneliglbWty For Insuronce under the NoUonol Housing <br />Act is due to the Leader's fallure to remit the mortgage Insu,ance <br />premium to the Department of HOUllnR and Urban O",'elopment. <br /> <br /> <br />13. That if th~ Borrower fails fo make uny pa)'mentJ of mone}' when <br />tb. s.m. b.eome due, 0' foils to conform to ond rompl)' wllh .or of <br />the conditions or a~ents contuinLod In this instrument. or the note <br />which it secures, then the' entire principal sum and accnrt:d interest <br />5h.1I ot once bet.",me due and payable, at the el""tion of Ihe Lender. <br /> <br /> <br />Lender shall give notice 10 8orrow.r prior 10 .cceleratlon followlnR <br />Borrower's breach 01 an}' CO\'enwlt or agre:ernent in this instrument <br />(but not prior to acceler.tlon under poragraph 12 unl... applicable <br />law provldJ!S otherwise). The notice shallspoclfy, (a) the default: (bl <br />the oc:llon required to cure tbe defoult: (c) a dale, not I"", tbon JO <br />days from the dole the notice i> given to Bonower, by which tbe <br />default must he cured: aad (dtlhat fnllUJ'l! to CUll' the default on or <br />before Ihe date .pec:lfied In the notice moy result In acceleration of tb. <br />sums JOCUred by this Instrum.nt ond saI. of the Property. Tbe notice <br />shall lurthrr inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after HaTler.. <br />tIon oad the rlllht to bring 0 court oeIion to ....rt the of <br />a deloult or any other defense of Iionower to acceleration and sale. If <br />the default'ls nol cured on or before the date 5jlOcllied in the notice, <br />Leader at Its option mo)' require immediate poyment in full of all <br />IIIDIS lIOCUred b)' this lmtrument without further demaod ond may 10. <br />''OR the pawer of we and any other remedies permitted b)' ap. <br />pIleabie law. Lender shall hE entitled to collect oil expensa Incurred <br />1.0 punulng the remedies provided in this paragraph 13, Including, bUI <br />not limited to, r<:a>onable ot~orney's fee, and emu of title .vidence, <br /> <br />If the power of sole Is Invoked, Trustee shall record a notice or <br />default In each county In whleh 8IlY part of the PropertY Is located, <br />and shall mall coples or such notice In the mannerpracrlbedby ap. <br />plicable law to Bonowerandro,the~er~DI"~lNlclbYap- <br />plicable law, Mterthe lImneq~by.appUCable 1a~,'I'''!''-sbaII <br />give public notice or salfi to the penona aaCliJJ theDwaiier.~ <br />by applicable how; TrustIie,wltboutdOmUidIli1 Bomi..;mau~, <br />tbe Property at publl~~_n.tOthll b1gliest bkider.t liietime And- <br />place and under iJiilternisdili!plilcllntbilnoll..eor:lale In one or <br />more parcels and In any order TfuSiee;detili1iiIiaes; TrU.tee may <br />po.stpone sole of all or any Paml of the ptopeny by pubUcanno\lJlceo <br />ment at the time andllloceofanyptevJotiJly~edWod laIed.ender <br />or Its designee may purcbase the Property at any sale, <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid. Trusteesb,ill"deUver to <br />the purchuer Trustee's deed conveying t~e Proporty,''l:iie'rilCitals In <br />the Trustee's deed .hall be prima facie evidence of the, irUth of the <br />stotements maci!l therein, Tnutee shall apply the prOceeds or the sale <br />In the following order: (a) to all ""penses IIf the sale, lncludJng but <br />not limited to, Trustee's fees as permitted by applicable law and <br />,easonable attorney<' fees; (b) to all .UIJlll secured by this Security In, <br />'Irumenl: and (c) any excess to the person or penons,lepJIy enUtIod <br />to it. <br /> <br />14, Upon oeeeleratlon under paragroph 13 or abandonmoat of the <br />Property, Lender (In penon, by agent or by judicially appointed <br />receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, tob possession of and <br />manage the Property ond to coUec:l the rents of the Property including <br />those put due. Any rents collec:tod by Lender or the receiver shall be <br />applied flm to payment of the costs of managemoat or the Property <br />ond colloc:tlon of rents, Including. but notliinJted to, receiver's fees, <br />premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, aad then <br />to Ih. SUIJlll secured by this Instrument. <br /> <br />15. Upon payment of all sumo secured by thi> illSttument, Lender <br />shall request Trwtee to reconvey the Property IIIId slioll surrender this <br />Instrument ond aill notes evidencing debt secured by this instmment to <br />TrustL'e. TrUltee sball reconveny the Property withoul warranty and <br />withollt charge to the penon or penons legally entitled to It. Sueh <br />person or persons shall pa)" any recordation costs. <br /> <br />16. Lender, ot iu option, moy from time to time remove Trustee <br />and appoint 0 successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by <br />all Instrument recorded in the c:ounty In which this instrument Is <br />rL'COrded, Without ronveyance of the Property, the SI1CCC1SOr trustee <br />shall succeed to all the Utle, power and dulles conferred upon Trustee <br />h.reln ond by opplicoble low. <br /> <br />Ii. Borrower requests thot copies of the notices of doEoult and sale <br />be sent to Borrower's address which is the Property Addrea. <br /> <br />Ill. If on. or more riders are exeeuted by Borrower and recorded <br />together wUh Ihls Instrument, Ihe covenants and agreements of each <br />.uch rider .holl be Incorporoted into and shall amend and supplement <br />the co"enonu and ogreernenu of this Instrument as If the rIder(s) were <br />a fla,t oltbl.> Instrument. <br /> <br />J 9. Th. eovenonu herein contained sholl bind, aod the benefits ood <br />ad"ilntag~ shall ioure tQ~ the respective heirs, eucutors, ad. <br />mlnlstrulors, successors, ond assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever <br />used, the singular number shall include the plural. the plurol the <br />sinRulor, and the.... of any I!"nder shall include all genders, <br /> <br /> <br />By siglli"" below, Borrower olCCepts and agn-es to the terms covenants eontnJoed in thi> Seeunl;- Instr'.1Clcnt :r:d in a"'j' ridcr(.) execuled "l' <br />Bonower aad reco,ded with ii, <br /> <br />Stote 01 NebrasIco, <br /> <br />eo-ty of <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />{!1:-A{'~ <br />~, ' , . . ' ''"'1 \ \,-'- \ .' "'~. <br />Le 1 Ie L. IlD libaugh <br /> <br />[Seall <br />Bono..., <br /> <br />.-'J..",,-, <br />., ..., <br /> <br />[Seal) <br />Bort'O"~r <br /> <br />} a: <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />n. ForeIoIn. Instrument wu oeknowledged before me Ihls I, t 11 ,doy of I ill y <br />lIES . by uule fl.. Hollibaugh and L"lili., L. Olllb"ur.ll, hU5t>uilU and wi re <br /> <br />W~ my hand oad nolorlol seoI 01 <br /> <br /> IHlnnd <br /> <br />My commlMion elpttell .;. L I ; i <br /> <br />In said Count}", the date <br /> <br />,>.j, J <br /> <br />\ j_tJ, ',v ,/)1 <br /> <br />~{lt.r" l'uhllC' <br /> <br />GtM\.rtl'''''.'\I;''V. SI.,I!'(It N"br.'nll <br /> <br />P"Q_ J 01 4 <br /> <br />M....CntTll1\-hp 051(.\2 \989 HUO,9;;?,.a30T <br />