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<br />88- 10221{1 <br /> <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and lIpee II follows, <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />1. That Bo__ wt1I pay the Indebted....., II hereinbefore provid- <br />ed. PrIvIIep Is .-ved to pay the debt In whole or In part on any in- <br />stallment ~ date. <br /> <br />2. That. toptber with, aocIln addition to, the monthly paymentl <br />of principal aocIlnlerell: peyable under the terms of the note seemed <br />hereby, the Borrower wt1I pay to the Lender, on the rust day of uch <br />month until tbe aid note i. fully paid, the following JUDII: <br /> <br />(a) Amount JUfflclentto provide the holder hereof with funds to <br />pay the neat mortgage insurance premium if this Instrument and the <br />note Iel:IUelI hereby are Insured, or a monthly charge (In lieu oj a <br />mDrtgage inluranc-e premium) If they are held by the Secretary of <br />Housing and Urban Development, II follows: <br /> <br />(1) If and so loog as said note of even date and this instrument <br />are insured or are reinsured under the pr~vlslons of the National <br />Housing Act, an amount sufficient to accumulate In the hands of the <br />boJ~~!!~\r.~:tJI!IP.!!.."!PmP.JlKtr-!. <br />lOOmt~oot!:U9'JU'QlO~kQl"w.I.!tl~JCI@lt <br />~"~aliiIIiJlCDih~~jIiUli( <br />~~~NNJIIJItI.1JI!oJl1IiI{<<~~:.lfPIItI(blK <br />~\0: <br /> <br />'Bam..~9t~~~ <br /> <br />~_--'Er~"'" . .;" <br />u .. ~~ . !t..x,~ \,.,;. '\ <br />~~~ ,. ~.. ~~~"o( <br />~~~ . ~J'-~Jt!t:~;~m. <br />. ~~lIlD!lIlQIIOK~~ot~I6X <br /> <br />v' <br />" <br /> <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rrn... if any. nellt due. pit" the <br />premiulll5 that will next become due and payable on policies of fire <br />and oth.... hazard insuranCt! covering the property. plus tlUes and <br /> next due 00 tbe property (all or ..'imDted by the Lender) <br />I.... aU sums a!read)' paid therefor di,'ided b)' the numbe, of months <br />to elapse before one (1) month prior 10 the date when such ground <br />rents. pmniulll5, taxes and ......."ents will become delinquent. .uch <br />SWIll to be beld 1>)' Lender In trust to pa)' said ground renu. <br />premiums, lu... and special lURWI1enU: and <br /> <br />(cl All payments mentioned in the two pnoceding sumedions of this <br />paracraph and all pa)-meots to be made under the note secured <br />hereby shall be added tD&"lher, and the aggregate amount thereof <br />shall be paid by the Bom>wer elOCh month In a single paymenr to be <br />applied by the Lender to the following items in the order set forth, <br /> <br />xxxx<<X~~&M.l~!t'n9l;'lk.~Jtj!k~x <br />~...l!!-;!tHinm.!tra~~~..h~~!I!t.~X <br />~~~~!t~~~~!Y.~X <br /> <br />(If) ground "",U. luIS, a.uemnenU. fire and otber hazard in. <br />surance premiums: <br /> <br />(III) int..-est on the note secured hereby: <br /> <br />(IV) amortlution 01 the principal 01 Rid ncte: and <br /> <br />(Vl late charge. <br /> <br />Any deiIciencI' in the amount of such aggregate monthl)" payment <br />shall, um- made lood b)' the Borru.. e. prior Lo the due date of the <br />"""t such pa}-meot, corutltute an ",'eot of default uncle, this mort- <br />gage, ",., Lender ml) coI1oct a -late cha~- not to exceed lou, Ct!nls <br />(4") fer each dollar (II) of each p&)ment mo,e tban fifteen (15\ da)"s <br />in I..I'l"e&n to cover 1M extra 1:!1;pt"nR in\.'oh-'ed in handUnJl: delinquent <br />paymenU. <br /> <br />3, That if the total of the payments made by the Borrower under <br />(hI of perapapb 2 prec:edlnl shall exceed the amount 01 P&}-meoU ac- <br />tually nuode b)' the f..eacl",r Jot cround rents, lu.. and _enls or <br />_ premluma. u the ... may be, ouch ex~, II the loan is <br />eunent, lOt the optloa of the 1lorro1o'ef. shaI1 he etedlted by the <br />Lendla- OIl ~ payments to be nuode by the or <br />refuaded to the Ilonowe:. If, 00-, the monthly payments made <br />by the ........ ........ (b) of peravaph I pn>oedl... "'all not be suffl. <br />_ to ~ pllUIIII _, ..- &ad _tI or 11IIUr8M'l' <br />pra:tbaaI. II tbe ... JI\II)' be. wban the ....... shall beocme due and <br />payable. tbeD the 80nvwIlr sba1I pay to the Lender IUt}' amount <br />.-ry to ar'" up the do6clency, 011 or before the date when pay- <br />_ of ouch pouad reatI. ru., _. or IMuraDCe pranlul11l <br />obaII be duo. If lOt any time lhe Ilom>-lo.... shall tender to the Lender, <br />)" ~ with the prov\IIonI of the note ......,red bereb}', full pay' <br />ment 01 the mtJno I~ed.... ,.".....,.,Ied lheftby, lhe Lender "'all. <br /> <br />in oompullng the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the lIClCOunt <br />of the Borrower aU payments made under the provision. !lMlU\9fxxx <br />iiI!mII!!lPII~~\lh<<l}K~lll.IllUMlNX<<l(W <br />~~tIliIā‚¬JI6U@li6Il~~ <br />),,~~VIKWJ{~~~'Ik~ of (h) of <br />paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under any of the provi- <br />UOlll of tbls instrument resulUngln a pubUc sale of the premises <br />covered hereby, or If the Lender acquires the property otherwise after <br />default, the Lender shall apply, at the lime of the commencement of <br />such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, <br />the balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under (b) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, II a credit agaInst the amount of principal <br />then ranal~ under aid note.~~~j{X <br />;~ .r KM_' \ <br /> <br />4, That tbe Borrower wiD pay ground ren~, taxes, assessments, <br />water rat..., and other governmental or municipal charges. fines, or <br />impositions, for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and <br />In default tbereof the Lender may pay the same: and that the Bor- <br />rower wiD promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower wiD pay all taxes which may be levied upon the <br />Lender's interest in said l?.al estate and improvements, and which may <br />be levied upon this instrument or the debt seemed hereby (but only to <br />the extent tbat such is not prohibited by iaw and only to the extent <br />that such will not make this loan usurious). but excluding any income <br />tu, State or Federal, imposed on Lender, and wiD file the official <br />receipt mowing such payment with the Lender. Upon violaUon of this <br />undertaking. or If the Borrower is prohibited by any law now or <br />hereafter alsting from paying the whole or any portion of the <br />aforesaid t...., or upon the reodering of any court decree probibiting <br />the payment by the Borrower of any such lues, or If such law or <br />decree provides that any amounl 10 paid by the Borrower shaU be <br />credited on tbe debt. the Lender ,hall have the right to give ninety <br />days' written notice to the owner of the prem~. requiring the pay- <br />ment 01 the debt. If such notice be given. the said debt sball become <br />due. payable and collectible at the expiration of said ninety days. <br /> <br />6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep any cove- <br />nant provided for in this Instrument, then the Lender, atl" option, <br />may payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shaU be <br />added to tbe principal sum owing on the above note, shall be secured <br />hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the said note, <br />until paid, <br /> <br />7, That the Borrower hereby assigns, transfen and sets over to the <br />Lend.... to be applied toward the payment of the nole and all sums <br />secured hereby in cue of a default In the performance of any of the <br />terms and conditions of this instrument or the said note, aU the rents, <br />"",enues and income to be derh'ed from the said premises during such <br />time as the Indebtedn.... .haU remain unpaid. and the Lend.... mall <br />have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pur- <br />pose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and coIl_g <br />the rents, revenues and Income, and it may payout of said incomes <br />aU expenses of repairing said premises a,nd necessary commimons and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of coll_g <br />rentab therefrom: the balanCt! remaining, If any, to be applied toward <br />the discharge of said lodebtedness. <br /> <br />B. That the Borrower wiD keep the Improvemenls now exirtlng or <br />hereafter erected on the property. insured ..'ma}' be required from <br />time to time by the Lender against loss by fire and other hazards, <br />casualties and contingcm:iC1 in such amounts and Cor such periods as <br />may be required by the Lender and will pa)' promptl).. when due, <br />an)' premiums on such insurance pro\ision for payment of which has <br />not beeo made bereinbefore. AU insuranCt! "'aU be carried in com. <br />panies 'pp",,'ed by the Lender and the policies and renewals the,eof <br />mall be held by the Lender and h...e attacbed thereto loss pa)'able <br />clauses In fa,'Or of and in lorm acceptable to the Lender, In evenl of <br />I.... Borrower wiD give immediate noIiCt! by maU to the Lender. who <br />may make proof of I_ If not made promptly b)' Borrower. and each <br />Insurance oompan)' COllCt!med is hereby authorized and directed to <br />make payment Cor such I.... directly to the Lender Irutead of to the <br />Borrower and the Lender jointly, and the insuranCt! proceeds. or any <br />part thereof, may be applied by the Lender at ils option either to the <br />reduetion of the indebtednea hereby Iel:IUelI or to the restoration or <br />repair of the property damllaed. In event of fonll:losure of tIW Instru- <br />ment or other tranofer of title to the mortgapd property in extinguish. <br />m..,t of the Indebtednea aecured hereby, all right. Litle and interest of <br />the Borrower in and to any insurance policies then In foree shall pass <br />to the purcb_ or grantee. <br /> <br />9. That AI additional and coUateral st.'CUri~' for the parment of the <br />notiP deacrJbed. .nd all mnu to bft:oml" due under this trutTumcnt. th... <br />8orrow~ hfteby uttgns to the l....ndrf all pTflfitJ. r~\'l"'nurs. t'O\'a.Jth"':\. <br /> <br />Pill;. 2 ". .4. <br /> <br />~\JD-lJ;?l.\JD"I <br />