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<br />r- <br /> <br />QQ_ '1 n.'.J".~ <br />10, Bor_ Nell _; __ By LendIt' Nell e W.lwr. ElC1ension of II1e time lor payment or mocII\YOn of .monhiltj\,~Ifit'~ by 1hls Security Ins1Nm8nt <br />granled by Lender to any suc:ceuor In Inl8leB1 of Borrower sh.1I not operate to ret.... the liability of the originel BoITOWBI' or Borrower's SUCCllfIBOrIlIn inlaresl, Lander shell npl be llIqulred <br />10 commence proceedings 80_ any successor in InlenlBl or ",fuse 10 extend lime for payment or olherwl.. modify amorlizsUon of Ihe sums secured by \his Securily InslIumBl1I by reason <br />of any denlanct. ~ & " CJiglnelllo!l'OVoler or Bormwer's successors In In_sl, Any forbe.rance by Lender In exerciSing any right or remedy shell not bot a - of or precIud~ II1e <br />exarcis8 of any iigftt Of rerhadV:' ' , <br />11. ~ _ AuIg... Bound; Jolnl and llewrel Uablllly; CcHllInere. The covenanla and 80reemanla ot this Security Instrumenl shell bind and _Iha successors and <br />assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject 10 Ihe PfOYIsionB ot paragraph 17, Borrower's covenants and .greementS shall be jolnl and sever.l, Any Borrowerwhoc:o-sIgns \his Security lnslrurn8Il1 <br />butdoea not exOCllt6 the Note: (.1 Is co-slgnlng this Security Instrumenl only 10 morIgag., granl end convey that Borrower'sln_t in the property undar the lem1lI of thI8 SIc;urity -: <br />(b) is not personally oblIgaI8d 10 pay the sum. sac:urad by this Security Ins1/UIl1eI1t; and IC) 8gllIlI. II1eI Lender and any 01he1' Borrower may agree 10 -. modify. - 01' ..- any <br />accommodalions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrumenl or the Nota wilhoullhat Borrower'. consent, <br />12. Loon ChBIlIeL It lha loan lIllCUI8d by this Security Instrument is subject 10 a law whlch ....111IIIlimum loan 'charges. and Ihellaw is finally interpreted "" Ihellha - or_loan <br />charges c:oIIacIed Of 10 be c:oIIacIed In connec1lon with the loan exceed the permllled Ilmila, Ihan: (.1 any such loan ctwge shaU be reduced by the amounI necesurv 10 reduce 1ha charge <br />10 lha pennitted 11mtl; and (b) any ....... IIbMcIy 001_ from Bomlwer Which .....- permilled IimIls wiU be refunded 10 Bonower, Lender may _10 ..- ,lhIe refund by reduein!l <br />lha principel_ under lha Note Of by mekIng a _ payment to Bomlwer, If a relund reducee principal, the reducllon wiU be lreated as a partial ~ -.. IIf1 ~ ctwge <br />under lha Note, <br />11. LagIIIdon................ RIghle. If _ or...,- of appUcable IawtI has lha ettect 0' rendering any provision of 1ha Note or IhilI Securi1y 1nIIIrumenl....roieeeble <br />lICCIlIIlling 10 ita _ ...-. alllS option. may require ImmedleIe payment In fuU of aU oumsllllCUl8d by thI8 SIc;urity 1_ and may _ any ...- ...- by pBIIIlPIIIl19, <br />II Lender exerciIBIlhIe option. Lender shell lBkelha .tepa spoclfied In lha _ paragrepIl of paragrepIl17, <br />14. _ Any _ to Bomlwer provided for in thI8 Security InslIumBl1I shell be given by delivering tt or by maIIng tt by IinIl dua mall -llIlIIio*N _ ~... of anoIIw <br />-. The _ shBII be chcled 10 1ha ~ __ ur any _ __ eon-deolgnaleaby _10 Lender, Ant _10 Lender shall be iii*' by IIret _ _10 UIv*'lI <br />_1IllIed IlInIn or any _ _ Lander deeIgna1a by _10 llomlwer, Ant _ provided for in 1IIls Securi1y Instrumont ..... be _10 - been 9Mn 10 - or <br />Lender_ gMn" __In 1IIls -"Ph, , <br />18. ao.nInI.............. Thia Sealnty InatrumenI shall be gcMInI8d by 1-.1 law endlha... 0I1ha ju.-...n in which Iha ~ is __In 1ha -- 8l1I'~ <br />or cI8ue,. ...1hle Sealnty inIllnInlent or lha Note contIIcls wI\h __ law. such contIIcl shell not _ _ or-.. oIlhil1 Security InalrumenI or 1ha Note - cen "given - <br />_Iha GOlllllcting ~, To 1hle endlha pnwieione 01. Security Instrumont end1ha Note.. decIaNd 10 be__, <br />te. _. Copf.IlomlMr shall be gMn one contormed """" ollha _ and oIlh1e SecuriIy IneIrumenL <br />tT. 'hneIer of tile PIoperty or a BenaIlcIeI_1n _. "aU or any pari 0' lha Praperty or any _In ~ Ie $Old or II8nsIefred (or ~ a benIIiCieI_ in eor- is $Old <br />or trInBIarred and IlomlMr II not.. _ ~l _ Londar'e prior _ consenl, Lender 1118'/, al lIS option. require _ paymeni in lull of aI sums B8l>Il8II by Ihis Sea.rity <br />Ins1IunW1l, -..r. !hie option shall not be e'- by Lender d ...1Ciae is prohibiIed by f_ ... as of lha _ 01 !hie Securi1y InslrUn1BIIl. <br />If Lender exerciIBI \hie option, Londer shall give llorrower _ of 1ICQlleraIIon, The notice shell provide a period of notlealhan 30 days 110m lha _... notice II - or"- <br />wilhin _1lomlMr -PIlI''' sume secured by 1hle Security InslrUInenI, It Borrower tells 10 pay"""", sume prior 10 lha e>pQIionol1l1ill period, Lender _ -8l1I'--- <br />by lhIe Security ~ __ notice or delIItInd on 1lomlMr, <br />tL _.IllgIIIID _ 11-"-'_ oertain conclItio.". IlomlMr ShaIlheve1he rigIlllD "-_ 01 this gecurity _......-. any - priorlD <br />1ha _ 01: Ie) 5 days lOt such _ period as ~ 1M may IIIl"Cifv for ~l beIont.... OIlha Praperty IIIftJIlllIll any PfMW III.... alIIIIIinIIlln - 5e1Cur11V-"'-': <br />Ot Ibl-*'l 01. ~ 0l'lIll0eing \hie Security I-..menl Thole c:ondlliIlne are thalllclmMer. t.) peys Lender ai_ which lhen - be - _be 5eICurIIV -- -.. <br />_hili ....__occuned: (b)....any _ of any__or~: Icl peysal _ _ inOl'lllloeinglhle SecurilJ- inl*IdIng. ~nol_ <br />10. .- -..p'1eee; end Id) _ such IICtion .. Lender may I'IUOII8llIV require 10 ___!IIal1ha lien oIlhIe Seculity -. t.ender'& rigIlIe In 1ha "'-" end_" <br />obIigeIilIn 10 pay ... ___by IIlie Secunly 1_1hell c:ontinue unchenged, Upon _ by eon-.lhIe Seculity ~ end Iha ~ --.....,- <br />_July...... ...... __ hili oc:cuned. _, thI8 rigIlllO ...-elhell noIlIPIlIv in lha ClIBlI 01_"- PIl8lI'8Pha 13 or 17. <br />NON-UNtFORM COVENANTS, eon- and Lender _ CClV8RIInl and IIQIH"-: <br />te. on "r 8lIDIl;.......~........ nolIce l1li_ polorllllll . llIIaI..-.. ____._oI...,._or......Ill-...........- <br />(lIut.... polor 10 1 C C t' .-an under peregIIIJIIIO 13 and tT UIlleea ........ laW plVriCIee ____). 1be nolIce.... ~ let tile -. ibI....... ........10 - .. <br />~ (e)..... not I.- _ 30'" _... _... nolIce Ie __l1li _. by _ ......... - lie __I end Cell'" ......10_................... <br />tIle_ epecIlled Ill'" _ mer .....1ll1 C C 1'1 0lIlln 01... _ 8KlINd '" _ -..,. _and"" 01... "'-f1I. 1be _...._......-..-01 <br />tile rl(JIIIlD __.... 1 C . -., end"''''''' 10 bIlllg. _ eclIan lD _ tile _...-.._ III....... or...,...... _ of e...-1D r I .... -. <br />tile...... Ie.... CIIIOlt 1Ill0l'............... ........In ...1IlIIIae. r...- et Ita aplIon mer........ ..........,....Ill tuI of.. - -- "'-......- <br />___.....endmer _........01.... end...,. ........... pemIIlled by........ _ ~.....lIe.......ID_..__---............ <br />tile...... pIOWlded III _......... It,1ncludIIlII.1Iul not IImllIIcIIo, .-.IIIa~'''' end _ 01_......... <br />... ....llII.... lellMlloed, __.... -". nolIce oIlIIfauIIln IBII ClIIIIIIr In ~ ""... 01_ ~ Is ~ _.... - .....01_..... III.. <br />_..-......,.........10 __end...........-""-"'OloJ ~--_......-"'....-- --.......-- <br />oI..........-endln ..._..-.- "'........ _ ~ __..,__ _.... _flrape<tretllUll*_1O ........--- <br />_end.....end 1lIIlIIIr__ ___ III tlIe nalIae ai_III_or _percela_lll_ ----- -................. ............. <br />0I"1'nIpertr '" puIIIlI__ et... _ end..... of any ....-r __ ... ~ 01' Ie.......... pun:r.e..1'nIpertr et....... <br />UpIIll....... 01..,- 01 tile price_ __.........10... ~ 1lueM'. dUd...........~. 1be...... III.. _'. dUd..... 1Ie...._ <br />........ of tIle_ 01..._............ ___ _....., tile pooceedeol_....In............ -.(e).......... III......................... <br />10, -.-.............."'...... ......___~. '-;(11110" ___IoJ_--..,~...(Ct__ID.......or,.... <br />............10 .. <br />.. ~ III , \IpOft _ "-1*OlI'1IPh 111 or _......... 0I1ha PIqlerly. ...... (in _by __ or by"""'" __ -. _ lIe_1O <br />_ upon. _ ~ 1lI_........ "'-'Y end 10_"'_ oIlha "'-" Including _lllI8l_ "",,_c--.l..,......or..__.........- <br />10""- 01"'_ 1lI.'"_,_.0I''' "'-'Y _ _of _, inl*IdIng. ~ noIlImiIed 10. --.....___llIl receioeI'e_ --- -.,......- <br />_10'" _ _by.... SecunIr-, <br />:no ~.4.,4ll_Upan~oI"____by"'SecunIr_Lender_NqUaOl~IO_"~----~-- <br />.. _........... _ __by_ s.c..nly _10 T_, T_.".. _1ha ",-,,_--...v _ _~IO'" _or_.....,_""'" <br />olllucll_or__payllf1__, <br />II. ...................-,........ may 110m .....10_ _liu_ end appoont. __10 any T___-by..-- Ill.... <br />..........,in_IIlieSecxriy_ie_ -*"_alihe"'-!Y,1ha----lOlltIIe...,-end---r-- <br />-..,~... <br />A ......... _ eon- ~ Ihel_ 0I1ha.- 01 daleulland......-.IIO 1lomlMr'& _ which II.. "'-tv~, ec.- fur-.__II* <br />ccpoeeol..._OI___be..-.lIO___.. perly_el1ha_OIsuch_ eellor1ll_, <br />.. .....10........, _ilOIlO or __ __.18CUIBd byeon-_ __lOgIIIlW-_ Sec:unIv __ ..._-........... QI_5IOCft <br />rIcIer_ be ~ no end _..- end ~ 1ha......- and...-- 01_ Sec:unIv __. d... nder1&) - a PIflof.. Sec:unIv-1Qlec>< <br />~bolll.J1 <br />Cl ~ Aa AlcIer 0 Conclomonoum Rider C 2~ fe.rnily_ <br />o ~...,..... Rider 0 PIennad UnII DevelopmenI Aider <br />o OIleltll 1....,,1 <br />BY SlOHINGIIELOWec.--.cbend~IO"''''1M _......-~on~nder1Il_byec.-___ll <br /> <br />..&:NI....lNOfAIY.5f...alNtbr _-= <br />JLlNNl M S(:HIOlI J- /'> /.1 <br />.....C_,hp.Jon, 29.1"2 , //fi..'JJ'l? ,'./?" ~/tl/dh-Q <br />./.7 _~I <br />cap.. IIeloIr 111.. LIne For AcJaMMl.d;'....I) <br /> <br />... 01....... <br />CGurWy Ill: '.\.' \ <br />Crt... '/ .,\ <br /> <br />..,.., ....... <br /> <br />I ~ -, <br /> <br />\. \\ "...., <br />,'. <br />'. ....} <br />, ") <br /> <br />. " ~;';... t . <br /> <br />, 111~, belofe _, . Nalefy Public on Iha sw. 01 <br />',,: , " ,.... ~ .:..... "".. ('.- '~,' """rp , <br /> <br />~ .. \,', <br /> <br />10 _..,.., _10 be <br />OIllIWf'IIeIYeol__ <br /> <br />""C-'- <br /> <br />loregoong _ end _1OtIltacIgacI1hel <br />..&:NPAl NOT A.M'....alNtbr <br /> <br />nANNE M, SCHlOEI ~-. <br /> <br />M,Ccmm.hp,lIn, 20,1992 <br /> <br />..-1ha_. <br /> <br />\,,' <br />NOT"RY PUBLIC <br /> <br />,.. \ \ I .:, <br /> <br />'L <br /> <br />..... 11...- <br />~rI <br />On.. <br />-""" -- <br />III _ petIONIIy _10 be... perwon(l) _.. end ""'" .._lIle foreQOlllQ _I. end IItknow~ Ihel <br />...........,...end_ <br />U,c-E_ <br /> <br />, 111_, belofe ...., a Notary _ ,n Iha SfellI 01 <br /> <br />81KUtflO _........ <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />',\ <br /> <br />, , <br />" <br />