<br />.... t,;
<br />
<br />
<br />88-102223
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />THISDEEOOFTRUST("Securi!'llnS1nJmenl")lsmadeonthls 27 .4ey f April
<br />'9~ ThelllJstorls Vito Cejauskas and Nonna Jean CeJauskas. Hus"band and Wlte
<br />
<br />("Bamlwer'), The bUatee Is cOmmen:lel Federel Sevinge end Lo8n Aiioclation,
<br />("TruItee" The bet)eftclery Is Commerdel FedereI Sevin9. and Loon AsiocIstIon. which Isorgenlzeel q~x1l111ng,ljI1der IhB ~1II~ frrI ~ ~ Is 4480cI'"IW?'~
<br />_88131f.:Lend8r"Il!>mlWIr_Ler1dertheprfncipelBUll1of Three Thousand flve Hunare rnne Y ne 0 ars an ,,' ,~
<br />
<br />(US. s 3. 591; 00-- - - - _.: j, ThIs deblls _ by _s note daled the seme date es Ihls Security InslIumen1 (;~); Whfch provfdes for monIhIy paym"';'; wlIti lI1e
<br />lulldabt.ffnotpaid_._andpo)llblaonr~aY 1. 1991 " ,,', ", ' ,",
<br />ThlI SlaIrilV InatnllnInl ........ to Lender: (e. the rwpeymant of the daIlt _ by !he Nola, with 1_ end ell _ __ end modllieallonB; (b) the peymen1 of eII_
<br />lIUIIll"wtlI1 _ __ paregt8llIl 7, to pIllI8C:lthe,securIty of Ihls SacurIIy Instrument: end (e) Ihe parfom1ence 01 I!clmJwer'a covenantB end egreementa: FarU;!a putpOlB,
<br />Borrowerl...-v grentI end CClIMIY8to Trua1ea, b,'1nJBl, with power of sale. Ihe following de_ p""",rty loca1eel In Ha 11 County. ,Ne_
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot 7. Block 3. Holcomb's Highway Homes. 2nd Addition. Grand Island.
<br />HallCo..NE
<br />
<br />which hU Iha _ ol
<br />
<br />2211 Cochin
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />,-)
<br />N_"ARnl '""-'Y-':
<br />TOGETHEFlwtth a111ha 1mpo~....,1s ~ or _.. _ on Iha _rty, end ell eesemanta, rights, appurtenencea, -. rayaItiea. mlnareI. oil end gee 1igIds end profits. -
<br />rightI and _ and aII_ _ or hantaftar a perl of tI1e -'Y, All f8Il!e<:8menlB end addlflona &IleIl also be ~ by _ SacurIIy 1nslruITIBnI, All of the ""-'ng Is 18_ 10 in
<br />Ihia SlaIrilV .......... U Iha "Propany, -
<br />BORROWEFl COVENANTS Ihat Borrower Is IewIuIIy _ 01 the estale hereby <:clI1Y8'/ed end he& lhe righllO grent end <XllMlY tI1e ~ end Ihat Ihe ~ Is unenc:urnbaI8d.
<br />......,. for _of _, _ waJT1Inta end 'IriII_ v-aDY Iha Ii1Ia 10 Ihe ~ agalnal all deims end -. &uIljacI to ""I anculldlnlnc8Sof -,
<br />litIS SECUFlITY lNSTfllJMENT __ undonn ............ for naIionaI.... .nd .......n;fonn CO\I8"- wiII1 tim_ -. by jurIsdicIion to constiIUl8 a unilonn security in&lrumant
<br />ClMltng ....-'Y'
<br />UNlFOFlM COVENANTS, _ and Lender COYBNII1l and _..-,
<br />t. ....- ol PrilloIpaI_ ~ ~ _ Lala ChargIL Borrower &IleIl prompIly pay when due Ihe prfncipel 01 end _ on 1he dab! _ by tha Nolen eny
<br />__1Ild.... chargn duB _ Ihe Nola,
<br />2. _ fIlr _ _ _ Sulljacllo ~ law or to a _ _ by Lend". Borrower &IleIl pay 10 Lend.. on Ihe day rnont!lIy paymanta are due _ Ihe Nola. unlII
<br />tI1e _ to paid in lull. alUll1 ("fundi' oqual to __ ol: (a, \IU'lY _ and _ whlchlllBl' _ priority _1hIo Sacurily Instrumant: (b) ,urty - paynwU or
<br />ground _ on Iha "-'Y, ff""l: (e) \IU'lY _ __ pIWll1iumI: and (ll),urty mortG.inIurenCB pmnilmI, W eny, n.. -.. c::dIad'_ -- L_IIlBI'--
<br />lhe......duBonlha_ol__IIld__ottulura_lIlIma,
<br />'The........... be_in an _lhedlpoabor _olwhlch.. _or ~by a _ or__ (incIulling L..-I LenClII' llauc:11an_J, ~
<br />...lIIIPYh...... to pay Ihe _ _, J...-1IlBI' not chI/1lB Ior.-.g and applying tI1e Fundi, enaJyzIng tI1e accountonwtlying1he _Ilamo,"- ~--
<br />_ on tI1e Fundi and ~ law parmb LenClII'IO ....... auc:IIa chI/1lB, _ and Lender IIlBI' _ in writing that _..... be paid on Ihe Fundi, u.-. an __ os
<br />.-... ~ law ~ _ to ba paid, ....-..... not be -"<l to pay _ eny InlaIBBl or aamingI on Ihe Fundi, Lender _ _ 10 Borrower, - ChIrgII, en
<br />.......1lIXlII1IinII ot.. ...... -.g ..- and _ 10 Iha Fundi oind Ihe ~ for _ _ _10 Ihe Fundi... .-, The Funda .. pIodgad .. addItionII aac:urily lor 1he
<br />.....1IIICUI'Bd by IhiI SacurtIv-.
<br />"Iha amount ol tI1e ...... _ by....-. togaIhar wtIh .. _ rnont!lIy paymenIl of Fundi pa)llbIa prior 10 the due _ ol tI1e _ ilImo. ..... _Iha _1BqUiNd to pay
<br />Ihe...... _ _ duB,lha _..... be, alllomlwWs option, _ pnllIlPIfy -"110 Borrower or CIBdIIlId to Borrower on IIDlIhIy paymanta ol Fundi. "Ihe _ ol.. Funds .
<br />hold by""""" II ""_10 pay 11>0 _ _ __ dua.1lonowef _ ll8I'lO LaMer eny amount _10 maka up 11>0 -.., in..... or...... paymanIS..1BqUiNd by
<br />..-,
<br />Upon ~ in IIllI ol d .....1IIICUI'Bd by IhiII Secunty 1_ Lender _I pnllIlPIfy IBIIInd to Borrower eny FundI_ by ...., "undIr -""'" 191he ProporIy 11- or
<br />__ by ..-, ..- .....IIIIPY, no _Ihen in1InedIalaIy prior to Iha .... of Iha "-'Y or ill acquisiIion by ~, eny Funda !laid by Lender allhe lima ol applicdon .. . cracJil
<br />....Ihe .....1IIICUI'Bd by 1lliI SacuftIy IlIalrUrMnl
<br />I. ~ ol...-, ~ ~ law __ _, aU paymants _ by Lender undIr jWagrapIIB 1 BIOI 2 _ be 1IIlIliIed: firBl. to _ chargaB dua undartl1e
<br />Nola; _, to ___ chargn duB und111I>o _: 1hInI, to ......- payabIa undII paragrapll2; four1h, 10 _ duB: and Iut. to principal duB,
<br />4. ~; "*- Borrower"'" pay d _, _, chargaB. lines end Impo&Itiona _ 10 tI1e p~ which IIlBI' _ priority _1hIO Securi1y 1.......-, end
<br />_ paymenIlorground -,"""I. Borrower"'" pay _ obIigaIIon5ln lhe menner provided in paragrapl12, or W not paid in Ihat _. Borrower"'" pay lIlam on lima dirIlclIy
<br />to tI1e _ _ paymanI, Borrower'" JlIOlI'4lIfY _ 10 ~ d'- of amounts 10 be paid undaf IhIs paraglBll/l, "Borrower - - paymanta diracIIy. Borrower__
<br />prompIIy _to _.--- -.cing Iha paymenIl.
<br />_..... pIOI'I1llIy __""I lion _.... ptlOnly _1l1li SlaIrilV InBtruI11Bn1 unlaBS _: (a) _ in writing to Iha paymanI ot tho obIiga1ioIn aecurad by tI1e lion in a
<br />__ -.- to Landar; (bl ...- in good faith Iha lion by, '" __ aaalna1 enfon:emenl ol the lien in, IagaI pIOCBIClingIwhIch in Ihe ~'. OpinIon __ 10 pravanllhe
<br />"'*"- ol.. ..."'_ ol Oft)'parlollhe "-'Y; or (el........""'" Iha _ ol1he Ilon en ___nt salfsfac:lOly to Lander Slbordinating lhellon to IhIo Sacurily-
<br />"_ _ that ""I parl ol.. "-'Y II &YIljocl to alien whlchlllBl' aIIlIin prionfy _1hiI Sealnty InabUment. La.-1IlBI' give Borrower a notica ~ Ihe lion, -
<br />..... oatioIy Ihe lien or _..... or...... ol tI1e -.. aat __ _ 10 daya ollha giving 01 notIca, .
<br />S. _ _ _... ~ Ihe ~1"'iII""'.-,g or _ _ on tI1e "'-1Y _ agains110u by lIIB, hazaIdB included W1lIiin Ihe l1Iim'axtanded
<br />CIMI8Q8' IIld Oft)' _ _lor _ ....- ....- _, ThIs i_once ..... be ...- in 1he amounIII and lor Iha ~ that Lender __. The inaurence carner
<br />..-.a Ihe _..... be =- by Borrower &YIljocl1O Lender's ~ which __ not be......--y-,
<br />AII_,-1Ild _... be ~ 10 Lender BIOI"'" __ a __ mor1gage _, _..... havwlha right 10 hold 1he poIicIas and _ "Lander
<br />....... __ pIOI'I1llIy give to""- d,--- 01 paid prwmidma and..-.-, In Ihe""",,, of loa, Borrower _ give _ noace 10 11>0 onsuranca carner and La.-
<br />-1IlBI'.... """"ol loa " not_ pIOI'I1llIy by Borrower.
<br />~ Lendar IIld _ _ _ in wrtting, _ procaada _ be appiad to __ or __ ollhe ~ cIarnIIQed. I tI1e _ or ropaIr i. economically
<br />_1Ild Lendar'a aac:urily IS not_, "tI1e _ or rapaIr II not aoonomiealy 18.- or Landar's.....rity would be _, tI1e inIurenCB procaada"'" be BP!lIiBd 10 the
<br />..... IIIICUI'Bd by IhIo SecurlIy -. _ or not_ duB. wtlI1 Oft)' IIlO8Si paid to Borrower, "Borrower _Ihe "-'Y. or doalo not __ within 30 daya a noace ""'"
<br />_1hII1he ____to _ a_.1he _1IlBI'_1he _ ~ Lender IIlBI' uselhe __ to ropaIr or _lha "-'Y or 10 pay.......
<br />IIIICUI'Bd by IhIo Securi1y _ _ or note.. duB The300day parind will bagin whenlhll notica to gNen,
<br />~ Lendar IIld __ _ in wrtting.1I'i'J ~ olprocaadalo principal &IleIl nol._orposlpOM Iha due _ ollha monthly ~lB ..._10 in pataQrOPh.
<br />, IIld 2 or __Ihe amount olthe paymanlI, "...- _.'9111' "-11' IS __ by Land.., _'. right to ""I i_ poIlciI. and ~ 18sul1ing !Tom damIIQlIlO
<br />tI1e ProporIy prtor1O.. __ _ _10 &...- to Iha _ 0I1he ..... IIIICUI'Bd by lhIa SacurtIv Instrumant ~ prior 10 Iha acquISItion,
<br />.. ~_ _ of "-"I ~_..... nolllnlrOy,.-.-or BUbslentlallycllango Ihe "'-1Y, allow the ~IO -.leor_",..18
<br />"... 8clrtly _IS on _, _ _ 00ITlIiY wtlI1lh11 pIOVlSions 01 tho _, and n Borrower acquiIBIIlealllfllo Ihlt "'-"Y,lhe IiuahoId and fea ~1Ia &IleIl 1101_
<br />..- _.-010.. -va< in WIiIinO, ' .:"
<br />T. _ of ~I"""'III" "-": --. _, " _ laU. to pollorm Iha c:ovanents and aa......... contaInad in lhIS Stcunty In&1nJrnont. or Ill... .. a
<br />IIIQIII poc-.g -1IlBI' oignifio:anItf _ Lender'. rigllIs .. IhII "-'Y lBUCl1 .. a pocaading in bankllJptcy, probate, lor conclanma_ or '0 ontoroe I.... or regula,.,.s" e.. Lander
<br />1IlBI'. IIld llIl' lor _Is _ to plOtaCl'" ...... ollhe p~ BIOI LI'-'s righ1I in 1110 ~, Llnde"s BC1iOns may oncIudo paying any sum. BIICUI8CI by a .... whic:h hU
<br />PliorIr-IhiII8clrtly _, ~ ..court, __ __'I_andantennD on Iha Property 10 maI<. repaIrO, A1thouQh Le'- may.aIo. _ unellr -_aph
<br />7.__not_to.IO,
<br />,.,.., _ _ by Lender...-... paraar.' _ bIcomI_ _ of Borrower BIICUI8CI by !his Secunty In&1nJmont, Unteu IlorroMtr end La'- _10 other 'arms
<br />"'--' _ _... _ _""'" Ihe _ '" _ a1tho _ rata and Ihell blt~, wiII1 .._Ill. upon _!Tom Lendor 10 BorrowerIlqUlltlng payment
<br />"_ ~ ll1III1DBIle _ .. a .......... ol maIlinlIlha lOan IIIICUI'Bd by !hIS Socunty Instrumenl, BorrOM! &IleIl pay Ihe p",mium. required 10 m.,ntei" IhI insuronce .. .1Iac:l
<br />unIIauc:II_.....~Iorthe.......__In__Borrower'.and Le.-'. ___ntorappl_1aw
<br />.. .........lAnr:at or iII..-1IlBI' ....... __ _ upon and inIpBCtions 0I1ha Property, Lender &IleIl glW _ _ allll. hme 01 or poor 10 .n lnopocf1On opocdymg
<br />---......-.,
<br />..,.. M ' Tho..- ol any _ or _ Ior.-.-. _ or ~, In ~ willl any condomnatlon or oIhttl talolng 01 .ny port of IhII ""-ly, or lor
<br />_ in... '" ............ .. haIoby aaIgnad'" _ be paid 10 LendII,
<br />In..... of.... tIklng: at... Propeny, eN prooeedI thIII be IPPIfd 10 1heaums I8CUfWd by thlll Secunty Inatrurnent. whether or nol then due, WIth any ...cell peld 10 ~ In
<br />... .... 01 . .... ...... 01 tM ~. uNeta EIon'ower III1d Lenc>>r otNrwtH IgI1MIIn wnting. the .um, secured by Ims Sec:unty lnllrumenl ShAll be f1tduced by lht amount ollnt
<br />prOCMdI muIIipIired by''' ~ tra:tion: (I) the Iotal amount of the aumt MCUnId I~ bef~ the taking, diVided by lb) 1M t.lr mark.l value 01 the Property Imm.-dlJilety t.forI
<br />lhaU*inO,My__"'paodlO_
<br />".. flTopef1y tllDendoned by ~. Of it, .her ~ by Lendet' 10 Bormwer thlt the condemnOr on.rs to make In awlrd Of ..ns. I claim lor clamao." Borrow.r '811.!1 II) reaponcllo
<br />lenlMf' .-.n :JO .. atW ,. dati the ftOIC:e tI ~. Lttndef ta """"",,00 10 coftect and appf'f the pc'OCMda. alltl ophon. either to rOlllorlhar ()t repaIr 01 the Pl'OPftrlv 0' 10 In. .urn,
<br />_ by.... Soc:unIy _ _ or"",'" due
<br />I ~DI~ ~ e:= ~ 0: tIlINtlftQ. .any apf)ile.uon 01 proce<<II to ptlnopal fthall nol .ll1end Of D05lpone lhe due dill. ollh(l manit"'" oaVmtll\l1 utlened 10 In l'JaraQnlP'"
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />I~ 11~1~'; ";;"""'\
<br />