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<br />The undersigned II the holderol\he note or notelsecured by this Deed 01 Trust. Said noteornotee,lOgelherwithallolher ~ U '\
<br />inclebtedn811 secured by thll Deed of Trult, have been paid In tull. YOUareherebydlrectedtocancelllllidnoteornol8l~ " \
<br />the Deed of Trult, which are dellY8l'ee1 hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the estate now held by)'ou underth!. ~
<br />Deed of Trull to the person or personllegally entitled thereto, \'
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<br />20., AulfJlllMnl of,Renta; Appofntmenl of Recelftt; Lender In P-..lon, As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby alSlgnl t6 Lellder the renta, 01 the Property, provided that Bo,rrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />hereo, or abandonment of the Proparty, have \he,right to collect and tetalnsuch rellts as they become due and payable.
<br />.' Upon acc;eleration underparegraph 18hereolorabendonmelltol tne property, Lender, In person. by egentor by judlclelly
<br />appointed receiver. shall be entitled toentarupon, takepoasesslon of and manage the Property and tocollet:tthe rents of the
<br />Property InCluding those palt due,Allrenls collected by Lender of the receiver shall be appliedflrst to pa)'mentof thecoatsof
<br />management 01 the Property and collection of rents, ,"cludlng, but not limited to; AlCill\ler's fee's, premiums on receiver's
<br />bonds and reasonable attorney's fees. and then to the suml secured by this Deed 01 Trust Lender and the receiver shall bO
<br />liable to,accountonly lor those rentsacltlollyreceived. ,,'. '.' ," "
<br />21. FIIlInAdvanca, UPo!l request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to lull reconveyance of the Property by
<br />Trustee to Borrower, may make FutLire,Advancas to Borrower. Such Future Advances; with Interelltthereon,8hall be secured
<br />by this Deed 01 Trust when evidenced by promissory notes stating that seid nolasare secured hereby. At no time shall the
<br />principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trus\; nolincludlng sums advanced In aCcordance herewith to
<br />protect the security 01 thle Deed 01 Trust, exceed the original amount 01 the NotepJus US S - "'0- , -
<br />u., Recon..,allce. Upon peyment ofallsums secured by tnlsDeed 01 Tros\; Lendersh8l1 request Trustee to reconvey the
<br />Property and shall surrender thiS Deed of Trust and all notes evidencmgindebledness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br />Trustse.T~ shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legillly entiUed
<br />thereto. Such person or persons shall pay all coats of recordation, il any. ' .
<br />:u. SUb8lllute TruetM. Lender, at Lender's option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint asucc:ellllOf1rustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded In the county in which this Deed of Trust Is recorded. Without
<br />conveyance of the Property, the successor Irustee shall succeed10alllhe IllIe, power and duti8llconf6mld upon the Trustee
<br />heraln and by applicable law.
<br />24. Req..... for NoIIcee. Borrower requests that copies 01 the notice 01 default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which Is the Property Address,
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BORROWER has executed this Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />STATEOFNEBRASKA. - #,d(f' Countyss: C-r:-"
<br />On this .:!. ..f da)' of ~:/ . 19 ".9 , before nw. the undersigned. a NolN)' Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualiflecl fRr said co ty, personslly came 7)....,,'.,[ t.. ,,~/ e..
<br />e G . to me known to be the
<br />identical (s)whose name(s) aresu rlbed 10 the foregoing Inslrumentand acknowtedgedthe executlon lhereoflobe
<br />VOluntary set and deed,
<br />Witness /II)' hand and notarial seal at
<br />date aloresaid.
<br />
<br />?-...l 7~-L
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<br />In said county. the
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:
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