<br />88- 102211
<br />
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, In connection with any
<br />condemnation or other laking 01 the Property, or part thereol, or lor conveyance in lieu 01 condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender,
<br />In the event 01 a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust, with
<br />Ihe excess, II any, paid to Borrower. In Ihe event of a partial taking 01 the Property, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise
<br />agree In writing,thereshall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed 01 Trus1 such proportion of the proceeds as isequalto
<br />thai proportion which theamount olthe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust Immediataly priorto the data 01 taking bears to the
<br />fair.;market value 01 the property Immediately prior to the date 01 laking, with the balance 01 the proceeds peid to Borrower,
<br />C "If Uje,Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or II, after notice by Lender to Borrowerthatthe condemnor oilers to makean
<br />award ,or settle a claim lor damages, Borruwer lailsto respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is mailed,
<br />l"nder Is authorized to collec! and apply the pro\:eeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repalr of the Property or to
<br />the sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such epplication 01 proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />postpOne the due date 01 the monthly inslallments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol or change the amount 01 such
<br />installments.
<br />10. Botrowef Not RelHHd. Extension 01 the lime lor paymenl or modificetion 01 amortization olthe sums secured by this
<br />Deed 01 Trust granled by Lender to any successor in Interest of Borrower shail nol operate to release, in any manner, the
<br />Iiablllty of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors interest Lender shall not be required to commence pi'oceedlngs
<br />against such su\:cessor or reluse 10 extend time lor payment or otherwise modify amortization ot thasums secured by this
<br />Deed 01 Trust by reason 01 any demand made by lhe o;'lginal Borrower and Borrower's successors In interest
<br />11. Forbnr.n\:e by Landar Not. W.lver. Any forbearance by Lender in exerciSing any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise enordllll by applicable law, shall not be e waiver 01 or preclude the exercise 01 any such right or remedy. The
<br />procurement 01 insurance olthe payment 01 Iaxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall nol be a walverol Lender's rlghlto
<br />accelerate the malurity 01 the Indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust
<br />12. Remeelle. Cumul.tive All remedies provided in lhis Deed of Trust are dislinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under Ihis Deed 01 Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently. independenuy or
<br />successively,
<br />'3. Succeuors and Aulllna Bound; Joint .nd Several U.blllty; C.ption., The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the rlghls hereunder shall inure to,the rtlSpecllve successors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjecl to Ihe provisions 01 paragraph 17 hereol, All covenants and agreements 01 Borrower shall be joint and aeveral, The
<br />captions and headings oflhe paragraphs 01 this Deed 01 Trust are lor convenience only and are not to be used to IntBrpretor
<br />deline the provisions hereol,
<br />,... Nollce. Except lor any notice requirec:l under applicable law to be given in another mannar. (a) any notice to Borrower
<br />provided for in this Deed 01 Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certilied mail addressed to Borrower at the Property
<br />Address or af such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any notIceto
<br />lender shall be given by certllled mail, return receipt requesled,to Lender'saddrellS slatecl herein or tosuch other addresses
<br />Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herain, Any notice provided lor In this Deed 01 Trustshall bedllllllllld
<br />to have been given to Borrowar or lender when given In the manner designated herein,
<br />15. Unllonn DHd of TN.t; Govaming lIIw; SeY8f'llbllly. The lorm 01 deed 01 !tust combines uniform covenants for
<br />nalional use and non.unilorm covenanla with limited variations by jurisdiction 10 constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real property, This Deed Q!.TrIJ, stSha.,I, be, ove" "m,. ed" by ,the, law 01 the jurisdiction in which the property IS loceted. In
<br />the event that any provision or clllii'\ti1j: ' l'UlIt.llf.theNote conlllcls with appllceble law, such conniC! shall not
<br />anect other provisions of this Deed 0 '. ilt Ilt Ibhciii be given enact without the connlctlnll provisions. and to ltIia
<br />endlheprovisions 01 the Deed olTr, tanif!h" "~,,re~I!!dto be severable, ,
<br />11. Bonow.'. Copy. BorroWCN W1lbe 1Jf!lllltleCta'conlormec:l copy 01 the Note and 01 thiS Deed olTrustat the time of
<br />execution or aher recorcJation hereol. " '.,,'
<br />'7. TfDllafaf of lIle property; AaaumpUon. If all or any part 01 the property or an interest therein is sold or lr8nslemld by
<br />Borrower withoutLender'sprior written consen~ excluding (a) the creation ola lien orencumbrenceaubordlnatetothis Deed
<br />01 Trust, (b) the creation ola purchase money security Intarestlorhousahold appliancell, (c) a transferbydevise~Ofby
<br />operation 01 law upon the death 01 ajolnttenant or (d) the grantolanyleuehold Interestolthree yearaor 1_ notc:onl8inlngan
<br />option to purchase. Lender may, al Lender's option, declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trustto be imrnadlalelydue
<br />and payable, Lender shall have waived such option to accelerate II, prior to the sele or nosier, Lender and the pereonlo
<br />whom the Property is to be sold or translerred reach agreement In writing that the credit 01 auch person isaaJIlllaclOry 10
<br />Lender and thatthelntereat payable on thesumsll8Cured by this Deed 01 Trusl shall be atauch rate as Lander shall request.lI
<br />Lender haG waived the opllon to accelerate provided In this paragraph 17, and if Borro_'s succeasor In Inlllr88t has
<br />executed a wrllten assumption agreemenlaccepted In writing by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations
<br />under this Deed 01 Trus1 and the Note,
<br />II Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice 01 accelaretion in accordance with
<br />paragraph 1.. hereol. Such notice shall provide a period 01 notles! than 30 cJays lrom theoetllthe notice is mailed Within whiCh
<br />Borrower may pey the sums declared due, " Borrower lalls 10 pay such sums prior 10 the expiration 01 such periocl.lender
<br />may, without furthllr notice or demand on Borrower. invoke any remlldles permitted by paragraph 18 hllRlOI,
<br />
<br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendef furtl1ef coven.nt anet .11.... aa toIIowa:
<br />
<br />1.. Accttlenitlon; RemadlM. Except!:! provided In paragraph 17 hllreol, upon Borrower's breach 01 any covenant or
<br />agreemenl 01 Borrower In this Deed olTrus!, Including the covenants to pay whlln due any sumsll8Cured by this Deed ofTrusl,
<br />Lender prior 10 acceleratiOtlahall mall notice to Borrower as provided In paragraph 14 hereol lIJ)llClMng; (1) tha breech: (2) the
<br />acllon required to cure such breach; (3) a dala, not less than 30 dayslrom the datelha noticels mailed to Borrower. by which
<br />such breech must be cured; and (4) thatlallure 10 cure such breach on or belorethedate specllled in tha notice may Rl8Ullin
<br />acceleration 01 the sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust and sale 01 the Property, The notice shall further inlorm Borrowerol the
<br />right 10 reinllteta aftar acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non.exlstance ol,a delaull or any othar
<br />defansa of Borrowerto accalerellon and sale. lithe breach Is nol cured on or before the date specllled In the nollce. Lender at
<br />Lender's option may declare all 01 the sums secur8l;l by Ihis Deed 01 Trust to be lmmecllately due and payable without further
<br />demand and may invQkalha power of ula anllllny Qthor r$medie. permitted by applill8bte law, Lender shl" be enllUId to
<br />collect all reesonablec08lland expanses incurred In pursuing Ihe remedlnprovlded in Iheparagraph 18, Including, but nol
<br />IImlJad 10. reaaonable attorney's lees,
<br />If the POWef of NIe islnYOlced, Trustee shell record a nollce 01 delaull in each county In which the Property or some part
<br />thllRlOI 1.localed end shall mail copies 01 .uch nollce In the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to theolher
<br />peflOns prescribed by applicable law. Aller the lapee 01 such time as may be required by applicable law, Tru.tee shallllive
<br />public notice of Nle to the peraons and In the manner prescribed by applicablalaw. Trustee, without demand on Bono_,
<br />shall "lithe Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the lime and place and under the tarms dealgnated In the notice
<br />of IIle in one or more parcele and In such order as Truatee may determine. Trustee may postpone sele 01 all or any parcel 01
<br />the Property by publiC announcement at the lime and place 01 any previously schedlJled sale, Lender or Lender's deslgnll8
<br />mey purcJune the Property at any sale.
<br />Upon recelJlt 01 JMIyment of the price bid, Tru.tee shall deliver to the plJrchaeer Trustll8's deed conveying the Property sold,
<br />The recltale In the TNltee'1 deed shall be prima lacie evidence oltha truth ollhe slatemenla made therein, Tru.tee shall apply
<br />the proceede of the Nle In thefollowlnll order. (a) to all reasonable costa lInd expensas ollhaNle,lncludlng, but nol limited to,
<br />Truetae'l 1_ 01 not more than %01 the groN Nle price, reasonable etlorney's leel end co.ta 01 tllleevldence;
<br />(b) to all sum. sec\.lred by th18 Deed 01 Truel; and (c) the ellceaa, II any, to the person or persone legally entitled thereto,
<br />1.. ~e RltIJlf . ........... Notwlth.landlng Lender'. accalerallon 01 the sume secured by this Deed 01 Trus!,
<br />Borrowef nil have 1M right to have any proceedlnge begun by Lender to enlorc:e the Deed 01 Trustdleconllnued at,ny lime
<br />prior to the eanl.. 10 occur of (I) the IIfth day before the sale of the Property pursuant to Ihe power of sala \:onlalned In the Deed
<br />01 Truet Ill) lIntfy 01. judgmentenlorclng this Deed olTruetll; (a) Borrower paye Lendar allsume which would be Ihlln due
<br />under thl. 0McI of Trual,the Note end nOlae .ecurlng Fulure Advancee.1I eny, had no acceleration occured:(b) Borrower
<br />curee all brNchee ol.ny other covctOan'lI or agreemanta 01 Borrower contained in 'hiS Deed of Truet lcl Borrowar paye all
<br />'Nsoneble ellpan...lncurred by Lender and Truslee enlorcln; tha covenllnta and agreemenls of Borrower contained in lhls
<br />Deed of Trult and In enlorcing Lander's and Trullee'l remed!ell!s prc;YldlId In paregraph 1 e hereof, Including. but notllmlled
<br />10, rNson.blll ettorney's ,..s; ond (d) Borrower lekes much acllon as Lender mey relllOnsbly rllquire to assure that thallen 01
<br />ml, Deed 01 TrUll, Lender"lnlernlln 'he Property and Borrower's obllgllllon 10 pay the sum~ secured by this Deed 01 Trust
<br />all.1I continue ullimp.lred, Upon suCh payment and cure by Borrower ,thl8 Ctled 01 T'U81 nnd 'h" obllgAlIon A AIle:\Htld herllby
<br />lIhall remlln In lulllOfcallnd enl!\:l III if no eccoletotion had occurred
<br />