<br />I
<br />
<br />88- 10=)1- ~O
<br />NON.UNIFORM CO\'E."l^NTS. Borrower and Lend:!1' further covenant and agree as follows: ~ ()
<br />19. A<<elention; Remedies. Lender shall gh"e notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's
<br />breach of allY C'Ovenant or agreement in this Seturity Instrument (but not prior to acweration under paragraphs 13 and 17
<br />uless applicable law proTides otherwise), The notice slWl speclQ,: (a) the default; (b) the action required to CUTe the
<br />default; (d a elate. Dot less than 30 daJ's from the date the notice is giTen to Borrower, by which tbe default must be cured;
<br />ad (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice maJ' result in acceleration of the sums
<br />-I
<br />secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice sball further inform Borrower of the right to <:c
<br />reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a rourt action to assert the lion-existence of a default or an)' other [5
<br />defease of Bomnrer to acceleratioD and we. Hthe default is not t1lred on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender 8
<br />at ils option may require immediate pa}"ment iD full of all S1lID.S secured by this Security Instrument witbout further
<br />deawld and may inToke the power of salt: and any other remedies permitted by applicable law, Lender shall be entitled to
<br />ooUect aU expeIl.se5 inCWTt'd in purwiug the remedies pro1idNl in tbi$ PBragrapb 19. induding. but not limited te,
<br />reuoaahle attorDeys' fees and costs oftille eridence.
<br />H the power of sale is iarobd. Tl1IStee shan record a notice of default in t'J'ro ronnlf in whit'h any part of the
<br />Properly is located aDd shall mail coJlies of suc:h notice iD the manner presuibed by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />other peISOlt$ prescribed by appliea.ble law. After. ~ time required by applicable b.w, Trustee !>hall give public notice (If
<br />sale to the perwllS aDd in the manner prescn"bed by appliable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell the
<br />Pro,erty at pl4htir auctiOD to the bj,ghest bidder at the time and plare and under the terms designAted in the notire of sale in
<br />0Be 01' more pereels and ill any order TraMee determines. Tm5tee may postpone sale ('If all 01' any parocl ofthe Pfo~' by
<br />pIlhlic UDOIlItClemeat at the time and place of any preliously scllecluled sale. I.endt'.r 01' its designee m~' pnrt:hase the
<br />Property at aDY sa1e.
<br />UfpoalU.'eipt of payment of the price bid., Trusleeshall dclhw to the purchaser Trustre's deed ronveying the
<br />Propaty. 1br nrltals 1ft tile Trustee's deed shall be prima 'me endenre (If tbe troth of the statements made therein,
<br />TfBStft wn .1 the proceeds of the sate in the fal10lling orner: (Il) to all expenses of the sale. including. but not limited
<br />to. Trustte"s fees as permitted II)' appliab1e law and reasonable attome.)'S' fees; (b) to all sumssN'urod b.)' this Security
<br />1mtnuDe.Dt; and (d OJ'"cess to the person or persons legally C'Jltitlecl to it.
<br />20.. I.eadeI' ill P-ossesskIn. UpDn Moek.ralicm under paragr.apn ~9 <01' ;snsndonmf'nt {If the Propmy, lxndc:r (in
<br />pason. b~' 28mt or!ly judkiall~' appl'linlod rcceh'eT)!..ball be ennded .0 ,enter Upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Proport~' and to OlllUoct tile rents of tbe Proport:)' 3mcludin,g dIOse ('Illst due, Any rents 'Clollocted b:)' Lender or the cwc;\'et
<br />shall be applied fin'! to PJl}'1llCIlt of the oosts of mllnB,gemenl lof the Propeny ;and 001loc110n of renl'S, inc1uding, but not
<br />limited ro.l'eOCli\'CI'"'S foes, pRlIIliums on 1rClClei,'er's Itmnds.and ll'eIl.sonablc: llttom~'s' fef$. Jlnd then Hllhc: sums socuT'('a by
<br />lbif. Sca.uit)' Instrument.
<br />2L RetlO!Ift)'Ut'le. Uprol fUl)-ment of Jill WIDS 1Oecu1'Od 1I~' this St'curity In!otrument, Lender shall t'Cquesl TmMee 10
<br />RlOOO\'C)' the Property and shall surrender lhi5 Sec.uril)' Instrument :and all notes ,t'\:idencin,g debt socu:cd by this Socuril)'
<br />lns.1rumc:nt 10 Trustee. Trustee shallll'OOOtl\'C'}' the Pmpeny "~lh~Ul warrant)' ;and WilhoulcharBt' 10 the pcnoon -or persons
<br />lepDy m1itled to it. Such porscm or perll('lI1S sha1l PB)' ;any l'oooIdal~on 'ClOsts.
<br />11. SahItitute Trake. Lender. at its option, mBY from time 10 lime Il'Cmo\'e Trus1ee :and appoint;a s'Uc-C'.essor trustee
<br />to any Trostee appcllintod b~"erby an instnlmonl f'Ooorood in llheoount.Y in ,,'hkh this Socurity Instrumr.nt is rerorded.
<br />Without OOOl\'C}'a.DOC <<lhe Propert}'.lhe SUooessN t.fU!.1cc shall $Uooood to :a:lltht title. power :and duties oonfcm:d upon
<br />Tnmee hcmn and by ~cablebw.
<br />D. RetMSt for Notkes. B/.mmr.'Clf flOlJUest5 eMt 'Copies 'Of the :n~)tiC\C'_\ <rof default :and ule be sent ~-o Borrower"s
<br />addm.-swhith is the Propony Address,
<br />
<br />Jl.1tiIIen to tiUi Security lutnuMllt.lf (me or more ridon; are ~l.evu\od b~' Borrower and reoorood l.('l!:elher '\\'11b
<br />this Scauity mWUmetlt" the oo\'mB.nts and ~onts of each suclh rider '!>halllhe incorporated linto Md shll.llamcrrd :and
<br />wppkmmt the oo\mants ;and ~onts of iliis Scourit)' Instl'\lmr.nt AS ;if the rider(s) were .a If'JlR -of 1his Sccuril)'
<br />InlOU1.1mtmt. (Chtd applicable b.u(es)}
<br />o Adjulltab1e lUte Ridtlf
<br />
<br />D Q1ndominium Rider
<br />
<br />o .2-4 Famil)' Rider
<br />
<br />o Grdw.ttd P.a)mml Rider
<br />
<br />o Manned Unit De\'d1~pmont Rider
<br />
<br />~ 0lher(I.) (specify] iAdklfllOiwlledlgment
<br />B.., SJGh"ING 8El.ow. ~'or ~DCq'ts and :ag1'CCS to the Ilemu ;and 'C\CI\'cnll.n15 <lXlntninod ;in this S-"'C\!rity
<br />
<br />='..=:~-~.=:::~':'~~~'~E~':'~?i-1i(~~:.(~)
<br />
<br />Barry G. 5~trom ....,florrowel'
<br />
<br />.--..-........-......-.......................................... ~~.t'~Dm.~~~~
<br />
<br />SrATEOF NEBR~SK...,
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />C'Oum~' ss:
<br />
<br />On Ibis 21 dll)' of !April .19 :as, ibefore me'. lolH' um'lcTSignl'd, a NOla!")' Pu})lk
<br />dul)' rommis'Sionod and qUlllifitd for s.aid <count)'. pC'fsonaU!t' ('.am" Barry G, Sands t l'om and Judy
<br />Saoost.rom. HlJsband! and l\Jlife ----------------- ___________________ h~ 10 me '-nown 10 he lhe
<br />idmtioo pcnon(5) whos-e namc(s) arc suh!.cribfld 10 the forc-soing inm~mt'nt and acknowlC'dgt'd lhe ('\C'''ution
<br />,hereof 10 be fuei r \'oluntary aM and dC't'd.
<br />Witnn-s m)' hand and notarial ~e&l at f;rand Island. 'Nebraska in said county, 111.;-
<br />date aroresaid,
<br />
<br />My Commimon ell :ires:
<br />J.:- -- II......
<br />I80IWtL ~
<br />........ ......
<br />
<br />". .D~,/l~;t;;;;:!!:/~<..,.""".,"...,
<br />'N,llhl\ Puhll\.-
<br />
<br />To Tll.llSlEE:
<br />The undnsipled is the holder of the nOle Ot fll'tc~ ~l"Cull:d hy lhi~ I)t'l.'d oflrml. Said nole (\, nole" h)grlhL"j
<br />..ilh all athel" indrbtNnn~ s<<ulcd by this l)c(>d of 1 ~ u>l. !Ia\c tlrt'n paid in full. Y"u alc helehy di'c\.'leJ II> L':lIIcd 'all.!
<br />note or noln and Ihis (kc-d of Tru\I, "hj,h IITC dc-Ii. ('It'd hClt'hy. and to I,:r{'ltl\q, ~\ ilhf\ul "-iln <1111 \, all I hL' l.q all'
<br />no,," hrld by you under this l><<d of lrU\1 10 the penon HI p4'IM'II\ kfilll)' C'llllllnllh("Il'w
<br />
<br />Ollt.;
<br />
<br />~
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