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<br />88- 102130
<br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordar.~ with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />8. InspectiOD. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall gi\'e Borrower notice at the limenf or prior to an inspection specifying I'elllilnable cause for the inspection.
<br />9. CoI'Idemnation. The proooeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with
<br />an~' condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property. or f~r conveyance in lieu of rondemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be pud to Lender.
<br />In the C\'enl of a totaltaki."l.g of tbe Pro pen)'. the proooeds shaH be applied to the sums secured b)' this Security
<br />Instrument. whether or not thm due. v.'ith an)' exoess paid '0 Borrower. In tbe event of a partial taking of the Propert)'.
<br />unless Borro\\'ef and Lender otherwisc agree in writing, the sums S<<'urod by this Seeunt)' Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amount of the pIDCftds multiplied by the foUov.ins hartion: (a} the total amount of the sums secured immtrlill.tely
<br />before the taking. di\lded by (b) the fair mulet V.Mue of.he Property immediately before the i1l1ing. An)' b3.lance shall be
<br />paid to Borrov.'ef.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice b)' Lender to Borro\\-er that the rondemnor offen; to
<br />mue an a\\'3.fd ouetlle a claim for damll,ges, Borrower fails to respl.'md 10 Lender within 30 days af\ertbe date the notice is
<br />gi\'tn. Lender is autbo1iud looo1lcct and apply the prooeeds,at its option, eithor 10 ttStoration or fe-pair of the Proper1)' or
<br />to tbe sums ~ by IhisSocurity Instrument, whether or not Ihen due,
<br />Unless Lender and Boorov.-erothen\1.sc agree in writin!/.. ;any appli~-.ation ofpr~s to principal shall not extend 'Or
<br />pas1pome the due date of the monthly pll)'IDmts l'efeJTed !o in pllr.agraphs a llnd lor 'Chn.ni:e the :amount of su ch p3)'I1lents.
<br />10. BDmnrer Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Nota Wah'p.r. Extension of the time for plI)'I1lellt or
<br />modificauM of amortiz.atioo of lhe ,;ums secun::d b)' this Socurity instrument ;granted by Ixnder to any SUlX'eSS(\r in
<br />int~ of Borrower shaD lIll."lt operate to release the Diability lClfahe or,iginal BorrOlwer or Borrower's SUC'Ce!\!><'ITS in interes1,
<br />Lendor shilllllOl be required 10 commence prooeodin,gs :s,gainst tin)' 'Successor in interest or refuse to e),1end time for
<br />pa}'lUOIlt oroth~isc mOOify amOItiution oftbe sums secured by this Socurity Imtrummt b)' rea!><'ln oh.o)' demand wade
<br />by the ori8ina1 &:rro\\'01' or BroroVi'eJ"S suooessors in interest, Any fOl1bcanmoe by Lender in <cxerdsing ;an)' right or l't'ttu:dy
<br />shall not be ill waiver of or preclude Ithe exercise of tiny lliig'ht or remedy.
<br />II. Suooessors ad Assigns BoUD4; .IoiDt and Several HabilitJ. Co.signcn. The oovenants .and agrocment!i of
<br />thi.sSecwity InstnunOl'lt shaUbind and bon~t Ithe~sors.and ass\gnsrofLender:and Borrower.1.'Uhjt'C1 to the provlsions
<br />of ~ 11. Booro\\'er"s OOvOIlants and B,gpeomcnts $ba:ll be jOlnt :and ~\'eral. An,., BOffi"lWer who ro-~s this &-cUrlt)'
<br />Instrument but does nl."lt Cl.ecule !he Note: (2) is oo-si.gnin,g thii Seeurit}' Instrument 'On1'y to mortgase, ~nll\nd ron\,(')'
<br />that Bodtower"s intClld>1 in the P~~' IIlndor the Sormli ofthis Securit}' Instrument; (b) is no1 personal 1)' 'Obligatoo to Pll)'
<br />the sums secured by this Security Ins-tl1Umen'l.; ;and tc) .agt'eeS thaI Lender :and :an)'other BoJ1t'o\\'er may :asrec to extend,
<br />modify. fozbear or ma"~ any .aOOlllmmooll.t.icms "-Jlh ~gar~ to the terms of this Security IO!.1romenl m the NOle without
<br />that Bcvro.>er"s rotllltlnt.
<br />11. Lou ~ Ifahe lOAn secuT'Od ib~' this Seeurit). Instrument lis !iUbjl'(1t to.a b'l\' whkh sets mnimum loan
<br />0ha.'Ecs, and 1ha1 Raw is finaUy interpreted so Ilhn.t the interes1 ('Ir other DOlin 'char{:cs 'oollec'1ed or t(l !be collected in
<br />OImnClCtiOOl lMtb. lbe Il'Illn exa:ed the porminod limits, Ithen: (a~ ;an:)' 10udh DOll.n -chn.~!:e -shall1he reducN b)' the ~mo-unt
<br />llCCCSSU)' 10 rcduoe Ihe .:;hqe 10 the pennittO!! Ilmit~ :and (b~:any 'SUms ~lrelldy (JOllac1od from Bo",ower which ex('C(ldC'd
<br />permitted funits ",iU be Rfundod to BroJl/lI\\'or. Lender mI.)' ,choose to. make ~his ;refund b)' lI'educ1l\S ,he prindplll awed
<br />undCll' tbe NClleorby milio,g.a direct l"a)'J1lent 10 Borrower.lf:a refund lI'edUDeS II'rincipal, abe reduc1icm ",ill t>e treated~.s ~
<br />pat1ial ptq1&}'J1lmt ""itbClut allY prq.'laymenl Mar,ge under the Note.
<br />U. ~ AffKtiq tc.t1er" Ripb. If <enaotmenl or expiration of .fI.pplicable la\\'s has the clroct of
<br />rcodcrin,guy prmiSiouofthe Note or Ihis Secunt:)' IrmM1UmenluoenforoeablelloooJ1ding toi{s .C:m1s,l~ndC'r,.at lts opt~on,
<br />may nquire immodiau: pJymOl'lt an futl of All 'SUms $C\C'ul'CICl ill)' this Soc,urity In!.tt1Ument .and mil)' in\'o\;(' any remedies
<br />permitted by pan,graph 19.1fLonder eJ:eicise5 .hh (!I,J'lticm, Lt.nr!rlr 'ShllU u\.-e the 'S1tp$ 'Specified \n lhe se-.:-{lnd 1'lIr~rAflh of
<br />parag~ 17.
<br />14. Notka. Ally notice to BM'ro\\'ef poov:idlC!d !for lin .Ihi" S(OCIunt)'lnstrument '!.ha.11 be given b)' ddivcrin.g it or by
<br />maiIinB it by fim class mail IIlnless -app.1ical1le aa\\' ''CQuif1eS lIl!;e .of an"l~ler mCllhrod. The notioe l.'hAII be dir.ccted to t'he
<br />Properly Addmi1; (U any othor addN$!i Bl'Ifro~\Ordet;i,&natc!' b)' not~or: 10 Lendeor. A'flY flotioe to Lender 'Shall be gi\'tn b)'
<br />first daS$ mail to Londor"s ;al!,l!ressstatod heroin or any ,(ltber address u..nder 'Clel>ignates b)' notice to Borrower. An)' not iN'
<br />ptO\ilkd for in Ihis StlCunty Inr.tll1Llmcnt s.ha.U be docmC!d dO hB,'e hoon j~i\'('..n In Borro",,'cr or Lender when given as p1\widC'd
<br />i!lthis~~,
<br />IS. Gowniq La.-; Selwahilil)'. This Socunit~' I nr.trumen1 'k'hall ihe {ll'lvemocl b)' t'oder.allaw :andlhe !Aw of the
<br />juri~c6on in y,iUc:b tbe Property is DOClI(od. I., tbe event dhat an)' flrO\'j~;ion 'Of 'Clause <lfthili Securit)' lm.trument or HIe
<br />Note oonfticu .,Ib applicab3e law. l.-ucb oontlit1 s.'ha:U lOot 1ffoct oC!thor provi!.icll1li af this See-un1)' Instrument or the Note
<br />.bleb an be ghat d'l'N1.,thl"ut libeoonftiC>1~ng pro'll.ion. ToO 'his end dhe prO\1l>ions ahhili Sl',curil)' ]mlrumenl and the
<br />NOl1e ~ dcdami 10 be SC\\Ofable.
<br />16. 8omt1lW''' Clop)'. Bturow('.r s.'ha!llbeglwm r()Ine (lonformoo (lOp)' ofthe Note and of this Socur.il)')nstromem.
<br />11. na..-fer of dtr PrapertJ, or a Beneflr.i..t Intern1 in Bomnl'Cr. If all ('If an)' plll't 'flf the Pft.1pen)' or :an)'
<br />in'cn.1.t in it IS 1lOld or tran"fC'lftld (or if 31 bone,fidal inter>eM in BOJT1Owerls sold ()r H1l.nsferrod .and OOITOwer is nota natural
<br />penon) .,tbl"u, Lendor''S pril\J "Ilium oonliC'.rt1. Lender ma.)'. a1 its option. require :immediate p.s)'ment in full of' all sums
<br />$ClC'UJ'rId by this ~uril}' IIlUfUmenl. HtI\li'C'\'er. thls option shall nut be exercised by '..cnder if e~ercilie is rrohihiled b)'
<br />feden! b.' au)('tbe date ofthi" ~rit)'lns'flUment.
<br />If Lenderaerc.is.et. .hi" optiOOl. Lender shan gi\1(: &rrower notice of ac,eekrat ion, T'lle t\oti('C !.hall provide 11 flC'riod
<br />ofnot kss than 30 dl)'i from the dlte tbe n01ioc isdc1h'NCld or mailed v.ithin which B:uTOwcr mu!.t J18)' 1111 ~um" M'Curc.d hy
<br />this Security Ins1fUmMt.1f &rro.n rails 10 pay these sums prior 10 the e);f\iratlon of this pt'rioo,l..endt'r may in\'okt, an}'
<br />Rm~ pcmllU9ll tl). tbili ~lfl1)' Im;tf\lm~m "iltl~\lt fl,lntlN O\)lIceOf Q<<:m"m:l .pn Q\lf<<'l\\'~r.
<br />.8. Banowa"s Rqlat 10 Reiaslate.. If Bono~'CI' meets certain <<mdi1ion~, Burrower "hall ha,'e lhe righll0 have
<br />ftlforoement of this Seeurit)' Ins.trumen~ disoonlinue.d at an)' lime prior to th~ earlier .pf; (a) 3 da}'s (<IT ~uch olher period A!O
<br />applicabk fa.' nu,)' specir)' far mnstatemenH before sale ofthe Property pun;~...n1l<> any power nf ~le con1ained in thi!.
<br />SlturiI!'11l1l1W!l!ll12 i1l (b) Mlry.of j jlldAJDMlI MiJ'Mtlh,g O1iJ; X!tlll~J}1 )tHtf!W.Mi1. TIilJ~l! MhJilitl11~ At... J}illl DOffilU;M,
<br />(,) pI)'S Lmdc'r aU ~ums ~hkh then would be due undC'l thIS SOC'urilY 'm:lumcnl and the Now llad no acceleralion
<br />- occurred; (b) cure\ an)' default of any mhOI' covenants or ar,reements; (c) p.1I)'S all t'lp"n!.e\ mcurroo 111 enforCing Ihi!.
<br />Security In~trummt. including. but Ilotlimiled to. I'ealoonllble attome)'~' fees.; ,and (dlla'-e!o \urh anIon 1I~ Lender may
<br />ra.sonabJ)' l'CIQuire to allure Ihat the lien of tbis Security In~trtlmenl, Lcndr.r'.. nghts In the J'wpcny lInd Borrower'!.
<br />obligation to p:ay 'he ~um!o secured b)' thili Security Imtrumen1 !.hall continue unrhang('.&;!. Upon rt'in!.laICnll.'nl h)'
<br />80rT0a'cr. this. Sccurlt)'lm,trumenl and the obligations !io<<urod hereby \haIJ rcmaltl full)' drt'('Ii\e Ill. If no <1l'L,t'krallon had
<br />occurrcd.IfOlloC\'cr. thilo rI.hl to rcinlot.te~haU nor ;apply in thec.!.<, oh~lerlllllm under pllrll!:raph\ l;l or 17
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