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<br />I <br /> <br />C1 <br />~ <br />o <br />CQ <br />o <br />..... <br />I <br />CO <br />00 <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domain. Lender IS hereby assigned all compensalion. awards, damages and oll1Or payments or rollol (heremaller --Procoeds"') on connechon With <br />condemnallon or olher laking of Ihe Property or parllllereol. Or lor conveyance In 1I0l1 01 contlemnahon Lend"r shall beenlllled allls option 10 comlllence. appear 111 and <br />prosecute In its own name any aclion or proceedings, and shall also be entilled to make any compromise or solllemenl on connecl,on wllh such laking or damage. In the <br />evenl any portion ollhe Proporty is so taken Or damaged. Lender shall have Ihe oplion. on lIS sole and absolute dlsc'ehon. 10 apply all such Proceeds, aller deduclmg <br />Iherefrom all cosls and expenses Incurred by it In connection wilh such proc'!l!ds, upon any mdebledness socured he'eby and In SUCh order as Londo, may delo,mine. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds, after such deductions, to the reslorallon 01 lhe Property upon such condilions as Lender llI"y deterllllne Any apphcahon 01 Proceeds to <br />Indebtedness shall not exlend Or postpone the due date of any paymenls under Ihe Note. or cure any defaullthereunder or tlereunder <br /> <br />7, Perform.nee by lentll'r. lnlhe evenl of Borrower's failure to perform any ollhe covenents hereon or make any payments requlmd hemby. or II any aclls lilken Or <br />legal proceeding commenced which materially aflects lender's Interest in the Property. lender may In lis own discretion, but withoul obllgllllon to do so. and wilhoul notice <br />to or demand upon Borrower and withoul releasing Borrower horn any obllgalion. do any act which lhe Borrower has agreed bullails to do and may alSO do any olher aCI" <br />deems necessa.y to prolecllhe securily hereol. Borrower shall. immediately UPQn demand Iherefor by lender. pay 10 Lender all c('sts and expenses mctlrred and Sllms <br />expended by lender in connecllon wilh tho exercise by lende, of the loregoing rights, togelher with inleresl thereon atlhe rate provided in the Nole, which shall be added 10 <br />the indebtedness secured hereby, lender shall not Incur any personal liability becauSe of anylhing il may do or omit to do hereunder, <br /> <br />6. Eftnt. 01 Del.ull. The fOllOWing shall constitute an event 01 default under this Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(a) Failure 10 pay any (nstallmenl of principal 01 interest or any olher sum secured hereby when due. Or failure 10 pay when due any olher indebtedness of <br />Borrowe. 10 lender: <br /> <br />(b) A breach of or defaull under any prOVision contained in the Note. this Deed 01 Trus\. any documenl w"ich secures the Nole. and any olher <br />encumbrance upon Ihe Property; <br /> <br />(c) A wrll 01 execullon or altachment or any similar process shall be enteled againsl Borrower which shall become a lien on the Property or any porlion <br />lhereol or intereslthelein; <br /> <br />(d) There shall be Ii led by or against Borrower an aclion under any present or fulure lederal. state or other statute. law or regulation relating to <br />bankruptcy, insolvency orother relief for debtors: or there shall be appointed any trustee, receiver or liquidator 01 Borrower or of all or a'ly part 01 the Property. or <br />ihe renlS. issues or profits lhereol. Or Borrower shall make any general assIgnment lor the benelil 01 creditors, <br /> <br />(e) The sale. transfer. assignmen\. conveyance Or further encuonbrance 01 all Or any pari of or any interest In Ihe Ptoperly. e,lher volunlanly or <br />involuntarily, withoutlhe express wrilten consent 01 Lender. <br /> <br />(I) II Borrower is nol an IndIVidual. the sale. transfer. as",gnment. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more Ihan ___ pelcent 01 (" a c",pOlallon) oIs <br /> <br />issued and Oulstanding stock or (il a partnerShip) _ percenl 01 pilrtnership "'teresls <br /> <br />g. Remedle.; Acceler.tlon Upon Oelaull. In Ihe event of any Evenl 01 Default lender may declare all indebledness secured hereby 10 be due and payable <lnd the <br />same shall ti,ereupon become due and payable wilhout any presentment demand. protesl or nollce of any kind, Thereaftel lender may <br /> <br />(a) Demand lhal Trustee exerc,se the POWER OF SALE granted herem. and Trustee shall thereafter cause Borrowe(s Inlerestln the Properly 10 be sold <br />and the pTOcl!f!ds to be di~tributed. all in the manner provided in Ille Nebraska Trust Deeds Act <br /> <br />(bl Eilher in person or by agent. wilh or w.thoul bringing any acllon Of proceeding. or by a receIVer appolnled by a court and wlthoul 'e9ard 10 Ihe <br />adequacy 01 ils security. enter upon and take possessIon a! the Property, or any part thereot. m .ts ovm name or m the name ollhe Trustee, and do any acts which <br />it deems necessary or desirable 10 preserve lhe value. marketability or renlabillty of lhe Property. or parI thereol or interesllhereln. mcrease Ihe income <br />lherelrom or prolect lhe securily hereof and. with or w'lhoul takmg possessIOn 01 Ihe Property, sue for or otherWise collect the rents. issues and proWs thereof. <br />including those past due and unpaid. and apply lhe same. less coslsand expenses of operation and collecllon including a\lorneys lees. upon any mdebtedness <br />secured hereby, aU in such order as Lender may delermme The entermg upon and lakmg posses5l0n 01 the Property. the collection of such ,enlS. issues and <br />profits and the application Ihereof as aforesaid, shall not cure or waIVe any delault or notice of default hereunder or mvalodale any acl done to respor se 10 such <br />delaull or pursuant to such notice of delaull and, nolwllhslandmg the contmuance m possesSion ollhe Propelt~' or Ihe colleclton. "~celpl and application of <br />rents. issoes or profits. Trustee or Lender shall be entitled to exerCise every right prOVided for in any of the loan tnstruments or by taw upon occurence 01 any <br />evenl 01 delault, including tt,e "ght to exercise lhe power of sale, and <br /> <br />(cl Commence an action 10 foreclose lhls Deed 01 Trusl as a mortgage. appoint a recelVel. or specltlcaUy enlorce any 01 the covenanls heleol; <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved 10 Trusteeol lender is inlen:led to be exclusIVe a! any other 'emedy herem or by law p,oVlded Or perrollted. bul each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be in addition to evety other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter ex,,;lmg allaw or In equllY Or by statute, and may be exerCIsed concurrenlly. <br />indepcndenlly or succeSSIvely. <br /> <br />10. T....Iee. The Twstee may resign at any Itme withoul cause. and Lende, may al any "me and Wllhollt cause appolnl a successor or subshtllle Truslee. Truslee <br />shail not be liable lor any loss Or damage unless due to acltonable negligence or wllllul mISconduct. and Shall not be requlled 10 lake any achon m conneclion with the <br />enlorcemenl 01 this Dl!f!d of Trust unle~s indemmlled, m wfltmg.lor all costs. compensatton Of expenses which may be assoclaled lhelewlth, In addition. Truslee may <br />become a purchaser at any sale ofthe Property (JudiCial or under lhe power 01 sate granled herem), poslpone the sale 01 all Or any portion 01 the properly. as provided by law; <br />or sell the Property as a whole. Or in separate parcels Or lots <br /> <br />! <br />. <br />I <br />1 <br />-i <br /> <br />11. Fulu;e Adw__. Upon requesl 01 BOrlower. Lender may. at ,ts ophon. make additional and future advances and readvances 10 Borrower. Such aelvances and <br />readvances. wilh inleresllhereon. shall be secmed by thiS Deed of Trusl At no time shalllhe pnncipal amount ollhe mdebledness secmed by lhis Deed of Trust. not in- <br /> <br />cluding sums advanced 10 protecllhe secunty 01 thIS Deed of Trust. exceed the origmal pr mClpal amounl staled herem, or s.~85 ,0.0.0.. 00__. . _ , whIChever is <br />gleater, <br /> <br />12. II~ Prowialon.. <br /> <br />(a) Bon_r HoI R.......d. Exlenslon 01 the \froe 101 payment or modlhcallon of amorl,zallon 01 the sums secured by lhls Deed 01 Trust granted by <br />lender 10 any successor in inleresl 01 Borrower shall nol operate to release, m any manner. Ihe habiltty of the ongmal BOllower and Borrower's successors In <br />interes\. lender shall not be required 10 commence proceedings agalnsl such succesSor or leluse 10 extend Ilfne for paymenl or olherwlse modify amortization <br />01 the sums s(l(Oured by this Deed 01 Trust by reason 01 any demands made by the ollgonal BOllower and BOllower's successors in mterest. <br /> <br />(b) L.endet"'.Powe.-.. Wilhoul affectmg the liability 01 any other person liable for Ihe payment 01 any obhgaloon herein menlloned. and without affecting <br />lhe lien orchargeollhis Dl!f!d of Trust upon any portion 01 the Properly nol then Or thefelOlo'e releaseO as setlllily for Ihe lull amount of all unpaid obligalions, <br />lendel may,lrom time to lime and wilhout notice (i) release any person so l,able, (II) exlend the mah"'ly 01 aller any oflhe terms of any such obligations, (i,il <br />grant Olher indulgences. (iv] refease or reconvey, 01 cause 10 be released or reconveyed at any lime all-ender's opllons any parcel. port' on or all of the Propelty. <br />(v) lake or release any other or additional secu"ty for any obhga\lon hereon mentioned. Of (", make compos, lions or olhe, arrangemenls with debtors in relalion <br />thereto, <br /> <br />(cI FOIbear.nce by Lender Not. Walv.r. Any lorbea'ance by Lender 'n exerc, any "ght or romedy hereund"'. or otherWISe afforded by applicable <br />law, shall not be a waive. 01 Or pfeclude Ihe e.erClse of any such light OIlemedv The procuremem ot msurance orlhe payment 01 taxes or other liens or charges <br />by lender shall nol be a waivet of lender's lighllo accelelate the matullty 01 !he mdeb!l'dnl'ss Sl'cured by IhlS Deed 01 T'uSI <br /> <br />(dl S_.nd AuI1Inl Bound; Joint and Se".tel Uablllly; Capllon.. The cow"na"IS and agreemenls herein contamed shall bind. and Ihe fights <br />hereunder shall inure to. the respective successOls and assigns of Lenele, and BOllo",er, subject to I"e prOVISions 01 paragraph 8 (el hereot, All covenants anO <br />agr~mentsol Borrowershall be joinl anCl seve'al The captions and headings of the paragraphs of thiS Deed of Trust afe lor convenoence only anO are not to be <br />used to interpret or define Ihe provisions hereof, <br /> <br />(e) RequesllOfNOIlce.. The parties hereby 'eQuest thaI a copy 01 any noltce 01 delaull hereunder and a copy 01 any nollce of sale hereunder be mailed 10 <br />each parly tolhis Dl!f!d 01 Trusl althe address sellorth above m the manner pmsc"bed by apphcab1e law E.cept tor any other nOl'ce requlled under applocabte <br />law 10 be given in another manner. any notice pro"lded for on thIS Deed of T rust shall be given by ma,hng such notice by cetl:l,ed mall addressed 10 Ihe other <br />parties. at the address set forth above. <br /> <br />Any notice provided lor in Ihis Deed of Trusl shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or lender when given in the manner designated herein, <br /> <br />(I) InapecUon. lender may make or cause 10 be made feasonable entlles upon and onspecllons of Ihe Properly. prov,ded Ihal lender shall give Borrower <br />notice prior to any such inspection specllying reasonable cause therelor related to Lender's rnterest in the Property, <br /> <br />(gl R_..y...c., Upon paymenl 01 aU sums secured by thiS Deed 01 T tust, Lender shall request Truslee 10 reconvey the Property and shall surrender <br />Ih;s Deed 01 Trust and all nolesevidencmg indebtedness securod by th,s Deed 01 TroSlto Trustee Truslee shall reconvey Ihe Properly withoul warranty and <br />without charge 10 the person or persons legally enli'.Ied thereto Such person 01 persons sha!1 pay all costs 01 recordation. II any <br /> <br />(h) P--*Propetty, Securlly Agreement As additional security for the pa)'ment 01 the Nole all f',lures. equipment. and other personal properly used <br />inconneclion with Iho real estate Or improvements located lhereon. and nol otherWise declared or deemed to be a part of Ihe real estate secured hereby. shall be <br />subjecl to a secufity interesl in lavOl o!the Lender und..r Ihe Nebraska Umform Commercial Code ThiS ,nstrum'!nt shall be conslrued as a Security Agreemenl <br />under ~ltI Code. and the lender shall have all the righls and lemedles 01 a secured party under said Code m addition 10 lhe "ghls and remedies crealed under <br />and accordl!c:l the lender pursuant to this Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(i) s.._~..ln the event thai any provision 01 this Deed 01 Trust confllcl With applicable law Or are declared Invalid or otherwise unenlorceable. such <br />contlict 0' lllvalidityshall not allect the olhel provisions oflhis Deed 01 T rust Or the NOle whlct> can be given ellecl wllhout the conllict,"g provision. and 10 lh.. <br />end the provisions ollhe Ded of Trust and the Note are declared 10 be severable <br /> <br />0-_' _. ,"KO'" m" "..,.n ,..,~ ,.., ."". ,"~ . {fj . a [ >.... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />_(~~:&~.:~s:n~_ <br /> <br /> <br />(J4~e C. Hoch, BOllower \vife) <br /> <br /> <br />- <br />