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<br />88-
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<br />102012
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<br />Borrowers (TruSlors) understand that the document thallhe Borrowers are about 10 execule Is a Deed 01 Trust and not a mortgage and Ihallhe power of sale provided
<br />lor In llle Deed of Trusl prlJllldes substanlially dlllerent rights and obligations to the Borrowers lhan a morlgage in the evenl 01 a delault or breach 01 obligation under lhe
<br />Deed 01 Trust, including, but not IIm1led to, the Lender's t1ghl to have lhe Real Properly s Id by the Trustee wilhoul any judicial proceeding or foreclosure Borrowers
<br />.,..", ,,' ,'~o' fu" ,-, "'oowl""m,o' ... ..,,-'" " fu,m ""0. fu .... 100 0' fu, 0", 0' T".e J
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<br />Hoch, Borro Husband)
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<br />~ '- -
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<br />COMPLETE 1Il1. portion ONLY IIlh. re.1 property delCrlbed con.I"1 oflNDlVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAl.. LAND,
<br />II .ppllcabte. complete ONLY ONE either A, 8, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge (hat they are aboullO execule the loll owing Deed 01 Trust upon the real eslale described tnereln, The Borrower(s), and each 01 Ihem il
<br />more than one, do hereby disclaim lheir righl to designate a homeslead pursuanllherelo, No part 01 the homes lead 01 either ollhe Borrower(s) is presently or will In the
<br />fulure be siluated upon said real eSlate. The Borrower(s) understand lhal if either eslablishes a homestead on any pari 01 said real estate during the time the Deed olTrusl
<br />(emalns unsatisfied and a lien upcm said real eSlate, lhere shall be no righllo make a designalion 01 homesleaclln the event 01 a foreclosure or trustee's sale with respect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge Ihallhey are about to execute Ine followmg Deed 01 Trus! upon the real eslale described Iherein, The Borrower(s). and each oflhem if
<br />'flare than one, do hereby waive lhelr righl to designate a homestead pursuantlhereto, The Borrower(s) undersland lhal they have lhe right 10 make a designation 01
<br />homestead and that byexeculing Ihis waiver.lhey are waIving nghls otherWise avaIlable lor lhe purpose of affording them the opporlunilyto relain their homeslead in the
<br />event of a detault upon llle Deed 01 Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Faun Homestead Protecllon Acl (Seclion 76.1901 et seq, ReVIsed Slalutes Ilhe Stale of Nebraska). Ihe Borrower(s). do hereby designale lhe real
<br />property described in ihe "Designalion 01 Homestead" atlachecl herelo and incorporalecl ere In y lhis reference
<br />
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<br />Borrower
<br />
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<br />n:ls DEED OF TRUST, IS malle as ollhe _l~L <lay ol__hpxJl~_ 19~. byand among lhe Trustor,. Harry A. Hoeh,
<br />Jr. and Jance C. ,!:I,l?~J:I.,g,u~b.a,?c1, ,& ,!'!.~.~~_._,"~n_~' u_. whose maIling address IS __2..41]~C0..t..tomllOOlLDriYe--uranL
<br />Island, NE ._(herem'Borrowell IheTrllSlee n\it:L.lj,E!l!~."-I?1-~9kQ}lrn*-lL!l!~mbgr of the NE State Bar Assn.
<br />whose mailing address IS ~,_O~__~<J.~_ 22~.!,. ~!:.allCl_ I s~~~~~~_.~~~Q.2 - 22.1=1.0_, __ __,_~_.______~__~ (herem "Trustee"}.
<br />Five Points Bank
<br />
<br />and the Beneliciary, .__.~ _,_,__. _n~___~. __~n___~ __~______ _u n_____..
<br />whose mailing address is p .O.l?m<noU01,___,<;;!.9J1.~L;r.Eilal1.9J_~_;:__ 6880_?.: l5Q2__ .._' ..__.____._n_____'u__
<br />
<br />(here,n "lender"',
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSlDERA TION. mclud1ngthe ,ndebledness Identlloed herein and Irust herem c'ealed, lhe recelpl 01 which IS hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants.lranslels. conveys and aSSIgns 10 Truslee. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, lor Ihe benefIt and secuflly oll..ender. unde, and subject 10 Ihe
<br />terms and condllions hereinaller sellorth. the 'eal properly, <lescflbed as follows'
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8), Block Three (3) in Replat of Riverside Acres, an addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska, Hall County
<br />
<br />
<br />TogellN!r wllh all buildings. Improvements. IIxtures. slreets, alleys"pass3gcways, easemenlS, nghls, priVIleges and appurlenances 'ocaled thereon Or in anywise
<br />pertaining thereto, and the renls. issues and profils. reverSions and remainders lhe,eol, Including. bul nol hmlled 10, heating and cooling equopmenl and such personal
<br />property that is allached to the improvemenls $oas to conslllute a IIxlure; and togelher Wllh tne homestead or marllal mle'ests. ,I any. which Inleresls are nereby released
<br />and waived: all 01 which, including replacements andaddilions lherelo. IS hereby declared 10 be a par I of lhe .eal eSlate secured by lhe lien olthls Deed 01 Trusl and all ollhe
<br />foregoing being relerred to herein as lhe .property"
<br />
<br />This Deed 01 Trusl shall secure (allhe payment of Ihe principal sum and ",lereSl eVIdenced by Borrower's note and/or credit agreement daled
<br />
<br />.4Ll~B.B...-__ .Ilaving a maturity dale 01_12L3V...2.El~___.__ ,m Ihe orlgmal prinCipal ammml 01 S 85.000.00 and any and all
<br />'modilocallons, eltenslons and renewals lhereot Or thereto and any and all lulure advances and readvances !'elllunder pursuanllo one or more promissory noles or credil
<br />liigreernenttlhereln called "Note"), (blthe paymenlof olher sums advanced by Lende, to p.otecllhe securIty of lhe Note lc) the perlormance all covenants and agreemenl
<br />~ 01 Borro_r selforlh herein; ~nd (dl all lndebledness and obhgations 01 Borrower to Lende, whelher dllecl, mdlfecl. absoiule or cDnllngenl and whether arising by note.
<br />guaranty, overdiall o. olherwisc.
<br />
<br />Botlo....er, 10 protect lhe securityO! tillS Deed 01 Trusl. covenanls and agrees WIth lender as lollows
<br />
<br />t. 1ttI,_tot..~..tft.......Borrower shall promplly pay when due lhc plHlc'pal 01 an<l mlereSI on, and any fees or charges provided in.lhe Noteor 'n Ihis
<br />, Deed of True\.
<br />
<br />2, ,.., Borrower is lhe o....ner 01 the Property. has Ihe rillhl and aulhoflly to convey Ihe P'opIHly. and warranls thai ''Ie hon crealed he'eby is a lusl and pnor lien on
<br />lhe Properly, ..cepl as may olherwise be sel lorlh hen!in. and lhe exocullon and dehvo,v 01 Ihis Deed of Trusl does nol violale any conlracl or olher obhgahon 10 whlct'
<br />Bor.-ower la lubjel:t
<br />
<br />'3, T_.AM...",.".., To pay ..hlln due alllaoes, special asseumonls and all olher cl'arlle3 all81nslll'e PlOpe'ly and, upon wnllen demand by Lender. 10 pay 10
<br />LCrnM' ~h .moun.a. may besulf.cienlto onable tho Lende, 10 pay such I..es. asso&s",,,,,,, O' OlhP.' cha'ges a. HlOY becnme clue
<br />
<br />.. ......1fIC..Jo...,.pt~ Propeny in-surad against damage by hre. hilla.d' in(:lud(}(j W~'h""llhe tfu rit -.o;w.lended cO\'N./'Ig:e". and such other haliuds .aslende. moly
<br />r8qU"", in amoulll'l,Ionel,,"lh toml'anie, atc"plahle 10 lond"r. and ....'111 loss pa,ablo to ,he lender In cone 01 lOSS un<lar such pohCles, Ihe Ll'nde, '5 aulho.izcd 10 adlusl.
<br />coll-eclandcoml"\romise. all cl.,mllhe,,,,,nd,,, end ,hall havo 1110 opltO" olappl,,,,g.1I o. pa.1 ollh!! ",&ur.,nce ,lIoceed.IIllo any ,ndellledne.. ..,cu,ed ""'ehy and ,n such
<br />~rde'.t tl!ndeor m.ay dele:rmf~, (.i) to the Oouow~:n to be uS(l-d 10f th"" repair Of 10$lr;H",hon (), ~ha Properlv Of tul) 'Of any olhur p\ltpO!;,{l 01 obJecl sPl1lslactofY 10 Len<1cr
<br />"'l/lO,,laUKhil\1I"el..n 01 tn,s Olted 01 T ru" hI' thi' lull amount,,,culod hereby belolo ~uLh paym",,1 evo. IOO~ place Any oppl,' ot",,, 011>1(><:.,.,,15 10 .ndehl..dness shaH
<br />no1 eatend orpotlpO!>IlII'" due dale of any paytml"!' undo! Iht> Nalt'. or c(,re any dolallll Ihorl'\lnd'll 01 r",reun9~'
<br />
<br />$, ....~. ...,.... .... C_pIIef\(' wi'" la... 1l0lfO..tll ,1'.111 ~eep 1:11) Pwpe'ly III Qon<J ~"",l""'1\ .,n,l "'I'~H ,I,all IHO,,"ptll' "'pa,' '" ,"pIOCI' 0011'
<br />""piov..,...nl./ll(;h may 0. d.m.\i'1d or dv.t,oye<l, Shall f1ul C(II,,""I 0.1 flflll'litan, ....aste 01 ,1t'lnrll,'~I"),, ,,' ItI.. P'ol'ulV .h,lll ""I"H"1."" ,1."""",1. III "lh.'""I,"",' ,>lh"
<br />'-(1:"(0' thttmptU;'emtnlt on tttttPtopfrty.l-hiU nc,lo\C-Ort1rml. luffer Of PPUOlt anv &c;t 1(1 bit tJO"t' III 'Of UJJHII Ull"!' Pro.."t'lt, In ,1l}1._'H)" 0'1 .'flY l;t..... urdil1.1f1Ul \11 uoqlllatn)1l iU\ij
<br />wauf-" ind plOfnpn)i d~'Uh"Qif at OQflO*E,.,'t ~()S1 arvj ~lP.n"....u IlOnA enUHllb',-f1ttol ""H1 rhll1'Q-ft' It\'vl''--,: .11\1IlH,r.~' nr 11,,,t1,...,I>...' .1Q,'H\\! th., Pf"1'1" It- ,n .l'l~' paft lIl(~I(1(:lt
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