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<br />6 Eminent Domain. Lunae' IS hereby assigned all compensallon. awards. damageS' and oHmr paymenls or lellcl (he.emalle, sSc;";;'" ;J..cQn!l~ ~I!l <br />condemnation or other takIng ollhe Property Of pari Ihereol. Of lor conveyance In heu 01 condernna\lon Lender slinll be enlllled at11S opllon 10 commence. appear,n and <br />prosecute In lIS own name any aellon or proceedings. and shall also be enlllled 10 make any compromIse or slHllemenl m connecllon Wllh such lakIng or damage In Ihe <br />event any porlion of Ihe Properly is so laken or damaged. Lender shall have the oplion. In lis sole and absolule d,,on, 10 apply all such Proceeds. aller dedllclmg <br />Iherelrom all costs and expenses incurred by It In COnneClion ",Ih SuCh proceeds. upon any Indebledness secured hereby and In such order as Lender may delermlne. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds. niter such deduCtions. to Ihe reslorallon 01 the Properly upon such conditIons as Lender may delermlne Any apphcallon 01 Proceeds to <br />Indebledness shall nol extend or postpona the due dala 01 any payments under the Nola. Or ClJ(e any default thereunder or hereunder <br /> <br />1. Performance b~ Lender. In Ihe avenl 018orrower"s Inrlure to perlOrm any olthe cOvenenls herem O' make any paymenls requrred hereby. or II any aclls lakan or <br />legal proceeding commenced whIch malerially affecls Lenders Interest in the Properly. Lender may In rlsown dlscrellon. bul wllhoul oblIgatIon 10 doso. and withoul notice <br />loor demand upon 80rrower and without relea$lng Borrower from any obligallon. do any ael which Ihe Borrower has agreed bullalls lodo and may also do any other aclll <br />deems necessary \0 prolecllhe securily hereol. Borrower shall. 'mmedlalely upon demand therelor by Lender, pay 10 Lender all cosls and expenses Incurred and sums <br />expended b~ Lender in connection with the exercIse by lender 01 lhe loregoing righls. together wllh I nleresllhereon althe rate prOVided In the Nole. which shall be added to <br />Ihe indebledness secu red hereby Lender shall not Incur any personal liabillly beeause of anylhlng II may do or om,tlo do hereunder <br /> <br />8. Eventt 01 Delaul!. The following shall conslltute an event 01 delault under Ihls Deed of Trust <br /> <br />(a) Failure to pay any installment of principal or In teres I 01 any olher sum secured hereby w"en due. or lallure 10 pay when due any Olher indebtedness of <br />Borrower 10 Lender; <br /> <br />(b) A breach of or delault under any prOVISIon contained In the NOle. Ihls Deed 01 Trust. any document whIch secures Ihe Nole. and any Olher <br />encumbrance upon Ihe Property: <br /> <br />(c} A writ of execution or attachment or any slm"ar process shall be enlered agaInst Borrower which shall become a lien on the Properly or any porllon <br />thereof or interesllhereln; <br /> <br />(d) There shall be liled by or aga'nsl Borrower an actIon under any presenl or IUlUre loderal. slate or olher statule. law or regulallon relatong to <br />bankruptcy. insolvency or olher relief lor deblors: or there shall be apPOinted any Irustee. receIver or Iiquidalor of Borrower or 0; all or any pari of Ihe Properly. or <br />Ihe rents. issues m profils Ihereol. or 80rrower shall make any ~eneral assIgnment lor Ihe benehl 01 credllors <br /> <br />(e) The sale. Iransfer, aSSIgnment conveyance or further encumbrance 01 all or any parI of or any interesl on the Property. ell her volunlallly O' <br />involunlarily. wilhoulthe express wriHen eonsent of lender <br /> <br />(II If Borrower is nol an individual. the sale. Iransfer, assignment. conveyance or encumbrance of more than ____ percenl 01 (or a cmporallon) lis <br /> <br />issued and outstanding stock or (il a partnersh,p) _ percent of partnership ,nlerests <br /> <br />9. Remedlat; Accelerallon Upon Delault. In Ihe evenl of any Evenl of Default Lender may declare all rndebledness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />same shalllhereupon become due and payable wllhout any presentment. demand. prote~1 or notice 01 any kind Therealler lender may~ <br /> <br />(a) Demand thaI Truslee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein. and Trustee shall thereaflercause Borrower's Interest In the Property to be sold <br />and the proceeds 10 be dislrlbuled. all m Ihe manner prOVided In Ihe Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act. <br /> <br />(b) Either in person or by agent. wllh m Without bringing any actIon 01 proceedIng. or by a recelvel appOinted by a courl and wllhout regard to Ihe <br />adequacy of ils seeurily, enter upon and lake possessIon ollhe Prope.ty. or any partlhereOI' m ItS own name or In thE nallle ollhe Trustee. and do anyacls whIch <br />il deems necessary or desl(able 10 pfe~erve Ihe value. marketablhly or renlabl11ty of the Properly. Or part thereof Or Inlerest thereon. Increase Ihe income <br />Iherefrom or protecllhe security hereof and. wllh or WIthout laking possession of the Property. sue for or Olherwlse collecllhe rents. Iss,les and profits thereof. <br />including those pasl due and unpaid, and apply Ihesame.less cosls and expenses 01 operallon and collection Includmg 3110rneys'lees. upon any indebtedness <br />seeured hereby. all m SUCh order as Lender may determine The entenng upon and taking possessIon 01 the Properly. Ihe collechon 01 such rents. Issues and <br />prolils and theapplieation IhereOI as aforesaid, shall nol cure or waIve any delault or notice 01 delaull hereunder O' Invalldale any acl done in response to such <br />default or pursuanlto such nollce 01 delaull and. nolwllhslandlng Ihe con\lnuance '" possessIon ollhe Properly or Ihe collectIon. receipt and application 01 <br />fenls. issues or proirls. Truslee or Lender shall be entitled 10 exerCise every rrght prOVIded for In any of Ihe Loan InSlruments or by law upon occurence of any <br />evenl of delaull. including the right to exerCIse Ihe power ot sale; and <br /> <br />lc) Commence an acllon 10 foreclose thIS Deed 01 Tr"sl as a mmtgage. apPoInt a receIve, or specllrcally enlorce any of Ihe covenants hefeOI. <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender IS mtended to be excluslveol any other remedy here", or by law prov'ded or permlllel!. bul eaeh shall be <br />cumulalive. shall be in addition 10 every other remedy gIven hereunder or now or herealler eXls\lng at law Of In eqully Or by statule. and may be exelclsed concurrently. <br />independently or succeSSively <br /> <br />10~ Trutlee. The Truslee may resign at any lime WIthOut cause. and Lender may at any lime and wlthoul cause appoInt a successor Or substllute Truslee. TruSlee <br />shall not be liable lor any loss or damage unless due 10 acllonable neglrgence or WIllful mIsconduct. and ,hall not be requlled 10 take any action In connectIon With the <br />enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless Indemnrlred. In wrlllng. for all cosls. compensatIon or expenses whIch may be assoclaled Iherewilh In addlllon. Trustee may <br />become a porehaser at any sale ollhe Pfoperly (JUdIcial or under Ihe power 01 sale granted herein). poslpone Ihe sale 01 all 0' any portIon ollhe property. as provided by law; <br />or sel! Ihe Property as a whole. or on separale pareets or lots. <br /> <br />11 ~ Fulure Advanees. Upon request of Borrower. Lender may, al ,Is o;lllon. make addlllonal and luture advances and readvances to 80rrower Such advances anel <br />readvances. wilh inlerestlhereon. shall be secured by Ihls Deed ot Trust At no tIme shalllhe pllnclpnl alllOunl of Ihe mdebtedness secured by HlIS Deed 01 Trust. nol ",. <br /> <br />eluding sums advanced 10 prOlecl the securlly of Ihls Deed of Trust. exceed Ihe OrigInal prrnc'pal amount slaled hereIn. or S 22.D_nQ~. 00__ ___ ~ _ _ ,whichever IS <br />greater. <br /> <br />12. MtscelllneOUt ProvJ.lon.. <br /> <br />(a} Borrower Not Retell.ed. Exlenslon ollhe lIme for payment or mod1locallon of amortlzallon 01 the SumS secured by thIS Deed 01 T IIlsl granllld by <br />Lender 10 any successor in mlerest of Borrower shall nol operale 10 release. In any manner. the Ilabllrly 01 the orrg",al 80rrower and Borrowe(s successors In <br />interest. Lender shall not be required 10 commence prOceedings agalnSI SUCh successor or reI use loextend time for pa\'menl or olherwlse modlly amortizatIon <br />of Ihe sums seeured by Ihis DeEd of Tlusl by reason of any demands made by Ihe ollg"'al Borrower and Borrower's succeSSOfS III Inlerest. <br /> <br />(bl Lender's Powers. Wilhout allecllng the Itablhly 01 any olher person hable tor Ihe payment of any obltgauon here,n menlloned. and wlthoul affecllng <br />Ihe lien or charge of Ihis Deed 01 TruSI upon any por\lon of Ihe Properly nOllhen or theretolore ,eleased as securlly for Ihe lull amounl at all unpaid obltgatlons~ <br />Lender may. from time to time and wllhout notice (,) release any person so hable. (nl exlend Ihe malunly or aller any ollhe terms 01 any such obligallons. (i'il <br />grant other indulgences. (ivl release or reconvey. or cause 10 be released or reconveyed al any lime at lender's options any parcel. portion or all of the Properly. <br />(vI lake or release an~ other or additlonat security lor any obhgatlon herero mentioned. or (VI) make composillons or olher arrangemenls wllh debtors rn relallon <br />thereto <br /> <br />(el Forbearance by Lender Nol a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender In exerclsrng any IIghl or remedy hereundef. or olherwlse aHorded by applIcable <br />law. shall nol be a waiver of or preclude Iheexercise of any such rlghlo' remedy The pfOcuremenl of rnSuranCe Or the payment of taxes or other liens Or charges <br />by Lender shall not be a waiver of lendef's rrghtlO accelerate Ihe malurrty 01 the ondebtedness secured by thIS Deed of Trust <br /> <br />(dl Suec.tsort and Au1lln. Bound; Joint and Several Llablllly; Caption.. The covenanls and agreements herein contaoneo shall brod. and the fights <br />hereunder shall inure 10. Ihe respective successors and assigns 01 lender and Bc.rrower. sublectlo Ihe provIsIons 01 paragraph 8 (el hereof All covenanls and <br />agreemenls 01 Borrower shall be Jornl and several. The capHons and headrngs olthe paragraphs of Ihis Oped 01 Trusl are for convenrence only and are nOllO be <br />used 10 interprel or define Ihe prOVISIonS hereot <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />(el Requutlor NoUcat. The part'es hereby request thaI a copy of any nollce 01 delault hereunder and a eopy 01 any noUce 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10 <br />each parly to Ihis Deed of Trusl al 'he address sel forlh above on the manner prescllbed by apphcable law. Except lor any other notIce requllea unde' applicable <br />law to be given In anolher manner. any notIce prOVIded for In thIS Deed ot Trusl shall be gIVen by mailing such nollce by certrfred mall addressed 10 Ihe olher <br />parties, allhe address sellorlh above. <br /> <br />Any notice provided for in Ihls Deed of TruSI shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the manner deSIgnated hereon. <br /> <br />(f) In'j>>eUon. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inspections of Ihe Property. prOVIded Ihal Lender shall give Borrower <br />notiCe prior 10 any such inspeclion specifying reasonable cause Iherefor related 10 Lenders interesl on Ihe Property <br /> <br />(g) Reconveyenee. Upon payment of all sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. Lender Shall requesl Trustee 10 reconvey Ihe Properly ano shall surrender <br />Ihis Deed of Trust and all noles evidenCing rndebtedness secured by Ihls Deed 01 TruSllO Truslee Trustee shall reconvey tCle Properly Without warranty an<1 <br />wilhoul eharge 10 Ihe person 01 persons legally enfilled therelo~ Such person or persons shall pay all cosls 01 recordallon. If any <br /> <br />(h) Pertona' Propert~. Security Allleement. As additional securily fo, Ihe payment of Ihe I~ole all f"tures. equ'pment. and other personal properly used <br />in conneclion wilh the real eslate or Improvements localed thereon, and not otherWise declared or deemed 10 be a part ollhe real estale securcn hereby. shall be <br />sUbjecllo a securily inlerest intavor of Ihe Lender undPl Ihe Nebraska Ur\ilorm CommerCIal Code. ThIS Ins!rum8nl shall be construed asa Secuflty Agreemenl <br />under said Code. and Ihe Lender shall have alllhe righls and remedies ot a secured parly under sa,d Code In addlllon to It'e lights and remedlcs c realed under <br />and accorded Ihe Lender pursuant 10 Ihis Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />(il $eveiablllty. In the event thai any plovision of th.s Deed of Trusl conflicl with apr>hcable law or arc dcclared <nvahd or olherwlsc unenlorceable. sucl] <br />eonflicl or invalidity shall nOI affect the other provisions of this Deed of Trust or (he NOle which can be given ellec l WltllOllt the conlllctong provrslon. and 10 IhlS <br />end Ihe provisions of Ihe Deed of Trusl and Ihe Nole are declared to be severable~ <br /> <br />Borrower has executed Ihis Deed 01 Trust the dale wrrllen above <br /> <br />~~. -"'--' <br />./ /--- .. <br />fJd J . '.~_,ft. . . <br />'- .' /T >~ '"~ _ , I <br />_ ~ . ~ _T'_,,--,"71...n- tLr: . <br />:~.a( L,~pson,oor..t:: !lusb"nd) <br /> <br />Qr --'. ..... .. /, <br />.. '.1 >,,) , . ,'! 1'.1') ."' . --'-, <br />._~__~___,~ ,~.. '.,_<.L-\:.l , <br />. lloII,,,ve. . <br />( Ros 1 e Thompson, ,~ t 1 .' I ' <br />