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<br />I <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />101965 <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />BORROWERS READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING: <br /> <br />Borrowers (TrUSlorsl undorsland Ihallhe documenllhallhe Borrowers are about to execute is a Deed o. Trust and not a morlgageand Ihalthe power of sale provided <br />'or In the Deed o' Trust provides substantially dlllerent rights and obligations 10 Ihe Borrowers Ihan e morlgage in Ihe event 01 a de'aull or breach of obligation under Ihe <br />Deed 01 Trus!. Including, but nolllmlled to. the Lender's righllo have the Real Properly sold by the Truslee wllhout any judicial proceeding or foreelosure. Borrowers <br />represent and warranllhal this acknowledgement was execuled by Ihem belore the execullon o'lhe Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />()J <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. V. 87.1 <br />(S<!..J:XY. L T omps9n, ,Borrower Husband) <br /> <br />(j\ ,)~ L:/(t, 'Yv--~;J/'G-'-' <br /> <br />(Rosie Thompson, \Vife )BorrO"': r <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE this portion ONLY IIlhe real property described eonslsls 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />II appllclble. eomplelo ONLY ONE ollher A, B. or C: <br /> <br />o A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge Ihallhey are aboulia execute the following Deed of Trust upon the roal eslate described therein. The Borrow~r(s). and each oll~om il <br />01018 Ihan ono, do hereby disclaim Iheir right to dosignale a homestead pursuanl therelO. No part of the homeslead of eilher 01 Ihe Borrowor(s) IS presently or wllI'n Ihe <br />lulure be situated upon said real estale. The Borrower(s) understand Ihat II ellher eslablishes a homeslead on any part ot said real estale during the lime the Deed of Trusl <br />remains unsatisfied and a lien upon said real eslale, Ihere shall be no "ghlto make a designation 01 homestead in Ihe event of a foreclosure or trustee's sala wilh respecllO <br />said Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />,0 B. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(sl aeknowledge thallhey are aboullo exeCllle the follOWing Deed 01 Trust upon Ihe real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). and each ollhem if <br />more 111an one, do hereby waive their right to deSIgnate a homeslead pursuant IherelO The Borrower{s) understand that they have Ihe IIghl 10 make a deSlgnahon 01 <br />homestead and that by exeeullng Ihis waIver. Ihey are waIVing rights otherWise avaIlable for the purpose 01 allordi"9them the opporluOlty 10 retallllhell homestead m the <br />event 01 a delault upOn the Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />o C. DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to Ihe Farm Homestead Protection Acl (Secllon 76.1901 el seq. Revised Stalutes of the State 01 Nebraska). :he Borrower(s). do hereby designate Ihe real <br />property described ;n the "Oesignalion of Homeslead" allached hereto and Incorporaled herein by Ihis reference <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br /> <br />NE <br /> <br />68803 <br /> <br />therem 'Borrower"). lhe TIL,slee <br /> <br />day oli\pr i L... U' 19W_. by and among the Truslor. <br />___ ",nose mailing address 's _.3_q~n Beach\'..ood <br />.~Ulj~ll1uG~~I31~ct.burn....~mgmber of the <br />IsJ~rl..gL.ll~.. _@liQ~- 2 28-1'--. <br /> <br />~Au~~on <br />~rive, Grand Island, <br /> <br />NE State Bar Assn. <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST .s made 35 01 the 15 <br />and Rosie Thompson, Husband & Wife <br /> <br />whose mailing address is ~9....J1Q.~..l.?~.9.Lgra.f.lcl <br />and the Beneficiary. ~i ve PO~!:'t:..~n!3~~_k ..___..... _.. <br />whose mailing address IS ~~..! _!3_S?~H~.5Q! G~and <br /> <br />(herein "Trustee"). <br /> <br />IS laf!...dL_~J::__~~E!.9_~=-l2.Q2~__. <br /> <br />[herein "Lende"'). <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, IncludIng the Indebledness Idenhl,ed herem and Irusl herem created. the receipt 01 whIch IS hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby Irrevocably granls, trans'ers, conveys anti assIgns 10 Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benelll and secullly 01 Lender. under and subjecl to the <br />terms and conditions hereinaller settorlh. the real pro~eoty descllbmJ as lollows <br /> <br />Part of the North Half (N;) of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NEt) of Section 4, Township 11 North, Range 9 \\'est of the 6th P.M., containing <br />10 acres more or less. in Hall County, NE <br />~ A/K/A Commencing at a point six (6) rods south of the northeast corner of the east <br />half of the southeast quarter (E;SEl) of Section Four (4), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine <br />(9) West of the 6th P.M., on the east line of said east half of the southeast quarter (E,SE!), <br />thence running south twenty (20) rods, along said east line, thence running west eighty (80) rods, <br />thence running north, parallel with said east line twenty (20) rods, thence running east eighty (80) <br />rods to the place of beginning, located in Hall County, NE <br /> <br />Togelher wilh all buildings. improvemenls. 1..lures. streels. alleys. passageways. easemenls. lights. pllvlleges and appurtenances localed Ihereon or In anywlse <br />pertaining therelo. and the rents, issues and profIts. reversIons and remainders !hereot: ,"cludmg. bul not limited 10. heating and coohng eqUlpmenl and such personal <br />properlylhat is attached lolhe improvementssoasloeonstltutea IIxlure, and logelher with the homestead or malllal 'nlerests, " any. which mlerests are hereby released <br />and waived: allof which. including replacemenlsand addlllons thereto, IS hBleby declared 10 be a part ollhe real eSlale secured by Ihe lien olthls Deed of Trust and .,Ii ollhe <br />foregoing being relerred 10 herein as Ihe "properly" <br /> <br />This Deed 01 Trusl shall secure (allhe paymenl 01 the p"nclpal sum and '"terest eVIdenced by Borrowefs no Ie and/or credll agreement daled -- _.u" u_ <br /> <br />4/15/88 . having a maturity date of ___4.LL~9.B______.__. . In the ollg'nal pllnclpal amOlml 01 S 2 7 ,_QQQ_...QL_.,.. and any and all <br />modifications. extensions and renewals thereof or therelo and any and all future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promIssory notes or credll <br />agreemenls (herein ealled "Nole"j; {blthe paymenl of olher sums advanced by Lender 10 prolect the secullty 01 the Note. (clthe perlo,mance all covenanls llnd agmemenl <br />01 Borrower sellorlh herein; and (dl all indebledness and obligallons 01 Borrower to lender whell.9r rlllec!. Indirect. absolute or contingent and wholher a/ISing by note, <br />guaranly, overdraft or otherwise. <br /> <br />Borrower. to protectlhe security of this Deed 01 Trust. covenants and agrees With lender as lollows <br /> <br />I. P.,IMnlot P,lM:lpIIl and Inter..I. Borrower Shdll promplly pay "'hen due the prinCIpal 01 and mlerest on and any fees or charlles provlded'n. the Noto or In Ih,S <br />Deed 01 Trusl. <br /> <br />2. TIO.. Bo/rower Is the owner ollhe Prope/ly. haslhe righl and authority to convey the Properly, and warrants Ihalthe I,en crealed hereby IS a IlIst and pllor hon on <br />the Properly. excepl as may olherwise be sel lorlh herein. and the exocullon and delivery ollhls Deod 01 Trust does not v'olale any contract or other obligallOn 10 which <br />aorrawor is subjecl <br /> <br />3. T..". A_nIl. To pay when due all laxes. special assessmonts and all olher charges agalnsllhe Properly and, upon Vi rlllen demand by lender. 10 poy 10 <br />lender such amount 85 may be sulllcielltlo enable Ihe Lender to pay such taxes. assessmenls or olher charges 115 Ihey become due <br /> <br />4 I.,..utence.-To keep the Property Hl5urC{1 again$\ damage by h-re. haz.Hds Included within the lerm .'e"te"dcd coverage" and such o1tler IHl13-tds as Londc-r mllY <br />require. in an10unl'8 and with companies accoptable 10 Lond~r, and wlth lo'S'S payable to the lendot In case or 10'5S under 51.lCtl pohCllJs. ttw Lende. l'j ilulhOfl,le(1 to ad~llsl <br />COllect and C(lnlpromi-se. ailcla~m'S th~reunder "nd Sha.1l hflve thoopllOf1 of :tpplying aU Of par' 'llllhC mS\Hance p'oc~ed~ 11110 .1n-~' I.fHJelJledness SeCtlfP(J t1l\rclly n'H.I Hl SUCh <br />order filS Lendet may deto,roine-. (U) to the norrower to bu used lor ttllt ropalf or restoration 01 'he Proporty or 11111 for iln.y OlhtH ~H.UpOS(l ~H 0111(0",1 s..lIslat !o-n.' lo t und..r <br />WHhOtil aHeellOO lhe lien Ollhis. Oe{l-d ,,' 1 tus.IIOt Ihe lullllmO\H11 'SOOJrod hOfOby belore ~uch paymonl ('vcr look placo Any <1J)pltt:all(:'H~ of tltOCeet15 to m(1t~bledl1t'!I'l s.hall <br />no' eAlond Qr postpone the due date 01 ilny pAymonts undor It!o NolO Of f:uro Any d~fa::1l thlununder or hereutidL'1 <br /> <br />5 ..lnlenlne. ",,.11t Ind Compllanu wllh Ln.., nOrrOWf)f ,/tall koop 11If) Properly "1 q"u(1 COII"'I.On .IOHI '01"'" "'.111 pHJ!Hplly "'I'"'' O' ,,,pille" "ny <br />lfl1ptf)y~rn(trlt whsch may b41 darn3god or d6\t'O';'(J(I, Shull nol (;oftlftlli Or CHrl !1'1I1 ~.rl'( ....a!l>1f! or (Itlh.-"lura~lOn l}f th(l' Propel." ~hAII nol f'(!Ifl(.l\'-: l,tI'Hnl'loll.;.h ur Suh..-,.\Ilnltrlll..' .lll~" <br />!I";Y' of rhe imp-('mtnh on thflPtOPO-l'lY; \halt nill commit ,otl(H -Of pen,,,' iH'Y nr~ III he dOll... 111 !JI UI'{JI\ thr: Pfoplult 10 .....H)I,ll!lH1 (J1.l!\", lih". O".!I1\.H'd.' c~r ".Il.J' dllU <br />,t~tlU p.y ilnd ptt;mr.tUydlt(.h,;uq~ il1 O{HfOWe-'-1; c-O'ii' ,In{I'~''pl)'''W ~Il h~H." .Hl(; lHnh'nf~{ I'" .,nd tll;l1l.i(I~. ;41.,.I(1r, dt'lI)O'I'" ,H a~"'I"''i~IH.'''c' .1'l.J<l:II'I-.llhp f'FU(JI-,n" 01 ....ny prt itU""tll <br />