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<br />I <br /> <br />I <br />ex) <br />co <br /> <br />6 Eminent Domain. Lendor 15 hereby assigned aU compensation. ",wardS diUna!l('S .:H1(J other paymcnts or relief (hereU1arter "Proceeds") In connecllOn with <br />condemnation or other lakmg ollhe Property or pari H,ereol. or lor conveyance In lieu 01 cOn(lemn"I,O/\ Lende, shall be enlllied at ,ts opllon locommence, appea' "' and <br />prosacule in its OWn name any aclion or IJrocee(1lngs, and ~hall also be enlllled 10 make Any compromIse or sel!leme/\II/\ co/\necllon Wllh such lakIng or (Iamage In Ihe <br />event any po, lion 01 the Property IS so laken or damaged, Lender shall have Iho opllon. In lIs solO and absolule d'se<ellon. 10 apply ail such P,oceods, alter deducling <br />the'elrom all costs and expenses incurred by it in connection Wllh SUCh p,ocel,<lS. upon any ml.lebledness secu,ed hereby and In such orde' as lender may determine. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds, alte' such deducllons. to Ihe reslorallon 01 Ihe P,opo,ly upon such condlllons as Lendor may dete,mlne Any applicalion 01 Proceeds 10 <br />indebtedness shall not exlend or postpone the due date of any payments under llie Note. or cure any delaullthereunder or he'eunder <br /> <br />7. Performance by Lender. In theevenl or Borrower's lalluro to pe,lorm any olthe cov,:,nenlS hO,,}ln 0' make any paymenls reqUired hereby, 0' II any act 's laken or <br />legal p,oceeding commenced which materially allec.s Lender's onterest ,n the Prope'ly. lemler may In .ts own d ,screlion. but Without obhgalion 10 do so. and withoul ~otlce <br />toor demand upon BOllower and WIthout releasing BOllowe, I,om any obhgatlon. doany act whIch the Borrower has ag,eed butla"s 10 do and may also doanyother act ,I <br />deems necessary to protecllhe security hereot Borrower shall. Immedlatoly upon demand lheretor by Lender. pay 10 Lender all costs and e)(penses incuned and sums <br />expended by Lemler;n connection wllh the exe,cise by Lender ollhe loregolng rlghlS. togeth~r WIth Inlerest thereon atlhe rate provided in the NOle, which shall be added to <br />Ihe indebtedness secured hereby. Lende, shall not incu, any personal hablllly because 01 anythIng It may do or omit to do hNeunder <br /> <br />8. Event. 01 Delault. The lOll owing shan const.tute an event 01 delaull unde, Ihls Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />(a) Failure 10 pay any installment 01 principal 0' F1,le,eSl or any olhe, sum secured hereby when due. or lailu,e to pay when due any othe, indebtedness 01 <br />Borrowe' to Lender; <br /> <br />(0) A b'eaeh ot 0' delault under any p,ovislon contaoned on Ihe Nole. Ihls Deed ot Trust. any document which secures the Nole. and any olher <br />encumbrance upon the Prope'ty; <br /> <br />(cl A writ of execution or allachment 0' any slm,la, process sl,all be entered against Borrower which shall become a I,en on the P,ope,ty or any po,lion <br />the,eof 0' interest therein; <br /> <br />(d) The'e shall be tiled by or against BOllowe, an actIon under any present or future federal, state or othe, statute, law or regulation ,elatinn to <br />bankruptcy, inSOlvency or othe' 'eliello' debto,s; 0' th(!'e shaH be appoonted any t'uslee, receive, 0' liquidator of Borrowe' 0' 01 all or any part Oflhe P,operty, or <br />the rents, issues 0' p,olils thereol. or BOllowe, shall make any general assIgnment lor the benefit of c,editors. <br /> <br />(e) The sale, transfe,. assignment. conveyance or lu,the' cClcumbrance 01 ai' Of any part 01 or any Interest on the Prope,ty. eIther voluntarily or <br />involunta,ily. wilhout the express written consent 01 Lende, <br /> <br />(f) II BOHowe' is not an individual, the sale, t'ansler. asslgnmp.nt. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more than _ pe,cent 01 (I' a co'poratlon) ItS <br /> <br />issued and outslanding stock or (if a pa,tnersh'pl .__ _. _ f)e:cent of pa'tnershlp Interesls <br /> <br />9. Remedle.; Acceleration Upon Delault. In the e'enl 01 any Event 01 Defaull Lende, may declare all mdeblednes. secured he'eby 10 be due and payable and lhe <br />same shall thereupon o{l{:ome due and payable w,thout any p'esenlmenl. .:lemand, p,otest 0' notice of any kind. Therealler Lende, may <br /> <br />(al Oemand that T,usteeexerclse the POWER OF SALE granted he'ell\. and Truslee shalllhereallercause Borrower's Intereslln Ihe Property 10 be .old <br />and the proceeds to be dist,ibuted, all m the manner p,oVlded on Ihe Neb'aska T'ust Deeds Act: <br /> <br />(b) Eilher in person or by agE'nt. WIth 0' WIthout bllnglng any actIon Or proceedFl,g, Or by a rece,ve' apPOinted by a COurl and wllhout regard to the <br />adequacy of itssecu'ity, enter upon anCllake posses~lon of lhe Property. or any partthereol, In 115 ow/\ name Or In the name olthe T'ustee, and do any acts which <br />it deems necessary or destrable to p'e~e"e Ihe value ma'kelablhty Or ,entablhty of the P'ope'ty, or part the'eol Or onle,esl there.n. Incwase the income <br />Iherefrom 0' p,otecl the secu"ty hereol and. w,lh or wlthouttakong possessIon of Ihe Property. sue fo, 0' othe"".se colleClthe rents, Issues and prohls thereol, <br />inCluding Ihase past due and unpaId. and apply the same. less cosls and eKpenses 01 oreratlon and colleclion II\cludll\g attorneys' rees. upon any mdebtedness <br />s{l{:IHed hereby. all in Such orde' as lende. may ,letermlne Tile entellng upon and taking possession oltlie P,operty. the collection 01 such ,ents Issues and <br />profits and Iheapphcat.on the'eot as aloresald. Shall nol cure or waIVe any detault or notIce of delaull he,eunder or II\vaildate any act done 11\ response 10 such <br />defaull or pursuant to such nolice 01 default and. notw.thstandlng the conunuance In possession of the Property 0' Ihe collec\lon, recelpl and appilcatlOn 01 <br />rents. issues or prohts. 1 rustee or Lender shall be e'1l,tielllo eKerClse eve,y "ghl p,oVlded lor In any of the Loan Instruments 0' by law upon occu'ence 01 any <br />event 01 defaull, including the "ght to e.erc,se the pO....I', 01 sale. and <br /> <br />lei Commence an aCllon 10 loreclose thIS Deell 01 Tlust as a mO'tgage. apPOInt a re;:e,ve'. 0' speCifically enforce any at Ihe covenants hereol; <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon 0' 'I'se,ved to Truslee 0' Lender '5 Intemted 10 be exclUSIve of any other ' hereIn 0' by law p,ovlded Or pe'mllled. but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be in addition 10 every othe' remedy given he,eunder or now or herealle, eXlslong alia... Or In equIty or by statute. and may be exerCIsed COnCurrently, <br />independently Of successively. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />CD <br />t\} <br />0:>> <br />,... <br />o <br />.... <br /> <br />10_ Tro..... The Trustee ",ay resIgn at any tIme .....!nOul cause and Lenlle' may al any tIme anel Without cause appomt a successor or substllule Trustee. T'ustee <br />shall not be liable lor any lOSS 0' damage unless due 10 actionable neghgence or wllllul mIsconduct and shall nol be ,equued 10 take any acllon ,n connection WIth the <br />enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless ondemmhed_ '" WillIng. lor all costs_ compl'nSaloOn or expenses whiCh may be aSSOClall"d lherewlth In addll.on. Trustee may <br />become a purchaser at any saleoflhe P,operty (judiCIal Of under the power 01 sale granted hereon I poslpone the sale of all or any pOlt.on 01 the prope'ty. as prOVIded by law; <br />or sell Ihe Property as a whole, Or in sepa,ate pa'cels or 1015 <br /> <br />11. future AdYancea. Upon ,equest of Borrower. lende, may. at liS opllon. make addlllOnal and lu", ri' advances and .eadvances to Borrowe, Such advances and <br />rea_dvances. with interest Ihereon, shall be secured by thIS Deed of Trust. At no lime shalllhe pTlnclpal amount 01 the lI1deb!edness secured by thIS Deed of Trust. not tn. <br /> <br />eluding sums advanced to protecl the securotyolthls Deed of T,ust. exceed the onglnal pronclpal amounl sIal cd hcreln or S _110, ftO_O_~(lO____, whichel'er is <br />greale.. <br /> <br />12 "~aneous Provl.lons_ <br /> <br />(a) 80"_r Nol Reletloed. ExtenSIOn 01 the tIme for payment O' modllrcatlon 01 amortIzatIon 01 tI'e S\lms secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust g,anled by <br />lender 10 any successor in inte'eSI of Borrowe' shall not opera'e 10 'eleasi'. 111 any mannel. the hablllty 01 the ollg'nal Boltowel dnd Borrower's successors 111 <br />intE.est. Lende, shall not be required 10 commence proceedings agalnSI SuCh successo' 0' refuse to e>lend fOI paymenl or olhe/w'se mod "y amortizatIon <br />01 Ihe sums secu,ed by Ihis Deed of Trust by ,eason of any demands made by Ihe ollglnal BOltowe, and Boltowe"s successors on 1I\1c.est <br /> <br />(b) Lender'. Powen. WithOut allectmg Ihe hablllty of any other person liable 10' the payn'ent of any ObligatIOn he,eln menlloned, ami wllhOUI al rectlng <br />the lien orchargeol Ihis Deed 01 T,ust upon any porllon 01 the P'Opefty n01ll1en or the,etolore released as seCUllt}' lor Ihe luli amounl of all unpaId obhgahons. <br />Lender may. I'orn time 10 time and wllhout nolrce (I) 'elease any person so I,able. fill cxtend Ihe malullly or aile' any 01 the terms 01 any Such obhgatlon,;, (III) <br />9,anl other indulgences, (lY) releaseor ,econvey. or cause lobe leleased 01 ,ecomeyed at any tIme at Lende"s ophons any pa,cel. po,llon or all olthe P'operty. <br />(v) take Or release any otheror additional security for any obllgahon hereon menhonl'd or IVI} make composlhons m other arrangements wllh debtors m ,elatron <br />Ihe,eto. <br /> <br />(cl Fort>>earance br Lender Nolll Wafye.. Any forbearance by Lende. 111 e.e,clsll1g any IIghl or remedy hereunder. or otherWIse allmded by applicable <br />law_ shall not be a waive, 01 O' p'eclude the exe'clse ot any Such light 0' 'emedy The procurement of Insurance 0' the paymenl of taxes or olhe, liens or charges <br />by Lender shall not be a waive, ot Lender's nght to accele'ale t"maturoty of the Indebledness secured by Ih.s Deed ollrust <br /> <br />(d) SUCCQlOrt and Anlgns Bound; Jotnt an:! Sewerl' Lllbllily; Captions. The cO"lmants and agreements he,eln contall1ed shall bond, and the "ghts <br />hereunder shall inure 10. the respective successors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrow",. sublect to the P'OVlSlons 01 paragrap" 8 Ie) he,eof. All covenants and <br />agreements of Borrowef Shall bejoint and sevelal The caphons and headmgs 01 Ihe pa'agrapl1s 01 thIS Deed 01 Trusl are 10' convemence only and a'enollo be <br />used to inte'prel or deline the proviSIons hereof <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />(e) R~tforNotlc... The parties he'eby request that a cory of any nOllce of defaullhe,eunde, and a copy 01 any nolrce 01 sale hereunder be maIled to <br />each partytothis Deed ofT,usf at theadd,ess selforth above In lhe manner prescllbed Oy appl,cable law Except for any other nOllce ,equired unde, appl'cable <br />faw 10 be given in another manne'. any nollce prOVided fOlm Ihls DI'ed 01 TruSI Shall be gl\'en by mailing such nollce by ce'lified ma,1 addressed to the oth;;, <br />pa'lies. al the address setlorth above. <br /> <br />Borrower has execuled this Deed 01 T,uslthe dale wrillen above <br /> <br />Any notice provided 10' in this Deed 01 T'ust shall be deemed to have been gl\'en to Borrower m Lende, when gIven m the manner designated herem <br /> <br />(f) Inlpe'Ctlon. Lende, may make 0' cause 10 be made 'easonable ent"es upon and onspectlons of the P,operty. p,ovided thai Lender shall give BOllower <br />nolice prior to any such inspection specilying reasonable cause therefor relaled 10 Lende,.s IntereSI m the P,ope'ty. <br /> <br />(g) Reconveranc.. Upon paymenl of all sums secu,ed by thIS Deed 01 Trust. Lende, shall reques' l,ustee to ,econvey the Properly and shall surrende, <br />this Deed of TruSl and all nOles eVidenCIng indebtedness secured by thIS Deed 01 T'uSlto T,ustee Trustee shall,econvey the P,operty wllhout warranty and <br />without charge to Ihe person Of pe,sons legally entitled the,eto Such pe,son 0' pe,sons shall pay all costs of recordatIon, II any <br /> <br />(h) PeftOl\alProperty. SKu.ltr Agreement. As add Itionalsecu"ly for the payment ollhe Note alllixtu,es. equipment, and olher p",sonal p,operty used <br />in connection with the real estate or irrprovements located the,eon, and not Olherwise al'clared or aeemed to be a pafl ollhe ,eal estate secllred hereby. sMIl bO <br />subject to a security inlerest in lavo, olthe Lende, undf" the Nebraska Unllo,m CommerCial Code ThIS Inst,um'mt shail be const,"ed as a Sec,,"ly Ag' <br />under said Code. and the lende' shall have all the "ghts and remedies 01 a secured pa'ty under sa.d Code In addition to the "ghts and r..m.'docs c,eated llndN <br />and accorded the Lende' pursuant to this Deed 01 T'ust. <br /> <br />fi) Sewt'dIIIItr. In the event Ihat any provISIon 01 Ihls Deed 01 T,ust confltcl wllh applicable law 0' a'e declared mva"d or otherWise unenforceablo. sllch <br />confllctor invalidity shall notallecttheolher p,oviSlons olthis Deed of Trust or the NOle which can be gIven ellect WIthout the conlhclmg provIsIon and 10 HilS <br />end Ihe provisions 01 the Oeed 01 Trust and the Note are decla,ed to be seve,able <br /> <br /> <br />_~Slug~~.. <br /> <br />(RQbert G. Eihusen) Borrower <br />0..,-/.-, }( (1 '{': . \ <br />~.?J~_~_.__c..J1.U...Li::~J.~J~_ __ <br />(Linda K. Eihusen) Borrowe, <br /> <br />u....; <br />1- <br />~ <br />.i <br />1 <br /> <br />, . <br />, <br />