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<br />I <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88-101928 <br /> <br />BORROWERS READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING: <br /> <br />Borrowers (Truslors) understand Ihalllle document thet the Borrowersare about to execute is a Deed of Tr~st and nol a mortgage and Ihallhe powe,r 01 sale provided <br />fa, In the Deed ot Trust provides substantially 61110rent rights and obllgalions to tho Borrowers than a mortgaga In Ihe even' of a detault 0' breach of obhgallon under th" <br />Deed 01 Trust, including, but not limited 10. Ihe Lender's ri9hllo have the Real Property sold by Iha Truslee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers <br />rep,esent and warrant thaI this acknowledgement was eltecuted by Ihem bel ore Ih" culion 01 th" O....d of T,uSL <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE thl, pOltlon ONLY lithe ploperty dl!lxrlbed conallll ot INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />"applicable, complete ONI.. Y ONE either A, B. or C: <br /> <br />o A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thatlhey are about to execute the following Deed ot T,ust upon the ,eal estate described therein. The Borrower(s), and each 01 them it <br />more lhan one. do hefeby diSClaim thei, fight to designate a homestead pursuant therelo. No part oflhe homestead of eilher oflhe Borrower(s} is presently or will in the <br />lulure be situated upon said real estale. The Borrower(s} understand that 11 either establish9S a homestead on any part 01 said real estate during the lime IhA Deed 01 Trust <br />remains unsatisfied and a lien upon said real eslale. there shall be no light to make a designalion 01 homestead in Ihe evenl of a foreclosu'e or t'usles's sale with respect to <br />"said Deed ot Trust <br /> <br />o B, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrowef(s) acknowledge thaI Ihey a'e aboul 10 execule Ihe follOWIng Oeed 01 T,usl upon Ihe 'eal estate desc,ibed therein. The 80rrower(s}, and each of them it <br />more than one. do hereby waive Ihair right to deSIgnate a homeslead pursuant Ihe,eto. The Borrowe,(s) unde,sland Ihal they have Ihe right 10 make a designation 01 <br />homestead and that by executing this waiver. they a,,, waIVing 'ights otherwise available lor the pu'pose of aflording them Ihe opportunily 10 relain their homestead In the <br />event 01 a default upon Ihe Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />o C_ DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead ProtectLon Acl (SecllOn 76-1901 el seq. Revised Slalules of Ihe Stale ot Nebraska}. the Borrowe,(s). do hereby designate the 'eal <br />property described in the "Oeslgnatiun of Homestead.- allached herelo and inco,poraled hereon by Ihis ,ele,ence <br /> <br />Ballowe, <br /> <br />80rrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. IS made as 01 Ihe _18tbay 01 _ Ap-riL. 19 ~fL . by and among the Truslor. Robert <br /> <br />and Linda K. Eihu_s..en_l-hu..s.ban_d_~ndWYillif~_____G wt].Qs,e ma,lllpg add'ess IS 30.6 Gunbarrel Road, <br />I I d N b k 118m . tilaCKDurn. <br />5 an. eras alhereon 'Borrower.., the T'uslee a--member-of- the-Nebr-aska- State-Bar- .^.ssociation <br />whose maiting address is E.a.O_,-.Bo1L.2280~.Gr.and.lsland.......NE__._6_8.8.o.2=22_8{L (herein "Truslee"), <br />and lhe Beneficiary. Five Points --Ban~~Gr:and_lsland........N_ebras.k.tL...___~ ___ ~n <br />Whosemailingadd.essisf..Jl.-.B.01L.t5..Q1..~(J.r..aDd.l.slancL...Nf_----.ti.8B.Ql.-:J.5Jl1___ _ _______ <br /> <br />C_ Eihusen <br />Grand <br /> <br />(herein "Lende''') <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA TION, includIng the ondebtedness Ident,foed hereon ana ',ust herem crea1ed, tt>e 'ece'pt 01 whIch IS hereby acknowledged. Borrowe' <br />he-eby ille'o'ocably grants, transfers. conveys and aSSIgns to Trustee. IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE. lor the benelot and secullt~. 01 Lender. unde, and subjecllo the <br />terms and conditions he'einalte, set forth. Ihe real property. descrlb~d as follows <br />Lot One (1). Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Six (6). Hall County f Nebraska <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Together with lllll>uildings. imp'OI'ements, loxtu'es, slreels. alleys,passa~eways. ~asemenls. lights. provlleges and appu,!enances located the'eon or in anywIse <br />pertaining the'elo, and the renls. issues anQ prollts, fevefSlons and remalnOers Ihereof: mCludmg, but nolllmlteo to. heattng and coohng equipment and such personal <br />property that ill attached to Iheimprovemenls so as loconslotulea fIxture. and logethe' With Ihe homestead or marotal tnlerests, ,f any, whIch IntelOsts are he,eby ,eleased <br />and waived; all 01 which. including replacemenls and additions thereto, IS hereby deciared 10 be a parI of the real estate secured by the lIen olthls Deed 01 T'usl and all of the <br />foregoing being referrlMl 10 herein as lh~ -p'ope,ly" <br /> <br />This Deed 01 Trust shall secure (al the payment of the pllnc;pal sum and rnte,esl eVloenced by Bo"owe(s nOle anOrm cred,t agreemenl daled <br /> <br />April 18, 1 988 . having a malullly dale 01 -ApriLi5... 2013 . tn the orogmal pronClpal amount of S ..l.30. OOO...JIJL. and any and all <br />modifications. exlensions and ,enewals the'eot Or thereto and any and all luture ad..ances "nd r~advances hereundel pursuant to one 0' more promissory notes or credll <br />all'eements (herein called "Note"'); (b) the payment of othe, sumsaovanced by Lender ti) pI otecllhe SeCullly ot tile Note. Ic, the performance all cOI'enanls and ag'eemenl <br />ot Borrower set forth he,ein; and (dl all indebtedness and obhgations of Borrowe, to Lende' whether d"ect I nd"ecl. absolute 0' contIngent and whelher allStng by nOle, <br />gUi!lranty. ovordratt or otherwIse. <br /> <br />Borrower, 10 protecllhe security of this Deed of Trusl. covenants and agrees With Lender as lohows <br /> <br />1, hr-tolPrincl~ MMtlnlefftt. Borrower shall p'omptly pa)' when due the p"ocipal 01 and mlerest on. and any fees or charges prOvided in_the Note 0' '" Ihis <br />Oeedof Trust_ <br /> <br />2. T... Borrowerislheownerollhe Property. hilS the ,ighl and aulhorotytoconvey IIle Prope'ty. and warrants lhallhe lIen created hereby isa f"sland proor henon <br />Ihe Property. e.ceplas may otherwise be sel fDfth herein. and the execution and delivery of thIS Deed at Trust does nol vlolale any conl'act or 01 he, obligatIon to whIch <br />Borrower is subject, <br /> <br />',... .3_ . T.....~_."... To pay when due all taaes. sPf'Cial assessments and all other cha'ges agaonst the P,ope,ty and. upon v,."lten demand by Lende"to pay to <br />::.~; .lenGe. such amount as may be sufficienl lO.enable the Lende, 10 pay such ta"es, assessments 0' other charges as they become due <br /> <br />~,,-,1 4. 1_. To keep thi> Plope,Iy insured against OalT\i1ge by II,e. haza,ds included wllhon Ihe lelm ..e.le"ded coverage". and such other haza,ds as Lendel may <br />,_c," '~ui'e.ln .mounts and 'lrith'companies acceptable to Lende" and witt> loss payable to Ihe Lenae.. In case ot toss ur,dN suet> Ihe Lender '5 authOrized to adjust. <br />.:~"~ colleel and compromi~. all <:Iaim. Ihereunder and shall have the option 01 applying all or pa,I ollhe InsurAnce p'OCeerh IIJ 10 any '"debledness secured h",eb}' and In '"ch <br />..,," o,der a.L~r duy determone. (H) to Ihe Sorrowerlo beu.ed lor the rep"" or 'eslorallon ollhe Plope't~ or (IIlllcI any other purpose O. oblect satlslactolY to lender <br />wilhoul aU..cling tl14llien 01 lh,.~d 01 Twst lOf Ihe full amount 5e<;uled hereby before such payment eve, took place Any applrcatlon 01 proceeds to 1,,"ehl&ll"ess ."<1~; <br />-\.' oot IIdend 0' poslpo:'\l! the due <llOte 01 any paymont. unde' Ihe Nole, a, cUle any delaul! lherl'und'" O' h"'eu,,der <br /> <br />5 ~'"'-. ,...,1... and Compll~. with La",., BOllow!!r shall keep Itle Propeny In goo<1 {{IIH1,I,oll ,,,,, 'ellall. ShRII plOmplly '1'1''''' a. '"pIMe a"y <br />,:nptovtlmelll..,luch I'NI,. be dlll'!\l'l/oo 0> dutIOY~. shall nOI comlT,,1 or pe'''"1 any ..,nte 01 det..roo'Allun "Il"t- P'ol~'rty sh.lll 1\0\ ''''''OIt' IlQm"'I~" or ~lIbsta"(Ially aae' <br />In~ oflhe Impfovemfnllon Ih~ PrQptlrty. shaUnOICO"1mil. suffer or P!!'III.t aily II" to be dl'1l0 In O' upon tl,l' p, ur"fly H' "Ola\'U" Df anv la\\ <.",11I10111{ P '" "'grilat,,," ,1IHJ <br />t.h.U fllvand p:P01t1pttydikharoeat OorrowC!fs co.., alldtr_pfH'lse-all hl'n'.e-(!I;lJmtH~U'(.'$ """d c. 'I~'Q"'" '~~w~1 ImpOM'\1l1f i\~~"~'('11 "\~II.nst n~~-" f'I;1pt'! ~~ ~l' ~in,' p,"HI Wtt"'Oi <br />