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<br />I <br /> <br />10. 8onower Not ReleaMd; f'"orbNI'.IICA By LandiH' NoI a YiaIver, Ex100SIOfl ot tile time lOf payment Of modrticatoo 01 amol111ation 01 tile sums secured by thIS Secunty Instrument <br />granted by lendtlr to ~, successor in inleres! of Dc:Jrmy",r Shall no! ooemle to release me liability of the Original BorTo\\'Ell' Ol' Bormwer's SlJCCessors In Inlerest. Lender s/lallllOl be reqUIred <br />to <X>mme(lpll ~ :'gains! any sucoessor .n inle<es1 or refuse in exlend time lor paymenl or otherwise modify amortizatIOn 01 the sums secureO by this S~nty Instrument by reason <br />ot any demand made by the original Borrower or Boo-ov.-e<'s successors on inle<eS1. My fort>earance by lenOer Ir: exerCIsing any nght m remedy shall not be a ",awer 01 01 piecluQ@ 1M <br />exercise 01 any nght or reme<fy. <br />11. Sue-. aM ~. Bouna; .Joint -.d Sever-.I UAblUty; C...~ The (;(J;-enants and agreements 01 thIS Seemly [nstrumsnl shall bmd and be..,e"t the succeSSOls ana <br />assJgns oIl~ and Borrower. SUIljeCt!Othe pl;:Ms;ons of paragraph 17. 6on'crIwr's covenants and agreements shall be 10101 and S,,",'efal. Any Bono",er who co-s.gns th,s Se.:::urity Inslrument <br />C'\lbut ODes not elteo..1e the lIIo1e' (a) isco-s;gn;ng ttlis Security ln5trumer\t only 10 roortgage. grant and convey mal Borrowers ,nterest In the P/Qperty under the terms 01 thIS Sacunty Instrument: <br />~ (h) is not personally oOligated to pay the sums secureo Dy ttlis Secunty fnstNmenl: and ('::) agrees thai lenoer and any other BorroWer' miIY ag,,* 10 extend. mo.:lEly. forbear or make any <br />r acc-ommoclalJO<'tS ..'1th 'ooa'(I\o the te<ms 01 this Secunty Instrumenlor the Note ....'I1hou1 that Borrowers consenl, <br />r- 12. Lo.n Charges. It the lOan secued by lilts Secunty Instrument is subjac110 a law WhICh sets max,mum lOan charges. and thai law IS 'mally Interpreled so lhal lhe IIItefE!st or othe, lOan <br />..-4ctoarges COlledeIj or to be co:leded in w.oection vn1h lhe lOan exceed the permitted limits. 1h!m, (a) any SUCh loan Charge shall be teOUC9d by the amounl necessary to o-educQ the charge <br />to the penniIIed Imit; ~ (b) ~!;t!ITIS akeady colIeded from ~ whlch sxceeded permitted Iimr!s w1Il be rafuneled I08oITower. lender may chooSe 10 make this refund by reducmg <br />o \he princ;pal owed untSer the Note III by making a diled payment to Bontrowr. II a refund reduces priae;pal. the reduc:oon ,\111 00 treatoo as a partial prepayment \\-i!houl any prepayment cllarge <br />~ under !he Note_ <br />11 lA1!iI"lt'lI'ft Ao"llcUng~. AIgma. II enactment or expiral10n 0' applic:able laws nas the effect of rendering any provision ol1he Note or this Secumy Instrumenl unenforceable <br />I aIXlClIding to its teems. lender. al ils option. may require m.-nedil>te pa)'Tnenl in lull ol all sums S8C\Jlllld tly tills Security Instrument and may iI1vOke any remoolBS peiTTlitted by paragrap1l19. <br />If Lender exe<< this QJlOOn. lender shaI take the steps specffied in the second paragraph 01 paragraph 17, <br />I" NcMk:ea. Nrt ootc:e 10 8onoIIIef PIOVidecIlor in this Seconty 1nstrurn&l1t sIulI be grven byoelMmng It or by maIling It by f.TSI class mad unless applicable law requires use 01 another <br />~ The notioe shall ~ dir8d8d to u.e Propeny Adl:lmss or any othef address aoonwer Oes'9f\lltas by notice to lenaer. Any rotice 10 leMar shall 00 gl\-el1 by firsl Class ma~ 10 lender's <br />smIed herein or any olhllr acXhss lender ~ by nollC:'! 10 aono-. My 00lIl:e ptO\>coo tor in thiS Security IT\StTUmenl $1\80 be d;temed to Nr.Jll been gl\'9.~ 10 Bom:r.Yer or <br />Lender when ~ as ~ in this paragraph. <br />15. Gt..-....'" '--: s.~, This Sec:urily 1nsI~ shall blt gmoemed by federallllw and the law of the junsdicllor1 to Whid\ the Property,s localed. In the event 1ha\ any provision <br />or dau5e d this Sec:unty InsI!ument or !he NoIe mnllids WIlh appIJcabIe \aw. such ClJ<)."Iict s1'lall TlOI o!>'ect 0lIler p:t"'1$1Ons cl thIS Secullly InS1l\lmenl or llle Nme wnich ean be 9i\-en efftx:t <br />wilhouI \he c;r:JnlIic:tng pn::Msicn. TD Ihi:s and lhe puYisioos 01 thIS SeaJf/ly lnstrumenl a."Ii1 the Nole are deo\aJ8cl to be $I!\-erab.\e, <br />:., 1e.. 80....-'. Copy. aom- shall be giwn OM aJnlormed c:opy' ol the Nole and ~ 1his Secunty lns1rumenl <br />17. .......... C111Ite ~ or a a...rlcaiI ~ in EIart1Jwer. II afi or any part ol1he Property 01 any mleres1 IT> 1115 sold OIl1aTlSlemld tor d a bane!.o>al ,nterest .n Borrower IS sold <br />or 1l......1bonod and ~ is naI a natural person) wt1hOIJt Lendef"S pnor ..11llen ror,sem. lender may. alllS optIOn. reqUire ,",:m>d'1I1e ~'IT\t>nl m lull 01 all SIJm$ s~ by this Socunty <br />In$Wrtw1l ~, Ilhis 0IJIiCJn Shall tlOII be aercrse::llly UIM&t II exQtclS& IS pronl!'>.',~ lly ledel'allaw a3 01 too OllIe 01 this Soo..m1y InstIVmenl <br />.. ....,." ~ !lhis oplbn. lender slIalI give 8o<rower SlObOO of acceleration, The OOlite shIlll :provIIie a penod 011'1Ot less 1han 30 da)'S trnm the OllIe the ",'\j,~ IS dell\'erad or m3l1eD <br />""'61 Wihidt ~ must PIIf all sums SollCUIwd by this Secunly 1T1s11u1'I'l&m It Bcmower 13,1$ 10 P'Y lhese sums prior 10 lhll expllBllOO 01 thiS penod, leooeT may ,".me any "-,medl;,s permllt~ <br />by Ihis SIa.\:'ty ~ WlllOJt Iunner noIiee or ~oo on ~r <br />1" ......_ . AigItl to.... II ~ mtIel!I cenam t:OOOlllOO5, Borrower Sl'Illlll"lllYe 1he fI9T11 ~ have entoroemenl OIlT\iS Seron1y In,<;trUmlln1 d<SOOf1lmued al any time pnor I() <br />l!w -wd: (-.)5 ~ (or such oIher;eriocl as ~ law nay ~ tor Telnslalllrn&n11 belore Sl\~ of lhll ProIleI1'l' purwanl10 any pow&!' ol $lllll cornalned ,n this Seanity Instrument: <br />Ot ~b) .... d . ~ el'llOICIIlQ 11m 8eourtly~, T"IlowI o:)~it~ alllths180;-rower: la) PIIVS le1'ldeJ liD sum~ Wl11Ch thOn would be Ollll unoellhls Seconty InSlJume-nl aoo lhe <br />NoIehltl no aoceIIfDonClOCilJl'lM: (b) Cl.ftSanyoefllillo'lanyotrnlrcovenal'/tSOT agTMmeT1IS: if,) ~'H'11 eJ;penieS Il1CVITN m entCJI'CIi'l9!h1S Set\lnty Instrumelll, m-.."'luding, but not hm~&O <br />m.. ~ 1IlIanWp' '-; m-d.dl ta6 sucil adiOO as l.eroe.r may tt1&sOlll1blr 1t>Q"f18 10 a5SU1"61ha1 the lli!ln 01 thIS Sl;.;::urlly Inslrumenl. ltlndor's flghlS h" 100 Prtlplll1y ana B,)rrowe('s <br />obIigIIiDn iIO PIIf ... _ ~ by 1'tUs Se<uriIy .tns:tn:Jment shall continue unc:l'mnged, Upon If@1fI~<rmflnl by Borro~I9'. 1I\1S $&cu,tly '''slrumenl ar'l(l!h6 ot>l~toOns securecl tiereDI' shaft <br />~ Uly ~.. ~ no ~ t\IId OClOUTTeC1, ~. mis nghl to fOl1'lSt1Ite Shall not apply m me use 01 sooel&raloOn under paragrapht \3 or 17 <br />NON-UNifORM COVENANTS, ~ and Lentlet M1her UMll1lInl ana agree as 'oHows. <br />1" ........... Iifa ; r - leN:Ier.......... to ~ INiof to~" ~ng aon-'I bl'McIl of 'nl t;O~1\1 or ItQrMmenl In tnll s.cut1ty 'nllnlmM\ <br />(bIIIl"''''''to . ......_1"",.___...... 13 Iftd lh...... ~.-.... pltJvldnOUO*lMi_). The Mtloe st'IIIn IiplCltr: tal the dl4wtt; (bl 1M actlon requllN to C\lJ't 'hi <br />~ (~ a .... ... .... It-. 3D dap __ "-.... eo. II'IOttc. .. glvWt to ~. tit ".t'-it~' ~ detwlt must b4l ~; and tel) thld fanul'll to !:UI'Il the on or be'QI'Il <br />.. _......IIll..~..., -.-1Ill aaa 111l'iiio4, CIIn __ __ by thII ~'"smtmen\W1d... at the~, The notk:e anan tutU,., Into"" BonoMT 0' <br />...... _ ___..... ___....... -.cI tha righI to tringa caurt Ktion 1o..-t 11'.- _~ at......" Of an" other ~ o. eon-10 ~l4mIl\o.n and ...~. II <br />......... II Nt CWNIlI Oft Of.... 1M.... ~ in lM ~ l.endM''' ftI 0fItiDn ~ lWqlllrl1mlMdln ~ In full of an wutnl MC\lM by 1hll ~Iy 'nltmrMnl <br />........-...d..lMfirMllta...po.erd.. and."CitMf ____ ~ by 1ifIPllc:abJt __ ~ aMll be entl'*' to co1ltd alltXl*\...lnclltted In pUlSulng <br />...-.... ~1Ill1tlia ~... II. ~ bI.II rd fimited to. ~~'... Wldooea of t!tle 'VidAn~, <br />. _...... CII.... ill ~ ~..... -.,s a notice all eIIIOtault m...... ~ In wNc:tI aft)' ~ ~ 1M Proptor1y~. 'e>utM and ~n ~l~. of &uch notlca In the <br />_ ...._itloooIlIt' rf~ ............. _eon-andlo_aIMf "'-1I"'-1b.d by IIpp1l;;:.abi11'-.Ahareo.tlmenquiM by apt:li;k:ab'le '-- Tt\J11MlinaUVMpubllc notice <br />01__ to....-.. in.. _~ br ~abla ,-, lNaaa, wlthoUl CIamantI on BorTowIt. ......11.... the Propeny al public ~Jl)n 10 the nlghtll bHIder a' lht <br />..................... __ *....... ~ a. ~ of ... ~n _ Of ~ ~.., in anl 0t1Mlr 1'rvI1III delemNnM. ltutfM mty ~tpOnI .... 0' all Of an)' parcel <br />01..........,., puIIk --"... a............. of any ~ ~.... l.-cter or fts ~"'1Mf purdulM thl proparty a' any ..le. <br />Upor..... 01"""" (II" pricla bid, 1ft.-. aha1I.... to the ~ 1hmeIt-. daad <<'"_ring the~, The .-.cltala .n thtlltul_', 0Md anal! be prima tlC~ <br />......CII_""*' o(_11lt1l1 FI' 11\<11 ~~, ~ ~ ~~~aII"''' 'III ..~.. ~ (_)10 .rl.~ olltw ..le.l~ludlng, ~ nO'lllmlleod <br />to. -..-......__ 1 '''''''''l'''I - ,. .....,. ..........-....p. '-;(b) to a1I_......." tnlI Secunt,. 1I'IStNInanl; MCl (C) an, .\t~a to tM ~O, lMlIiOnl <br />......~ .... <br />a .... in, I Jill ,. ~ ~"1O!l 'U1lOtr PI~ ~9 01 JblnOorimenl 'Of 1ht PropIr1r. i.fl'\dtlirn ptl1Ol\, by ~l '01 by J\IOIOIlllly #lPlX)lNlt12 ftOOT\'&I' $hln t>t enm~, II) <br />__ ___ _ . 0'"" oland ___ _ ~ 'IIT1Cl1l> c:ollect the _ ol_ ~ '1T>Cbd.-.g _ p&5\ tl.... Any""," OOlleQllld by I.ctflOOI Or".,. _oer 1i1\all :,0 1lPC>l1lKJ fll"$\ <br />m~d 11M _ all ~ d 1IW ~ty.1'1Ci ~lCln at $T1l&. ,Jncludlng. b.Jt.nat limfted10. _'5 teti, ;'11l1".ums on 1tKllI1'o'e1'$ tIOMS Anal'&'~ l1tCllMVS' ~" aM <br />~to_ __ MO.M~mi1 s.c:urw, ~ <br />21. RtKll _. _ _ Upon ~ oT .. ewTlI MCIU!I(I by thIS Seow1ly ~ns1rUmtnl..lendet $~. *luesl tru5lte 10 ,1IOO1MIY 'lilt PtCIP&rly .110 ,""III "ull'&MtI 1M ~rlly InSlr"!1Iflr.\ 11M <br />-'I notes.~ CleCII~"" tI)' 1'l" ~ 'n~ 10 '"-'$lee TI\l~1H shllll ttICOI1>'&y me f'ftlPlt"y "'1tI1OWl wa"..nty lI\'lll w/1Nl.n Cl',.r~ 10 1~ fll'r$<....n c\ll'l'l$(lr\$ 1t'Qlllly &I1In1l'.:110 <br />t. SIdll*1Q!'l or ~ SIl'IIl\ ~ -Iny ~0I11On ams <br />ZL eo' - -........ I..eN:lM. . b <lPloon. <l'l\IIY 'IrDm 1rme ~D tIme Trust.. .-.d appom, 11. succeUOI 'll'laIlH 1.:> ..ny rruslN appOlf1111O llll"~ t>y 1111 "'''rumenl t&OO."O&(I on 1l\1l <br />~ il!'I ~ E\l5 SIo.lnry ~,,~, WI!I\DIJt con"'~noll ol '1t>t~, 1TlII sucoes$Or 'lTUSl1MI sllallsUCl:lettQ 10 all tne 1"le, ;>OWe! aM tM"" O:':'Ilt1~ "P'l'I TllAIM1\el1\m <br />andb}'~-- <br />D. ........... ~ ;sq.--.1S ~ QClPlM ol the ootlO&S 01 a~aull ..~ nle tle um 10 tIolTOMlr'S ~re" Whl(;l\ .. The PmplH1y "aare~' flOl'lOwtlr IUlltler 1~'UiI'~IS thlll <br />~ d.ltlt .... d OWl... anr:l Mle tit 'Mll'll1ll MOO per$D!l fo'hp " . ~II"Y f}t""p at '!hi .tldl'KS oI1uDl1 perIOn1llll 'orlt1 herem <br />J&. IIiIfIIq to........ "'* f I..... III 'One or more ~ are edOlJled by Borro.erana oreocmled ~1her wRh thIS S&t:urfty lNitrul'l\tI!'1. 1hll Co.WeI'laNi Ar.:l aOl'tlllTllln"" 1)1 llat:I\ Sueh <br />...... shall be .;,<O<)o.po.~ I'i"1IO -"" $hall........, /m(I ~nl ttle co...enl!lt1lS Io~ ao-men1' 01 1I\lli s..t:urItv Instl\l1nllnlloS 111he flQllrCSI ...... a PI'" 0' tM Seooumy InSll\l!Tlf>l"It, lCh~ <br />~ CJOk1eorJ) <br />D ~ RII1I RlOeI <br />o Grlduldld P.~ RdIor <br />I: ~Sl!~ <br /> <br />= Col\OOlT1lnlum~lder <br />:: IF'Jan~ linn ~""Iopmenl R.o"r <br /> <br />o :!4 family RlC)llr <br /> <br />BY SIGNING &lOW, eono... .aootIPlS ana aQ1"ll t:) ttle ''''rms ana1X'\'9l\11nl' 0DIU1Nlll m 1M. s.,cumy InS'lrum&nll\.ndm any nOtIr~SI exel;Uled by aort'O'M!llllnd 'lttOI'dttd WIth n <br />C" 'c_ ,~I \ / <br />.. !( ll.\\. F. \: ~',~. it, <br /> <br />,SUII <br />- a;.rr"""" <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />~ r \ <br />,,- ' <br />......; \..,...... \. ~ <br /> <br />,591111 <br />-B.:>rr,,~~, <br /> <br />._.,I~... - ",. <br /> <br />ISpM:Ie s.k)w Thill Une f<< AtltMWledglMn') <br /> <br />St-. 01/ ....... ; <br />~ol Uall; S$ <br /> <br />On.,.,.. 1 ~o1-Anri 1 <br />~..,...,_Dale E. Black <br /> <br />, , 9 --3S...-. be10l'll tnlt . NolaI)' PublIC m ltle Slalo 01 I J r <br />and Donna L Black. Husband Clnd '1i fe <br /> <br />to..... ~ ou-.ID be.... <br />~ aa Ii!ld GM<S, <br /> <br />'" ~. Eq)119S <br /> <br />mS1n.lTnlln\. aoo aa.nooMIIlclgIIld lh., <br />~N(t"l Not ".Y'!~""C ~.tN.irb' <br />1(~tolNf II. SCu;OU , ~-.. <br />MyC__~,(~~,J~';..~~~, <br /> <br />e~8QJ1ed the san'll! II' <br /> <br />. \\\ <br />NOT"RY PUBLIC <br /> <br />"^ ~',. l '" \ . <br /> <br /> StIlI ell Nebr.... . <br /> ) IS <br /> Costly ell ) <br /> One.. _oT <br />L p....,....., ~ <br /> <br />. 19 _. t>elore me, 1\ NOlaI)' PublIC In lhe Stale 01 <br /> <br />III IN ~ Io.r'lOoloI\ 10 Oil tht pef1OI'Il'l nalMd n II1d IIihO 'lflCUltd the'OI8OOI"O tT\~1Ivmtlm., aM aOlll1OwIed9od thai ___~ e\t!{'ull'i! the ume ", <br />......... 4Q Md CIM(I <br />My~~E~ <br /> <br />"'GlARy PUB~IC <br />