<br />I
<br />
<br />88-101732
<br />
<br />
<br />1 April
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST t-Seourtly Instrumanr) IS made on tNs day 01
<br />19 88 Thelrustoros Dale E. 81 ack and Donna l. Black. Husband and \-life
<br />
<br />t*Borrowef"'"). The trustee Is CommelCial FedtHal savings and loan Associalion. -
<br />("Tru5teel. The beneficiary is ~ Federal Sav;ngs and loan Associalion. which is Of9llIlizad and elOsting under tile laws 01 Nebraska. and \\MsO address is ~ Farnam, Omaha" .,~
<br />NebrasIla68131("t.endet1.~owesLeoderthepOncipalsumol Eight Thousand Six Hundt'ed One Dollars and 00/100---- Dollars' 0
<br />
<br />(US. S 8601.00-- - ..:_-- - 1" Thisdebl. is...."denoIld by ec.rro--s note dated the same data as this Security lnstnrmenl ("Note), \\illch provides for monthly pByITIenlS. with tho
<br />
<br />fuI debt, if net 1*1 __. d.Jund paJllble on Ao r i 1 20 . 1990 .'
<br />ThiI SecuriIy ~ $eCUlft to lencier. la) the ~ 01 the det>1 evil;Ienc:ed by the Nola, ..ith inl&reSl, and afl renewals, e>.1en."-ions and modllicaltOOS; (0) the payment ,01 aU ot~
<br />a-. wiItl inlei'8st, ~ ooc:lef pal'lIguph "1 so pn:lI8d. the $8CUlity or tms Sea.mly 1nStrumern; and (e) the perlormanoe or 9ormvre:r's COI'OOllf'\lS and 8QreemenlS., for thIS purpos,El,
<br />
<br />Borroww irreo.oocabI) gants and conveys 10 Trustee. '" In.lSt. with power 01 salll. the following oes-cribel:l property located in Ha 11 C-oonty. Nebraslls;
<br />
<br />Lot Seventeen (17). Ross-Theasmeyer Subdivision. Grand Island. Hall County, NE
<br />
<br />1Wl>ich has Ihe addre5iS d
<br />
<br />2909 N. Idaho
<br />
<br />Gt'and Is 1 and
<br />
<br />NII:II'aIIU
<br />
<br />68803
<br />
<br />lStceetI
<br />~"f'mpany Aadrt'lSij:
<br />
<br />(Cilv)
<br />
<br />TOGEnER wtIl\ alI_ ...."".....me! dS _ or t'Iel1l--'tll! eTeOIIld on ~ ;."ItlPll!1y. MtI :all ~_menlS, 1'9m5. appunel\llr..--es Tl\TllS, n:t)lll1t1&S. mmeral. oll :anclgas ~h\$ and prol~s. Willer
<br />ri!J1'llI and SIOdIr. ard allI"a!u!es now Of ihelNne! 'II ~ 01 'lne ~, Afl mplaoememll arnfaGcJ,llOns 1lhlflall>l> be OO\'8red by tills ~'mtv ~nst1\llTl&n\ Mol tnll '01'e901ng is relelTed to In
<br />Ibis SKulit)' ~ as Ilw ~.'
<br />~ ~ms 4hJd 9ontooIer ;IS 'Iaoaotl.llly $IIiItlleld 01 !llle ~e ihereb)' 00l'IV!!'~ ~nd has the nghllO !JIlI"l and oonW)' the Property and that the ~rty 15 ull8nrornNlrM,
<br />~ b ~.f1CIe5 d~, ~.~ anO IIrilI ~ 99"I'1li1lr me lnle 10 1he ~rty aoams\ 1If. ',-'\alms.~ cIemlInds, $Vb/eel 10 :any enc:umb;a~s 01 ~
<br />1HlS SECu!lllTY ilNSTAUtIlIEHT combines unllorm a.wenlIrilS'or 'I\J.t.anll.l ~ .and non'UI1llorm 1JDY8nams wItI1 'lfITll1tN1 YlI71allOn5 bY/illlSOll1tit'lnlo roTISllll.tllll unnorm SlI-.'UIily lfIstmmenl
<br />~.... prcper1y,
<br />lINIFOfU 0CJ'a'ENAtilS. ~ anc:Il.eOOef ~ Il!>tI ~ u 'Io1Iows'
<br />1. .......... ~ ...... ~ ~" ...... u. ChIqM. 80~ shall 'fI'tIo"l'qll1y !Pay when dve n>e prlT'lClP&ln? i1ndmleomsl 011 1M debl e>.'iOer>oed b~'1hll N"'e and any
<br />~,._._ "'~dueUl1dM" 'Note
<br />2.. ............... L.....JIll~. Subf8cll ~ ~ 'IIIw or to 'II IM'Illlln iWIlMll!by lender, BormWllr shllll pIIy 10 lender on 1htl dll)' monthly ~'In&nlS III1t OlJll vnclllr the Nol", untIl
<br />.. Noll is ~ 1Ifil1Ull. a _~, ~ U'I CIt*~ 01: ~.l)'M11y 1&IcfIS lI~_"ments MUCh mll.Y anain pnonly tl\'8f !Ius S&curlly IN;\MTIBnl: '(Ill )'9Ir1y I&aMhold payrn$lll$ or
<br />grourlCllNll'lts on Itw P.raperty, iIl.Tl)'. ilCl )'NIl)' lhazal'd ~ plMnlums; .ncl'~ d) ..arty mD~gage .msUlllI108 premiums, 4'1 any "'!'htIsel1ems ,al1l called 'allClOW 'ltllms,' U,nOllf mII'f mmalt
<br />.. FwdIdue on Itw..-d amw<< ~ ancl ~..",..oT 'lllurl MaD'" 'Ilems.
<br />n. FurIII... bel'lllll:l... ., ~ 1IW ~'lI 01 JIOOOUflIt d WI1Clh allt InJUl'eJd 01 guarantHO by . '6lleral -or stale.rqo ilncludmg lenaelll LenOtr js $uth an ilmlMlO/\). lendO!
<br />.... ~.... fUNIs Ill...... _ olIMM ~"mII!r ~ Charge ~ ~ ar>llW-""'ll tI'Ie funds, ilNllyz-ing 1I'0Il ~llOt\Ul1l 01' wrifying 1he escrow Items. unless leMef ?IYli 8omtw&t
<br />..... ~ "" FuIGI--' ~.. II*'TIlls II..enoer ~ ~ $UDh . O'IIIlVI, ~ ,llncllencler 1nlIY.oree m wrIlmg 1I1.tln!e1B$l shall bll paid o."lll1ll ~n..1s, Unless an ag~lllOOnt is
<br />..... Of ...... ... ~ ~ lID tie PM1. IAntIer It'I!IIl onal'be owqull'8Cll11 py ~ ..ny lI1111rnl or ummgs '011 th8 Fundf., 'LtlnOlll shall giw '0 8omM9r, wllhOul t:hia~, an
<br />__ -..-g d the ~ ~ CNIdIIS tlNl4llbllll.!ID ... ~ et.cl ~ ~.. b wNcih each &blt '0 1hI fullda WIll <mItOe. The fun.1s :aft fl\edoed u ~nlonat SetUT'IIy b 'hlI
<br />~~brll'O $er;urt)'~,
<br />".. -.rd d tIW Fui'm JWlCI br 1l..en:MIr, ,~ WIl!1 "" 'lIluIe ornonth!y:pllymtrl'lll 0'1 funcll ~ 'PrlOllO th8 O..e >tIates ol1T1l f15CItIW 1loms, $\'IlIll oll't'eed tno .mounll1lQuito\l '0 pay
<br />1IW __ ~ -.n due. ... aoMiS Shall bIi, ., eorrc-'s oaphDn, <<0",* ~ty 'lfi\'JIUCl to ~ OJ OI'fI:I~fltI 10 eo/TOwer on monltlty pal"llllnt$ 0' FunClslf "'" amoonl 01 1hll FUMs
<br />~ br leniiIor iI not ~!ID INIJ'...... 0S0I'000/1\emt. 0lIhfJrI o...e. ~ iltlallpay 'to ltlrdel any ..mo.ml TIlti)(Il<$Ilry 10mll"e up the CIll'""ency.n <>1\e I)' TI'll)l'fl f'II.YIl'llInl$ as required by
<br />l.8rdIIr,
<br />Upon ~ m!lull d ..~ $.l\TlI ~ br ilhlli SeourIty 'nstrumllnI. t.endllr til\a111pl'OPT1p1ty ",t"ll/ll~ &om-r any Funl'ls 'llllla tl~ t.enOef "\lnoer ~~h 19 !he PIt\"tf1V 1$ $014 l.'r
<br />~ br UinIlIIIIt. UonclIIr __ ClPY. iN) ... 'l1\li" -IfnIft(Id11lllly ipnot 10 'the sale (lI thBlProperty orns ~ulllnion "Y teMel, 'IIny rUllOS hola by lflntler III 'nil lime 01 appl~l~n as II eI&{ln
<br />.......-.- -..cIbr_ ~ ~
<br />a. ... - - .. i . A.. ~ appiIcatIle ... prtWldes CllI"o8!Wrse, an ~ymants __I\oed by L'fInder \JMllr PBragraphs , and l stu.lI b!l applied 'Irst, 10 11I11l .marglls 01'0 \lndl>> 1roll
<br />.....; teCOl'IlI,lG ~ 1,.... ~ 0.. urdM IN ,'iaIIe; ...~, to ..mounlll ~tW>le ,lJIl(let ;pa~h 2: 'ourth, to 'lI1111l1lllldue: .nd 111.5\. 10 pn'lCipal due
<br />&. a.w-:........ ~ ~ ~ alll\allM, _nts, ChII~S, 1~ ..na ~ilOOlls ~ 10 !he Pmpony WhOlli1 may llnllm pnorily WIn 1IllS Socur1ly lnSll\lmilnl aTl(l
<br />~ ~Ofgooo,mcl"", ill ""1', aorrm-- nltlP")'~1)blogallGl\$ In ilhe mwn"", l'1t>\'lOedmPilragraph~, tJI,n T\D1 palO m1l'llt mll1nll!. 9orTo_ $.hlollplly mem on l.mll OIIN'l!~'
<br />Ill)'" ~ ~~, ~ Shall prtIIflI]\ly 'umllh11O ilAmOII! III notKJll5 'D'I "'mounts 10 'bII :paldunDel 1I'IIS Pilra~raph, "&rr~l 'MIl-as lhasa Jla\'ITllInJ~ dlr&C1ly, 8olTOlWlr $l1lln
<br />~~.. UincItM"..- ~ tot PIIymet1\1o
<br />ec.r.--.... ~~ an)' '-' Whtch t\as ,pnc'IfllV ~ this Security ~nstrUmflm 'unlBss aon-o-t';\I' IQntltsm wrftmg10 lh1lpaymem 01 lhe oo19a1<On 5llCU~ Dy Ihe 1.111' .n 11
<br />_ M~rllll.1 10 1..IIIlCIef: C'bl ClCIIl1IHIS on gooa 'lIo"" N!\reo t>v, Of ~ .lfIlI1en10r0emtl1'ft i:I1:!he loiln,n. 'le9al pl'OCMdmQs WhiCh In lhe Lende.'S CtpJnlOn Opbra\l) 10 pr.V6nllhll
<br />..A..-,_" cI '" WI 01 ~ 01 q Pi'1 Q!.". ~r, 01 ,tel M;uM ~ 1I1e 'I'0oII>>I 01 'lIWl 'hen Inll;reemeom SII1151IClOI)' ~o lenoel $ubordtl\lI"fl9'hll llftn 10 thiS Sollcvrny lnslrumllnl
<br />. ~ dII.III.nnir_ IhII.I arJ Ii*t d h ~ 'II tllJbtllcl m a l-.n whd1IfMY Ibm pnoriIy mer1tus SecurlIylnstrument. UlncNir may 9'''' 'Borm_ a Ml!(lll ti;lllnlltylng lho, loiln &orrower
<br />.... ~.. _ 01.... OM 01_ 0'1_ 8IClIOna MIl 'IOl1II ~ Wl1I1on ~o 'lUIys tit lI1e 9lV1l'lO 01 TlOtIOe
<br />.. ~ '- eo.- ............ ...""'.....men'1a ~ ~ 0I~"'-'t1M' (1190100 .on l!1lI f>rapeny msu~ .~FnSlIo" DY '11ll, tlllI'lrds lIIollll1lld \>IRn," 111ll1&rm 'IKlIlMNl
<br />-.- ..a ..... dlIM '--dI. !lI;Ir ..,.,., ...... -:1- !II1IllIIarq, ThlIinsuranDll snail tie <mIl1M1lir..a In t!\.'l I:lmounl$ and 'or 1Ile pol'1(ldS 11\1' llt~1 requlllls Tn, IlIsurlontll C'.-ITIllI
<br />pIDIIdng" ___ INllIbe aa.n "" Bon_ ~ 1Il1l.Mncler'$ ~I whlOh Sl-..II nc1l tie ~If wlthheld
<br />AI inIIqra ~ 1tId............ bIi ~m. to t..eor1OII.or .aIlCl WlIl/lCIluclIIa stanaard ~ tllauSe. il.tmdeM $hiall N1Y1the ngh' to hOl:!,lhll flQll(:lll$ Ir>Il tellilWllls " LllnO'I
<br />......... ear- ....~~IlO......1IlI ~Ol ~~ IlIlCl re~~' llClIloIs,lntl'te evem0'l1oss, Borrower shall grve promplnotlC61D'roe ,nlllJrarq carner and le~I
<br />...... ...., ...... ~ 01__ << ngC II!'tIOI ~ C7t eorrc-
<br />u... ~ .., a:.- ~ 19'"' lIIwr1tJn;, ~ ~~ $turN be ~ 10 restorllion or "'pan of lroeP/tIpeny t1l1.mllll9ll, It 1he rB5tol~llOn 01 rllr>"" IS &eOnomlCllHy
<br />.,.... ancll.el!dlirl MCuI1lr. ncM -...n.a ~ ~ 'ntcr..~ or 1'IIPM 1$ ,roI4lQOIlOInM;:llilt ~1bIe or lende\''s wcurtty ll'IOlI~ be Iell~B~, 1roe InlMlntlI proceeds $1\111 be appIt&lI '0 the
<br />_ ---Dr 1hiI ~ ~, ~ or <VI 'l!-.n 01.0II., wAh any ~.~ PM' II) &orrow.r, 1l9orrtlw8r IlbI.ncIorrs,he plOpltn,., or OOlIS no' answer W11f1111 30 dllyl a ~ lrom
<br />lAftItIIl... .. ___ C8IlW '- CIII*M IlO .... . CIIMln, VlII.Alne* mI!l' colIIaI h tnIlIWll;Ie .PIOOMdI.l.enclet may \Jse ,he ptOCl(llICII to repall or l1ls1018 111& Property or 10 P'Y wms
<br />.....,..,... ~~. ___ or ~ "'" <1\11, The 30"- period" begin MIen "'* rolCle.. gi....n
<br />UlIIaat L..- atld ea.-.- ~..... on~'...... ~ 011 ~ 10 ~t $!\aN nol.~nd or f<I~ thedve dalll ol1he monthly paymlm'5 TllleJl1lCi 10 III palagraphs
<br />, ..... 2 elf ct-.. ... __ 011.... ~ tl U"dIIr tl*"fVlPh 111 the ~ ~ JIOQuil9id by !.endclr, Bontl_r's ngl1l11l an y tnll\lranc>ll pollt:ll~S ana lll~S Itl$UItIOO !rom ~.ma\)llIO
<br />.. ~ prior IG.. ~'''lM\ ....-to l.AInlMIr 1ll1tlt."*11 011 till tumI MOlI/'IId by 'ltIiI SeCI.m1y 'nJlt'ufJlenl II11mttdllltelv lo'J101 III ". ~Ifo/\IO"
<br />.. 'l to... A ...~__.,......,,;, 111 I~ 11'1 8cIrfowM WR1'IClIGeslIor, danlall'l or BUtISlll'l1lll1yetlange 1111 f>topllrty, aIjOw1hl PropIlr1y to l1elllnorale oroornm'l..-asle
<br />.... Secut)I ~ . on 1MMhoII:t, eon- ShIlII ~r WIth "" pI1MI4OIIl (lI !he 'Ieue. ~ n ~ acqulresl.. 1l\1$ 10 the PrtlPll~. thIlleasehOkl .nd 'H lllle Ih1l~ nol merge
<br />.... ~""IlO""*P" in ~ .
<br />r. r, 'I......................~; ......1Mo..~ n aor-l.ili 1co pt>J1arm tho oovenanl$ and ag,"mtlnll oor1\.iOed Inthll Seourny Inslrument 01 there .s .
<br />...,.. ~~......., ~., -""<1 t...,...'$ ngntI "'... ~y 111l.1t1l il$ . ~Ing '" OI~;rupl~y, pION1., 10f OOn.J&mnallOn or 10 vl\lor(!e 111\\'1 or re-gulllllOnSl, lhltn l-enOllr
<br />'"'" O;l ancl PIr!ll;lr ~ IS ~ to pClMd thI ........ (lit '" Pro(leny aOll Urn:iel" ''7rts III 1he Prc.perty, UnDe' 's actlOIIS may ,ncludfl paYIng any sumSllICUrtKI by a l..n ...hlCh hll$.
<br />~ov." ~ ~ IClClN"l"llI "'00UI1, ~~ lnorr.,.s'.. and.nl~nngO/'ltnef'ropaT1ylo make repa,,,, o\nhooghleM&l mayt.kt ac\tOI1 \lod$r nus paragraph
<br />7. ........ em. not '- to 00 11),
<br />An; ~ cIoIIIoned bt ~...... ... ~ 7 shill ~ IddItlOl1lll CleOI ol eor.-o- seeullld!)~ lIl's Seclmly lnslrumenl Un,",~ 8olTOwel and Lena., all'fle 10 OlroDI terms
<br />aI ~..... ~ "'" beItf iI:tlIrr'I'III ffOIlIh 0Mt 011 ~ ill... ~ 'Ile I-'ld $lIab r.e payable, MtI1lnlerest, upon nola Irom leMeI 10 Booowtll l&q\lOlhng paymBl1I
<br />. u.IliIrr ...... ---.. ___ . 1I oonltlIIon 011 ~ -.toIln MCUl'I<I by 11'" s.cumy InS\nIITIerIl, BorTower $hall pay lhll premIUms l1lqwred 10 mllolnUlt"llhe msurance In ell!'C1
<br />.... IuI:II Mle ... ... ,_41 tor Ille ....-. tenfWIIIlM ... KiCClfdInOe with lIono_" and Lender. ....men ag_men, or appIoeabki I.....
<br />... _ - L.aMer Of .. .... ff*t lIWwI -** ~ upon and ~oOn$ of .,.,. PItlperty Lerde< sl\aH !;I_ Borro_ M\<<l III lhe l11"e of or pno< 10 IIn "'speClIon s.p..""lyrng
<br />'18. ... ca-. tor ............
<br />.. C' - The ~ aI Br'f ....s 01 CiIm tor ~, cInc:I or ~Iat. III connectl()l\ """" a"v ~mna1lOl\ 01 011>81 111.1<'''11 01 In~ pa,1 ollhe P'l.'P&'\t' or 10'
<br />oon ..a-- in.... CJI CiOI__..~ _ '.-.tIt ~ 1ncI~" t.. praod ~ LfonOer
<br />... lie __ ala ~... elf'" Prtlp!rty. ... ~ IIhIllI 0. ~ 1o!hll _ MCuIeO by 1"1$ Security InS1tUI'nf>M "'''''''>('01 or noIlhen dve, "'Ilh any .,ct." paid 10 &lfO_1 ,"-
<br />- - dl ~ ... CJI ... !>fopII.ny, ....- eo..- _ .....,.. ~ ~... on _"'1/, 11'>4! sum. MOCV1't>d Or l"'S 5<<urny tnstrufTlit"l "half t'll ...d"'e<I \ly rll1l a1'llOunr 01 Ihtl
<br />~ ~ ~... ~".~ fal"'1OtII a;:nounI CJI... I""'" ~ ~ be10rll l....lll~"'Q (l".~ tJy ,I>I !he'll" "'arlOI valuf> 011"P p,optl.ty 'Olmt'd,alllly DelOlll
<br />... ~ Artr~.... be PIIlllO ~
<br />-... ~ ..1ibeII~ by llorT~ or d, .~ "Olc.a t>v L~ to ~ tNIt "- a:>ndemlV)! 0"&1$ to ma~ An 110".'0 (>I <4011.. . Claim '01 ,1l1.ma\llls Ek>rrOWl'I '1101" rO rllSPC)Nlto
<br />l...... ......... 10 Orttt "* the .,... .... nc:A<c,. ,,~ lP'd+< <S .:Attarol~ 10 l'QIlec1 and '""" '"~ p."O(:_:ls al ns (>pt.!>n "~I 10 'eM",arl()n 01 ",pall o' 11\" P~lh' Of 10 the ~uml
<br />~ bJ.... ~ Irwlrumenl. ~ or r'Cll'>t'l'n 00A
<br />~ l....,.....-..:I eQr.o... ~ ~ orl "~"'"l\I .!'y Ilf(>l<.av..<tol f>!OCoNtdllO f>!""'f'al..-",~ "'~ (lc1fonO 0- oo~tpo"f' l''f' ;1"" :I.", \;'1'''' """'I~!, l',,;'m"~" '''''''''''1 '0 ,n [la'~\l'.l;h~
<br />1V'td201~Jl"4~oI~~~
<br />
<br />~"'.. Il~; '4f !I~I\.!
<br />