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<br />I" <br /> <br />6 Emlnenl Domain, Lender,s hereby assIgned all compensal,on, awards, damages and olher paymenls or rehel (he.elnafter "pr~~d777n col0~'Z 211 <br />cOndemnation or olller lak"'gollhe Properly or partlhereol, Or lor conveyance In loeu 01 condemnation, Lender shall be entotled at ,IS opl,on 10 commence, appear m and <br />prosecule in its own name any aclion or proceedings, and shall also be entolled 10 make any compromise or seHlemenl ,n connecl,on with such laking or damage In the <br />event any portion 01 the Properly ;s 50 laken or damaged, Lender shall have Ihe oploon, 10 '15 sole and absolute dlscrN'one to apply all such Proceeds, afler deducting <br />Iherelrom all cosls and expenses incurred by it in connection w'th such proceeds, upon any on<lebledness secured he.eby and ,n such order as Londer may delermine, or 10 <br />apply all such Proceeds, afler such deduclions. 10 the resloralion 01 Ihe Properl\' upon such conditions as Lender may delermine, Any applicatoon 01 Pmceeds 10 <br />indebledness shall nOI eXlend or pOSlpone the due dale 01 any paymenls under Ihe NOle, Of cure any delaulllhereunder or hereunder, <br /> <br />7, Performance by Lender. In the evenl 01 Borrowers lailure 10 perlormany 01 Ihe covenenls herem or make any paymenls required hereby. or il any aCI is taken or <br />legal proceed'ngcommenced which malerially aflects Lender's interesl in Ihe Property, Lender may on 1\5 own d,screllOn, bul wilhout obligation 10 do so, and WIthout nOI,ce <br />to or demand upon Borrower and wilhoul releasing Borrower lrom any obl'galion, do any act whIch Ihe BOHower has agreed bullails 10 do and may also do any other act.t <br />dei."ms necessary to protect Ihe securily hereot Borrower shall. immedialely upon demand therelor by Lender. pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by Lender ",connection with by Lender ofthe foregoing nghts, log ether wllh "'telesl thereon at the rate provided in Ihe Note. which shall be added 10 <br />the indebledness secured hereby, Lender shall nol lOcur any personalliabll,ly because 01 anything II may do or om,t 10 do hcreunder~ <br /> <br />8, E,,~ls 01 Oelaull The lollowlng shall conSlltule an el'ent 01 delaull under IhlS Deed OT T.ust <br /> <br />(a) Failure to pay any installment 01 proncipal or ,nlerest or any olhe. sum secu.ed hereby when due. or la,Iure to pay when due any Olher ,ndeNedness of <br />Borrower 10 Lender. <br /> <br />(b) A breach alar delault under any provlS,on conta",ed '" the Note, thIS De-ed of Trust. any documenl wlllch secures the Note, and any olher <br />encumbrance upon the Property. <br /> <br />(cl A writ at execullon or ~lIachmer,t or any simslar process Shall be enlereel aga"'sl Borrower wh,ch shall become a hen On Ihe Property Or any porlion <br />lhereol or ;nteresllherein: <br /> <br />(dl There shall be hted by or against Borrower an aClion under any present or future state or "'her slalute. law or regulation 10 <br />bankruplcy, .nsolvency Or other reHetfor deblors: O' there shall be appo",led any truSIE'€. rece"er or IIQu,datol 01 Borrower or ot all 01 any part oftile Propert~', or <br />the rents. issues or profitsthereol, or Borrowe. shall make any general assignment for the benefIt 01 cred,tors <br /> <br />(e) The sale, Iransler, assignment. com'eyance or turther enCumbrance 01 all or any part 01 or allY ",teresl '" Ihe Property. eilher \'olunlanly or <br />;nvotunlaroly, wlthoul Ihe express wnllen consenl 01 Lencler <br /> <br />(I) If Bon ower is not an ntdiviCll,.1al. the sale. transfe'. ass'gnmenl C-On\'eyan.~e or encurnbtaoce of more than ____ percenl of (.t a corporationllls <br /> <br />,ssllC{l and oulstanding stock or (if a partnershIp) _ pe.ceTll 01 pannelShlp "'teres IS <br /> <br />9, Remedies; AUltler.llon Upon Oelaun,;n the e.'ent of any Event 01 Delault Lender ma)' declare all ",oebte-dness secureo t1ereby 10 oe due and payable and Ihe <br />5i1rrn! shall Ineri!tJpon becom", due anO payable ..-'lhoul any presen1ment. demand. prolest or noltce 01 an~' ~,nd Theleatter Len>!er may <br /> <br />(al Demand Ihat Twste-e exercIse the POWER Of SALE granled here,n. and TrustE'€ shall the.eatter cause Borrowe.-s ",teresl In Ihe Properll' to be sold <br />and the proceeds 10 be d,sl"buted, aU in the manner pro.'lded on Ihe Nebraska Trust De-eds Acl <br /> <br />(bl Eithe. '" person or by "gent. ....,Ih or ....'t!lOul b"ng,ng any acllon or ploceeclmg, Or by a .e,e,,'er appotnled by a coull and WIthout regard to the <br />acleQuacyolllssecunly. enter upon and lake possession 011 he P.operl;' 01 an)' pa.' the'l'ot, m ,IS o,,'n name 01 ,n the name cllhe Tlustee. and do any acts whiCh <br />.1 deems necessar)' or desITable to pre~e"'e Ihe yaluf\, ma..etab,llty or rt"ntab,hly 01 Ihe P'operty~ or pa.1 Iheleo' 01 mle.esl thelem, increase Ihe income <br />therelrom or prolecllhe s.ecunty hereol an" ....,Ih 01 "'ltl1out ta~mg posse-'Ion 01 Ihe Properly, sue 10' D. olhe.wlSe co~leCllhe renls, .ssues and prol,ts thereol, <br />mClud,ngthosepast due and unpa'o, and apj.lI)'lht' sa"", 'I"SS costs a"d I" 01 operal1on andcollee..,m mCluj"'g aUomeys'tees. upon any indebledness <br />secured hereby, all in SuCh Olde' as Lender IDa)' df\I."",,,,1" The I"nle"ng upon ano tak"'g possessIon 01 the Prope"~, Ihe colleC\lon 01 such rents, .ssues and <br />prol.ts and Ihe aPPlication thereot as alore~~'~, Shall nol CIHe o. ",a1\'e any oelaull or nOI,ceol defau;1 hereundel D. ,n~ahelale an)' acl dene on response 10 such <br />detaullor pUrSUliI1!.~ S'~" nOl"" 01 delault and nOI"',lhSland,ng t~,e cnnt",uanee.n po>sess,on 01 the PrOpell\' or the collechon. and appliCatIon 01 <br />rents. ISSueS or prolots T.usle-e 01 Lender stlall t>e ""\llIeO to l"t'r(lse ('lelV "9ht Plo.'lde<! for on any 01 the Loan InshumenlS or b~'law "pon occurence 01 any <br />~venl 01 delault mclu<3l11g the "gh! to e~elClse the PO"?I oT' and <br /> <br />(cl Commence an action 10 10r('oclose th,s ~'J n' 1rusI as" mortgage, arp,,'nl a recel"'" (lr specII\(~ally enJolce any 01 Ihe cm't'nan15 n...eot, <br /> <br />Noremedyhereinconfened upon,,'edIO Trustee a. Leroer IS "'tenoe,Ho \)(>e>clus"" 01 an,' Olh'" remeO~' her"", orby la'" p'o.',oeo"l pelm'''Nt buleachshallhe <br />cumulative. shalt be -in ad(hltOn 10 e.-erV other remedy gl\'en heTeun~ef or noW\' 0' 1tf'olf"-31tf"! e alia"" or In P~;p..t\t-~. Of b)' statute ~nd may be eJ..erclsp-d concunp:tltl)'. <br />independently or su~eS$Iri'II' <br /> <br />10, Trunee. Tht' Trustee may at a"y ',me ,,'.tllDU\ cause and ten~r mal' at anI' 1.:I1E' and ",thO", eal"" appolnla successo' O' substllute THlslee T...slee <br />shall 001 be liable for any loss OT l1amaQ:e un~ess due 10 acttonable ne-ghgf'-f\C'E" 0' 1t\'11I1~~~ TrH5-t.onOLK1 an::! st\at~ onl t).EL 1eQuH?d 10 la'-€' any actIon 10 conni\ctmn With tne <br />entorcement ollh,s Deed 01 Trusl unlen ondemn,llpo on ,,"'tong, lor all coslS, compl-nsat1on or p.penst'S "n,ch may be assoc'aleo thele",lh In add,tron, Truste-e ma,' <br />become a purchaser atany saleollht' PrOpt'rty Ijucl,c.alor under the? ot sale 9...n,..d nelelnl. po~tp",wthe sal" 0' all o. an,' POThon 0' tl'le propenV,as pro.',ded by la\\'. <br />Of sell the p<openy as a "",ole, or In separate pareeJs O. IDts <br /> <br />11. Fut\lreAdtrancea. Upon requpst 01 80rro..",., Lende' ma,' at lIS cphDn make add,honal and futuTe ad.' and 'eadvances to Borro...e, Such ad.'lInces ane! <br />.eadvances. wllh interest tt>t;rt>Ol\, shall be 5<'cure-e!l'lyth,s Oetoe! 01 THlsl A.I 00 tlml" Shall the pr,nc'pal am('unl 01 Ihe moel>ledness seculed b,' th.s o.~ed 01 T,ust not "'. <br /> <br />eluding sums ad.anced to p.-otecl1he $t'eulolv ol1h,s DH'-<3 01 T 'usl ,,'C('{'o the c.llg,nal 1'1 one ,pal amountslal!>d helP'" o.S. ,--~---- . WhlChe\'er is <br />grealer, <br /> <br />12~ ~s PtOlrialons. <br /> <br />, , <br />~ <br />-) <br /> <br />(a) Borrower Hot Releawcl. E.tpns,on oT Ihe tin\{' !e" I'a~m{'nl Of mC)llll,cat,otl ot amD.,a:atlon 01 Ihe Su"'s sE"CUlell b\' IhlS Dt>ed 01 TlUs\ granled by <br />Lenderloany successor In tntf'fest 01 60"0""("1" ~hali not (.~;pf'1'.ale-to release-.'" any manneL ltlP h3tnlltr 01 ~he ollgmal BOflOlf.'i!f and 8ollo",-e(s succe'S'So!s '0 <br />inte.-est. Lt=nder shaH no' be r~UH~O 'ro romm.pnr~ pl0Ce-e-O'''Qs agaInst SuCh $u(::C.e~~OI Of f{o1uSE'10 ("",tend time tOT rJayl1'le"'t 01 othen.\"Se modify amortization <br />0' the sums $&u.e<l by th,S Deel! 0' T .usl br .easo" ot any oemamls maoe 01' Ihe ologlOal B~"'o..e'"nd BOllo...,er"s suCCi'SSOrS In mterl'sl <br /> <br />(bJ l.endltr".Powera. W,lllou1 a1ft-cl'''g the ""billl)' olllny olhe' perS..n It able lor tl1" pa,'",,,nt 01 an,' obhgallon herein menl,onel!, and w,thOul lIffeclong <br />lhe lien orchafge 01 Ihls Deed 01 T.ust UpDn an)' port,on 01 the P'OW!t\' nOI tTli'n o. thPff'lofole ,eleased as secu"t,' lor the'ull amounl 01 all unpaid obllgalions. <br />lender may.lrom ',mt' 10 I'mI' ano ..."Ihout not'ee 1I1.el..a5<'an)' Pi'TSOn so liable illl e.tend thf\ mlllufllv or aile. any 01 Ihe lE'fms 01 any suclt obl'galtons, (IIil <br />granlOlher mclufgences,II.).ele-a>-eor r('Con,'ev, o'caus~ 10 toe re-1Nlsec O. ,econ,'''\'''dat "n,'lorneal Lend....soploons an)' pa.cel. port'onDr all ofthePropert~., <br />.tlllake oHeleaseany OtheT 01 a<3<3,t,onalsecu"t\'lor an~' ol>hgat>tm herein menl,onecl ()T ("'1 ma~e comflosn,ons 01 otl1e. "nangements .....thdebtors in .etal,on <br />ll>erelO <br /> <br />lcl F~1Ce II, Len.r Hola W.I_, Any to'Dearance b.' LenOe. If' e~e'e,s'n9 an~ ughlO' ,..mNl ~ hereunder, 01 other",se .."orOee! by applicable <br />law, shall not be lI.....,V(lr oto. p'('oelud..t~le...erc'se olanysuch "ghl OT lemt'd~ Iht'procuTemenl o',n'loUrance 0' Ihe payment olta~esorolher hens or charges <br />by l.ende' shall not be a........' 01 l.."cle'S "\lhll0 aecelelale the malunl ~ 01 the ",deoleolness s..culed P\' th,S DH'-e! uf TruSI <br /> <br />(dl SUCc...o............... aOUftd; .Iolnl.n11 Seftral Uabilit,; Caption., Tne eo.'enanIS and agrN!mf'nts here'n conllllnecl Shalll>ond. al'd Ihe "ghls <br />/lereuoder Shall,nur.l0, IIot' .espocl""f' 5I)cce..>-ors and'gns 01 lene!er and BOllo..",r, subwe,t 10 the prO.'IS'Ons 01 paragrapll8 telhereol All co.'enant. and <br />agr....ments 01,"-Il helolnlano $f'~ral The capl.ons ane!l;lea""'gsOl1he par..graphs ""hIS Deed o11,uSI are lor co",'en,ence only and ale nollo he <br />used to ;nletplel or d\!l.n.. lhi' "lovls,ons heleol <br /> <br />leJ ~tlcrNotk:ee, 1heP1\rlrt'sI'Ierebyreq"est Ihat acopyo1 an)' not.eeotdelaull hel('ounder anoacop>, ot anI' nOI,ef' ol"ale h",eunde. be ma,ledlO <br />each party 10thlS Ot>edot l'.....I..llhp..ddrensettorlhahole on the manner prescl1bNlb)'app!lcable Ill.. E>cept 10' anI' OItler noltcerequ"..d undel appl.cable <br />law 10 be given In another m.nner, anI' no\<e.. p'o~'ded 10r m lhis ~o 01 Tfust shall be g,ven b,' mll'hng such nOI,ce b~' celllf,ed ma" addressed \0 the other <br />parties. ..t the lI<3dress toellollh abO'"f' <br /> <br />Any notice p.-oVl~d 101' .n IhlS 0e08d 011 ruSI shall be lleoerr.eO to hh~ been g,.en to BOllo,,"'er o. len<3er ..tlen gIven on the mlnner de..gnated he.etO <br /> <br />II) I~ Lpnde' m.y make 01 cause lobe made re...onable entries upon and lOspet1lonsolthe P,operty, provided that Len:!..r shall gll/fl BOllowu <br />oolice pliOI' to any such .nspet"tlOn spec,Iy'nll.ell$onable c,aus~ therelo. ,elate-d 10 Lenoe"s .nleresl in Ihe Propen), <br /> <br />(91 RK_,8ltaI. Upon payment ot all sums secure-d by :I"s Deell 0' Tr"st.lend~r s"all .eQuest Tru~tee to r..convey the Plope.'y and Shalls", renoe. <br />IhlSDeed 01 T.ust anI! all notes ev,clf'nClng onllehledness secured by thIS Dee<3 01 T.ust to T.ustee Truslee shall.ecom'ev the P.operty wlthoul ....arranly and <br />wilhout cha'ge to Ihe person or pe.50ns legally ent't1ed ll1erelO Such pe,son or persons Shall pay all cosls 01 .eco.dlllon, rf any <br /> <br />{h) ,"--,...PrOllfilr. S<<;1It1t, Ai-t, As additional secu.;\y 10' Ihe pa~'menl 01 the Note llllllxlu.t's. equ'pmt'nt. and other po,s(\nal p.ope.t~ used <br />.nconnechon .."th the rea'esI8teo,.mplo.ements locate-d the.eon, anCl not Olherw,se decla.ed 01 deeme<3 to be II pin of the .eal "s181e SI'CllIE'C1 he'l'hY, shall b~ <br />subjecl 10 8 Sf>Cunty ,"le.est In favor 01 tile Lenoe' undN IheNeb'lIska Unllo.m CommerCIal Code 1 "'5 "' shall be consl'ul'cl "58 Senlf,ly Ag.t'ement <br />under saId Code. and the lencler sm.1I haW! all the r.ghts.."d remM>es aT a "..curell party under sa,d Cocltr In ..dd':lOn 10 the "ghlS IInd ."ml''''fl5 crflatl'd unllN <br />and aC(;OTded the lender pursullnlto tl\IS Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(IJ SOn .....~,In the e.-ent that ..ny ptO;-'S'on oHhis Dl!f>d 01 huslconlhc! w"hllpphcablela..o, al" declalt'd "'~ahd 01 ollll"w,se unenlOI(fllhll', IHlCll <br />conflrcl o. ,"valid iI, shall not .flE'Cllhe othel provisiof\sol1his Deed 01 Trust o.ll1e Note ..-hICh can be gll'en etlect..,lhoullhl' {""tt'tllng ,"(""MOn /If," 10 It"s <br />end Ih(! 01 the DNod 01 Trusl and declared 10 be sp.erable~~ <br />' Farm nd I igati!, Inc. <br />Borrower has e..ecuted Ih.s Deed 01 Trust the date wflt1en abO...e ~J1 <br /> <br />__B . ~ _ P'~'" -C,-'\.. (... \..'~ PloeS. <br />B HO <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />Bm'OYo'('1 <br />