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<br />I <br /> <br />88-101727 <br /> <br />ACKNOWlEDGEMEN'r OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />BORROWERS READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING: <br /> <br />Borrowers (TruSlors) undersland Ihal the documenllhallhe Borrowers a'" !Ibnullo execute;s a Deed 01 Tr~sl and not a mortgage and that the po we.' 01 sale provided <br />lor In Ihe Deed 01 Trusl provides substanlially differenl rl~h\s end obligallons to lite Borrowers t"an a mortgage In the event 01 a delault or breach 01 obllgallOn under the <br />Deed 01 Trus!. including. but notlimiled 10. Ihe Lender's IIghl to have Ihe Real Property sold by Ihe Truslee without any judiCial proceeding or loreclosure. Borrowers <br />represenl and warranlthal this acknowledgemenl was oxecuted by Ihem belo,e tlte execution 01 the Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />Farm ion, I c. <br /> <br />B <br /> <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE ~Ia poltl;m ONLY" the ....1 properly deaer1o.d conalata ollNDlVIDUAll Y OWNED AGRICULTURAl. l.AND, <br />lI11ppllab". comp"te ONLY ONE elthu A. B, or C: <br /> <br />o A DISct..AlMEIl OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTE4D: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thaI Ihey are about loexeculellte tohow'lng Dee" 01 Trusl upon tlte real eSlate described therein. The Bonower(s). an<leach ollhem II <br />more Ihan one, do hereby disclaim their right to des'gnale a hOmeSlea" pursuanl the,elO No pan ollhe homestead 01 eittler 01 the Bono..-er(sl is presently or win in the <br />IUlure be silualed upon said real estate. The Borrower(s) undersland that.1 either eslabllshes a homesteaa on any pan 01 said real estate durinQ the lime the Dead 01 Trusl <br />remains unSlltislied and alien upon said real eslate,lhere shall be no ngl1t to make a deslgnallon 01 homestead on Ihe event 01 a toreclosure ortrustee's sale with respect to <br />said Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />o B, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTE4D: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) ackno..'ledge lhat they are aboutto execule the 101l0"'.og Defod 0' T, us, upon ;he ,{'al eSlatl' descllbl'dthereon The Borro_r(s). and each 01 them il <br />more than one. do hereby wain! their light to deSIgnate a horr,,,slead pursuant the, The B('lrro,,"-e'(sl understand Ihatlhey nave the fight to make a designation 01 <br />homestead and that byeKecuting Ih;s waillt!r. thev are ,,'a"'I, ~ 1I;t.tS otherWIse a.'allal>le 10' the purpost' 01 altordmg them the opportunity to retain their homestead in the <br />e.enl 01 a delaull upon Ihe Deed 01 Tnrst <br /> <br />o C DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead ProtectIon Act (Secl'On 16-1EQI at seq Re\'Isea Slatules 01 the Stale ot Nebras~al. the Borro~'t>r(sl, do hereby designate the real <br />property described m lhe "DesIgnatIon 01 Homeslead- allacl>ea hereto ana .ncorpola",a '""em b\' thiS .e.e'ence <br /> <br />Bono\\'@1 <br /> <br />BOlfOlft,-er <br /> <br />Inc. <br />68802 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRllST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THISDEEDOfTRUST,lsmad..asc,lthe _6' Ap.r;il 19,~~6._ bvandam(mgtlteTrustm.Farm Land Irri,gation, <br />whtlY.' ma.l,ng Mdress IS ~P~D~_-J1Q)c-16]2.-Grand I ~ 1 and I NE <br />,(lIerem'BOOfD*e,'! It,dMlee Wil)j~~ G. .B~<!c,k,Q~~!lLji_M~b.er_ of the NE State Bar Assn. <br />I~l8:nd,. NE u_ ~._ _'__.._.. (ltereln "Trustee"). <br /> <br />wnosem8lliogaddress.s P~-2~~~~.1.?~~L.G~a.nd, <br />and ttteBenetil;iaT}'. _Five _Points_~.~,nk <br />whosemaillngaddrems ---P_.Oa_BQX_1507, Grand Island, ~~. 68802. <br /> <br />,___,~~_~..~_____ therem '"Lender'." <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, "'CluOlng tt>f' ,n"l't't"OnI'S~ .Of'n!."t'd t>e'l"n ~no tru;1 tlNt'.n elf'ali';! thf' It'Ci''pt 01 ...'"ch '5 hereby ac~no\\'li'dged, Borrower <br />he<eby iTleyocabl~ <<;irants trans'elS, con.-eys and ass.gns 10 T ,uSlf'(' IN TRUSl Wl1 H POWER Of SA.lE lor 1he I:1enelll and 5"'<U "I I" 01 Lenoe.. under and subjecl to the <br />lerms and cond,trons he,elr;alte. sellorth the ."at p'Ol'l"'.' dt"sCI,bl'l1 as 10110""'5 <br /> <br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Farrall Subdivision of a Part of the South Half of the <br />Northwest Quarter (Sl/2NWl/4) of Section Twenty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together ""'h all buildings, 'mp<ovemenls. r..lures, streels. alleys passagew'ays, "as"ments "ghts pTlv.'eges ana appurlenances local':>cllhe,('on 01 In anywise <br />pelUining me<elo. .jnd the renls. ISSueS and proltts. r~'e'SIons and remamoers Inereo'- mC'ullong bul nOl ..m,ll'lI to he~hng ana coolong eqUlpmenl and such personal <br />property thaI is attached 10 t"t!lmpro'1!mE'l'ts so as to<:O'lsl,l"te a I,du.e ana 1C>gell>e' Wltlt the homesleaa o. n"11I1.lm'eresls " anv, which Inle'esls are hereby released <br />ai>4 wan..d: all 01 which. including replacements amI ada'I,ons Iherelo,'s hereb.' ilE'cla.eO to bt' a p.,t 01 tlte ....1 {,slate secureel by lite lien 01 IhlS Deeo 01 Trusl ana all 01 the <br />torll9Oing ~n!l referred 10 he.e.n as lhe 'propen)" <br /> <br />This Deed 01 Trust shall seeu.e (al the pa~ment ollhe pllnc'pal sum ana ",Ie, est e",Oenceo 1>\' Bo"'o...."-S nail' and;o. e,eelit agreement dated _____ <br /> <br />4-6-88 , . having a maluTlty dalE' 01 ~,_ 4-:6-2000 _._.___,_ 'n the 0"9mal prInCIpal amounl 0' S ..65,000.00-- and an)' and all <br />mod.ft-C-.ilbons.extens.~s and renewa1s theleo' or there10 and any and an futulc ad~.lIn(e~ and ff"ad\o'anc:ps hO)iCUnclf:f pUfsuan110 {\ne ~y more promissory notes Of cred,' <br />.Ilreements lhf!reinc.l~ -NOlen). (bllhe patmenl 01 othe, sums aa.'anced bi' It''n dl' , to plOI"ct Ihe $"["',IY 01 Ihe P~Dle Ie, Ihe p~,lurmance all eo~enan1s and agreement <br />ot BorrOWf!f set f9f!h herein; and (0) all mdebledness and obligations ot BOHo,,"-er 10 lender "'h<-the' elUl'c\. ...d..t'ct, absolule or conl'ngent and whelher ;\Ils,ng by nole, <br />\I....r.11'y. or otlle'w,se <br /> <br />Borrower. to protect the seeurrty 01 thIS Oreel 01 Trust covenanls ana ag.ees w,lh Lende. as 10110"" <br /> <br />" ..........~...."'.....t. BallOwe. shall promptly pay..henduethe prinCIpal 01 and onlerest on, and anyle"s (lI charges proviaed in, Ihe Nole or In th,~ <br />Deed 01 Trusl ' <br /> <br />2- T.., Borrow.eriS the owner 01 tl>e Prop"rty has the "gh\ and authollly locon.ey the Pro;>e,ty, and w/Illllnls thaI the l,en crealed he,eby.s a lusl and p"orl,en on <br />IN PIOpe-r1y. f!~Cf!pl" mat olhf!,.nse be ~t lorltr he'E'm, and Ihe e_ecut.on and delrv"'.' 01 thiS De;oa 0' T'ust ODes nol ..01ale an\' conlraCl or othe. obllgallon 10 whlCII <br />Bollo_r ,a sub~1 <br /> <br />. 3 T..... ___... T 0 ~1 ...'hen dull aU 1""1. speGal asseS"T~nts and ali oth". Charges aga,nsllhe PrOPl'rty and. upon 1I...,lIen demand b\' Len(1el 10 ray'" <br />lef>lM1 SUCh amount a. may be .utl,c'&nllo eoable lhe Lend.r 10 pay IU[ h t..el. aneuments or orhe. charges as Ih"y become due <br /> <br />. '-_. To keoep Iha Ploperly .n."re<! aglllnst Ollma9" b\.Io'e,l181ards ",eluded w,th,n the tE'.m' ,,-lended co>e'".,,' and such C1the. "ala'd~ liS lender may <br />requlle. ,n amounl. and *,t'1 campanl'" ac(epl.bleIO l..nde" and ...lh Iou p~yable lo lhe L ende.. I.. c a~ olloSS under SuCh po! th"lender ., ""Iho. ~ed 10 lIdlUS!. <br />(.()t~t._nd CQmptom-iM...Hc'a~mJ.lhc,relJ"d:e' and S-h.n h.ali'e lht" {);p1Ion o' a,pp'VlngaU (}J p~ft 01 ttle IflS-Uran(t' pfOc:e-e-d!l (1~1o any tndeb'edn{,ssst~(w('d hf!"'b.,.'"nd f'l1 S~Kh <br />OUM' ..l.ftdel1\la~ detefmU\. (u, io th" Bono...., to b. u....t1 .0' t~ ......pAlt' Ot ,(o"to'l-hOn o~ 111(> Ptopefty Or {itl) fOI -llin" 01hf't PUIPOSeo Of otJlP(f 'Satl~h\:;,;: hlr~' to l('ndN <br />","haul .f1ect-tng the lien of Ihl' o.ec1 Df 1,ut.l fo, tt'ttl fuit .amO'Un~ ~l.H~d h1Ht'bV be-foft 1-1.,1(.1\ plI..-mp-n, Otle' '('0. pl~:re An~' "'r'phcahon of pll'CNlId!o 10 HHjt~htf'(itlf"~ij, ~ho!\lI <br />not e..tll:nd 01' pot.tOO1W t,.. dUfo dlte -cl Ihr pay!lT\t:!tl1S vnc1et thft No'o. Of t.Ult> <<0.,. de..un lnt"rp,l.ln~e-r or ~r(lu-nd~1 <br /> <br />~ .......R.8f'lCei....... ~ COlftpKenc. wi'" L..._ 601fO....t1f !,'..all "'8fifJ thfl P.Op.N1~' ." Qoa!j c0n (1 1 tl(loI I :tr....d fi"pa,' ~t'llll fH i.V'!">.pt I '1' 't>'-'~"'t;. iH ,ppli\Ce ill;.,. <br />-,mp'()K~nl.hi(:h mil)" be djrmoltQf-d Of df!$.tfO~ed. * not t;:orrltTu' (H pf'!IfTH\ en; "Aa'$.\e ur ~lt!~t',.url'j{)r. (~, the PrOi""'l" ~hail fll...t r'f?rt1~~.;,. ('M,,,!j,~:oJ\ ,H ~\jtl5-1"r"lalty iI!t-l,'! <br />Iny 0'1". i:~""o...~t-nh oot~. PfDp"rty_ "hall oot corruull. luff..., 0'- tffi",oI'lT'jl' AM.y af.llo t-.(' {Ji')t.ft;n 0' upon tfw P1a;'." It ''1 "'i'i_I!-'!;'ti\lf' ,-,I an\- ~a"" (~!dH'.i'ln{,~ (11 h-';JlJlat.t)f' .j1nd <br />V1...H r;.;tr &~d prQ-"'l~.f'i d''lth''''Qe- It 8t~"O ~"'f-" (;Ol{ .nd ",.p...n'Se a!1 i,..n., (''-~c..-lJr'!'~t" lII'~:'("~ .~ir1 {: h'jJ~"''' ~4i\""l1 'rt"\iNl,\(~l' \" .~\.~~'\",~'il "l(JlI.~\" ~ WO:o pn:'p('rt~ ~" ~,n..' ~L\'! fl,t'"'f.,i~ <br />