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<br />I <br /> <br />.lJ." . I"\.L.l1..1 rn\I' ll3IVJ"'h"+ II dll\- ...,IU"\ 1~I'ulI 1I1 UIJ~ 1i..1.~IIII.I~ I lr I\'''IU..-~ UI\.- ..t..... allu I~ uU!;;"ilun... t:.-..,n..-. 1I!\.: ,"::<1, ....1 lUr.: .......ll__'~....' .......lH _... .. ~>iooJ-_ U ''lH)' ywt VII. llll;;,,! 'LtuoU uLiI.. 1"::""",1..I.u,"""" <br />payment ofmllre mteresllhan the law pennils. Ihen Y"U \\'ill only hi:ve the~"\g~t? ~ol\ecl from me Ihe amount of 1Il1ercsl which the law allows you iocollect. <br /> <br />COMPLETENK",S OF THIS CONTRACT: Th" contra('l c'an nnly be cl1anged if both you and I agree in wriling, <br /> <br />The following notice bnngs to my allenlionlhe nghts lhall have even when Ihis COnlr.JCI is sold to a financial inslilution or a bank. and I should noti.:e thatlhe impor- <br /> <br />tance oflhis pnl\'ision is stressed by its appearance mten point. bold face lype: NOTICE 8 _ 1 0167 7 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the ~uyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, Including all clalmG and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contrar;t. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not payIng <br />the Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br /> <br />INSURANCE CAlIiCELLA Tl0S: If I have requested insurance in this purchase. I may cancel such reql.esl for msurance for any reason within fifteen (15) days from the <br />date of this contract b)' oollfying you or the holder of this contract in ....Titing, I know that the cancellation of my coverng.. will be arranged with the insurance carrier1s) and <br />a full refund of my premiUln(s) togetl1er with applicable finan('e charge will be credited to this COnlr.!CI. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If I haw requested insurance m thIS purchase, I will receive within thiny (0) days a cenificale of msurance more fully describing the insurance coverage, <br />I know that if there is any conflict in the coverdge or lhe language of the cenificate of insurance and the following :-./Olice of Proposed Insurance that I am covered only to <br />theextem stated in the foflowing Notice of Proposed Insurance. I also know thai I have insurance coverag.e only if! have been charged for it. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> <br />I lake notice thaI either Credit LIfe orCrcdit ACCIdent and Health Insurance. or both. will be applicahle 10 this Sales Contract on the reverse side onl)' if I have chosen <br />it by si~ning the n:quest for such insurance, This IIlsurance Will only co\'er the ~n>on signing the request at the cost for each type of iilSurance shown. Subjcctlo acceptance <br />by the Insurance compan)'. the insurance WIll be effecllve as of loda)' and WIll continue onl)' for the number of momhs after the effective date equal to the numbel' of <br />monthly payments. I unduslalld that this panicular Insurance ma)' nO! provide c.werage for my last few raymenls. and that during thaI period of time I will not have any <br />insurance coverage. All benefits and proceeds of lhe msurnnce WIll be Jl3id to you or to a financial inslitullon or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contracl to the extent of its <br />interests and any balance will be payable 10 me, The mIlIal amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amoulll reqUIred to repay the Total of Payments; thereafter. the insurance <br />decreases by the amount of each monthly paymenl on a scheduled :\0 day basis If I :rm joimly ohligated on lhe Sales Conuact >1.ith a Co-Buyer, and we ha\"e both signed <br />!he ~uest for Credit Life I !lsurar.ce, death benefits WIll be payable only With respect to the firs! one of us 10 die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations or waiting period stated <br />in the Insurance policy orcenificate. Credit Acclde~l and Health Insurance IS for the benefit amounl of I '}Oth of each month's payment for each day that I am totally disabled <br />due to an injury or sickness wh!le I owe any payment 10 you; however. I unden>land that I have (0 be prc\'er.tcd from working due to such total disability for more than four- <br />teen (14) consecuti\'e days before the ins!lrance benefit is paid back to the fin>t day of my' tNal disabihty, I also know that I cannot obtain IIn)' insurllnce from }'OU if I <br />am over 6S years of age today. and I also kno\\ that the imu.-anee cmerage pl'mided to me may' contain a maximum amount of coverage whIch will not pllr in some <br />cases, the entire amount that I owe )"ou. Due 10 the maximum amounl of coverage stated In the insurance policy" I know that any unpaid amount in excess of the msurance <br />cO\'erdge will still hay'e to be paid. If the Sales Comra('t IS prepJ.ld ill full pnor to the last payment dale. any unearned msurance premiums will be refunded to me in the man. <br />ner preMTibed by law Within thirty (301 dap. I ....illlttei\C the Certlfic;;.le of msuran.:e more fully describing my msurance CC'wrage. If the insurance is not accepted by <br />the msurance company. I will receive a refum! of the insurance premIums I ha\e pauj <br /> <br />BUYER: 1be neu two paragraphs con tam .....arrantles relatl \"C tothls l<ale given P)' us to the financial institution or bank in order for it to buy this contrac!. <br /> <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT A MORTGA <br /> <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED. Seller hereby sells. asslgn\. conveys. transfen. and deli\'en. 10 I J-f n I tJ <br />(Assignee) all of its rights, litle and interest in and to the Installment Sales Contract and Mongage. together with all hens nisting 10 secure its payment d the propert). <br />encumbered hereby, Assignee is hereby sub~titut~ ~ Mongagee under the ~10ngare pro\'lSlons of thIS contract. S~lIer warrants and represents; (t) It hilS t e right to make <br />lhi.s assignment: (2) All statements and figure~ m this contract and In the Buyer's statement are mateT!ally true arid correct; (:\1 This contract arose from the bona fide sale <br />of the goods and sen'ices described herem. 141 The cash dnwnpaymenl shown lIlthls contract was aClUall~ paid 0) Buyer and no pan of said down payment was loaned di- <br />rectly or indirectly by Sellerto Buyel; 151 Each Buyer IS legally compelenllO contraCI. (61 TIm contracl IS nl'l and WIll not tl<' suh}ect to any claim, defense, demand or right <br />of offset: (7) The execution of thIS contract and the underh'mg sales transactIOn gl \'ini! nse thereto dId nOI \'lOlate any federal IlT slate law, directiw, rule or regulation now <br />in effecl: (8) In the e"ent that this mntracl or the underlying sales tr3l1!.:ictlOfI 1\ sublectlo a nght of res{"IS\lOn or cancellation P)' the Buyer, such rescission or cancella. <br /> <br />tlon period has e){pu-ed and ~lIher the salt- nor thiS contract has been cancelled or resnnded THIS CONTRACT IS SOLO BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE. I <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY ""HEREOF ljden>lF,ned 'r authonled reP'ff..~;'Ill\e of !he Seller and has signed ltcl"w ,'n behalf ofthe Seller on :hls ---1_ <br /> <br />day of fA..A .IQ.J:..i) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />11< f~,m" i.=,~.,.~ Zlf;;;) ~ n, T .... {{ <br /> <br /> <br />by the authorized agel1t of Seller who is jJ1 ~.p ;tf / nu <br />Mycommissionexpires: <br /> <br /> <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORAT=~llar <br /> <br />By ?lJ~~ h4U 72~_ <br />/ <br /> <br />~_........ I~] <br />. ,,='~~"I- <br /> <br />. ~A.-:'~ (t Nk'~ <br />/,otart .~'C . . '. .~" <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />.--J <br /> <br />L <br />
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