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<br />88_101677
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<br />PRF.P~'~l~1rt~d ~CCRl'ALOFTHE Fl'\A'\CE CHAR(;E: h...n thou~h I .11' no! h,,,, I., 1"" m,'r... l~l'lIllh... rl.'gular ,dll.'duled mOlllhly paymem. l.h'~"'lhe:rig~1
<br />10 r.repay the who!..e amount owing 10 \'OU in full al an~ 1II11t" or 111 1'''111''>111 l1In... 10 "m... Itlh... kn,Il!1~ 1I1,nlut",,, ,'r "ank Ih'I1 hu~, my conlra.:1 nll11pules the (lIlan....e charge
<br />dally. 1 know my !lnance charge WIll be le,~ It 1 mAt" an early pa\"rm:nl. and 1\ WIll he hIgh..., .11 pay lal....I..I-" r<",'ogI1l7l.' Iha\ any nl.'Cessary adJustmenttG m~ h'lal finance
<br />charge will be renecled in my final bilL I also bll'" thaI the am!lUT\!> ,h"wn onlh... r<:wr>... ".1... It'r Ihe Flllallc"I'l'h"rge. TOlal "f Payment... and Ihe TOlal Sale Prke are esti.
<br />male, ha,ed on the assumption thaI you will reeer' e ...a.:h "f the pay men!> """.:Ily on m du... dale. and I kill'" lhatthere will be n(, refund if I prepay because there IS nothing
<br />10 refund if I am charged on a dail\" ba,i,. If Iht" kmllllg m,1I1UllI'l1 or hank doe> not compute Ihe ftl1ance charge dally, and if I prepay Ihe whole amount. Yl'u will refund
<br />10 me the unearned ponion of Ihe tlnance charge 11I11l:r.:-t I hy lhe accounllng prn,;...dur.: kno\\ n a, Ihe "cluanal ml'lh<1d: and Ihe amounl of my rebale will be (igured on the
<br />,cht"duled dates and amount\ Qf my monthl~ pay menl and 11<11 nn the actual dale' and am,'um, oj Ihe prepay men!> Ihall pay to you. I know Ihal a refund of Ie" Ihan S I J)()
<br />will not be made.
<br />
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<br />thl' hay" read. 111 delail. Ih.: ,,'parate "JO~ YEAR I J\IITED W .'\RR -\ \:TY" wh.dl. ilma,k, a,-n'l1Ip;lI1le, Ihl' ""1\II~KI II e,p1;"n' the condilions and circumstances
<br />in which .he manufactur...d pn>dul'l' "ill he reram,'d ,>r r...pla.....J Ilake n<1I1...: I'(lh... hrnll..i1Lllh .111 lite \\ a rra III \ ..nd I pam,ularl\ f<',','gmn thHt any implied warranty which
<br />applie\ 10 lite goo.h la,,, only a, long ", the warr"nl~ nr ,':1\ .".: ,,>nlr..d
<br />
<br />lcl I ha\'e rt'ad. in de!ail. the 'eparale "U\lITEI> I\:ST .'\LL.'\ TIO' \\ .'\RR ...'TY- \\ hl,'h. Ij 11I.ld,' .1,',',"npal1l<" IIII' (,'\lIra(t. II expl;lIm Ihe conditions and cir-
<br />cumstances in which Ihe in'lallallnn ,'flhe 'ldll1g" III 1>.." r,'d\1111' 11.11..... 11\1lkl' "I lh, Irmllalh1n' on Ih..." arrant, . .ll1d I P"IIl, ular" r.:c<,gnlle Ih,1I ;1I1~ implied Wllrranty which
<br />applie~ tOlhe in,Iallatwn 1J.~t, only a, Inn~ a, th.: \\.irTalll\ .;r ,,:r. r.:e _"nlrad
<br />
<br />SPECIAI.-ORnER GOOns: I knl'\> Ih..1 '''il h.i\t' "''''a,ureJ In' h"u,,,, and II' "i,,"llIn~' ", Ihat \llU ,.111111a\.~ 1II"I'''''\Ud' II' In 111\ pan',-:Jlar house. I take nOlice lhatthc
<br />goo.h thai are manufactured for my 'p<:C1fh: hou,... pw!>;;t>I\ \\.11 ,,,1\ fll .my ,'lh,'r h.,u'"". and und~r 'u,'h <,'ndnhlll'. I kill'" thai I ,';\lII11'I.-al1l-\'I Ihl~ contraCl al any lime
<br />afler Ihe ~noo"f lime !=I\en In Illt". ,,\ I:.m, 111 winch It' <an,....1 .\I!.:r Ih;;1 kl'al pe'I< >d ,'111111.:. I kn<>" Ihall !la' ,'Ih... ,'''lIg'II 1,1I1 II' pay y ,'u mlulllh.: 'UllOUIlI owed.
<br />
<br />OBUGATlO~S PERTAI'\I'G TO PROPERTY I'St-R.\'\CE \'\1> \1Y RE\L EST.\. TE: I I prom.'.: I" 1..<:<'1' In\ III'u,,' 111 !,ond rt'p;m and In keep il insured for
<br />allea~t~O'" of II~ repbeemem \ alue by !>uymg a fm.' and c'h:nJe.t 1"'\ ...r..g" 1I1,ural1,'e po'h.., The lI1,ur"n":<: ",Hnp'lIl\ mU,lhe arpHl\t:d hy Y'~u. and Ihe policy must ha\'e
<br />a benefICla~' dau;.e "hl(h ,ay' Ihal you ..r':ll' be p:IIJ '\llIer,' "a ),,,, Th... lI1,ur."'''': "'1111"111' mU,1 .Igft'" Ihalll \\ 11111.'1 ,';m,',' my pt'liey "nhnuI fi"l !elling you. l;lu.
<br />thon,1" lhe in,urano: ,'"mpan\ tn p"y y.'u direct" tOI 'II'Y In" Ynu ,'an dll~">'" 10 U'C thl' lI1>uran,,' I'''y m...m II' ...nh.:r r<'pay any amoulll' 1 o\\e you or 10 repair my house.
<br />I haw Ihe op\lon I,f pn1\ .dmg rwpc:n~ lI1'llf'J.n.:e thr..ugh all" "'Img rnli,'~ or Ihwugh a I"'hcy mJependenrly ,'!>Iamed ;md p;nd j('r by me. :!. I ah,' promise Ihall will nol
<br />allow an~(ln.. el;e to rial'" am Ikn.. on my r...al ,',Ial,'" :11,,'ut ,,,ur \\T.llen pernll"ion .~ I pn,nll<.:lo pay allla,e,. a",,"menl' and o!hercharge, on my real e,tale when
<br />dUe_ .t_ I pmml..e lUllmely mah' all p;t\ menr, nn Ill\ J'1h'r i.'an" ".",'ur.:d I-y Ill~ r<,al e~t;1Ie 1..11", pronll,.:lhall "ill nul e\l...nd. renew Ilr change prior loans wilhom your
<br />wrillt'n perrnb'lon 'I. If I tl,. Illll Imure 1m h,'u,e ," tuifllllm "I>" .,t>hg"lll'll' tn m' r"al e,lale. tht"n y"u ,-3n d,) .1 (,'r me If "'U walll tt>ut you do nOI ha,'e tol. If you do
<br />pay any of Iht"'l." o"l1f..1I1'!I' t..r me_ , ;;gree It' pay ',lU l>a,~ ,'11 Ll<'mand plu, 1I11er.:,1 allhe hlghe,rla\\tul .:olllr..lCl f:ll.: "j Illlt'rl"l l'lllill pay Y'ou back. these amounts will
<br />be added to 01\ delll It,l \~IU \\hh:h I'" 't~Io,-'l!h."'J r\ 111\ h."..tl ...~,t.Jh.' ..Hh.J h{,u'~'" ''-.nn\\ ,h~H If \(lU dtYhje 11' }-\U\ 111..,ur.Jnct.~ fpf nle Ih;J:I \1,ltJ (k.,. not ha\"e to obtain an\' homeo\\+ner
<br />arliahilily lI1'UraIlL"t'. - - . . "
<br />
<br />SAI.EOf \1\' HOl"SE: Il'wtnl,t" ""ll"'e". ka,e '" !,,,.:my h"U,," II' any "11'" unlll' h'I'<' lull- fer,l.d my dc'''' Lo' \ .'11
<br />
<br />DEFAULT: I will be III default undt"rthi~contraCllf.
<br />
<br />L I don 'IIn.-ll:e a payment when due: or
<br />2. I break any pmmi.....l madc tn you 111 thiS ("onlrac!; or
<br />3. Somettllng el~ ha.ppcn\ whIch causes you to bchne 111 good faith thaI I do not imend 10 pay you as promised; 0:
<br />4. I default on a"yobligation~ for which I am u~ing my home as collateral; or
<br />S. Somelhir.g happem to my hou!oC' .....hich threalens your rights, if an)', in il.
<br />
<br />IF I AM IN DEFAULT: I under.-t.and lhat ypu have the nghtto breclo!oC' thc Mongage I have given to you and ha\'e my house sold to repa)' an)' amounts I owe you if I
<br />am in default under thi~ contract. Ikfl1fe' my house IS wId, you will doc:ver)thing that the lawrcquires. If)'ou hire an allomey to assist you to sell my house, or, to sue me,
<br />or.. to protect your ri~h~, I agf<< 10 pay you for your reasonable allomeys" fees and for other related ell;penses such as coun costs. litle seaIChes and money you ell;pended
<br />toprote;:t my house. If you an: lllhwced to collecl silch amounts by law.
<br />
<br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can ch('IOs.e not to enforce any of lhe nght, under this contracl as often as we wdnt without losing Ihem_ Or, we can delay enforcing an)'oftherighlS
<br />'Aithoutlosing them. Wenn ab.ouse any Ii!!hl~ now or In the fmure En..en tous by la';\',
<br />
<br />DELAYS: I kllOW thai you ~'iIl use your besl dlon~ to install the prod~cts Illm.purchasi~g on m)' house, but lalY.l undc:ntand that in some situations you may encounter
<br />delays that are cau~ by stnkes. weather condlllon.. dell!.Y~ you have 111 ohtalllll1j! malcnal~, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand that you will
<br />not be liable fonuch delays.
<br />
<br />ARBITRATION: If I ha\'e adi'.pule ordaim\\lth you concernmg the quantny, quallly or peOOTlTllffiCC of the produru" lunden-land tllat my dispute may be submined to
<br />and settled according to the mediation.arbitratlon pIT,gram thai may ha\'c developed in 01)' commUnil)'. I also k.now that any decision made by an llIbilTlltor(s) would be en.
<br />tered in the coun ha\"ingjurisdiction O\'er me and you
<br />
<br />SALVAGE \"Al.l'F.: I knu\\ Ihat Ihe WIll.!"''>. "....>J.....rt. ".!lf1~. "r..-1.. ..md ,'Iher mal...nal, Ihal h,,\c III "" rel1lll\cd 1'1\" \011 for thl' in,tallatlon ha\'e NO sal\'a!!!: value.
<br />""hen you f"l:f1".()\'ethem. ~ou Can lIa\c Ihem tUT \\ hale' I.'! rUfTll"'" \;'U "ani . .. -
<br />
<br />SPECIAL S~A nONS: Due to the unique~,,~ of Wille of the rnxlocu thai you sell, I undersland thai in special situations that ~'our Regional Office may have: 10 review
<br />and ac<<pt thiS ronlntCl. Illlso understand that tlm we occurred m my home: and thaI you and I may not have had all the correct mforrnation importanllo this lransaction
<br />at our fingertips; I gi~'e)'ou my consenl 10OOfTC"C1 any obvious errors that may ha,;c ocrurred when the: blanks in this contract were compleled.
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<br />.............. -Q-...... ........."""..,..C"..r:......"'_ .,.
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