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<br />Borrower and Lender eon'nanl llnd agree as rollows: <br /> <br />88-1fi1647 <br /> <br />L That Borrower will pa}' the indebledness, as hereinbefore <br />provided. PriYilege is rcscn'ed 10 pay lhc debl in wholc or in parI <br />on any installment due date. <br /> <br />2. Thai, together Wilh, and in addition 10, the monthly <br />payments of principal and interesl payable under lhe teTlllS of lhe <br />nole secured hereby, the Borrower will pay 10 Ihe Ll'nder, on lhe <br />first day of each lllol1lh ulllilthe said note is fully paid, Ihe <br />fOllowing sums; <br /> <br />xxxx~'k~m~)F.O{~~j(iI1l}!X~~miOO;~~xx~~~~~~x~~~x~m~~x <br />!9:lfm~xm~~~;(Xml~OO:*i~ml~k'X~XR~;"; <br />mlOO1fX.~~j(lfx~xtA~~E' M>Im~~X 8j(j,((R'XkOOxx <br />~{:6;XJrOO<<~~JA9~r.mrom~ 'tJ.. mxJro.<.t X) <br />m~l\'..(x~~~~X~I~j ~mx'R1l.f~~mxxxXXXXX <br />XXXXXxln~ ~~mM>'!;(~).1~k"*~tw.'X~j;l!~A~X~~' X*OO)!XX <br />. rolnm~~~mX1*m~~~ll*X 'tib.n <br />~ ~Xtt<~~ ~~X~}!X~~ "'}!, k EXXX X <br />. );'Ri~ mxtxk~m1 ~mX~~~ ~ ~X ~ <br />iilrt ~~):~. X~~ ~ ~X <br />Jf ~ X*Twmm}:~~~.iJt~uL <br /> <br />. X ~ i~i~ix ~~X~~ ~~Rx~x)..~xXXXXXX <br />~ X m=~~nM~~~~~W~~~j(flXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <br />XXXXXYtll4P:'IXX~~~~e~~XX~X~~~~~~XkXKX~X)t)l~I'XX <br />~~~XKX~;m)jli(;(~~~n~~xX~~~~m)(~U~XXX <br />~X~xmx~~~~~Xlf~~8(x.YXX~~~)i~a;x)j~~oo~n~X)f~X <br />~~lXXKl~ax~X*~~~KXX):i(~:'X~nl'(YQIX~~;;.x~~XXXX <br />Wt:~n:~~lmmYJKOOKX-nX~)i)IXliYJt~~x*(~II~~YdU~.xKXXX <br />~~~~~WK~xtGW'~XlllQ;:roxJUl(X~~~Y.I(.W:olXXXX <br />~)i~WKIlXXX <br /> <br /> <br />ia) *~) A sum equal 10 the ground relllS, if any, nnt Jue, plus (he <br />premiums that will neXI becollle due and payable on poli(ies of <br />fire and other hazard insurance covering lhe property, pill' (axes <br />and assessmems Hext due on the property (aI/ ,IS ,'slimaled b,I' rile <br />Lender) less all sums already paid therefor divided by Ihe number <br />of months [0 elapse before one (I) month prior 10 the dare when <br />such ground rellls. premiums. taxes and asst'ssmenis II ill become <br />delinquent, such sums to be held by Lender in trml 10 pay ~aid <br />ground rellts. premiums, taxes and special assessmenh; and <br /> <br />(bl 'If) All payments mentioned in rhe lWO pre.:eding ,ubs.:<:tions of <br />hrt'paragraph and all paymellls 10 b.: made under the note <br />secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregaw amounl <br />thereof shall be paid by the Borrower ca(h ll10mh in a ~in!!le pay. <br />ment to be applied by the Lender to the following items in : :11: <br />order set forth: <br /> <br />XXXlX~liIlCX~>>mIlCXXlCIC~Nm:X~~)jXf).l,(ll~Xl>lm:XX <br />nlll~*UXXX.X~))>>X~Uk1;(.MX~~~)>X\IIICIIX;(XX:Om,"),I;(Ie-XXXJ..X <br />~l'UPQn)jX~~@:xmwtf1M.rlI.~~X)mXI(~~XJ.l.oXXX <br />UllCX <br /> <br />(I) ttt) ground rents, taxes, assessmCIlIS, fire and other hazard <br />insurance premiums; <br /> <br /><II) (M) interest on the note secured hereb~; <br /> <br />(1I1)(\~) amortization of Ihe principal of said note; allll <br /> <br />I IV) Ilf) late charges, <br /> <br />Any deficiency in the amount of SIKh aggregalc mOlllhly pay- <br />melll shall, unless made good by lhe Borrower prior to the duc <br />date of the next sllch paymelll, conslilUle an event of default <br />. under this mortgage. The lender ilia}' co lice! a "late charge" not <br />to exceed four cents (4~) fOf each dollar ($ II of each paymelll <br /> <br />morc lhan fiftccn (15) days in arrears 10 cover Ihe l'Xlra expcnse <br />involved in handlin!l dl'linqlll'nt payments. <br /> <br />J. ThaI if lhl' llllal or Ihe pa}'mcnls made by llle Borrower <br />under ~~.t)r paragraph 2 Ilrceeding shall excecd Ihe ;\IllOunt of <br />paymenls actually madl.' lIy lhc Lender for ground rents. laxes and <br />asscssmcnls lH imunlun' premiums, as lhe l'ase may be, such cx- <br />cess, if the loan i, l'\lncllt, at 1Ill' oplion of Ihe BOIrower. shall be <br />,'fl'dill'd by I h.: lemkt l\11 ,UbSl'qUCIll payments 10 be made by thc <br />Borrowcr, III rl'l\Lnlk'd 10 Ihc Borrowcr. If, howcver, lhl' monthly <br />paymenls madl' by Ihl' Burrower under k'\ paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall nOI he ,sufTi.:iclll to pay ground rcnts, taxes and <br />assessmClIls or insuran...e pr.:millllls, as till' case may bc, when Ihe <br />same shall bccome dlle ami payabI.:, lh.:n lhl' Borrowcr shall pay <br />to the L.cnder any amounl neCl.'SSarY to make up the defidcnl'y, on <br />or before th.: dale wilen paymcnt of su...h ground renls. (axes, <br />assessmelllS, or insurallce premiums shall be dUl'. If al any lime <br />the Borro\\w shall lender to lhe Lcndcr, in ac...ordance Wilh Ihe <br />provisions or the note secured hereby, full payment or the elllw-e <br />indebtedness represellled thereby, lhe Lender shall, in computing <br />thc amoull! of sllch indebtedncss. ...redit 10 the ac",ouill or the Bor- <br /> <br />rower riX_~~~ld~~~~~~X~~B'~(tX~x~~ <br />ro~~>x ~ X~~X~~ ~ ~'tl ~OO ~~X~m*xft*~XX <br />~~~'X .J ~~ X)!~~ ): ~. X~ ~ny ~ance ~-e- <br />"'0"''''' "'~" nn~ ",,",,,n " j,Rp'n""on< 0' lhl n' ( ) <br />paragraph 2 hereof. I f there ,hall bl' a default under any o'rlhe a <br />prlwi,inllS of this instrumenl resuhlllg in a public sale of the <br />pr.:mises ...overed, or if the Lellder acquires Ihc properlY <br />lllhenli,c after default, lh.: L...nd...r ~hall apply, at the lime of the <br />,'l'mmelh'l'ment of ,u,h proe,:<'dinp, or al tht: llml' thl: property is <br />olll<.'twise acquired, the balance then r.:maining in thc fund!i iK- <br />dlmulated under (W loll' paragraph ~ pre...t:ding, ;IS a ,'[edil against <br />tht: amo!llll of prifi~II~&1 lhell '...maining unpilld under ,aid 1101\', <br /> <br />x:t~~~~x~1~~).'ffi~~rl~*~~ij~~x~~),lf~h'iJ.1~x)!Xflx1tX~XX5.~xxxx <br />~~~ffx~ffi%:~1n)!x~iH~K1~Rxxx <br /> <br />4. Thill the Borrowcr will pay ground rents. taxes, assessmenh. <br />water rates, and other gO\ernml'nlal or mtlJ1ieipal dlarges, fines. <br />or impusitions, for which provision has 1101 b..'en malle <br />hen'inbcfore. and in defaulllhereof IlK' I.ender may pay thl' sallll'; <br />and thill the Bonowl'r will promptly ddi\n thl' official rCl'ciplS <br />th.:ref\)[ 10 thl' Ll'nder. <br /> <br />), The Burro\\.:r will pav all laxes which lI1a~ Ill' Ieviell upon <br />the l.l'l1uer's intercsl in said rl'al cstale and improvem.:nls, and <br />whkh may be levied upon this instrument or the debt ,.:<:ur.:d <br />hereby (but ollly 10 the ...xtent thaI ;,ueh i, nOl prohibitcd by la\\ <br />and only to th.: eXlel1l lhat such will nol mak.: lhis loan usurious). <br />but e,xeluding any income tax. Slall' or Federal, illlposed on <br />Lender, and will file Ihe official rl....eipt showing ~uch payment <br />\lith Ih.: Lend<:r. Upon violalion of this 11l1d.:rta~ing. or if Ihe <br />Borrown is prohibited by any law now or hereaftCl exisling from <br />paying the whole or any portion of the "foresaid taxe,. or upon <br />lhe rendering of any courl denec prohibiling the pa~'ment by lhe <br />Borrower of any such taxes, or if such law or de'-Tel' provides Iha: <br />any amoulll so paid by Ihe Borrower shall be nedned on lhe, <br />the Leuder shall halT Ihe right 10 gin~ ninety da~,' \\lill\'n noti..-e <br />to th... o\\ncr of th(' premises, rcquiring lh.: payment of the debt. <br />If such nOliee be gi\cn. the ,:lid debl ,hall become dLl':. payable <br />and collectible at the expiration of ,aLd nmety da\s, <br /> <br />6. That should the Borrower faLl [0 pay any sum or k...ep any <br />co\enam pro\'ided for in [his instrulllenl. (hen the L('nder. at ilS <br />oplioll, may payor perform the ,ame, illld alle~pel1dilUre.. so <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />HUO.921430T <br /> <br />-f ti ) f \ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />