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<br />88- 101647 <br /> <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br />Hill en. No. <br />J~H~J7488-7"8 <br /> <br />This Deed of Trust, ("Security Instrument") is made on IWrll 1 st <br />19 88 . The trustor is BREI A. AEGERTE.k .md LORI!:. It IlEGERlfH, HUbl.iAill) fiND Wlrt <br />("Borrower"). The trustee is <br />LAWYERS TIlLE INSURANCE CORPORATION <br />CENTRAL MORltiA6E GUHPURATIOH <br />under the laws of THE STIlTE OF i1ICHI6IlH , and whose address is <br />36800 GRAlIOTl MT. CLE~EHS, ~l 480lt3 <br /> <br />("Trmtec"), The beneficiary is <br />, which is organized and existing <br /> <br />(" Lender"). <br /> <br />WUnc!lKth: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and crealed, and the sum of One Dollar <br />($1), to him in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, docs by these pre,~ents grant. bargain and sell, <br />convey and confirm, unlo the Truslee, forever, all of Ihe following described real estate, situated lying and being in Ihe County of <br />HALL ,and Stale of Nebra.~ka, to wit: <br /> <br />A TRACT Of LAND CO"PRISIHB A PART OF THE ~E5' HALF OF THE HORTHEAST OUAkTER (WI/2 Nfl/It) OF SEClION lHIRTY-SiX (36), <br />TOWNSHIP fEN (IO), HORrH, RANGE I:.LEVEH (11) WESJ OF [HE 6fH P.M., IH HALL COUNlY, NEBRASKH, "URE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED <br />AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT UN tHE NORtH LiNE UF SAiD SECTION THiRTY SIX (36), ~AID PUINT ~EIHG FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY <br />AHD TWO TENTHS (550.2) fEET WEST O~ THE HORIHEIlST CURHtH OF SAID WEST HALf Of fHE HORfHEA5T UUARTER <W1/2 Nfl/';); THENCE <br />CONTINUING WESTERLY ALONG SAID HOKTH LiNE OF SECTIOH THIRTY-SIX (36), II DISTANCE Of FOUk HUNDRED AND lWENTY FIVE HUNDREDTHS <br />(iGa.e5) FEET; THENCE Dt:fLI:.CWlIJ LH t ';lC! DE6RElS 5/1 JO" AliD RUtllUrlti SOUTHERLY A IHSlAHCE Of i::lGltT liUHDRt::D TWEtHY-SEVEN <br />AND SEVEN HUNDREDTHS (827 .Oll FEET i fHENCE DEFLEClIHG LEFT 89 DElJREES 3'1' 45" AND RUNNiNG EASlERLY, A DISTANCE OF TWO <br />HUNDRED EIliHTY AND THREE TENTHS 1280.3) FEE.Ti lIil:HCE DEFLi:IIlNG U:H Ie. DEGREES 33' 30" AND RUNNING NORIHtASIE.RLY, A <br />DISlAKCE OF 1110 HUNDRED lHREE AIW NINUY-5EV!;N HUNDREDlHS ([;03.':fll FE.Elj 'HEHCE Dl:.FLEGlIHG Li:fT 1~ DE6RtES 2/P It5" AND <br />RUHNI~G NORTHERLY, A DISTANCE OF TWU HUNDRED TEN AND FIVE TENTHS 1210.5) FEEf; THENCE DEFLECIIHG LEFf 90 DEGREES 00' <br />AHD kUHIHNG WESlERLY, 1'l1l1!iHINCE OF HIELVE (l.:.0) FEET; THENCE. DEFLECTIHG RlfiHT '3(1 DEGREES 00' AND RUNllING NUR1HERLY, <br />A DISTA~CE OF TWENTY 120.0) FEETj rHE~CE DEFLECrIHG RIGHT jO DEGREES 00' AND RUNNINli EASTERLY A DISrAHGE OF TWELVE (12.0) <br />FEEl; THENCE DEFLECT1NG LEFT 90 DE6RlES AND RUNNING NORlHERLY, A DISTAHCE Of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SIX AND THREE lENTHS <br />(J8~.J) FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGiNNiNG. <br /> <br />which has the address of <br /> <br />RT. " llOX 202 <br /> <br />WOOD RIVER <br /> <br />(\U<<I) <br /> <br />(Coin <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />6a86J <br /> <br />("ProperlY Address"); <br /> <br />.lip Cotld <br /> <br />To Ha"t and To Hold the premises above described, wilh all tile appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating, <br />plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipmelll now or hereafter auached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the <br />Trustee, and 10 its successors and assigns. forever. The Borrower represenls to, and covenants with, the Trustee, that the-Bcirrower <br />has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and thaI the Borrower will warrant and defend <br />the same against the iawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and Ihe said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and <br />all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingelll inlerests of the Borrower in and to the above-described premises, <br />lhe intention being to com'ey hereby an absolute litle, in fee simple, including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests <br />as afore~aid, <br /> <br />Pro" i dfll Always. and these presents are executed and delivered unto the Trustee, in trust, however for the following purposes: <br /> <br />Wher~.s. the Borrower on the I st , day of Hpl'll ' 19 811 , borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum qRbrty Nine Tnousand, Six-Hundred fifty and Hoi100tns--------------------------------------------------------------- <br />--.-------------------------------------------------- Dollars ($ 4':1,6t,O.00 ), for which <br />sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even date, bearing <br />interest at the rate ollhne dnd one halt per celllurn ( '1.:'00 lITo) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br /> <br />The (tJ1RN[irjifI~A~d{;b~W~~\ {ifIll be payable at the office 01 <br /> <br />in 36&00 GRin 10\ J Ill. CLt~i:.NS, Iii 4604.1 . or at such olher place as the holder of the note <br />may designate in writing, in monthly instalhnenls of flYe liUnoreD tlgnteen ana ltbIlO(lths---------------------------------- <br />-----------------..--- Dollars ($ 51&. 'lb ), commencing on the first day of nay , <br />1<<ll8 . and on the firs I day of each month thereafter until the principal and inlerest are ful!y paid, excepl that Ihe final paymelll of <br />principal and inlerest. if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of Aprll' <br />211>3 <br /> <br />This form is usediri connection with mortgages insured under the one. to four.famlly programs of the National Housing Act whiCh pro. <br />vide for periodiC Mortgage Insurance Prelllium payments. <br /> <br />Pagel of 5 <br /> <br />Form H!JD-~219.~l r;~\~dit.. lonl <br />._ ''f -24tFH 2113:17(a) <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />--1 <br /> <br />L <br />