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<br />88- 101645 <br /> <br />made ~hall be added to the principal sum owing on the abow <br />note, shall be secured hereby, and shall near interesl ill lhe rate set <br />f(lrlh in the said nOll', unti! paid, <br /> <br />7. That the Borrower hereby as,igns, tramfcrs and SCl~ O\"CI to <br />the Lender, 10 be applied to\\'ard the payment of the note ilnd all <br />Mlms secured hereby in case of a default III thl' performance of <br />any of the terms and conditioll~ of Ihi, inslrllmCl1l or the said <br />note. all the rents, rC\'enues and il1l'Ollle to be dni\"ed from the <br />said premises during such time as the indebtedness ,hall remain <br />unpaid. and the Lender shOll! ha\'e power to appoinl any agclll or <br />agents il lIlay desire for the purpose of repairing said premises ;llld <br />of reming the same and collecting the rents, re\'ellues and income. <br />and it may payout of said income, all ':\penses of repairing said <br />premises and necessary commis,ions and .:xpenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing the ,ame and of collecting rentals therefrom; <br />Ihe balance remaining, if any, to be applied toward the di>charge <br />of said indebtedne,s, <br /> <br />S_ That the Borrower will keep the improvements no" existlllg <br />or hereafter erected on the property. insured as nUl\' be requi~ed <br />from limc to time by the Lender agaiml lo,s b\ fire and mher <br />hazards. casualties and comingencies in '>Ud1 amoullls and for 'ouch <br />pcriod~ as Illay be rt'quired b\' (ht' LenJt'r and \\\11 pay promptly. <br />when due. any premiullls on ~uch lIlsurance pr"\Ision for paymenl <br />of which has not been made herembefore, ,\11 lI1,urarKe ,hall be <br />carried in cl'mpanies approved by the Lender and the policie" and <br />renewals Ihereof shall be held by the Lender and ha\'e attached <br />thereto loss payabk dau,es in favor \1f and III form a,ceplable III <br />the Lender _ In ev-ent of loss Borrower will give Immediate notice <br />by lI1ail to the L.ender. \\'hD may make proof of ILw. if not made <br />promplly by Borrower. and each imurance company concerned I' <br />hereby authorlled and din'-.:ted lD makl' payment for ,uch loss <br />directly to the Lender imtead of tu Ihe Borro"<'r :llId the L"nder <br />jointly, and the imurance pr<.Kee<.l'o, or any pan thereof. may be <br />applied by Ih<.' Lender at ils \1Plion ellher to Ih" reduction of Ihe <br />indebtedne>s hereby secured or to Ihe r",lorallon or repair of the <br />property damaged_ In e\enl of fored(l~l:rc \11 tlm II1SIlUlTlen! or <br />other Iransfer of IItle to lhe mOllgag."d property in eXlinguishmel\l <br />of the indebtedness secured hereby, all IIghl, lltle and illleresl of <br />lhe Borrower in and 10 any ill\UranCl' pllhcles then 111 force ..hall <br />pas> III the purchaser or granlee. <br /> <br />9, Thai ,IS addilional and collateral se.:ufll~ for Ihe payment 111' <br />the note described. and all S\lIlI!; to he,'!.lllll' due undl'r this illstrll- <br />ment, Ihl' Borrower herl'hy assigns [0 thl' Lender all prCJftt" <br />revenues, royalties. rights and benefits aC("flling to the Ilorrower <br />under any and all oil and gas leases on said prenmes. wilh the <br />righl to Jecein' and receipt for Ihe same and apply ihem 10 said <br />indebtedness as well beiore as after default in the conditions of <br />this instrument, and the Lender may demand, me for and IceOl'er <br />any such paymellls when due and payable. but shall nol he re- <br />quired so 10 do. This assignmclll i.. to terminate and become null <br />and void upon release of this instrumcm, <br /> <br />to. That the Borrower will keep the buildings upon said premises <br />in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste upon said <br />land, nor suffer the said premises to be used for any unlawful <br />purpose. <br /> <br />II. That if the premises. or any part thereof, be condemned <br />uilder the power of eminem domain, or acquired for a public use, <br />the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the con. <br />sideration for such acquisition, [0 the extem of the full allloum of <br />indebtedness upon this inslfllmelll and the note which it is given to <br />secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the Borrower 10 <br />the Lender, and shall be paid forthwith 10 said Lender to be ap. <br />plied by the latter on account of the next maturing installments of <br />such indebtedness. <br /> <br />12, The Borrower further agrees that should this instrumem and <br />the note securcd hereby not be eligible for lIlsurancc under the Na- <br />tional Housing Act within eight mOlllhs from the date hereof <br />(wrinen statcmcnt of allY officer of the Departmell! of Housing <br />and Urban Developmell! or alllhorized agenl of the Secretary of <br />Housing and Urban Del'elopmelll dated ,ubsequell! to the eight <br />months' time from the dale of this in,trumell!. declining to insure <br />said note alld Ihis mortgage, being decmed cOllcJusi\'e proof of <br />such ineligibility). Ihe Lender or holder of the note may, at its op- <br />lion, declare all sum, seclIIl'd hereby immediately due and payable. <br />'\;01\\ ith~tanding the foregoing, thi~ option may not be exercised <br />by the Lender or the holder of (hc note when the ineligibility for <br />in,mallce under the National Housing Act is due to the Lender's <br />failur.: to remit the morlgage inslllance premium to the Depart- <br />ment or Housing and Urban De\'eopment. <br /> <br />13, That if the Borrower fails to make any paymellls of money <br />\\liet; Ihe sallle become due, or fails to conform to and comply <br />I\!ih an\' of th,' .:onditions or agreements contained in this instru- <br />ment, or the note which il secures, thcll the entire principal sum <br />and iJ<;Lrlled interest shall al once become due and payable, at the <br />e1e"tion of Ih.: Lender. <br /> <br />Lender ,hall gi\C notice to narrower prior to acccleralion <br />f,1(llming Borrower's breach of any co\,enant or agreement in this <br />instrument (bllt nOI prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />lIllless applicable law prO\'ides other\\'ise). The notice shall specify: <br />(a) lhe default; (b) the action required 10 cure the default; (c) a <br />date, not less [fmn .30 days from the dale the notice is given to <br />BornJ\\er, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure <br />to ,'me Ihe default on or before the date specified in the notice <br />may resull in acceleration of the sums secured by this inslrument <br />and ,ale of Ihe Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower <br />of the right 10 reinstate aftcr acceleration and the right to bring a <br />COIlr! action 10 asscrl the nOIl.existence of a default or any other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not <br /><:lIled 011 or before the date specified in Ihe notice, Lender at its <br />option may rcquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured <br />by Ihi, instrument without further demand and may invokl' the <br />power of sale and any other remedies permilted by applicable law. <br />Lender shall be entitled [0 collect all expenses incurred in pursuing <br />the remedies provided in thi~ paragraph 13, including, but not <br />limited to, reasonable allorncys' fees and cosls of title e\'idence. <br /> <br />If the power of sale is in\'oked, Trustee ~hall record a notice of <br />default in eacli l'ounty in which any part of the ProperlY is located <br />and shall mail copies of such Ilotice in the manner prescribed by <br />applicable law to Borro\\'er and 10 the other ~'.;rsons precribed by <br />applicable law. After the time required by applicable law, Trustee <br />,hall gi\'e public notice of sale to [he persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Bor- <br />lOWer, shall sell the Properly at publk auction to the highest bid- <br />der at the time and place and under the terms designated in the <br />notice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee <br />determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />Property hy public announcement at lhe time and place of any <br />previ':l!Isly scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the <br />Property at any sale. <br /> <br />Upon reccipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver <br />to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The <br />recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the pro- <br />cC(ds of [he sale in the following order; (a) to all expenses of the <br />,ale, induding, but not limiled to, Trustee's fees as permitted by <br />applicable law and reasonable attorneys' fee:;; (b) to all sums <br />occurI'd by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the per- <br />son or persons legally entitled to it. <br /> <br />,_I <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />\'lUD-92143DT <br />,I ~;, ' <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />