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<br />Borrower and Lender cO\'t'lIl1nl IInd IIgret' liS follows: <br /> <br />88-101645 <br /> <br />I. ThaI Borrower will pay Ihl' indl'bll'dness. as hereinbeforc <br />provided. Privilege is reserved 10 pay the debl in whole or in parI <br />on any installmenl due datc. <br /> <br />2. That. logelher wilh, and in addition 10, Ihe Illollthly <br />payments of principal and interesl payable under the lerms of Ihe <br />note secured hercby, the Borrower will P:lY to Ihl' Lender, on Ihe <br />first day of each Illonth until the said note is fully paid. Ihe <br />following sums: <br />XXXxXlUX~~lff~~~jf,(wxlrm~~~to:~Kmf(~xi4~XMIf~X <br />E~m~jIlQm~~IfX~fmx~m_m <br />~ ~mxxncxjll~ltmx~mJInb:~m:x~m:xx <br />x~~m~nmifmtxj(x~l!X~~x.mmXXXXXXXXX <br />.Wf,(mtit~~~).\-1:m~m~~~l(XXXXXXXX <br />XXXXXX.~;U. iEkti. )f~d~IIXX~Kmilb:lf~l!~K~lOO:~l{~~~;roro.~X <br />E ltl!m~U"X)lmxxm~w~~~!tXX~XX <br />.^ ~IOl)l 1(~~Q~~~X~lOm!~Jro:XXXX <br />X~~m ~~*k~~~>>:~~~=re <br />at IXIU~Kl!~It~nfnOO:~K_X ~~X <br />fm wxtm!l>9:WmlfXmnl!~I~!~' mmH~xx <br />m WXOO~~X'Am~~1 X );1m~xn:XXXXXXX <br />m~~ XU ~~XX~~~~~l ~ k:OOXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <br />XXXXX>'M~xr;:W~~i~~WlttX~~~w~~XttX~~~r,xx <br />~~W~~J~~ n~~!E~~w~m~mxxxx <br />~~~~KMtl>:~~~~*XI~ ~~X~~~ <br />~. ~~Q~~~~:Q~~~X~ ~~XOl\lXXXX <br />~~~~~~~XX~~~~XI:~~:oolXM~~l\l~XX <br />Xl(X~~~K~~Xjr\~~&X~~~X~~q~X~XXXX <br />~~~I~X <br /> <br />(a) f~) A sum equal 10 Ihe ground rellls, if any. nnl due, pillS Ihe <br />premiums that will next become due and payahle on plllkie~ of <br />fire and orhcr hazard insuralh:e co,wing Ihe propeny, rim la'e~ <br />and assessments next due on the property Ii/II as esrimillt'li II.'" rile <br />Lender) less ail sums already paid therefor dlnded by Ihe l1ulllber <br />of months 10 elapse before one (I) mOlllh prior III Ihe dale \\ h...n <br />such grollnd rents. premiums, taxcs and a~se>,mei1ts will hecOllle <br />delinquent, such sums 10 be held by Lender in Irusl to pay said <br />ground rents, premiums, la.\es and special assessmcllIs; and <br /> <br />(bl .{~) All payments mentioned in Ihe two preceding ~ubsertions of <br />thf's\paragraph and all paymenls 10 be made under Ihe nOle <br />secured hereby shall be added logether, and thc aggregate amoullI <br />thereof shall be paid by lhe Borrower each month in a single Pil\~ <br />Illen! to be applied by Ihe Lendn 10 Ihe following items in the <br />order set fNlh: <br /> <br />XXXlX~MX~)OOOOfXt.t.~X~Xl4~>>X.))X~X.~~XX <br />nI.~.xllX.X)XOOOlQX.>>A1tU~MXK1CItxt.>>X<<"ICK)::OO:"x.x.~~XXXXX <br />XlWPr..nX~>>X~~~~JW:X)t~XwtXX)llXXXX <br />llCXx <br /> <br />(I) tJl) ground renls, 13.Xe, , assessmerus, fire and olh...r hazard <br />insurance premiums; <br /> <br />(11) (~4) interesl on Ihe nOlI.' secured hereby; <br /> <br />HII)(ti;:l amortization of the principal of said Ilote; and <br /> <br />(IV) ,*l lale charges. <br /> <br />Any deficiency in the amount of such aggregate monthly pay- <br />ment sha!l, unkss made good by Ihe Borrower prior 10 the due <br />date of the next slIch paymelll, constilute an event of default <br />under this mortgage. The lender may collect a "late charge" nOI <br />to exceed four cents (411:) for each dollar ($1) of each payment <br /> <br />more than fiftecn (15) days ill arrears 10 cover the cxtra l',\pl'nSC <br />involved in handling delinquenl payments. <br /> <br />J_ ThaI if the lolal of Ihe paymenls made by Ihe Borrower <br />under ~tat>f paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed Ihe amount of <br />payments actually made by Ihe l.l'nder for ground rents, taxes and <br />assessmenls or insurance premiums, as Ihe case may be, such ex- <br />cess. if Ihe loan is current. at the option of the 13orrower. shall be <br />(fediled by Ihl' Lender on snbsequenl payments 10 be made by the <br />Borrower, or refunded to Ihe Borrower. If, howevcr. Ihc monlhly <br />[liIymellls made by ;he Borrower under X>>liOf paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall not be sufficielll to pay ground rents, U1x...s and <br />assl'ssmenls or insurance premiums, as Ihe case may be, when the <br />same shall become due and payable, I hen t he Borrower shall pay <br />to the Lender any amOlllll necessary to make up Ihe defidency, on <br />or before Ihe dale when payment of ground rents, taxes, <br />assessmelllS, or inslll'ance premiums shall be due_ If al any tilllc <br />the 13orrowcr shall lendcr 10 Ihe Lender, in accordance with Ihe <br />provisions of Ihe nOle secured hereby, full payment of the entire <br />indebtedness re[Jresented thereby, the Lender shall, in computing <br />the amount of such indebtedness, credil 10 the account of the Bor- <br />rOIVer ~k:oo:tmOO(x~:o/),i~~mt(Xlilmimx~ri).lMRmOOM <br />:&~X:dlfm~x+A~~mtAMxm~~~D*Xro:;dm <br />~mtl~I{AWA~x~'~X~xx~mkxIl1Y balance re- <br />mainmg in the'riiiilis aCl'umulated under Ihe provisions of ~) of (a) <br />paragraph 2 hereof. If Iherl' ,~hall be a deraull under any of Ihe <br />provisions of Ihis inslrumenl r(',ulliug in a public sale of the <br />prcmises covered h...reby, 01' If Ihl' L...nder acquires Ihe properly <br />olherwise after dcfauh. Ihe Lcnder shall apply, al Ihe time of the <br />commcncement of sIKh I'n'Cl'l'\!ings, or :ll Ihe time Ihe property is <br /><'Ih...rwi,e aequired. the balarll'e I hl'u Il'll1i1ining in Ihe funds ac- <br />c"umulaled \Inder (bl!~l paragraph.! preceding, as a credil againsl <br />the amount of prinCIpal Ihen rcmaining unpaid under said nOll', <br />xx~~:clnlt~KxR~~~~rA\'Xt~A"lm~~xrl~~~x'iX~~x~~xX~XXXX <br />~~~xlf>i~~x(ik~)!X~l~xx~~tx <br /> <br />4. That the Borr'l'_' er \\'ill pay ground rl'IlIS, laxes. assessmellls, <br />\I aIel' niles, and other gO\Cfnlllental or m\lIIicipal charges, fines, <br />or imposilions, for which prm i,ion has lUll b,'cn made <br />hereinbefore, and in dcfaull Ihereof Ihe I.ender may pay Ihe same; <br />and thaI the Borrower will promptly deliver thl' official rl'ceipls <br />therefor 10 the Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay all law, which lIIay bl' k,ied upon <br />the Lender's irHereS( in said real l'~(al<' (lIld illlllrO\'l'llll'Ill'. and <br />which may be levied upon Ihis in,IrUlllenl or Ihe debt 'ecllled <br />hereby (bul Duly 10 Ihe exlent Ihat such is nol prohihited hy law <br />and only 10 thc eXleJ1( thai such will nOI make 11>" loan U,uri'lllsl. <br />bur e:xeluding any inCOl1ll' lax. Slate or Fedcral. ;mpllwd on <br />Lender, and will file the official reCl'ipl ,howing '\II:h pil YIIIl'II I <br />with (he Lender. Upon viol:llion of Ihis und...rtakin~, 01 11 thl' <br />Borrower is prohibiled by any law now or herl'aflel l'\ISlill!! fl<J1ll <br />paying Ihe whole 01' :Iny portion of Ihe arore\aid lasc', 01 UPOII <br />the rendering of any court decree prohibiting I hl' )la~'lllenl hy I he <br />Borrower of any such laxe" or if such law or dccree provides Ihal <br />any amount so paid by the Borrower shall he erediled on the debl. <br />Ihe Lender shall Iw\'C Ihe right 10 gi\'l' ninety days' "rilll'lI nOlin' <br />10 Ihe owner of lhe premi,e" rcquiriug Ihe payment of lh... debt. <br />If >uch nOlieI.' be gi\'cn, Ihe said debl shall become dill', payable <br />and colleclible at thl' expiralion of said ninety days. <br /> <br />6, Thill should the Borrower fail 10 pay anx ,Iun or kel'p any <br />covenant provided for in this inslrumenl, lhen Ihe Lender, 1\1 ilS <br />option, may payor perform Ihe same, and all ...xpendi(ure\ so <br /> <br />-~ / <br /> <br />-j <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />HUD-92143DT <br />. :.j <br />~ ...., <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />