<br />I
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<br />88- 101514
<br />
<br />6. T1uat at the optiofl of the .\/ort6fJ8or th~ principal bownce secured herfb.v may be relJmorti~edon terll'U acceptable
<br />to the Mor~e if,. pr1rritd pl?poymenl re.u/" from an IIWdrd in:'condemnan'on inllccordGnce with prm'uiolll of par~aph 8
<br />her(/in, or from an ilUl.IMflc. po..rmelll mad<< in dccordonc. with prOlJiliolU of parapaph 7 herein, wh.re Ih.r. u II ruu/h'nt
<br />10" of pro~c' income; .
<br />
<br />.i.....
<br />
<br />
<br />1. 'TIuJ. .he J/ort!,,&or will keep the improuemefltl now uutin6 or herellfl.r erected 011 the morr.~8ed property
<br />illlured a!'llirul lOll b.y fir. IInd ,uch other ~rr4, crulUlltie" and contingencie" QI mo..v be ,tipu/Qted b.y the JlortR'f!, and
<br />all,uch ilUul'Clnce ,IuJlI 6. ,uid,nced by Itandllrd Fir. and c;rtended COIJ'r~e /n.rUf'(Jncc Potic.v or po!ici~,. in curlQunt, 1I0t
<br />lu, '/wn n.ceutVy to comply with th~ rlpplicable Coiruurance Cl4we percentage, but in no ,utnt ,hllll .he amoun" of
<br />coue~ be leu rtaw. .;,hl.Y per cellrum(8(}'i6) of the imuMble L'alue, or nollell than rhe u'llpoid balance of the Mort~!fI'
<br />whicheu~r &r the/eller, IInd in.jdefllult Ihereof Ih. '\/orleli~e ,hall h4l1e Ih. 'ishl ro effect i11lurance. Such policie, ~hall be
<br />endor,.d wilh "4nJ.vd J/ortp,fIe C14w. wirh lau po....obl. to ,he Morr6fJ8f!e, a.r intered mtJy IIppellr, IIna ,h41l be deposiled
<br />wilh Ihe MortAl!e:
<br />
<br />T1uat if riae pr.min, couered her.by, or any pari Iher.of, ,hall be clarrl45ed by [ire or olher ha::ard a!Gi",' which
<br />,ilUlU'Gnee ;, heid AI hereilllJbolle prolJided, the amountl poid by any illllJrance compo ny, 10 the utenr of the indebtedn." thefl
<br />remainint unpaid, ,lu:ll be p:Jid to Ihe .llorrE~ee, and, a' hulher option, ma.... bellpplied '0 the debt or re/trued for Ihe repllirin~
<br />or rduildi~ of the premue,;
<br />
<br />8. Thot all aWlITdI of dDmaEe, in connection with any condemnation for public u'e or injury to an~' of laid profHrt.y
<br />lIl'e, here6;t rullipled IInd ,haJl be paid to .UorrAee, who mo.yappl.'" Ihe .fame 10 plI.vmenl of th, illltallmenulru, due undlT
<br />aairl nole, and .Jforrlf'Pe iI here6.'" authori=ed, in the name of JfortAor, to n;ecute and aelilJer lIalid acquiltance' th.reof
<br />Gnd to appeal from IIny ,uch DllJlIrd:
<br />
<br />9. ']'hQ, i, u IGwfuUy ,ei:ed and pOllfJUed of J4id real ella', in fee 'imple and hllI good r~ht to cOrll:e.v 'ame:
<br />
<br />10. To kltep ,aid premise, in600d repair, Gnd not to do, or permit to N done, upOn ,aid pre miJe" Gnylhin! thallnll."
<br />impGir the lIalue thereof, or of the n-curity intend<<d 10 hI! I!ffec'~d b.... L'irtue of 'hu instrumenl; that it u:iJlnot mo.k. an_Y
<br />.tJuctunUalteratiolUlo Ihe build~ wilhout the wriuen consent of the Mortgagee: 10 pay to the Mort~.. AI. nerei1l4frer
<br />prouided, until $Gid 1I0le u fully paid, II ,um ,ul'ficient to pay all U1.n, Gnd 'plleial GJlellmen', tho. heretofore or hereafler
<br />mal be IGlI1fuU,'ellied, aueJled or impo,ed by any faxing body UpOll Ihe ,aid land, or upon the JlortE~or or .\Iorr~r on
<br />accOll-l1f of the olllnerlhip thereof.o the u'ent th4t prolluiQn 1uu 1I0t Nen made b.... the MortAor for Ihe paymellfof ,uch
<br />lGze, Gnd 'p~cial AI,ellment, AI hereinAfter prouichd in ,uhparasr!lpJa 17(b);
<br />
<br />II. In au. of the refUMd or ne!'eCI oflhe Mor~or to mah ,"ch payment,. or to sali.lf'o.' an.'" prior lien or en~um-
<br />brance" or 10 /clep laid premise, in good repair, the .uor'!Ol" may pay ,ucla IolIze., auellm.nU, and in'lU'GlIce premiullV,
<br />IUhe,. due, lIf1d mo..v malre .uch repair. to the property herein mortEGSed AI in the Jlorti~u', duennon h./,he ma." fJ'eem
<br />MCIIJGry for the proper preJen'tJtion Ihereof, lIlId IIf1Y money. '0 paid or upended ,h411 becomr '0 much odditiomd inJe6t.
<br />.dlJeu, "cured 6y this MortF!', fa be paid 01.11 of Ihe proceetU of the Ul/e of Ihe mort!~ed premue" if nOl otherwue paid
<br />6)' Ih. ltIortPfOr, Gnd ,hall bear in'ere,' a' Ih. TIlle 'pecified in 'he 1I0te from the dIIle of lIallGnce until paid, IInd ,IuJlI be
<br />dIU GIld po,..6le on demand;
<br />
<br />12. It is npre"ly prouided, howeller (Gll o the,. prollisions of ,hu .110rtRf! to .he eonCrary' nOlw:il/ucandingJ, l/w'
<br />Ih. .Uor".,.. daaU not 6e required nor ,h4U he/,he h4l1e Ih. ",h, 10 pay, duclaarp, or "moue any fa, ru,ellmenf, or ta6
<br />li.1I upon or .,.i",' the prlmilu duui6ed herein or lII'IY put Ihereof Of' the improlJemenu .itlUlled th.,.on, '0 10"6 AI ,''',
<br />Morlpfor ,IwaU, in good faith, cont.., Ihe lam. or the ualidir,. l/aueof by approprill.r.l.pl proceedinr bro~h' in a co..,., of
<br />compel.., jMrildiction, which ,hall operate 10 p,.UIIII th, collecrion of Ihe IolIJr. aurum'lIt, or lien '0 cOllle"ea altd ,.... ..Ie
<br />or forf.ilu" of Ihe laid premu., or GlI" parI thereof'o $Grilfy the Ulme, bUI in Ihe euenl ofa IGz r:onle't, Ihe .Uort~r ,...."
<br />depo,illllilla IA. A(orlAu lII'IlImounl e.timo.l.d 6y .he MOrl~e .ufficienl to MJtUfy 1IIIIaJre,. pelll1lti.., inlere,t, and co,,,,.
<br />whicA ",.y r..oraably acuw. durin,.uch conlu.;
<br />
<br />IJ. n., il lIIiIl no' lIo1untaril,. ueal. or permi' 10 be created G!fJim' Ihe property .u6jec, 10 IAu MortAl! GIlY li.1I
<br />or li.IU inferior or ,uperior to Ih.li,,, of this MorlAe Gnd fUTlh.r lha. il will '.ep Gnd nlGinl4in Ihe ..m. free from 'M
<br />cl.i", of aU PU'OIU ,upplyi". I.60r or IrWIlerial. IIIhich will en'er inlo Ihe cOlUtruction of ony Gnd all buildinp nOIll bei"6
<br />.recl.d or 10 be .rect.d on Mid premisu;
<br />
<br />
<br />14. 7JIa, Ih. improllem.ntl doul 10 be made upon the premise, a6011e d.,cribed and aU planr and '1"cijicatiOIU
<br />comply wilh al, munidpol ordi'lImce'lInd repl.tiolll' made ar promWpled by I.lUful o:.thorily. and that 'he $lime 'IIliU upon
<br />completioll comp'y with all,uch municiprzl ordillllllce, and re~lafiolll and wilh 'he rule, of oppliCGbl. fire rotin~ or irupection
<br />. orpniMlion. 6ureau, auoeialio". or office. In the ellen' the MortAor ,lu:ll 01 any time foil 10 comply wi.h 'uch rule" rep.
<br />fetiOM, IIIId orrfilllJllce, IIIhic. G/'fInolAl or tnGy herN!ler betome applic:061e 10 llIe premulI dOL" cfrscrihrl. afler due t10riu
<br />ud d."..,.d 6y ,Ae/tlor'P&ee, therellpon Ihe principal.um and 1111 GnMrI of in'tre" and o,her CMrge. propided for herei",
<br />,AUI4I' Ih. option o!.the .\lorIPl'fle became aue ond payable; ..
<br />
<br />15. n.."'ltIAor COllellGnll lInd tlfTe.. ,h4t '0 lOB<< OIlhu Alorlpp and Ihe ..id nOI.Jecured hereb.... are owulollnrlill!,
<br />if lIIill nol uftute M file for record allY in.lTumenl which impo,e, Cl re,trictiora UpOII th. aale or occuptltlcy of tlae .urrp,;ra
<br />properly 011 1II..... of nacr, color or cre.d; .
<br />
<br />.,16. no,.1Ie fund" '0," Gdl.JfJllceJ '",rein.,. '0 6a fUeJ in th. CO"'truCtiOIl of cer14in improlllmenu qn the IGnds
<br />/l,nin d..cribe'" i1& eccorJuce wilA II huilJiB<< I... "emeral H'weell .he .1I0rtAor and MortP&'<<e dilled March 10, 1988
<br />19 -:.... ,iP~ich 'tlil4ift6/oall""/MIt' (uce,. 'IKIi opr' or 1Mi'll t1a~,..of AI may 6e incon,is.,n'herewith) i, incorpotaterl
<br />lie,.;,,, ~7f'ftf"I'IC.'. ,,.. _mee.'elll GIld .Jf.clu if fully 'el for'h .ltd IJ'I4dc III p.lt of Ihis Morl,... and if the cOlUcruction
<br />01 IA. im".....IIWI'I.. '0, be "... pUTlU!" 10 Mid 6uildi"610Gt1 "I"u""'nt ,hall no. 6e OlIrried on iIIj." ""'onA61e dil~"..:-e, or
<br />'It.U 6e "*OfItift"e4., M' lime for lift,. r_an other 1"-,. .trilce, or loel.ouu, Ihe .1I0rr~., -fler .d". "oliCf! to the .uor'Plor
<br />or .".1 """/flU"; o..,.,r. ia 4e,.6y ;nw..ed lIIi.,. full_d complet.. Gutlllority 10 enler "pan Mlid prwmuu, employ _Ichm." to
<br />ptotic. 'lAtA irrtpNH....,.,. /ro;lm d.pred.h'o" Of' injury and '0 pre"''''. and prolect rhe penollGl PNperty IherPin, IInd to continue
<br />.... a........ .. .. FIlA :ta...... ".... ..,.
<br />
<br />.u1.
<br />,>
<br />"
<br />