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<br />I <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />88-101514 <br /> <br />MAH 2 .,. 1988 <br /> <br />THIS INDE,vTUR'E, ihu , 22nd <br />NPhraska Inilp}?pnilpnt- HQusing.r Inc. <br /> <br />rlny of March <br /> <br />, 19 !lli.. I NtWten ,_Greater <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />orpllind and uufi"6 under 'he law, of . Nebraska , II corporation and the <br />United Scate, of AmeriCG actin~ bYlIlId throush the SecretMy of /lulJ.Iin! and Urban Dtl,:elopment':'lort~f!, ' <br /> <br />. , , ",l!~ESS~TH:,77uJI, wheretu/he Mor~or u ju.ltl.v indebted to the .\tort~e in the principal.'-urri ol'On~ Million <br />One Hui1diedNl nPty. ,Four',.Thousand, Seven Hundred DoUaTl (' 1,194, 70u :00 I evidenced by I" note of <br />' ellen date herewith; brtJri";6. inten,' from JD/e ofi outJtgn~inll balanc~ lit nine . fHr centum ( 9 . 'h) per . <br />altnllm to JW1e 1, 1~89 anel iltel't/Jfm~1. nme 'l'tr~~t1Jrn {9 .~}per Imltt""' ~ald principal <br />and interell hei'W parable in irufQllmenu cu prollided in laid note with a final maturity of June 1. .2029 ,which note iI <br />identified 01 6ei~ .ecur~d 11I1rdy by a certificate thereon. SlIid nole and all of ill t.rlN are incor~ra,.d herein. by reference <br />GIld tlail conueyance ,IuJU ,ecure any IInd all eJdelUiolU 'hereof, howelJer el1id~ncecL , ' <br /> <br />NOJJ~ THEREFORE. the J4id MortAor, for' the hetter 'ecuri~ of the paym~nr of the laid principal.lum of mane," and <br />intere.t IInd ,he perjor1TllJnce of the eOlJenant. and a,v.eeninu herein contained. den. bythe,e pretenr. COfnlEY, MORTGAGE, <br />and rI'A/UJ.ANT unto the Mnr~Ph,ucelluar' ar cu.&.nl. the follollJi,..,-delC~ribed real e.tat. .ituat.,.lyinr. tuld bei.... in th. <br />See Exhlblt "An attached ereto . -.. ,---.. <br /> <br />,in the CounrtPit A9ams, Bu!talo[ Hall, <br />, to wit: J!la't:r:e and. 5cu t."~ ~luff <br /> <br />I and the SIGfe of Nebraska <br /> <br />Project legal descriptions -- See Exhibit "AU attached hereto <br /> <br />t <br />i <br />! <br />1 <br />J <br />1 <br />I <br />1 <br />} <br /> <br />TOCETHER with aU and ,irIfUlGr tile tenernenu. h.reJitamenb alld appurlenance. IhereunlD 6elcin&irw. IIPld tltl Nn"- <br />",UU. "1(1 proJiu 'bereof; and aU appara'w IInd /isluru of el1f!ry Irilld in, or tlaalln4Y be placed in, any "uildi,.. now 01' A.N. <br />aft.r ....dUv ollaill land, fUld aba aU Ih. ..fQ,., ri6ht, Iide. and mlend of th. ,aid /tforwor u. and to aid plWmill'; ~'uclilw <br />6ut Plot limi,.d 10 aU fU and.lecrric fUture,; aU radiGtor., heot,,,, furnaceJ, hIGM8 equipmePlI, .team and boNlJGfer 6oau.. <br />"OJ,..., .,." NIIpI; alllZ.W1to" .nd mOlD": all hothiub,. .liIIIl.. UIIIler clo,,", bairu., pipe'; law:.l6. and oth.r plumw.r. fi61ura; <br />aU "..,.,dt and cdin.,,: aU r.frip".ti~ plGn" and refri&'e",t"". whe'her meclaanical or o~A.rwiJ.: aU coolill,f .,,.,.,,.,; aU <br />fumit."., ,1aaJ..,,.. 6lillfll.lUld olhlr furnuhi.: aU o/."Aich apporattu. fizturu. an" .quipmenl, piA. Iii", a/find to tAl <br />....z'Y 01' not, ,_U be crlluidered'r..I urale for'he purpo"' 1Iereof: and iru:ludi,.,aU /untuAi,.,. now 01' Mr./ttr a".b.. to <br />01 Ut." in ..." dauI tAe builcli. Of' 6u.ilclilll' no." .rect... or 1I.,."II.r to be _reel.d Opl 11&, IaIl_A.NU. cIaeri"" IIIlaicla.. <br />........,. '0 11&. com,.re IInd com/OI'rdl. &&.I, filld occUJMllCY of'IIe" buildu., or "uildinp for ,,,. purpo.u lor whiela tll.y <br />... -.. to be ....ct.d, IlId aUren.walI or replauma,," tlatreo/ 01' Gl'tid., in ,ubltilutiOft 'h.refor:",lI1itll aU 6uilclillaf <br />"......." ...tI Iquipmell' ..IJIII III' A.rea/l., rl.liueNd 10 Mid prtmiJII alld int.nurl to 6e iruraU.d llalNin; <br /> <br />TO HA YE AND TO HOLD 'II. dOlle-delenMcI premilu, wit" tll. appurlena"eel and /iJduru, unto th. Mid "forrp,n. <br />,ueceuon ...d IJI'~. fonuer.!or slle pur pOle' and wu II.rein Mt fortll. <br /> <br />! <br />{ <br />! <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />,! <br />I <br />-~ <br />I <br />i . <br />i <br />.' <br />I <br />.,J: <br />:!:-. <br />-J <br />I <br />'-;-1 <br />j <br />i <br /> <br />AJIID SAID .VORTCACORco....IIIIII" a"d ."ea: <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />1. That i"lI1iU JIIIY ,la- MorINe No'e Gf t'" time, and in llae IMn".r prolJiderl fllereill: <br /> <br />,. 2. no, il UliU not permi' 01' ,u/fer tile w. of.Jllny of tll. property for any purpOIl otller 1"- ,Pa. &&.I. for ."AicA ,''' <br />.me Mat int.nded a' tll. lima 'Ail Alar".. IIlU uecuI.r1~ <br /> <br />.5. . , n.."Ia.R.pla,ory A,, ...cute" 6y tlae Mortplor Gnd tAr MCrdGry of HOUli.., and Ur6a1l Dellllo,m.nt, <br />lLIAiCA iI hi", ,,"'.d ,i".u',.,..oUl', AI,.",i,ll. u uteMpolW,.d intuitl tMtl. d fMI" ojlllil Mortpp. Upoad.f.ult ..". 'II. <br />1tepJ.,ory .4.........1, tla. ~IOI''''''', et Ail/A" oprio.... ....,. tled.,. the KlIlol. inrldferlnea lecured 10 be due an" ,.ra6W: <br /> <br />. f,.. . ne, ~ re.... ",o/i" allD ;'u:o.... from tll. proIMr.,.eolllrld 6y Iltil .Wort,.- 8I'f! A.nbyis..ip." to t". ."o,.~ <br />1- lIa. "..,,... of tlUc""~", IA. ubt Ia.,dy ,.elUWrL Pumiuioft u lI~rf by ,;~.n to MortNor .0 10'" u !to d.jaulf ...iI" <br />........ '0 coU.c' ,uell ""u. p'ofi', a"d illCo_ for UI in .ccordcanc. with the provilioru of the RepltJtory A.!""me,,': <br />. - <br /> <br />" <br />.~ ' <br /> <br />U <br /> <br />1. 1'.t "PO" tl.feul, "rr.....' !tIorIp<<H 'MIl be e"titl.d to tile appointm."t 0/11 reeeil1fr by any eour' MlJi/16 <br />jwU~tio... wi,II.,..t ItDeice, '0 Ie" f'O,i,".,,1I prDtedl', /Nop#,ty lklCribea herein Gnd oJHrat. Jame Gna roUtcr tile <br />"''''',l''ofi.. ."/ftco.... ,II'''fro",: <br /> <br />~ . ,-. "1 c: <br /> <br />'''. , ot . .....' <br />// <br /> <br />