<br />I
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<br />88- 101507
<br />
<br />6 Eminent Domain. Lender IS hereby assigned all compensation. awards damages and other J]l-.ymcn\s or relmf Ihp'rClnaller .Proceeds., In connech-on with
<br />condcmnollii:m 0' olhlH Inking 0' 1he Property Of parl thereof. or lor conveyance In lieu of condemmt1ton Lender shall be entitled aills ophorolO commenCe. ilPPCiH In and
<br />prosecute In It5 own name any acllon or proceedings, and shall also be entitled to make any compromise or sel1lemenl an connection w~th suctl lakmg or damage In Ihe
<br />event any portion ollhe Property IS so taken or damaged, lender shall have the ophon In lis sole and absolu1e dlspellon 10 apply all such Proceeds, afler deduclong
<br />therefrvm all costs and expensos Incurred by it In connecllonwllh such proceeds. upon any Indebledn~ss secured hercby and In such order as lender may determine. or to
<br />apply all SUCh Pfoceeds. aller such deduCllons. to the restoration of the Property upon such conddlOns as Lendef may determme Any application 01 Proceeds to
<br />tndebtedness shatl not extend or postpone the due date 01 any payments under the Note or C\Jfe any delall11 thereunder or hereunder
<br />
<br />1 Perform.nee by Lender. In tMe event 01 Borrower.s lallure to perform any 01 'he CQVcnents herem or make any payments reqUlfed hereby. or It any act IS taken or
<br />legal proc~cdlngcommenced whlctl matertalfy affer.:ts Lender"s interest In the Property Lender may ,n Its own d~SC{ellon. but without obligatIOn 10 do so. and Without no lice
<br />loor damand upon Borrower and wlthoul releasJng Borrower Irom any oblIgation dO any ,'ClwhlCh the BorrOWN lias agr~ed butlails 10 d'lana may atso doany other act II
<br />doems necessary to prolecllhe secullty hereol Borrower shall, ImmedIately upon demana therefor by Lender pay 10 Lender all costs and e,penses .ncurred and sums
<br />expended by lender rn connection wilh Ihe exercise bylende, oj Ihe lorego;ng "gillS together WIlh Interest Illereon al the rale proVIded in the Note, which shall be added 10
<br />the Indebtedness secured hereby Lende~ shall not Incur any personal hab4hty because of anythlng It may do or om!t '0 do hereunder
<br />
<br />8, Event. 01 Defaull. The lollowing shall conslltule an evenl 01 delault undcr Ihls Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(a} Failure to pay any onslallmenl 01 prinCIpal or Interest or any olhel sum secured hereby when due, or faIlure 10 pay when due any olhm mdebtedness 01
<br />Borrower to Lender:
<br />
<br />{bl A breach of or default under any proviSIon conlamed m Ihe NOle, IhlS Deed of Trusl. any documenl which secures Ihe Nole. and any other
<br />encumbrance upon the Properly;
<br />
<br />(c) ^ wril of execution 6r aUachment or any slmllar process shall be entered against Borrower w~lch shall become a hen On the Pr::)perty or any portion
<br />Ihereof or intereSI therein:
<br />
<br />(d) There shall be Wed by or agaInst Borrower an action under any present Of future feaeral, grate or other slatute'. taw or regulation relahng to
<br />bankruptcy. insolvency or other relief for debtors: OJ there shan be appointed any trustee. receiver or hqUldator of Borrower or of all or any part of the Property. or
<br />Ihe rents, issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shall m~ke any general assignment for Ihe benelll of credItors
<br />
<br />(el The sale. Iransfer, asslgnmenl, conveyance or furlher encumnrance 01 all or any pari of or any mleresl tn the Property. eilher voluntarily or
<br />invofunlaroly. wllhoul the express w"lIen consent of lender
<br />
<br />(f) If Borrower is nol an tndlvldual, the sale, transter, assIgnment. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more Ihan __._ percenl of {If a corporalion) ils
<br />
<br />Issued and outslanding stock or (II a parlnersh'pf __." _ perCe'll 01 partnership onteresls
<br />
<br />9 Remedle.; Acceleration Upon Oelaull, In Ihe even! of any Evenl 01 Default Lender may declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the
<br />same shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentment. demand, prolesl or noltce 01 any kInd Therealter lender may
<br />
<br />(al Demand Ihal TruSlee exercise me POWER OF SALE granted he.eon, and Truslee shalllhereafler cause Borrower's interest tn the Propmtytobesold
<br />and the proceeds 10 be dlstllbuled. all In Ihe nanner proVIded on the Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act
<br />
<br />{b) Eilher in person or by agent wltll or WithOut b"ngrng any aclton or proceedrng or by a 'ecelver appointed by a court and wlthoul regard 10 Ihe
<br />adequacyol.lsseeullly. enter upon and take possessIon of lhe Properly, or any part thereo!. on lis own name Or on the nameol tile Trustee, and do any acts which
<br />It deems necessary Or desuable to pre~erve 1he- '-'alue. marketablllly Of ret'ltablllly 01 the P(Operty_ OJ part thereof Or Interest 'herein. Increase 'he mcome
<br />Iherelrom or prolecl the secumy hereof and, WIth 0' Wllhoul takIng possession ollhe Property, sue lor C'r olherwlse collect the renls, Issues and profits Ihereol,
<br />incLuding lhose past due and unpaId. and appty the same less costs and e.'-penses of operation and- collection includmg aUorneys-lees. upon any indebtedness
<br />secured hereby. all in Such order as lender may determl'le fhe enlenng upon and laking possessIOn of Ihe Properly.lhe colleclton 01 such renls, Issues and
<br />prolrts and Ihe application thereof as aloresald, shall n01 cure or waive any delault 01 notrce 01 delault hereunder or onvalldate any acl done In response to Such
<br />defa.ult 01 pursuant to such notice Of default and, notwllhs,tandmg the conhnuance In possesSion of the Proper tv Or Ihe collection, recelpl and applu:;ahon 01
<br />rents. Issues or profils. Truslee or lender shall be en tilled to exerCise every "ghl prOVIded lor In any of the loan InSllllments or by law upan occurencl' 01 any
<br />event 01 delaull. ,"cluding the IIghllo e.erclse the power 01 sale, and
<br />
<br />Ic) Commence an actIon to foreclose 11115 Deed of Trusl as a morlgage, appornt a receiver or speclllcally enforcl' anv ollhe covl'nanls hereol,
<br />
<br />No remedy hereinconlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender IS Intended to be ",cluslve 01 any other remedy hereon or by law pro"lded or pernlllted. but eacll shall be
<br />cumulative. shall be in add~tlOn to every other remedy given. hereunder Or now Or herea'ler eXisting at :aw or In eQwty or by statute. aliCl may be eJ;'NC Ised concllff~ntl)'.
<br />inclependenlty or succeSSIvely
<br />
<br />10. Trulrle. The Trustee may reSign at any lime .....Ithout cause and Lender ma)' at an)." lime and Without c=luse appomt a successor or sub!.t1tutt' :.:Jstee Trustee
<br />shall not be Habte for any loss or damage unless due 10 actIonable neglIgence 0"- wlllhJI mIsconduct. and shall n01 be reQUired to 1,f1ke any acllon In (onI'1I:-CIIOO .....Ith the
<br />enforcement of this Dee(j of TIUS! unless Indemnt"ed. In wrlHng. for all costs. compensallOn or e..penses which may be assOCiated therewith tn ad{Jlllon T fusteo may
<br />become a purchaser al any sale 01 the Properly lIudlclal or under IlIe power 01 sale grantedllereon! pos1pone tile sale 01 all or any p0<110n Ollhl' property,,, prOVl(lM by law
<br />or selllhe Properly as a whole. or 11\ separate parcels 0' tots
<br />
<br />11 Future AdVlnee.. Upon requesl of BOllower. Lender may, allls option, make alldlllonal and lulurs advances and readvances 10 Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvance~, with interesl thereon. shall be secured by thIS De"d of Trusl At no tIme shalllhe p"ncrpal amOllnl 01 Ihe mdebledness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust. not on.
<br />
<br />cluding sums advanced 10 prolecllhe securily of thIS lIeed of T rusl exceed the ollgrnal pllnclpal amount staled horeln, 01 5___42.# 011.0.. ,0.0. , __. __ , wh,chever IS
<br />grealer
<br />
<br />12 Mlle.llan.ou. Provlllons,
<br />
<br />la} Borrowlr Not Released, Exlenslon ollhe I,,"e lor payment or mOd'''catlon 01 amorlllatlon 01 Ihe sums secured by IhlS Deed 01 TruSI granted by
<br />Lender 10 any successor in Inlercsl of Borrower shaH not operate 10 rcleasQ. In oLlOy manner the- h.ab~IrIV ot the ollgmal Borrower and 8o-rrower"s successors 10
<br />m~e'est, Lender shall not be reqUired to commence proceedings agcun'S. 'SuCh SlKCl)'Ssor or refuse 10 exWnCl time 10f pay men! or otherWise modIfy amortJz:alwn
<br />olthe sums secured by Ihis Deed 01 Trust by reason 01 any demands lOa do by Ihe 0"g"'31 BO"Qwer and Borrower's successors In mlefl'SI
<br />
<br />Ibl l.nd..r.. Powlr.. W+lhout aHecllf1g the hablhty a. any othCf peroson habre lor Itle Jhlvmenl ol3ny obligation herem mentioned. and Without affecting
<br />the Iren or charge ollhls Deed of TruSI upon any porloon of lhe PrOPl'rly nOllh('n o.lhetelolor(' fel('a~l'd as secllr,ly lor lhl' lull anlounlof all unpaid obligahons.
<br />Lender may. from lime lo lime and Wlthou1 notlce Cd release an" person so Itable (In mdtHld ttw n1.1tUflly .or alter any of the terms 01 any such obligations. (Iii)
<br />grant other IOdulgences.llvl relea5eor re'con\'ey, or cause to be rule_lscd or rccoflveye-d III any 11m,.. at LE'r'H.h~fS ophonsany pa,cel. portion or aHo' the Propert~'.
<br />{vi lake or release any olher 01 additIOnal secu"ly IOf any obligallon hl'reln menlloned or I VII Inakl' C ompOSl,'ons or oUrN arrangements WIth deblors In relation
<br />thereto
<br />
<br />(el Forbearance bJ Lender Nol a Walvp.r. Any lorbearance by lender In e. ('rc Isong any fIght or r em..dy helellnder, or olherwise a!lorded by applicable
<br />law, shall not be a wal\'er of or preclude the exerCise- 0' any such ught or remedy The procurCfni':'nf 01 msuranCfl Or lhi: payment of taKes or other hens or charges
<br />by lender shaH not be a waiver of lender's right to a.c<::elerate the milturl1y of the rnd-eb!edne$$ sc.c::ured by thiS Oeed of Trust
<br />
<br />ld) Successor. and AIIlgn. Bound; Jolnl and SeveratllabllllJ; Capllons, Tile covenants and agreements herein conlalned shall bind, and Ihe rights
<br />hereUrlder shaU Inure to. the ,espective successors and assigns 01 Lende~ and BOffower. subject to Ihe prr;)YISlons of paragraph B (el he-reOI All covenants and
<br />agreemenls of Borrower shall be Jornl and several The caploons ana headings 01 the paragraphs 01 Ihls Deed of T, ust are for convenience only and are nOllo be
<br />used 10 interpret or define the- proviSions hereol
<br />
<br />(e) Requ..1 for Nollce., The parlles hereby ,equesl.hal a copy of any notice 01 de'aun hereunaer anO a copy 01 any notIce 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10
<br />each pall, 10 thIS Oeed 01 Trusl at the addreSS sel !orlh above In the manner p,escllbecl by applicable law E,cept lor any oilier nolrce requl/ed under applicable
<br />law to be gIven in anolher manner, any nollce plOv,ded for In Ihls Deed of Trusl shall be gIven by maIling such nollce by cerllhed mall addressed 10 Ihe olher
<br />parlles, althe address setlorth above,
<br />
<br />Any notice provided lor in thIS Deed 01 Trusl shall be deemed to have been gIven 10 BOIIC'....er or lender ...hen given In lhe mann('r deSIgnated herern
<br />
<br />(1) In.pttellon.lender may make or cause 10 be made reasonable en tiles upon and onspec"on, ollhl' P'operly provldedlllallender shall give BOllower
<br />notice prfor to any suc:h IOSpecClon specllymg :rea5onable cause therefor rplated to lender 50 Inlere5-ltn 1he Properly
<br />
<br />(g) ReeonveJanee. Upon payment 01 all sums secured by Ih,s Deed 01 Trusl, Lend", shall request T ruslee 10 reconvey Ihe Properly and shan sUllender
<br />this Deed 01 Trusl and all notes evidencing Indebledness secured by Ihls Deed of Trust to Trllsfeo frustee shall reconvey [he Properly wlthoul warranly and
<br />without charge to t~e person or persons legally enlilled thereto Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation II any
<br />
<br />(h) Peraonal ProperlJ. Sec:urflJ Allreement. As addlllonal securily 10' Ihe paymenl Of 'he Nole all "xlu'e., eqUIpment, and ,'I her personal properly used
<br />In connection with Ihe real estate or improvemenls located Ihereon, and nol olherwlse declared 01 deemed 10 be a part ollhe real est ale secured hereby, shall be
<br />subJeello a security inlerest In favor ollhe Lende. und", Ihe Nebraska Unllorm CommerCial Code T 'liS Inslrum<>nl snail be conSlrued as a Secu"ty Agreemenl
<br />under $ajd Code. and the lender shall have aU the rights and femedl1~s of a secured pat'fV UndtH said Code III addItion to the rights and remedies created under
<br />and lIccorded the lender pursuant 10 IhlS Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />h) S...rabiIUy. hi Ihe ~v(tOlth::it any prO.....$lon o! th,s Deed of Trust conflict wllh applIcable law or are declared mvat,d Of olherwlse unen'Olceabfe. such
<br />conflict or invalidIty shall not allectlhe other proviSIOns 01 thiS Deed 01 TruSl OIlhe Note which can tic gIven ellecl wlthcut Ihe conlllchng proVISIon, and 10 Ihls
<br />end lhe proviSions of the Deed of Trust and Ihe NOle arl! declared 10 be/i;;lseve. rabie,
<br />
<br />BOllo....or has execuled this Deed of Trusl the dale written above
<br />
<br />
<br />~,.,,'
<br />, . (Vlassy . Patsios) Borro""f
<br />( I \'J J //--- ,
<br />'--~~P;t:ios~~
<br />
<br />