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<br />~ 88- 101507
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<br />Borrowers (Truslors) underslane Ihallhe document that Ihe Borrowers a,e about 10 execule ,s a Oaed of Trusl and not a mortgage alld thallhe powe.rof sale provided
<br />for In Ihe Deed 01 Trusl provides substantially dillerenl rights and obligations 10 Ihe Borto rs Ihan a mortgage in the evenl at a default or breach of obligation under the
<br />Deed of Trust. including, bul nollimited la, Ihe Lender's right to have Ihe Real Property old by Ihe Trustee wilhout any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />represenl and warranlthat this acknowledgemenl was executed by them before the ex ulion of Ihl! OeeG of Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE thla portion ONLY It the real property dlllcrlbecl con.l.t. ot INDIVIDUAllY OWNED AGRICULTURAL lAND,
<br />II applicable, comlllete ONLY ONE ellher A, B, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge Ihatlhey are abOUlia execute the loll owing Deecl 01 Trusl upon the real estate described Iherein, The Borrowerls), and each of them il
<br />more Ihan one, do hereby disclaim their right to designate a 110mestead pursuanllherelo No part of the homestead of either of Ihe Borrower(sl is presently or will in the
<br />fulure be silualed upon said real eslate, The Borrower(s) understand Ihallt either establishes a homestead on any part of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trusl
<br />remains unSalislied and a lien upon said real estate, Ihere shall be no "ghtlo make a designation of homestead to the evenl of a foreclosure or !rustee's sale wilh respect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(5) acknowledge Ihatthey are about 10 execute the 101l0wlO9 Deed of TruSI upon the real eslate descnbed therem, Tile Borrower(s), and each of them il
<br />more tl1an one. do hereby waive their right to deSIgnate a homeslead pursuanlthereto The Borrower(s) undersland thai they have the right 10 make a designalion of
<br />homestead and that by executing Il1is waIver. they are walvtOg nghts otherWise avaIlable lor Ihe purpose of aHording them the opportunilyto retain their homeslead inlhe
<br />evenl of a default upon Ihe Deed 01 Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Prolectlon Acl (Section 76.1<J{)1 el seq Revlsl'd Statutes of lhe Stale of Nebraskal.the Borrower(s), do hereby designate Ihe real
<br />property described in Ihe "Ceslgnalton of Homestead"' a\lached helCto and lllcorporated heretO by this reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, IS made ,IS o,t"...2Sthdily 01 Marcbn, _ 19 Jl8u ,by and among Ihe Truslor, VJassy K. Patsios
<br />and Doris J uruL..EpJsi9.li.L.h~~,par1~ ,and wJfe whose mailing address.s _2.612.._W_____5.toUe.y Park Rd.,
<br />Grand I sland...Nfiherl!ln Borrowl" I thl' frUSh'" Wllliam.G. Blackburn._a_member,_of_lhe....NE.-S.ta.t(LftaLAssoc.
<br />whose mailing address is _e.._Q~.Box.....2280..Grand. J sland.., N~. 6BB.Ol-:.22B.O.__.______lherein "Trustee").
<br />and the Beneficiary, ..Ehl.e~Qjnts_B.a.nk.. m_.._.____n__unn
<br />whosemailingaddressisY.OL~~O.lL.l~P.7.. Gnmd,JslanJ::t,..J't~_ !iJHtol-JSJU___n_____.__.__ (herein "lender"),
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Includong Ihe tOdebtedness Idenllfled heretO and lrust herem crealed. Ihe receipl 01 which is hereby acknowlcdged, Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants, lranslers, co,weys and aSSlgns 10 Tlustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE lor Ihe bene"t and secu"ty of ll'nder, under and subject 10 the
<br />lerms and condItions hereinaller setlorth, the real properly descnbed as follows
<br />
<br />The West 2LJ.15 feet of Lot Eight (8) and the East LJ7.28 feet of Lot Nine (9), West Spelts
<br />Schultz Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraska.
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<br />l.J
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<br />Together witl1 all buildings, improvements, "xtures, streels, alleys, 'passageways l'",l'ments "ghls pflvlleges and appurlenances located thereon {.r m anywise
<br />pertaining Iherelo, and Ihe rents. Issues and proflls. ,e_erSlons and rl'maonders lhereol, Includong, but nOlllll"tl'd to, heatlOg and coolong I'quipmenl and such personal
<br />property thai is all ached to the improvements So as 10 conslotute a f"lure, and togelher WIth Ihe homestead 0/ malltatlnterests. II any. whIch Interesls are hereby released
<br />and waived; all of which, inCluding replacements and addlhon~ lhereto,'s hereby decla.ed 10 be a pari 01 thl' real e5tatl' secured by the Ioen of thIS Deed of Trusl and allol the
<br />foregoing being referred to herelD as Ihe "propelly"
<br />
<br />This Deed of Trust shall secu'e (althe paymenl of Ihe prinCipal sum and onterest eVldcnced by [JOIIOWI'r'S nail' and/or cred,1 agreement dated ,March......2.S..
<br />
<br />1988 ., having a malurity dale of October...J..._19.9.0_._ In the orlgLnal pr"'clpal amount of S _LJ2 .JlIHL.Il~ and any and all
<br />modifications, edensiorls and renewals Ihereol or Ihereto and any and alltulure ad_ances and raadvances hereunder pur suanlto one or more promissory noll'S or credit
<br />aiJreemenlslherein called "Nole"): Ib)lhe paymenl 01 olhar sums advanced by lend'" 10 proleelthe seell"lv 01 the Nole Ie! the pl'rlormanCI' all co_enanl< alld agreoment
<br />01 Borrower s.et forth heroin~ and (d) all mdebtedness and obligations 01 Borrower to lender whether dIrect. mdHCC1. absolute- Of COl'1tmgenl ,Ind whether ariSing by nole.
<br />guaranty, overdrall Or otherwise,
<br />
<br />Borrower, to prolecllhe securoly ollhls Deed of Trust, covenanls and agrees WIth lender as tallows
<br />
<br />t, Payment ot PrlnClpal.nd Int.r..t. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal 01 and Interest on, and any lees or eha/gos prOVIded In. Ihe Noto or in thiS
<br />Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />2 flU.. Borrower I, Iheowne, ul Iho Properly. has the right and aulhorl1y 10 convey the Properly. and wall ants thallhe I,en c,eal('(l herehy IS a first and proor lien on
<br />Il1e Properly, excepl as may otherwise be ,el fo,lh herein, and Ihe execulion and delivery 01 Ihis Deed of Trusl dC'es nol Violate any contract or othor obl.gallon to which
<br />Borlower Is subject,
<br />
<br />'J, T.x", "'.....ment., To pay when oue allla.es, special aoses.menls and all othe, charges againsllhe P,operly and upon wflnen demand by lender, to pay to
<br />l,ndor such amounl as may bit suffIcient to enable Il1e londer 10 pay such taxes. assessmenls or other charges as Ihey become dlle
<br />
<br />.... .ht.u.anc:e. To k(l't"p tho PrQperty ln$ured agams1-damage by fHe. h3tArd$ Included Within ttle term "~;I,tendcd coverage", fu,d Such other halaids.;15 L~nde' may
<br />re'lUIIlI, in amounts and wllh companIes acceplable 10 Lender, and WIth Ion payable to the lunder, In cas," 01 loss "n~er SUCh POI'cle. lhe ~end'" IS al/thonlcd 10 adjust
<br />c.ollectand compronHse. 411 cllirns InlltfounrJCH and !hal~ have the-option 01 applyinQ aU Of pelfl 0' the ln1.urance proceeds (I) '0 any tIl11(lbledf1os~ 'Socuu~d hCfoby and 10 SlIch
<br />0'00' U l(:nder rnay delermlne. (11110 the Uorro......r 10 ho used for Iho r&pai' 0' 'IlSloration of 'he ProPllrly or (III) lor any o!lll" ""rpose or oblecl salosfnclory 10 Londo<
<br />*i~hO\II.lUecflno tftedl8t\ .of thlt. DOOd ,), ThJ$'lor IhtJ! full -a'"nounl $~eu'{td h~Hl!'hy bolore $oUCh poi1vml)n1 ~...I}f look plael; AnV upOlfc.1Hun a' Ph)Cl'i:I'ds to It'Llnbt~np"i5 5hl\il
<br />nt>t ."el'tJ'J Of po~lp.l)n(J ~h81j1J. r!a1o c.i1 Any J'I~.,.me-nl' O-r\rJ.ef Iho Nole. or cUre dny dp.flllu1t Iht'''fH.U1-dt!' a... '-IN{'I.JndQ'
<br />
<br />S Mtlrlt.Il_f "fPt'ln and CompUencf 01111" lll... Bono...". ~hall ~tiep Ille r>'op'''ly III \/o<Jd conll,1I0n ,"Ht '''1'''' .h,lIt "'(11)1111,, 'e,,,," 0' !el1""" ""Y
<br />HnptO't'l!mJtntwtH,h may ~ dftmao.,.d 0' d~';(Iu,.(f;d, shaU nat cornrnil at ,}e.tUft "'1'" ii'.n,'rt 01 dtftfHIOIRtlon of tr1" J'r(,ptH'V ~h"l~ m...~ Il'mO,,"'I'L l1C1nollst, or !i-lJh~ttlIl11.1H'y illlf!f
<br />IUI)I Of fNfirnpf(iY~tOiO'il'Otl (tU~ PfOP(U'Y, $'Hllt no' cOftlrnl1 $UH(i'f Qr pUuuil.JlY tlItll(' tJeJ dO,l!f' jn r)f U~llJn Um Pu)ptH1.,. Hl \'.OI.'lIro" 01.1fl)' 1.1'0\ Oldlfl.;lfln~ 0' rt'qWJlIl.)'1 ;:\11(1
<br />..h~~i p.ty.3M p/-()f1l.Cllv dl'[h.~'g. tll (lUHQw"r ,~oU and 'hPlln.... a!Blenl. enr,.:U;1'lt)-tAfl('tt ,-OJ,! I tli~H}tf!i '.'..,(>iJ 1"'('ll'W~' or ')"\H~~l-!I ihj.HII1r.1 mi. p'Oi'(i..... (H a"v pM' H1i!+f';J'
<br />