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<br />88- 101268
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<br />If Lender required mongag~ insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument.
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law,
<br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upan and inspections of the Property, Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specit}ing reasonable cause for the inspection,
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages" d.inct or COIlS..'"qUential, in connection '\\"ith
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for COD\'eyance in lieu of condemnation, are herd>y
<br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender. .
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be appli<<i to the sums secured b}' this Security
<br />Instrument, whether or nOl then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the e\"ent of a panial taking of the Property.
<br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwi..c.e agree in writing. the sums secured b}' this ~-;uity Instrument shall be redUtOO by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied bi" the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured imtned.i.atcl}'
<br />before the taking, di~'ided b}' (b) the fair market value of the PrCJl'Ut}" immediately before the tiling. Any b3.iance shall be
<br />paid to Borrower,
<br />If the Propen}' is abandoned by Borrower. or if. aIu:r mnice b}' L~du ao &rrowu ahaa ane romiemnor oiTe~ te
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damages.. &rrower fails to rc:spmud to lender '\'thin .ro da}"$ after ahe dale ahe Ilotice is
<br />given. Lender is authorized to collect 3IId appl}' due pro..'"C\CIds. aa Uls opttioll. elllbtt ao lreSlomrioD Qr repair ohbe Property or
<br />to the sums secured by [his Securit)' Instrument. whelM! or I1IQa ahm dut'.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olhcA>'1se ag:rtt an wnul1l~. 311)' ilpplliQllOO Qf pro.."'ttllis 110 i1'rfucip3i sha.Un 1[101 e..'tend or
<br />po5tpcne the due date of the mom hi)" parmmts referred ao 111IlPW"agraph\ n and ~ iIlr dU31ls.e l!he i1IOOJuma of sudu l"3ymenls.
<br />10. Borrower Not Releued; FOltlftnn.c-e Br IAM,r ~ot II W.hU". E'l~~ of !be time for p~ymtnt or
<br />modification of amortizaJion of the sums 5<<URd b)" llus S<<unl)" lnumumma $lUted ill}' UDder to an)' ~u~r in
<br />interest of Borrower shaJlIl1M apuale 10 re!e&!(' lbe bbiUla)' iO'f 1M onguuJI &rroW'c::f or &rro'I"U"S S~ till inae<<:s.t.
<br />Lender sball not be rcquJnd to comme~ pr~gs :lg;.waU :m)" W~ in mkll'<e$l or refme [0 e~tmd lime for
<br />payment or otherwise modiJ}' amortization oflbe s.w:m SCIl.-wed by Ibis Sa....ml)' lma:rummt ill)" rta5'IOO ofan)' dmund m!.de
<br />by the original &rro.....er or Borrowus suoteSWlS in mtnesll.. An)' fill'albar.mtle by liMder m e.3:~ an)' right or remedy
<br />shall not be a waiver of or pr<<lu.de [he e.xetrilOe c(:m)' rir,blllN' remt\ii)'..
<br />11. SUC'<<:SWr:5 au.d Assigns Bound; Joial ud ~'<<aJ LilhiJilJ~ CO-1:ip.us. "fh,e oo\ltMnts:m1l ~<omlmts of
<br />this Security Instrument shall bind and bomditlhe ~was;md ;!.11~,plS IllfLmdtlr;mqj! &rro'ili'tt, 'liUbj;el:t to ahe provisions
<br />of paragraph 17. &rrowus CO\"CfWlI.S and 3,plCftDmts sh'lUJI ijr,e ;ci.na ilmldI3-t'\'Olod, An)' 800r1O'ol:'tt 'ilibo ro-sjgm 1m,. Securil}"
<br />Instrument but dQle$ not eX(lClJte the Nme: (3) as co.1iiplm$! ahi\ S<<IlDril!o' Uml$llrumml ooXy aiUJ 1llIW>a1l~. ~t ;md oon\~~'
<br />tbat Borrower's interest in the Propeny Wllder lbe UC1T'm~ <<1lfab~ S<<IlDna}'lmlSU1lAm>t1na; <<ib>)) ~'S M!a ~y @'tilipted to p3~'
<br />lhe sums seaucd b}' tbis Sccurit), I.o.u.rummt; 3I!d (c) :lpoeI. ah1a lmliu ;md :.m)' llJ>Iber BonlOJ\Ii'tt m~)' ~tee ao <e:+.aoend,
<br />modif)', fomeu or make 3D)' 3<<Oll1mOdU1co.S ""Itb r1Cpld a<Jli ahe acnm (1/f ahis Sfmnriit)" In~t lD!f the Nooe \li'i~hllllU
<br />that Borrower'scommt.
<br />12. Lou ChIzaa. If the loan SCICUUd by tBm S('.runU)' IlltWiJ.mma iis ml1j<<1l ao :1 bw 'iIi-hkb ~ muUnum Um.n
<br />cb.arges, and thll law is finally i.ntaplC'fcd 50 m31 the iilutm$jl 0If <<Nber 110m daJq,<C$ ~cd or to be OODlOCled in
<br />coMcction with the IOI1Il extUCI the petm.i..~ nimil.~ t.bm~ (iI) :.my mt'.b lIlW.l dw!,<e 'Sh'ill ibIe miuooli by ahe ;amount
<br />n~' to rcdu~ the cbarge to tbe pcm.UttcIli Uimlt;: 3lld db) my ~:a.U.acdI)' roJJnNilcd fro.m Jbm!,D;U" 'iIi'b~ch e,,\:dcd
<br />permitted limits wiU be refu.nckd to Borro'lllU'" U:illlder 1lrOil)" dD<lllOJf~ to 1!V1id;>e uhiis rdumdl ibJy millllrinl tbe palllciPJ-U ()Jll,'Cd
<br />under the Note ar by making II dUC!JCt pl)'rMlu to Btm\01lll'Ol'. If il adilmdl a\CIdllllltl:$ primriip.lB. abe mlIumiitMl 'iliiiUn be ulC'-Ilcd i.l'S is
<br />partial prepa)'met'!t without 3D)' p~paymmt clw,e WIder tbe NCl'lC'..
<br />13. 1Agbl.ati<N.II Atfcd.iJs:g I.cftdn"$ RiplS. If mJitil.lllrl:nlltt M C'.lJPiia:1tm (1/f 3J7W>O.~t".1lb11e b\li$ b~'S the df<<t c,f
<br />rendmog lIJl)' proris.ion ofl.be NOIe or Ims Sccuril)' In.l1Irummtt lIlnmfiOlalC1elllNle ~roa~ tto lIS ttcmtc~, Lender. 3( DI.S CIplNMl,
<br />may require imm~i.1Je pl)"mmt in full or:J.U sums !<<Vted ~' lbii~ Swllriitt)' Im.uumma iIIIlli m~)' ullI\\O&e ;any mnedies
<br />permjlled by p3ragl\1ph 19. Ir L~d1:f' e.lurit.es lhis ~joo" LmdIer $b.JiQ aalke ahe $IIq1I,j;~tllII am ahe 1leMllldl l'\lfllp.l3ph ,,)(
<br />p3J'3grapb 11.
<br />14. Notices.. Any ncHice 10 &nOlai'U lP'all)ti~ for UIllm SoN'Uritt)' Imtaumml $IlQBn ibIe p'liIM ibl)' dtni\mni tit ()If b~'
<br />mailing it by first eLm mail unJeI.'S a~e bw mawes \!Ale 01 ~btt ~, The lI>>1lJiIiic.e ~Jl\J.uU be dil~"1ed tt) .he
<br />Property AddrCS'S or 3D)' olher ilddrc:s.'S BonO'Ml'tt desq;nltcs by ootitle to LmdN. Ant lI>>1lJiIiioe tto Lmlier ~dU be V\IM bJl'
<br />fim class lmillO Lawler's addllCl,'S~llled hurin or llI1)' CIlber ~ I.m1kr cResiip.U<eI; b)' Bootle 10 o.n.rro",,". An)' MJIlte>e
<br />provided for in tbis S<<urit)' Inurument sJuJJ be ckcmcd 10 8na1i~ been p'liCllll ao BOOM'tt Of t..m.du ""hen P\Cllll :lI.'ji iP'n.1J'lillled
<br />in tbis pa.ragTiJpb.
<br />15. GoycmllJl taw; Seyu1lbUlly. l'iW; Socwiit)' Imlrumml m1.UB ibIe $'.'OJ'Ii~tllII1II>}' f",,~:aIl Usv.' iJ.rndi tthe bD;' of the
<br />jUlbdiclion in whkb the PIOpc'n)' is Docalcd.. In Ihe Cli'CIU tinl an)' paiOJ'liiiiiioo <1M rdlllUl'lle ~ ttht$ Swu1ril)' In$llrummt << the
<br />NOle contlicls ..ith applicabk Ia'ili'. SIKh conflict sblllWM d'Clo.'1l OIIhtt pro'liUUlW:$ of aoo S'ClC'Wlriil)' husulIImma or ahe Ntllte
<br />which can be gi\'en effcct witbouI the ccndi<tlinS pro"l1boo., To aM mdI ahc pro'Ii~~ c(tthii$ ~lIA1iil)' IlIIluaummtt ;mdl the
<br />NOle ale deela.rcd 110 bese\'efab~.
<br />16, 8orrawtr's COPY. Borrower shalU be p'liCIlI Me fCIOO.!((!>rmcd COOP)' d'tthc NfOl'lot:md <o>flDu$ SUllDm)' In$Irumt~u,
<br />17. Tnnsfu of Ihe Proprny or a UeMlidllJ hUCff:U ia BorrlllMU. If Ollnn <air i.m)' 1JlIU1l c,f the Pr~P't'n)' <iJJI' ::Am~'
<br />interest in it is sold or uansIernd (or if a bmdicW inlCf~ Dill &n\OJ\liu IlS $10l1WI <OJr ua'lirCfrelll o>>rnii BlJIa1IlOiv.\tf 1$ BtM :.ll JlU,"lllllr,1l~
<br />~non) "'ilhout under's prior wrinen consent. Lmd~r m3)". :It DU; <CIp'IIliOO.. a'(\ljjIlllDa1e ummroUJlle JPlJl~mml om !fuUI <lJJf :.tII1 ~\JIm~
<br />secured by Ihis S<<urit)' Instrument. Ho\1i'c'liu. Ibis Ilpanoo ~U ~I ible e\>e1IC1lf/C1dt Ib>~' Lrnder n!f e.\<m:1$e ns proiunbJlN by
<br />fedel'l1ll11W as of the date oflhis Seeurit)' Insuumenl.
<br />If tender exercises Ibis Gplion. Lender shlJI she Boa1lolai'U notjC1e or ;a.xdt1:1!UM, The nlNlC1e sh.aUl pro\1de is periiOlll
<br />of not 1t:$S Iban 30 da)'S from the date Ibe notice is ddi'lit'lcd or maiUcd 'ilillhin ..'hleh &no\li't.r mlllslp")" i3.11 sums 5,ttuJ'Cld by
<br />this Securit)' Instrument. If Borrower fails 10 pe)' these sums prior 10 ahe e.xplr,slaoo cflhts p>ericd" Lender may In\'ol;c 3n)'
<br />rcmedies ~nnined by Ibis Security Imtrument withouI funhcr not~ lOr demand on &no\lia'"
<br />18. Borrower's Rfaht 110 Rcwtale. If Borrower m<<ts cutain oondilion5" Borro"'er shall fl.\..: the riglll ta hne
<br />enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at 3ft)' time prior te the carlitt of: (a) S d3)$ (lOr sucb olher period as
<br />applicable law may specif)' for reinstalemetll) belore sale ef the Propeny pur.suant lo..n)' po101i-er of sale rontalned in Ihis
<br />Securit)' Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Seturity Instrummt.. nU)~ conditions are that Borrower:
<br />(a) pay.,> Lender all sums which tben would be due under Ihi.s Sccurit)' Insuumml and Ihe Note had no aoccleration
<br />occurred; (b) cures an)' default of an)' other co\'enanls or agreements; (el palo' 311 expenses !Reuned '" enforcing this
<br />SccurilY Jnslrumenl, including. but not limiled to, reasonable anome)'S' (ees; :and (d) lakes such aCtion as Lender may
<br />reasonabl)' require 10 assure that Ihe lien of Ihis Security Inslrumenl. lmdrr"\ nght\ m Ihe Proprn)' and Borrower's
<br />obligation to pay Ihe sums secured by this Security In\trument \h:all ronllnur unch3n~c:d Upon rcin\latemmt by
<br />Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations \<<ured hertb~' sh.lIi rtlllam fully dT<<lI,t 3~ If no 3ccderallon had
<br />occurred, Howe\'er. this nght to reinslate shall nOI apply In Ihe .a..e of ;"...eler.llwlI undel p..lI;]~r.1rh.. l.~ "I Ii,
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